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Everything posted by AlenaVolkova.8179

  1. Yea, I always wanted this, why can't they do the same for players in Guild Wars 2? I played Wildstar before, and was quite content how they handled the home instance with your own gathering nodes, and furnishing, you can even place whatever activities you like, or gathering ground for specific NPCs to suit your style taste. Rip Wildstar btw, it died at 2017.
  2. As expected, who would rather risk 2 hours of their life time over nothing in return? People asked for improvement, and all they could do is instead, improving other maps, while still refuse to acknowledge their failure at DE, still hogging on "Oh the win rate has climbed a bit after the tweek", without realizing the fact is people had enough, and only just those strict and organized group with raid builds could do it. Adding a hero choice of reward for completing it is still not tempting enough, what they could've done is by adding tiered map reward similar to Dragon's Stand from HoT, hell, even DrizzleWood from Icebrood, a recent expansion, also has it. So, they totally have no excuses to not improve the reward to tempt more players to keep trying and learning. Or at least make DE an instanced meta similar to Dragon Storm, so players just need to wait 2 hours to do it again.
  3. You need to understand that this Jade gizmo is her life work, and yes, she's proud of it, you cannot deny that. Thing is, in Cantha, you saw how Ministry of Defense madling with Joon's business, when she wants to ensure that Jade techs are always up to date, to make sure the city is safe, should there be any 2nd disaster just like Zhaitan one. I am sure if you're a scientist or a creator for some brilliant invention, and some guy constantly rub it on your face, claiming your invention is rubbish, you'd be very annoyed, too. Not to mention, the fact is when reactor crumbled, she still considered us as the ones who must be held accountable since we brought in Mal Trin, not to mention, it's quite funny there are no cameras in there to see the whole actions and branded us criminals. But anyway, evading authority and not in contact with Joon is definitely a bad move to make the misunderstanding further. Which is actually understandable at the end, if I were Joon, I'd be suspect of you, too, even if you brought me evidence. And yes, I will definitely not be denied of my genius by a puny commander that kept claiming what I'm doing is wrong. If you were her, you'd be extremely annoyed, too. This is her life work, you don't tell someone that they're wrong head on after they spent years of works in it.
  4. I'm sorry, but this isn't really new, it's been like that ever since HoT was released, too. The toxicity has been there, but it's EoD that finally unveiled this ugliness to the surface. You lots remember how salty it was during Dragon's Stand meta initially? Yea, good and bad times, and less RNG on the tail part. However, the reason why DE is much more negative, is due to the amount of effort and the gain aren't equalized properly. At least you'd still be getting tier rewards in Dragon's Stand, should you fail the meta. In Dragon's End, you get less than that, and imo, luck essence IS NOT LOOT. By any means, Anet should've put this into instanced meta similar to Dragon Storm, if they truly want only just players with raid gears to beat DE. Because they forgot the fact we can have players that just returned from years of hiatus, freshly installed GW2 after buying EoD, paired up with who had been playing for years. And it makes everyone hate each other. Or at least, make this DE meta biggest end game meta, because the fact this is close to end times, should've made it at least 100 players, divided into groups for coordination-focused meta like Dragon's Stand.
  5. 200 Writs is hours of efforts, don't act like you're well-deserving anything than any of us, including those who also have turtles, it's disgusting. Go spend gems for the skins instead.
  6. It is not socializing if you're just gonna play with only your guild mates or specific others (raid gears, boons, foods, etc). Claiming the game is MMO, yet, you are playing this as just MO, and it sucks, this should be discouraged, we're fighting end times, we're meant to have massive amount of players, rather than 50+ only and claim it as acceptable for an end game meta. I would much prefer being forced into 6 groups for coordinated fight similar to Dragon's Stand if you prefer more MMO approached meta. Hell, DrizzleWood doing a great job despite being casual, since a few always stay behind and defend any secured settlement should there be any incursion. DE does a bad job at this, and it should be changed, whether you like it or not.
  7. Skip, come back after an year. The overall EoD expansion for me is pure meh. Fishing and boat are both just meh, because fishing doesn't do anything important nor boat is any better when we have Skimmers already. Jade bot is great, stat boost and mount overall improvement, in fact, Jade bot imo is the best thing ever implemented, however, it suffers the same problem just like Glider if used outside its expansion. Most metas in EoD are meh, all just give nothing but unidentified gears, I would rather be given jade chunks and research notes.
  8. Not only that, they need entirely revamp and add some rewards like research notes, jade chunks, cores for Jade bot, or blueprint for said cores from the meta itself. I can't believe they just make this meta entirely pointless, because people will surely finish it once AND NEVER COME BACK. Of all meta, I enjoy coming back leading non-stop train of DrizzleWood for hours, because they give really great reward, and after years, HoT metas are still great, because of, again, THE REWARD. Not counting PoF, because this is exactly what happens when you tied Griffon to bounties and events, which I'm glad still doable with just few people, but by now, most players gottem griffons, and they only come back for just the Pinata and daily bounty, that's it. There's once I helped my friend's Griffon funding, and it took me HOURS to finally get 3 more people, and we 5-manned the Facet bounty, along with the meta where we have to free someone's wife, not to mention one annoying spirit that later turns into a Champion Djjn. This turtle is locked behind 2 hours of frustration and 20 minutes of desperation with nothing good in return, only to discourage players from even trying further. Anet knew they could just put this into instance, and they didn't.
  9. In short, nothing, added more afk players instead, saw plenty stay idle after hitting stuff.
  10. Just make this instance that has 2 hours wait time similar to Dragon storm already, this meta is just too player-RNG affected. And frankly, tweek the reward as well, because with just turtle, anyone gotten it WON'T EVER COME BACK. Give us research notes, jade chunks, chances with special cores or Blueprints for said cores. Stop making this end game meta pointless. Player-RNG, as in, always cross your fingers that anyone turned into Wisp comes back in time, and not afk. And pray that people learn to simply walk away from red circles to not get downed, wasting time reviving. Meta RNG, hope for Soo-Won stay still and stop turning once bar is broken or not getting Harden Shell, seriously, she should be disabled from moving around in the first place, what's the point of getting 30 seconds after breaking the bar, when she spends 10 to 15 seconds turning around?
  11. We need a training ground to get players stay moving all the time to get out of red circles, the biggest issue is players have gone soft and weak, they're too used to being pampered by boons and constantly felt "Oh the aegis will take the hit" and "Eh, I have 15k+ hp, it won't tickle". After being love booped by Soo-Won's snoot, they just keep stay idle to get hit rather than moving out of red circle. I propose no down state during the meta, so players are forced to learn move out of the harm's way or die.
  12. The meta is not that rewarding, I don't need anymore unidentified gears, please.
  13. Well, I mean, they put Siege Turtle behind this meta, I am sure everyone wants a turtle badly right now, not to mention we have to make 2 hours of preparation, and only to YOLO it in 30 minutes.
  14. Well, at least it's not 250 gold or more this time. With the LW event, one can get quite good amount of map currency.
  15. You should have listed it on Steam 8 years ago, I thought this game is new when I first played it in 2018, I absolutely HAD zero information about GW2's existence. Now I am envy of people with 8th anniversary gifts.
  16. There's no excuse on this, every race they have on any other maps work perfectly fine, but just this one. Anet please fix this asap.
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