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Posts posted by Zok.4956

  1. On 9/10/2021 at 5:18 AM, Jon Snow.6780 said:

    New World Beta is sucking in the hardcore/semi hardcore, playerdrop in WvW is significant. You better come with something good Anet, or it's over and out in WvW.


    I played the NW Open Beta this weekend (and did not play WvW in GW2 this weekend) and I have to say the graphics of NW look nice (if you like north american landscape - because that is all there is) but after 2 days it became totally boring, so I stopped playing.

    In the Open-World PvP, character level and gear are much more important than player skill (a character that is several levels above your own is nearly unkillable) and spying in open-world pvp group fights will be fun (or not - a spy can simply set himself to "no pvp" and can not be killed from enemy players/groups). And big PvP guilds will dominate the cities (they can set the taxes of crafting etc. of each city in PvE) and maps. etc. etc.

    GW2 is more than 9 years old and has an old and outdated game/graphics engine and ignored WvW for years ... but in a lot of game mechanics/design topics GW2 still looks like a more modern game and seems to have a higher artistic quality - compared to NW.

    My guess:  A lot more WoW and ESO players will switch to NW than GW2 players.

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  2. 6 hours ago, Oslaf Beinir.5842 said:

    You do realize that raid legendary armor is not the only legendary armor in the game.  PvP and WvW legendary versions do not have visual noise and are not shiny.


    PvP and WvW legendary armor have the effects (T3) and shiny skin of their precursor. 


    6 hours ago, Oslaf Beinir.5842 said:

    As for weapons you will just have to deal with it. 


    Right now, I don't have to deal with the increased visual clutter, if every beta-character (and not only the accounts that already have "legendary" skins unlocked) would be covered in legendary armor, back item and weapon effects and could have all the floating balls above from the legendary trinkets and I hope this will not change.


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  3. 43 minutes ago, Oslaf Beinir.5842 said:

    Besides it would promot legendary gear if they made it available to all beta test toons


    Please, no. The visual noise would be too much if all beta characters would be completely covered in legendary armor, weapons, back and trinkets.


    • Confused 2
  4. 1 hour ago, frareanselm.1925 said:

    What will happen when the beta finish and you forget legendary gear on a toon that will be deleted? 


    Nothing will happen with your real account. 


    Beta-Characters use a copy of your real account. So, for example, you can buy (if you have the gold, laurels, currency, etc.) whatever you want with your beta character from vendors and it does not change your real account currency. 


    And also: If your toons (this is not only for beta-characters) use legendary gear, the gear is not "on a toon" but in the legendary armory and nothing happens to this legendary gear if you delete the toon.



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  5. 5 hours ago, Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:

    Does it take a long time to speed through a zone on a Roller Beetle/Griffon/Skyscale?  Though, I suppose it would be difficult to go somewhere like Ember Bay, if LWS maps are affected.


    Before the next beta I will put my portal tomes and passes (and other items I have in the shared inventory slots) into my bank, so beta characters have access to them.


  6. I created yesterday 3 beta characters and took some time to set up and optimize gear/stats/traits during playtesting them.


    When I logged in today (after daily reset) again,  the characters were still unchanged at the character select screen but after Lions Arch loaded and the "new character visits Lions Arch for the first time" animation/video played, they were reset (gear, armory, traits, inventory, bank) and all my gear/stats/traits setup work was lost.


    I understand that beta-characters are deleted after the beta-test-phase. But there is no need to automatically reset them during a beta-test-phase. This is a bug.

    If I would want to reset a beta-character, I would just delete one and make a new one.


  7. 6 hours ago, Hannelore.8153 said:

    In particular, that every time you log out your characters' builds get completely reset, which is fair, but the default build loadouts are just awful, and don't really allow any proper playtesting of the class without setting up your build again every time.


    Yes, that reset was/is bad. 


    Are you sure your beta-characters reset every time you log out? My beta-characters did also reset (inventory, gear, armory, traits, bank) but when I logged in again into my account today it was already after the daily reset. They were still unchanged at the character select screen but after Lions Arch loaded and the "new character visits Lions Arch for the first time" animation/video showed, they were reset.


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  8. 17 hours ago, Talindra.4958 said:

    I hv already paid ultimate version last night. So.. for all of  you who support the game and care for the future of the game and if u can afford if ofc .. pls get the ultimate version.  not the $30.. $30 is not enough to cover for the work for the game


    Anet is not a charity that needs our support but a business/company that sells a product/service. The price is Anets decision and as long as they do not share their internal, confident calculations, we can not see if a price is (not) enough to cover the costs.


    I pre-purchased also, but not because I want to support Anet. I pre-purchased because I think what I will get is acceptable/good for the price I paid.


  9. On 7/25/2021 at 12:20 PM, The Light In The Darkness.5849 said:

    I've spent arround $1k on expansion packs to unlock the professions hoping that making a new account will remove the curse on my account that force me with this type of players.

    i'm fed up with this and i would very much like a refund for all the hard earned money i've spent on this game that is ruining my experience and not making me in the mood of buying anything from anet until the queue gets fixed. 


    I think you bought a pretty expensive placebo with your $1k.


    • Like 1
  10. I really appreciate this transparency and hope this will continue in the future.



    In the last fourteen months, we’ve recorded an uptime of 99.98%, with only five minor service interruptions impacting user log-ins.


    Is there any chance we could get a public status page from Arenanet in the future, where we as players could see downtimes and service/performance degradations of important game services?


    Thanks a lot.

  11. 14 hours ago, George Cosmin.7924 said:

    Alright so now that the legendary armory is out, and being one of the fortunate enough player to have full legendary armor, what can I do with the ascended stuff? Got 4 bank tabs filled with useless ascended armor pieces. Buying salvaging kits and salvaging them doesn't look to profitable for me so any other ideas?


    I wait until the EoD announcement in ca. 2 weeks and if there is no hint that ascended stuff is used for EoD then I salvage all ascended I do not need anymore. 


  12. 2 hours ago, Tyson.5160 said:

    I’m curious, if I add my Conflux, whether I’ll get access to both Conflux and the slumbering Conflux as two separate rings.


    Maybe it is the same with slumbering conflux and conflux like it is with sunrise/twilight/eternity, and it would be like:

    Account bound legendary items are automatically put into the armory. So slumbering conflux is automatically in the armory and  you can not put it into the mystic forge anymore to create conflux and instead you get some kind of ticket for building conflux but slumbering conflux is not removed from the armory. And after you build conflux you have two legendary rings for the costs of only one. Of course this is only a guess.


  13. 3 minutes ago, Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:

    Whelp, there goes any thought/chance of getting the Legendary trinket. 



    I could not even make it to the first (second?) checkpoint.  Stupid lava. 


    There are now a lot of squads of friendly mesmers who help players and port to all the checkpoints. With this help the achievement is easy.



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