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Posts posted by Zok.4956

  1. 4 minutes ago, Kirigaya Kazuto.8547 said:

    Hahaha and the EU servers are down. What a fantastic timing. 🤣


    Maybe it is a DDoS-Attack and not coincidence? The login-servers are down for some time now. 


  2. On 6/1/2021 at 12:52 AM, anduriell.6280 said:

    Probably you aren't playing with a cheesy build, i did try thief because and i liked it. Definitely more forgiving than a ranger. 


    So, what easy-cheesy build are you running?

  3. 12 hours ago, Arnox.5128 said:

    My point here is to not shut down ideas just because they haven't been done before in GW2. Talk about WHY something wouldn't be a good idea instead of automatically saying, "Oh, it's not needed," because that's not an argument.

    WHY (arguments please, not your personal preferences) do you think the  biggest problem of GW2 is missing tools for player interaction and WHAT exactely are your ideas for better player interaction tools that would fit within the ideas and principles of GW2?


    Your example of a dueling/deathrolling from WoW is not a good example because it is against the separation of cooperative and competitive modes in GW2 (a core idea) and it also lacks explanation and arguments WHY this would be healthy for GW2.


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  4. On 5/31/2021 at 8:21 AM, Arnox.5128 said:

    So, let's keep all this in mind when we next ask ourselves, "What does GW2 really need right now?"


    Thats easy: More content. And then more content. And maybe also more content.


    Jokes aside. More content (like new story, new maps to explore, but also new fractals, new raids, etc.) is of course very important.


    But also a much better class/skill balancing is important. For the competitive modes sPvP and WvW of course.

    sPvP went downhill fast (and the growing eSports scene died) when class balancing was handled badly.


    But balancing is also important for PvE so that the gap (i.e. in DPS) between a low/medium skilled player and a very good player is not so extremely big like it is now.


    And of course better tools/systems for handling the population imbalances (zerg size matters often more than skill) in WvW that are a result of 24/7 week long matches (and server stacking).


  5. On 5/31/2021 at 8:21 AM, Arnox.5128 said:

    Ok, so let's turn our attention back to Guild Wars 2. How can we interact with other players in GW2 besides simple public and private communication? Let's list them. We can,


    - Form groups and squads (the latter with a commander is incredibly powerful)

    - Form permanent groups (guilds)

    - Engage in structured PvP

    - Engage in structured huge-scale PvP (WvW)

    - Buy and sell via a trading post

    - Send mail and/or items directly (no trading functionality)

    - Play music publicly

    - Do the (very scattered around) structured mini-games

    - Costume brawl


    Unless I'm not mistaken here, that's really about it.


    You missed a very important point on your list: The open world is designed in the way that a player should always be happy to see other players (no "kill/loot-stealing" and such) and in a way that players can interact (help each other, do hearts/events together, etc.) ad hoc with other players without the need of forming a fixed group/squad/commander and such.


    I still have a lot of fond memories from this kind of interactions (even from the time when I was a new player) and some of those strangers became friends.


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  6. On 5/15/2021 at 10:46 PM, wilem.9635 said:

    Personal  impression of course. This is the first story of GW2 that I deeply liked - lots of unpredictable stuff, great turns of events! Even the ending is good. Writers - thank you!


    Yeah, we spent a lot of time with DRMs and events to collect/mobilize allies over months and then our allies do not show up in the final fight at the ending of the saga when we fight not one but two elder dragons (including big bad-kitten Primordus) at once.


    If our allies would have shown up, however, the final fight against two elder dragons would have been shorter than it is already. So I should see this is a good thing and an example of good writing, great turns of events and unpredictable stuff?


    No, I don't. I think it was rushed because they had no ressources to do it properly and they just wanted to finish this story-line and kill this two elder dragons before EoD.


  7. On 5/13/2021 at 2:07 PM, Tukaram.8256 said:

    The etymology is standard English usage. Two words become hyphenated, then eventually one word.  Off-line and offline are both correct (and it is not an "American" thing).  But there should be consistency in use. So, if the hyphen is used in off-line, it should be used in online as well.  Mixing use generally is frowned upon.


    Yes, it evolved from "off the line" to "off-line" to "offline".  "off-line" is still correct, but "offline" is now the most common (since years) form. 


    Funny thing: The german-language version of the client still uses the word "Offline".


