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Posts posted by Zok.4956

  1. On 11/22/2021 at 10:48 PM, Astralporing.1957 said:

    It doesn't work. For the most part, because people that actually do try that soon realize that they need to become more restrictive and less open-minded themselves if they do not want to continue failing.

    Maybe it works, maybe it doesn't. My guess is, that most groups will fail.

    But even the fails can have a good outcome if players experience themselves, that the dedication and skill level that is required for raids is quite different to the one that is required for doing i.e. open world bosses.

    And maybe those players then learn, that meta raid comps/gear/etc are not some oppressing rules created by toxic elitists, but kind of guides/collective wisdom to make it easier to be successful in this type of content.

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  2. On 11/18/2021 at 9:43 PM, Teratus.2859 said:

    Easy to say, blatantly wrong in practice.
    There may be some difference between NA and EU but go into the raid lobby every now and again and create a squad called "noob run all welcome"
    See how long it takes you to find a full group of people.

    I have done it multiple times over the years in my attempts to find a like minded group, I have waited into the hours range and never once got more than 4-5 people join the group, and never at the same time either as most just give up due to the waiting time.
    Longest anyone stayed in the group was about 20 minutes.

    Add the ones that joined your group to your friends list (or guild) and ask them, if you could ask them again in the future. rinse and repeat at other days until you have enough players on your friends list that are online to be able to start a raid.

    Players are impatient and will leave if they have to wait too long. Players underestimate how challenging a raid can be for 10  inexperienced players and leave after 1-2 fails.  Some players just want to be carried and will also leave your group after your first 1-2 fails. Thats normal. You can deal with this and continue and then you maybe can start raiding some day with like minded players or you can stop and complain on forum.

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  3. On 11/18/2021 at 9:51 AM, Teratus.2859 said:

    Many of my arguments with raiders in the past has been about this exact thing, about people like me wanting to play and experience raids my own way, with my own builds with like minded people, and not be bullied and forced into playing them "your way".
    And what I mean when i say playing raids "your way" I specifically mean I don't want to assimilate into the toxic meta culture that is enforced by a lot of players, and not just in raiding either.

    But ... you can already do that. Just find 9 other players that are like minded and then play/raid with them.  And if there are "toxic" or "elitist" players in your group ... just kick them.  Do whatever you want. Yes, it could mean that you have to do some preparation before for organizing a group or guild (if there are no groups/guilds you could join). You can also ask in this forum, if there are other like minded players who want to raid with you.

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  4. 23 hours ago, subversiontwo.7501 said:

    That would suggest that they would have game-wide implementation issues. GW1 did not have WvW so particular code for WvW does not specifically use old code from GW1 while other parts of the game would not either.

    All game modes share some code (that probably could originated in GW1). And GW2 was released in 2012 and the development work for GW2 started obviously years before 2012.  If that code is still in the game, it is more than 10 years old legacy code.


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  5. On 11/13/2021 at 6:11 PM, Zuldari.3940 said:

    We have not heard one thing about raid development for End of Dragons, we hear about strikes and CM strikes. That is very disappointing and telling. Strikes in no way replace raids, even now only a small part of the community do strikes, do you expect them to be popular in EoD? 

    Raids in GW2 are (more or less) boss fights  with some filler content in between.  The idea of strikes was to remove the filler  content and to go directly to the boss fights. Yes, the "filler content" in raids is nice, but the more you do it, the more it becomes only filler content. 

    How strikes were introduced in IBS was inconsistent and not very good. But Anet said somewhere, that they learned from this and in EoD  every strike will have an "easy-mode" for beginners (the "normal mode") and a CM-mode that will be like a true raid boss encounter and that will be like a raid. And they will also rework the strike reward in EoD to make it better, consistent and more rewarding. Because of this no raids are planned for EoD.

    If done well, the EoD-strikes could become very popular with players who want challenging content for 10 player groups.

  6. On 11/11/2021 at 12:18 AM, NotNoPants.9573 said:

    So many paragraphs to blatantly say you don't have your core developers anymore and no one knows what's going on with the core game engine anymore. 

