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Posts posted by Zok.4956

  1. On 2/12/2022 at 6:21 PM, Shadowmoon.7986 said:

    Currently there are not enough ectos sinks and too many mystic coin sinks. So what is anets logic, make a bigger mystic coin sink and smaller ecto sink.  This is incompetence.


    If anything the new system will make mystic coins price go even higher.

    93% of Mystic Coins in the game are from login rewards, and from the remaining 7% MCs, the Fractal CMs create only a smaller amount.

    If you play all three Fractal CM every day you can get in average 53 MC in 4 weeks. If you play all three Fractal CM only twice a week you get around 15 or so MCs in 4 weeks. But if you play the new Strikes in normal mode twice a week you get 40 MC in 4 weeks.

    Because the new Strikes will be easier and more accessible (according to Anet) than Fractal CMs, Mystic Coins will become more accessible in general and will be easier to obtain for most players and my guess is, that the Mystic Coin price will go down (if the demand for Mystic Coins does not go up a lot caused by the new Legendaries).


  2. 18 minutes ago, tippolit.3591 said:

    If you have pre-purchased EoD, can you download now in preparation for launch or is it unavailable to download until Monday?

    You usually can not pre-load a new GW2 client before the official release-date. That's not how the client worked in the past.

    Some times Anet has put some new things into the client shortly before an update and activated them at update time.  But usually there will be a big client download/update at launch/release time and I remember only 1-2 times/updates when we had connections/bandwidth problems with the servers. So the download speed usually only depends on your own bandwidth/internet speed.


  3. Hi,

    GW2 is an old game. There are a lot of things that I take/took for granted. But after I test/play other games, I realize that in some part the way how GW2 does things is still light years ahead of other games, even new games that are released in the last weeks/months..

    Example: Handling of game updates.  Updates of GW2 are quite smoothless. Most of the time. For years. When you are playing, you get a game message and (if in PvE) you have an hour or so before you were kicked out. So you can finish a story step etc before you log out and before your client loaded the update. But you can also log out and load the update immediately. This means that the servers have to process different game versions at the same time.  There is no need for downtimes for game updates. The only time you have to wait is the time your client needs for downloading the update.

    Other games: When other game do updates and server maintanance you often can not play for several hours because the servers are down.

    Example: Waiting time in queues.  When you want to play PvE you can start right away in GW2. There are no server queues. You do not have to wait for several hours during prime time before you are able to play. Even back in the days, before multiservers, a server was never full. Only a specific map could be full and then you were placed automatically on an overflow-map. So you could start to play in PvE without having to wait. As it is now. Only in WvW where overflow maps and multiservers do not make much sense, there can be queues. But for this The Edge of the Mists maps were created as a fun way of temporary waiting and overflow maps for the WvW game mode.

    Other games:  A server/world has a max capacity of online players. So it is not unusual to have to wait for several hours before you can go online. As a temporary solution more and more new servers/worlds are created at launch and later (when server population vanishes) servers are deleted and players are moved to other servers (with sometimes negative impact).

    Sure, GW2 has/had technical issues over the years. Some of them I critized myself. But overall, some systems/technical things are still a lot of better than in other games that are released recently. As I write this my waiting queue number in one of this "other" games moved from around 15000 to 2000. after waiting several hours.

    • Like 5
    • Thanks 2
  4. 6 hours ago, Freya.9075 said:

    You can get a skin for the warclaw through reward tracks.

    You have to pay 200 gold for unlocking that reward track. Its a bit cheaper than the other skins, but if you want the skin you have to pay for it (and then finish the reward track).


    • Confused 5
  5. 18 hours ago, kamikharzeeh.8016 said:

    we need a fix for the link system after all those years.


    and in the final alliances, everyone that wants to stay together has the options to be together

    Alliances can be a way to reduce the population imbalance, but the population will never be fully balanced during a matchup-week or even a 24h day and how the player cap in alliances really works (i.e. member guilds have inactive WvW players, or guilds that are already an alliance member of a capped aliance get more players etc. etc.).  Anet has shown us some info how they want to implement some parts of Alliances, but they never showed us the whole idea/picture.