  8. 14 hours ago, Crunor.3809 said:

    So if I would craft these three legendary armor sets, I could cover all possible characters and professions with stat-swapable armor?


    Yes, thats my guess.


    The "template" system will work like it is now with the addition that you can not only access the gear that is stored on that character (like it is now) but you can use all legendary gear, that is used in a template, on all characters, that are able to use that type of gear (heavy/medium/light armor, weapon type).


    What I do not know: How and if Anet solved the problem that gear on different characters can have different skins now. It would be a big let-down (at least for me) if all characters would have to use the same skin for a legendary gear-item.


  9. 10 hours ago, Aodlop.1907 said:

    HOTS had gliding. POF had mounts. What can EOD bring?

    Let's hear your speculations. 


    HoT introduced a lot more map-travel-skills than just gliding. The core idea was, that the HoT/PoF masteries give the players metroidvania skills that are needed to explore/travel in maps that are build for these skills..


    Also the season 5 / Icebrood Saga followed this concept and gave some map travel skills (Raven locks/barriers/gates, Portable Waystation, etc.).


    So, what fun skills remain for new and fun ways/skill for travel maps in maps that are designed to require these skills?


    Maybe we see more and better use of vehicles (we have some basic motor bikes, tanks, boats, airships already in the game).

    Maybe we see more and bettter underwater movement (we got the underwater swimspeed infusions and the underwater skimmer skill some time ago).

    Maybe something else.


    I am not sure what we will get but I am pretty sure the main skills in the EoD-masteries will be how we travel and move on EoD-maps.


  10. 20 hours ago, Razor.6392 said:

    There's also no way to distinguish a good player from a bad one at a simple glance.


    Why, 9 years later, isn't there a way for people to truly shine and battle for 'glory'?



    Because WvW is an unstructured, unbalanced and (sometimes/often) unfair three-way  (WvWvW) PvP-mode where the game can not seperate personal player skill from the skills of your fellow players and also the skill (and intentions) of the players you play against. And also the game can not see if your are a good or bad player in 1v1, GvG, as a commander, as a zerg player, as a defender, etc. or if you have the luck to be on a "better" server or run as a zergling with a "better" commander or with a "better" zerg.


    If you are playing 1v1 or GvG you will learn over time the good and bad players/guilds you play with or against (in the 1v1 or GvG community). And if you are into zerg-play you will learn over time the good and bad (enemy) commanders/zergs/guilds and which one are more focussed on PvE/karmatrain and which are focussed on fighting. Some good commanders/guilds that "truly shine" are known on several servers.


    But the game itself can not see this.


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  11. 2 hours ago, MarkoGold.7126 said:

    i think most of you are missing the point, asc chests just sitting in bank with no purpose is the issue that needs to be fixed 


    If you do not want useless items in your bank, just remove them from your bank and salvage/trash them. problem solved.


    But I think your point actually is, that you do not like what you get for these "useless" ascended items in return and you want more (gold) for them. That is a valid opinion (and personally I would benefit from it). However, the contrary opinion, that the actual handling of "useless" ascended gear should not be changed, is also a valid opinion.


    Maybe you could convince more people, if you do not write about, what *you* want for *your* benefit, but what would be better for the game.


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  12. I think a wish for a sub fee is understandable. Players want (during the sub) access to free or at least discounted items/services in exchange for giving Anet a constant sub revenue stream. Players get more items with paying less and Anet gets a dependable revenue stream in return.


    But I do not believe this will ever happen in GW2 because of two main reasons (just my opinion, I can not prove them).


    1.  A lot of players would be angry with this (for different reasons) and Anet does not want that kitten-storm to happen.

    2.  Anet is actually making more money with whales/addicted players with the gambling loot-boxes in the GEM-store than they would make with an optional sub fee where whales would switch to the sub model.


    EDIT: Of course I could be wrong. For years, players that wanted mounts in GW2 got mostly the same negative feedback like from some in this thread and were told they were riding a dead-horse and mounts would never happen ... and then Anet added mounts to GW2.


  13. 39 minutes ago, Cyninja.2954 said:

    So you do not enjoy the current characters, what about players who do? What gives you the right to ask for something which might negatively impact others?


    Whats wrong with having and expressing different opinions about characters in a video game?


    • Like 7
  14. 34 minutes ago, Cyninja.2954 said:

    How often was the loss of a character actually of a positive impact to the game? Hands up be honest and think on this for a second.