    GW2 was released in 2012 and is based on the engine from GW1 (which was released between 2005-2007). 

    Because of this, my guess is, that there is a lot of old (legacy) code that is 10 years or even 15 years old and older and in this long time span a lot of different developers (that understood the code sometimes better, sometimes not so got) worked on the code and because of this, the changing of old/legacy code can have a lot of unexpected side effects.

    I am glad that the devs share the details about their work and their decisions.

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  7. 2 hours ago, Ashantara.8731 said:

    An acquaintance of mine has had 6 Chak Infusions and several others dropped, as well as a couple of Invisible Boots boxes and tons of Precursors, and he has only been playing for ~4 years. Most accounts that were created on release can count themselves lucky if they have had one such drop in 9+ years.

    There is probably some exaggeration in the statement of your acquaintance. But even it is not, it is still not unusual for a perfectly random distribution.

    A random distribution does not mean that all get the same. It usually means that there are a very few very lucky players/persons that get/win a lot and most (unlucky) players do not. Like in every lottery.

    The speculation that Anet has a bad random algorithm is mainly based on a lack of understanding of how random distribution works.

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  8. 5 hours ago, SweetPotato.7456 said:

    3) No one is going to manage the repair work afterwards if you get a stupid zerg that doesn't help in repair after an attack.

    I am sorry for you that you are on a server with stupid zergs. If your zerg does not really care about defending/protecting structures there is no way you can defend structures against attacking enemy zergs on your own. If attackers want to try again they can resupply a lot faster than you can repair walls on your own.

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  9. 6 hours ago, Sviel.7493 said:

    The situation people are complaining about is the post-siege repair after a huge zerg tries to one-push your keep and then hops maps when they fail.  There are no more attackers so there's no defense event, but there's a ton of damage to be repaired and if your zerg also doesn't help (which is the usual), you may be stuck with a 10-20 minute repair job if you want your keep to survive the next zerg rush.


    Thanks to this change, that repair job will now be harder to do without losing participation.

    There is a simple solution to this: Go in the squad of your zerg and ask the commander to give you participation for repairing and scouting and then you will not loose participation.

    Of course, there are not 10 people needed to scout a structure, one is enough.


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  10. On 10/30/2021 at 7:52 PM, Dravvi.3146 said:

    That I also support yeah, tbh theres really no need for portals for JP's. ..Just make an asura.

    Well, I am glad that GW2 is designed as a cooperative game in PvE and that, because of this, a lot of players help other players (with or without gold payment/tips) to  overcome "challenging" (for those players) content.

    The best memories I have from the time when I was a new GW2 player (some years ago) was, that other players, strangers,  helped me when I was struggeling with content/encounters. Later then I made a mesmer, just to help other players in JPs.

    If you do not want to play a game where players are helping other players, GW2 is maybe too cooperative for your playstyle.

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  11. 15 hours ago, Dravvi.3146 said:

    They are one in the same, RMT contributes to the selling raids for gold. Why do you think we still have a RMT issue? There has to be a profit in it, otherwise it would fade.

    Of course there is a profit in RMT. Accounts were hacked massively, all items from these accounts are sold and then the gold from these accounts is transferred to other accounts that are selling this gold for real money and the hackers are paid with real money.  It is a low-life form of organized crime. Anet itself said some time ago that this is the (main) reason why RMT is not allowed, because RMT leads to hacking.


  12. 12 hours ago, starhunter.6015 said:

    As long as they pay with in game currency it is allowed, Anet only frowns upon any Real currency trading . 

    Actually, Anet does say that the fact, you get paid with gold, is only allowed, if the gold you were paid in is not from an illegal source or activity (hacked account, bots, etc.). Anet can see to some extent, were the gold is coming from and in such a case also the player paid with this gold could be in trouble.


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  13. 19 hours ago, Skitza.4069 said:

    I guess it can be used for the legendary?