    Some people think Alliances will save WvW, some people think Alliances will destroy WvW. No one can be sure about that at this moment.


  6. On 1/28/2022 at 7:33 PM, Caedmon.6798 said:

    Youre reasoning is,if a tree fell and no one heard it,then it didnt fell.

    No it is actually only: You have no proof that a tree fell. Maybe it was a tree that fell, maybe nothing was falling, maybe something else fell, maybe you saw an optical illusion.... etc. 

    And if trees, in general, happen to fall often, then someone else would have shown a video or picture of it. (Which, with actual trees, happens a lot  😎  ).


    • Like 1
  7. 6 minutes ago, phokus.8934 said:

    Damage is calculated server side that's highly improbable.

    Some skill activation is client side and the server does not check if the skill is within its allowed boundaries (cooldown, teleporation range, etc...). Anet did ban players afterwards for teleportation hacks.  So in theory it could be possible that some damage mitigation skills are activated a lot more often than it is allowed and the server does not check this. But I have never seen or tried this myself, so I really do not know if this is possible or not.


  8. On 1/22/2022 at 3:35 PM, Blue D Phoenix.7260 said:

    I feel the same, compared to HoT and PoF its not as great.
    HoT - has gliding which is useful in every aspect of the game
    PoF - has mounts, useful for travel and such

    Honestly, except for elite specs, gen 3 legen, story and map, there's nothing great in the expansion.

    If we get great maps/events/story that is more than enough to have fun with for me.

    When they announced/presented the mounts before PoF I was "meh" because it felt lackluster compared to the gliding of HoT. I never wanted mounts. But after I played PoF (and after I unlocked all masteries of all mounts)  I experienced how great they are and how fun it was (and still is) to use them.

    Now I feel "meh" about the announcements of fishing and skiffs. Maybe they will be also very good in actual gameplay, maybe not. We will see after the game is released.

    My guess is, that Anet works at a lot of things until the last second to finish the game and because of that they wanted to have the option of delaying the release date again and to announce the release date as late as possible if something will not be finished in time.

    But to judge the expansion before it is released and we could play it is a little bit too early.


    • Like 5
  9. I do not prepurchase other games but I prepurchased EoD.

    Yes, I do not know everything thats included in EoD and the announcements felt a little bit underwhelming. I prepurchased HoT and PoF and they did not disappoint me. I had a ton of fun with those expansions. If I have only half the fun with EoD, it will be worth my money.


    • Like 4
  10. 5 hours ago, Meridian.9103 said:

    All in all, the notion that alliances will be "killing all social interactions" is nothing but an exaggeration in my eyes.

    Of course it will not be killing all social interactions of all players, but it could maybe kill almost every social interactions of some players and it will probably change social interactions and the community a lot.  Like Megaservers and server-linking changed social interactions and community a lot in the past.

    Some players will welcome the change, some will not notice any change (or do not care) and others will see it as a change that makes social interaction and community much worse than it is now.  


    • Like 1
  11. 3 hours ago, Malus.2184 said:

    It's rare to find someone in France, Germany, and Italy able to to speak English on more than a tourist level. The education-system never really supports it. If it did there would be no need to dub everything.

    Tourist level english is sufficient for WvW. There is no need to discuss Descartes, Machiavelli or Schopenhauer in map or team chat. 😎

    • Haha 1
    • What team were you placed on?   Titan's Staircase (blue) 
    • What team did you expect to be placed on?   Titan's Staircase (green)
    • Did you change/toggle your selected WvW guild after Thursday night, even briefly?  No
    • Have you shard/world transferred recently?    No
    • What is your default world when World Restructuring is disabled?  Abaddon's Mouth


    When I ported from green keep on EBG to the green borderland I was ported to the blue spawn on the green borderland and all blue players and blue NPC were shown as friendly and could not damage me and I could not damage them. I checked the WvW panel and my assigned team was still "Titan's Staircase" (which is team green in this WvW beta).


    After I ported back to EBG I was put back in the green team.