    I think with Trahearne Anet found a good solution for Trahearne and for the game.


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  15. On 5/2/2021 at 6:16 PM, frareanselm.1925 said:

    Some days me and other friends quit the game because this unfair anihilation.

    Is something that Anet could do to avoid this kind of cruel behaviour?


    The WvW-maps are Anets version of Open-World-PvP and in this version of open-world-PvP predatory behavior that relies on exploiting another player’s lack of experience, progress, readiness, or willingness (PKing or ganking) is allowed.


    Anet does not enforce any rules in WvW  for fair fights that are organized, skill based (and opted-in). Thats why gankers and grievers are attracted to this mode (and to some classes that are making ganking easier).


    So, I guess, Anet will not do anything about this.


  16. 17 hours ago, MarkoGold.7126 said:

    now the reason i am writting this is i fell like all ascended armor / weapons will become completely obsolete.



    Thats nothing new for ascended items. Players that are running fractals get tons of ascended rings for example. Just trash or salvage ascended items you have no use for. Thats what other players already do.


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  17. On 5/5/2021 at 6:24 PM, Touchme.1097 said:

    Thank you for the balance update of the 11th of May patch. 

    I am very unhappy to experience toxicity on all game modes due to the current Meta builds, there is no escape from the toxicity that the current Meta is enabling right now, especially in PvE modes where a big chunk of the GW2 players are obsessed with a limited amount of builds they see as Meta on websites like Snowcrows or LN. I don't like to see Meta builds as a requirement to play a game mode because it's not inclusive and it's not fair on players who play certain professions or specializations that are currently not performing as well as the current Meta.

    Joining different guilds doesn't solve this issue, it's a thing that has been going on for too long and I would be very happy to see constant changes on profession balance in order to discourage players from limiting squad slots being exclusively reserved to few Meta builds that significantly outperform the rest like power Chrono. Raiders often confuse speed clear with raid clear, I am sure the shift of constant balance will be healthy for the game.


    There will always be Meta-builds because there will always be (some) builds that work the best (for specific situations).



  18. On 4/30/2021 at 7:54 PM, Sir Alric.5078 said:


    So they knew that their finale was GARBAGE, yet they chose to release it anyway? What the actual f**k!

    Isn't that basically admitting that they don't give a kitten anymore?  


    It also could mean, that most of the devs still care a lot about the game, but upper management made some bad decisions.


  19. @Astralporing.1957 said:

    @Zok.4956 said:

    @"Fueki.4753" said:Arenanet most likely announced the expansion as some kind of emergency button after they realized that Season 5 is a massive failure.I wouldn't be surprised if they currently don't have anything that is ready for presentation.

    When Anet announced the Season 5 as the Icebrood Saga they had much bigger plans for the Saga and no plans for an expansion.

    According to someone from Anet: During working on Season 5 someone in (higher) management decided, as a surprise to the devs, to make an expansion. So they had to (somehow) cancel all/most unfinished work on Season 5 (and work on the expansion) but still try to end the story arc of Season 5 like it was planned.

    So I guess, they did not announce the expansion because of a massive failure of Season 5 but because the decision of making an expansion was not made earlier. And probably because of that management decision Season 5 became this much bigger failure than if would have been without shifting all resources to the expansion.It's very likely, actually, that the decision made by management
    due to how Season 5 got received.

    It is very likely that the management decision to make an expansion was made in November 2019 (game director Mike Z., who announced the Icebrood Saga with expansion level/worthy content at the PAX West 2019, likely left the company in November 2019). At this time only the Prologue: Bound by Blood episode and maybe also the Whisper in the Dark episode were released. Both episodes were shorter than usual/expected and maybe suffered from the massive layoffs in 2019.

    I think it is not very likely that the decision of making an expansion is based only on how only one or two episodes (and the prologue episode was mostly well received) are received.

    And as for "much bigger plans for Season 5" (...) And of the "expansion level content" they said they were going to deliver, i'm quite sure we've already seen the most of it. We've just didn't notice, because it didn't seem "expansion worthy" to us.

    I did not see much "expansion worthy" content in the Icebrood Saga. But we probably will never know which parts of the EoD expansion were originally developed/planned for the Icebrood Saga but were shifted/moved to the expansion before release.

    And because the remaining, thinned out, shortened, Icebrood Saga was not very well received, Anet had to make the announcement of an expansion early in development in March 2020.

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