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Posts posted by Zok.4956

  1. 11 hours ago, Josh Davis.7865 said:

    Can you reply back with their in-game display names so we can take a look? Example: Josh Davis.7865

    Here are two of them:


    They checked it right now, it still does not work for them, they can not enter WvW maps. What they have in common: They have selected (unchanged since last WvW beta) the same guild as their WvW guild.

    Edit/Update: I myself am in 5 guilds. In the WvW panel, two guilds have an existing server name (Griffonfall, Titan's Staircase) and the other three guilds have "Unknown"-

    P.S. For me it works, my WvW guild has a server name.

    EDIT2: Another guild mate with "unknown" as the server name of her WvW guild told me, she had a list of servers/teams in the WvW panel and after selecting a team manually she was able to enter WvW maps.

    • Haha 1

    On 12/17/2021 at 6:41 PM, Ashantara.8731 said:

    But - and sorry to repeat myself - I don't want GW2 to be turned into a futuristic Cyberpunk Game. 😢

    Make a new game if you must, but stop ruining this one by mixing genres to such extent. :classic_angry:

    GW2 is not a Cyberpunk game (and my guess is: EoD will not turn GW2 into a Cyberpunk game) but GW2 already has sci-fi/cyberpunk/steampunk elements that are mixed with other elements/genres. 

    We will see next month in the final product when EoD launches how they mixed the different elements/genres in EoD.

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  3. 22 hours ago, Dawdler.8521 said:

    The correct answer to this poll is "there hasnt been any beta of the alliance system yet, why are you asking this question?".

    This is a basic matchmaker test with a good chunk of bugs.

    The main mistake Anet has done is not making this incredibly clear. It's going to leave people with a bad first impression of something that's not even featured.

    I agree.

    Anets mistake is to call this a "World Restructuring beta", but it is not a beta test of the World Restructuring, only a beta test (or maybe more of an alpha test) of some part of the World Restructuring.

    And there should have been an ingame message when you enter a WvW map (maybe similar to the message that was displayed for the beta elite spec chars) that directs players to the forum.

    And there could have been some form of "event double XP week" as a a little thank you for using  WvW players as guniea pigs.

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    • Confused 1
  4. On 12/4/2021 at 5:47 PM, Rose Solane.1027 said:

    You miss the point. Many players (like me) play on the same world (Piken Square for example) for a very long time but are not hardcore WvW players. So we are not a member of a hardcore WvW guild because guilds have a member limit. This beta doesn't have alliances active so there is no way to join the players we normally play with unless we would have joined the hardcore WvW guild. Most hardcore WvW guilds wouldn't have a place for us due to member limit.

    Isn't there a community guild on Piken Square?

    On my server it was announced for quite some time before the first WvW beta to join a community guild if you want to continue to play in the WvW beta with the same players you usually play with. No need to join a "hardcore guild".

  5. 3 hours ago, Blastoise.6273 said:

    Pretty sure the intent of this thread and anyone posting in it has nothing to do with wanting to be on a "winning world."

    Its not about winning but about the statement "I have never been in a team this dead." and the fact that a server/team/world is not really dead, if it's is still in the first place in the matchup.


  6. 4 hours ago, SweetPotato.7456 said:

    I have never been in a team this dead.
    There is zero activities  when I log in half an hour ago.

    You posted at 6:50. Half an hour before your post was Monday morning 06:20 CET and you are on EU server/team.

    My guess is: Most servers are dead Monday morning 6:20, because most players have to go to work/school and the other players sleep a little longer.

    On which server were/are you, that had/has its prime time on weekdays in the very early morning?

    • Confused 1
  7. 1 hour ago, Grebcol.5984 said:

     There are plenty Peoples which are 50+ and didn't had english in shool. 

    A checkbox for languages would be a great addition. 


    I am not against a checkbox, but I do not think it will really work. If Anet wants to distribute the player population evenly, it probably will not be possible that players will only see their preferred language in chat.

    Teams will be created from alliances, guilds, players. Guilds can chooses alliances, players can choose guilds. The chosen WvW guild will be the only criteria, only players that have not chosen a guild maybe can be distributed to teams by language-preference, but this would only work if alliances have also set a preferred-language.

    No one would prohbit players to create an alliance with a preferred language. And for the next Beta: Just create a community guild and join it in time.

    Actually, you should read what I wrote and how it worked in my server-example: You are still free to write in your preferred language and you can still join leads in your preferred language. No one is forcing you to write english.

    Sure, if you make map announcements, more people understand if you would make those in english. But thats only a handful of english words to learn. If my friends that are 60+ can learn those few words then those 50+ kids you mentioned can learn those few words, too.

    I think the problem is more of a culture shock, that is strong now on very few servers that were not multilingual yet. It will calm down as soon as they realize, they can adapt and the world does not end just because there is also some english in map chat.

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    • Sad 1
  8. 53 minutes ago, Lucy.3728 said:

    You can't relate?

    Sure I can relate.  I was thinking the same when they mixed my german language server with international (or french language) servers.

    But that was a long time (years, I guess) ago.  And now it just works on my server. Players that only want (or can) write german, write geman in chat and all others write english or english/german. Some leads are english-only, some leads are german-only and some are both at the same time (which seems strange at first, but after a while it feels natural).