    Longer story here: I was transferred into other team color during map change - WvW World Restructuring Beta Feedback - Guild Wars 2 Forums


    • Haha 1
  12. On 1/15/2022 at 7:28 PM, b w.7389 said:

    Instead of making us cope with the same issues all week, how about a 24 hour beta test and then switching back to normal? There's really no advantage in running it longer (we're not testing any "end of week re-matchmaking" or anything).

    Yes, shorter cycles would be good for players, but I guess 24hours is too short.

    Errors have to be reported and then the devs have to look into the actual data and try to find the bugs and fix them. This does take some time, depending on the bug. But if a "reset" is too fast, the real production enviroment transaction data is lost and it probably can not be reproduced with real-data backup 100% in a testing environment. And if the bugs are not fixed they will happen again after the "reset". Nothing won. It is a legacy software system with probably a lot of unexpected internal dependencies.

    • Confused 1
  13. On 1/15/2022 at 7:58 PM, Malus.2184 said:

    Being in an Alliance with people who speak different languages sucks.

    Since the start of the server-links most servers right now (before alliance beta) already have players that write in different languages and mostly it works quite well if important info in map/team chat is written (in addition to other languages) also in english. And most teams in the Alliance system will likely also have several languages. Single language servers are a thing of the past.


    To be placed on a team/server with a lot of different languages would be a good thing, because then, most players would also use english as common ground to communicate important things in addition to other languages.

    To be placed on a team/server with only one main language (and all other players only write in that language) that I do not understand, would be much worse.


    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  14. 22 hours ago, Gilderin.4763 said:

    it actually is. this is not how humans and social friendships do work. you don't decide once ever 8 weeks or two month or what ever period with whom you wanna play. also there are very very different kind of players in wvw. lets say you want to raid with your wvw guild. you did this for years, twice a week, but the rest of the week your with your spread roaming buddies from dirrerent guilds. you got to know each other by playing along over the years and you did built friendships. all this will be gone if anet is forcing this system on us. if you HAVE to chose what kind of player you want to be.

    so lets say, you decide for your wvw raid still, the one that is happening twice a week. the rest of that time, your lost out with unknown people and EVEN IF YOU are able to create new friendships and you are socializing with them, all this will be SHUFFLED again after said period cause you only got influence in chosing ONE type of ally.

    i rly hope you guys get whats the problem with this system. we won't be able to have social interactions we built over years within our server and enemy server. we won't be able to hop server if we wanna join a different enemy. it's not on us cause we are getting shuffled all the time. you can only chose one ally guild. thats it. everything besides that will get shuffled.
    what we have now is way more adjustable even tho its not perfect.

    Does your server has big guilds that are not bandwagoners but feel as a part of your server community? Does your server has a community guild? A forum, TS3 or discord? My guess is: Servers where there is still some community left, will have those. Those are the ones to ask, if they will be forming and organizing a "server Alliance".  And then all players on your server could join the community-guild (or one your your bigger server guilds that will be part of the server-Alliance).

    Sure, it is not the same as the old server communities. But it is better than loosing a community completely. Because Alliances will come some time. You don't have to like it but the best solution is to deal with it and to try to make the best out of it.

    • Confused 1
  15. 11 hours ago, Dawdler.8521 said:

    Alliances as Anet described them are joined and left by choice. Its completely impossible to be "stuck" in a random alliance. If your guild cant interact with other guilds then dont join an alliance. If your guild is in an alliance you dont like, either deal with it by following the guild lead or leave the guild.

    It is completely possible to be "stuck" in a random team (if server/team transfers are not allowed anymore after the reshuffeling) that is dominated by random alliances with mostly random players. You can not be sure to play together with all members of all your guilds (or with players that are on your server but not in your guilds) because even your guild mates could select a different WvW-guild.

    Server communities (the ones that still exist) will be replaced by Alliance communities and instead of just 2-3 servers/communities that are linked/shuffeled together, several Alliances and solo-players will be linked/shuffeled together in a team. 

    Servers (as they are now, before the beta) can be joined or left by choice without a gatekeeper.

    Alliances have gatekeepers (players who decide which guilds are allowed to join the alliance) and a player can only join an alliance if one of his guilds is a member of the alliance.