    The Ascended Triumphant Hero's armor (T2 skin) and the Ascended Mistforged Triumphant Hero's armor (T3 skin) are the pre-cursors for the legendary armor with the same skin.

    I do not know if you can still use them as pre-cursor after you transmute them. But if you would later stat-swap the ascended items in the mystic forge they become another item that can not be used anymore as pre-cursor for  legendary armor.

    So, to be on the safe side: Do not transmute them and do not stat-swap them if you want to use them for the Legendary.

    To be able to buy the T3-ascended gear you must have unlocked the T2-skin. And to be able to buy the T2 skin you must have unlocked the T1 skin etc.

    BTW: If you plan to build the Legendary with the T3-skin it is cheaper to buy the exotic version of the T2-gear to unlock the T2 skin.


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  14. I used it in WvW in small group and zerg fights.

    Mech positioning feels too slow and clunky for moving enemies and dynamic fights. Mech was often not in range, or was attacking the wrong enemies or was running into damage fields etc. And it also was very squishy and died fast.

    The mechs of enemies were also not very dangerous and could be easily ignored/killed.

    Cooldown of the mech is too long for how fast the mech dies.

    Visuals are nice. But we should be able to change the bright green color of the mech. Actual color is too much.

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  15. On 10/23/2021 at 7:52 PM, Touchme.1097 said:

    You would not benefit from updrafts because if you had both Skyscale and Griffon you would travel so fast passing through updrafts without going up and if you did you would lose your speed from diving with the Griffon.

    For Griffon I can agree with your statement.  But to be able to use updrafts with Skyscale would make sense.

    I sometimes unmount in mid-air in updrafts, switch to glider, gain height in updraft and then mount again and to be able to do this  with Skyscale and without switching to glider would be a small qol-feature.

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  16. 43 minutes ago, ArchonWing.9480 said:

    Come to think about it, I should probably throw all my mark shards  in the garbage. (I have legendary armor though)

    Do not throw them in the garbage. You can still use them for ascended weapons.

    I have legendary armor and legendary armor works well with the "armory".

    But legendary weapons do not work well with the armory. If I want to equiq/use a different weapon for a specific situation and I do not want to waste a complete equiqment slot/template (they are expensive and you only have 6 slots at all) for this, I have to uneqiq the weapon and then the legendary loses its stats and upgrades and I have to redo it. For this situation it is much faster to use several ascended weapons and use them from the inventory.

    But I agree that the Marks-system in WvW is more or less useless and kind of broken and should be optimized a lot. WvW players should be able to get ascended armor/weapons faster in WvW.

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  17. 23 hours ago, atkino.1470 said:



    What exactly is the general thing to do with unique weapons/armours, etc.? I'm really only referring to rare items here, for example, the Dreambound Weapons, which scale with your level? Do you store them, salvage, etc.?

    I store the Dreambound weapon because it has a special function (auto scaling for low level chars) but all other weapon/armor below Ascended (not precursors, of course 🙂 ) I do salvage because I still can use the skins of these items later, if I want to.


  18. On 10/9/2021 at 5:54 AM, GoldenPants.1870 said:

    Why do people behave like this, do they think we are going to/want to take the LFG down and up each time someone leaves, or know exactly when the map is full, like we are supposed to focus more on that than getting ToT bags ourselves ?, why are people so incredibly lazy they go to write out something like that (or nastier), instead of just leaving and trying another group ? It’s really getting on my nerves when I am just trying to run a loot train stuff like that happens.

    It is usually a good practice (for years) to write in squad-chat when the map is full. It is a nice thing to help others, not a complain. So the comm can remove the group from LFG which would also be a nice thing so other players, that look for a group, do not have to wade through dozens of groups were they cannot join the map.

    However, the lab farm seems different to the rest of the game and some comms for the lab farm are some kind of special snowflake and behave different, or maybe do not know this and so I never bothered to write "map full" in lab farm LFGs the few times I looked into the LFG for this.

    Should Anet solve this in the LFG with a toggle switch like "don't show groups in full maps"? Definitely!

    But not having a switch like this is no excuse for being rude or selfish.

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