    And: Is "[somewhere] 25+ blue" really so much harder to write/learn than "[irgendwo] 25+ blau"? I don't think it is.

    And now in this beta-week I see more french and spanish in chat, too. Don't know what it means exactely. But important info is written also in english. So no problem at all.

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  9. 6 minutes ago, Abygor.1327 said:

    Hey, so here goes.

    Since i can get EoD legendary prec exchange thing without owning EoD, can i get the actual precursor for the legendary whilst not owning EoD ?

    or is owning that event item is as far as it goes?

    Anet stated, that some new materials (which will probably only be available in EoD maps) will be required for crafting the new gen-3 legendary weapons. So I am pretty sure you require EoD for crafting them. However, the new gen3-legendaries can be traded in the TP, so you can just buy them if you do not own EoD.

  10. 15 minutes ago, Dayra.7405 said:

    To me it seems critical for the acceptance of the Allianz System (in the german forum a lot of people like to trash the whole alliance system due to it) that we cannot only choose a guild but also a language preference, that is respected in the linking.

    I guess all german language servers were already linked in the past with non-german language servers. Why is this now a new topic?

    I am on a (originally) german language server and we were linked a lot with english/multilanguage servers. It worked and still works quite well and we have bilingual leads (english and german at the same time) a lot.

    • Confused 1
  11. 14 hours ago, Hell and Back.5170 said:

    Do you understand that many people do not speak English and are from different countries. You have made cross language barriers that are  a joke. 

    With the exception of baruch and maybe one or two french servers, all other "language" servers already use english also and are since a long time (since linkings started) bilingual and adapted to the fact that most servers have multi-language players.

    So, I guess, you are from one of those mentioned servers that are not yet multilingual?

  12. On 11/29/2021 at 9:24 AM, Jitters.9401 said:

    3rd party software is incredibly easy to spot.

    It is not. There are some obvious cheats that can be seen. But often sometimes a player is accused of cheating, he is just better or uses skills the other player does not know about.

    If you want to proof someone is cheating: Make a video, post it to youtube and post the link here.

    Cheating is not allowed in Anets TOS and Anet does ban cheaters. Sometimes they talk about this, sometimes the do not talk about it and wait to collect/ban more cheaters. And I think they probably do not enough against cheaters. 

    And; Bullying and cheating are not the same. Maybe cheating can be used to bully someone sometime. But because cheating is already against the TOS, cheating to bully someone is also against the TOS.

    Fighting against other players (without cheating) is not bullying in a PvP mode like WvW. All players can have the same skills, no one has a position of more power that can be used to bully other players.

    Sure,  for example, a group of 10 players fighting/ganking a solo roamer is neither nice  nor fair. But that is also part of the dangerous and unfair environment that is called WvW and it is not bullying.

    So the answer to your initial question "Does Anet Support and Empower Online Bullying as Long as They Get Paid?" is "NO".


    • Like 2
  13. On 12/1/2021 at 7:07 PM, misterman.1530 said:

    Same question. Please don't tell me I have to do the entire LS story just to get to the Dragonstorm chapter. Please, don't tell me that.

    No you don't. But maybe you have to talk the the pilot at the same time the public dragonstorm meta starts. Only then I was able to talk to the guy to start the story Dragonstorm chapter out of order.

  14. 12 minutes ago, Upperground.6849 said:

    It is NOT a turtle. It is a TORTOISE.; (those ninja tortoises have done so much damage)

    Differences exist in usage of the common terms turtle, tortoise, and terrapin, depending on the variety of English being used; usage is inconsistent and contradictory. These terms are common names and do not reflect precise biological or taxonomic distinctions. (from wikipedia)

    • Thanks 2
  15. 2 hours ago, Firthiros.6913 said:

    Talk to the guy at the helicopter in Eye of the north to do the story instance of dragonstorm.

    It was only able to talk to the guy and open a dragon storm story instance at the same time the public dragon storm meta starts.

    I guess its because I did not replay the whole story in order and so the story was not advanced to this story step.

  16. It feels artificial that the skills are split between driver and gunner because the two skills of the gunner could be added to the skill of the driver and from the amount of skills/functions of the mount there is really no need to have a gunner.

    I used the mount with a friend and we had fun for some time. However the driver (in solo or duo) is less fun.

    As a gunner it is fun to use the cannons and that they, if loaded with ammo, can be used without delay to burst targets down.

    It is fun that the gunner can choose its own looking/shooting direction independently from the direction of the mount. But it is often chaotic and not co-op. Coordination between driver and gunner should be better. Maybe the driver should always see the direction in which the gunner is looking, or should see the cannon AOE tells before the attack.

    The mount was fun at first, but if there are no special encounters in EoD, that really require exactely this mount, I guess it will not be used very often. It does nothing best (exception: carrying another player), comparing to the other mounts.

    The turtle is blocked too often by small obstacles in terrain on land and under water. It should not do that. It is a big and heavy turtle and should steamroll everything in its way.

    The toxic green dragon jade is ... toxic.

    • Like 1
  17. 2 hours ago, Namikazeminato.9348 said:

     it turns out I don't like to waste time, WvW feels like a waste of time


    just because you and other players have a high tolerance for wasting time doesn't mean it is not wasting time

    Every game is, in a way, a waste of time.

    Simple solution for you: If you do not like the game mode, then don't play it.

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