    This does mean that Alliance leaders can enforce their rules (and the bigger ones will, because Alliance seats/slots are limited) to the Alliance members/guilds and that they can kick guilds/members. But right now no one can kick a player from a server.

    I am not against Alliances. We have to see how it really works when it is fully implemented. But my guess is, because some guilds always try to overstack and game the system, that this overstacking will become probably easier for them.


    • Confused 1
  16. I am writing the following info for a guildmate (not my own account )

    Displayname of the account:  duke.5486

    What team were you placed on?  No team was assigned

    What team did you expect to be placed on? The team thats assigned to my WvW guild (but there was no team assigned to my wvw guild)

    Did you change/toggle your selected WvW guild after Thursday night, even briefly? No

    Have you shard/world transferred recently? No

    What is your default world when World Restructuring is disabled? Abaddon's Mouth


    • Haha 1
  17. 5 hours ago, kamikharzeeh.8016 said:

    u guys simply hide most of the day and miss that we been bvb against greens several times instead of ppt-botting our blob across the maps, i guess? blues and us each have an allianceguild in the matchup with each over 210 players, lel. [JA] and [Chad]... if u have anything alike, tell them to come for fights.


    Yesterday evening we had a full squad on one (or two?) maps for a few hours. first fights were fun, but then blue and red just vanished. We even took their keeps but they did not come back to us and they hide somewhere else.

    Good for you, I guess, that you (and according to you also blue) have a big organized allianceguild in your team that dominates the team during the time your are playing and that has the coverage and numbers to be able to blob the maps. But not all teams have that "luxury" all the time.

    Thats the core of this thread: Population is still not balanced. 


    P.S. And to EBG ... well ... EBG is just EOTM V2 most of the time.

    • Like 1
  18. I am assigned to team "Titan's Staircase" (green in this matchup).


    All was "normal", I switched maps a few times.  But a few minutes ago I switched from EBG to our greem home map  and was placed on the green Titan's Staircase in the blue spawn (Stonefall border).  All blue players have a "Stonefall" in their wvw rank names and are friendly (they can not attack me and I can not attack them). However green NPC/players are now enemies and I can not enter any green structures.


    And when I check the WvW-panel it still shows that I am assigned to team Titan's staircase.


    When I wanted to go back to EBG I could only port to blue keep or blue spawn. Green waypoints were all contested. But after I travelled to blue keep on EBG I was placed back into green spawn and all was normal again.


    Before I was temporary blue color, I had seen a few other players that had a team/server name in front their rank/title. My guess: Those players were also placed into the wrong team color when they changed map.


    • Haha 1
  19. 27 minutes ago, kamikharzeeh.8016 said:

    beta sofar on EU griffonfall (blues),  seven pines (our server) had literally content till 3am today, started again at 10am~ and still going with constant tags, its 3am atm. most of the strongest EU guilds are stacked in our matchup on blues and us, so quite balanced.


    [idk greens name in our matchup, but that world seems to be full of roamers and ppters. kinda makes sense, as they are also having a ton of play hours/activity count, but normally are used to leech content from some organized groups fighting - i don't think they atm have any coordinated groups in their matchups, they only ppt and roam-gank around]


    Reading before writing could have helped. 😎. The name of green team in your match-up is Titan's Staircase - thats where I am.

    What I have seen from red (seven pines) team until now (blue team not so much) is either a few uncoordinated and frightened roamers that try to pew pew or very big blobs/zergs where it is just numbers and skill does not matter.  But please, do not turn this much more into a matchup thread.


    Sure, there are a lot of uncoordinated players and such on all maps. But there still seems to be a big population imbalance issue. 


    • Like 1
  20. I am assigned to team green "Titan's Staircase", which correctly is the name of the green-home-map in the map display/window and in wvw panel.

    But when I am on the green home map, my location in the guild member list and the friends list is shown as "Reapers Corridor".

    And when we capture something, the message in chat window is "Desolation has captured ..."

    And when team red (Seven Pikes) captures someting, the message in chat window is "Blacktide has captured ..."

    And when team blue (Griffonfall) captures someting, the message in chat window is "Far Shiverpeaks has captured ..."

    This bug is a little bit confusing. 😉

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