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Everything posted by TheNecrosanct.4028

  1. So you're fine with undermining your own complaint then. If you did Spirit Vestibule anyway it seems it's not that much of a problem to begin with, so why should anyone put any stock in your complaint? And really, 10AA? As I explained to someone else in another thread, considering what's for sale in the Wizard's Vault will be there for 90 days at the current price, 10AA is a drop in an ocean. I'm not even going to calculate how much AA you get during 90 days but it's a shitload, even if you skip a daily here and there because you don't like it. We're not even halfway through those 90 days and I'm already wondering what to buy since I've already bought the items I wanted. Btw, staring a new thread for every daily you don't like could be considered spam posting, so maybe not the best idea for you.
  2. You also have to marvel at a self-proclaimed capitalist criticizing ANet for its perceived...capitalism? 🤔🙄
  3. They do allow you to sell as much as you want. What they don't allow is too many sell orders placed too quickly in too short a time. Give it a few seconds and you'll be able to sell what you want to sell. It's a minor annoyance but it's not stopping you from anything, except spam sell orders. Btw, Mike hasn't worked at ANet for 4 years now. And if anyone is chasing the Yankee dollar I'd say it's NCSoft more than ANet.
  4. FOMO is a form of social anxiety and it is not a problem (at least not in developed countries) to get treatment for an anxiety disorder. One way to deal with that is cognitive behavioral therapy. In other words, yes, you can rationalize FOMO away. It's just that most people initially can't do it on their own and need to be taught how that works. And I don't mean this in any snarky way, but FOMO is your problem. Why is it ANet's responsibility to deal with it? Or worse, cater to it? I believe this is a valid question and one we should all ask before we plead (or worse, demand) someone do something for us.
  5. How would you be supporting this? By supplying someone who is responsible for keeping dungeons in working order? Or by paying them extra money so they can put someone on it? Don't get me wrong. I'd love it if they brought dungeons back from the grave. Raids and dungeons are my favorite instanced content and sadly both abandoned. Now all we have is Fractals (fun but storywise it's all things that aren't even happening in the world of Tyria right now; it's all ancient history, like an interactive museum) and Strikes (less fun because they're just story bosses adapted to 10-man content; I guess we have the people who thought they were missing out on Raid story to thank for this?).
  6. Others have said it before, but to reiterate: dungeons are abandoned content and have been for nigh on a decade now. They streamlined dungeon tokens to make things easier, but otherwise don't expect anything to be added to dungeons (it was more a currency thing than a dungeon thing anyway). Would it really incentivize players to run dungeons more often? Maybe. But that doesn't mean ANet just gets to add more loot to the table. It would mean they have to actively support dungeons again, keep things in working order and fix things that are broken. Rewards do make sense for the time invested. Remember that dungeon tokens are a unique currency, for which you can buy items and skins/gear that you can't buy anywhere else. Strikes is where it's at now when it comes to instanced content. And a little bit of Fractals. Maybe a new one once a year. Despite being active content the development cycle for Fractals is extremely slow (we just got a new one so the next one should be live sometime around Christmas 2024, probably). But dungeons (and Raids)? ANet is not going to invest in something they abandoned a decade ago and for which they have a current alternative that they're actively working on. One can hope, sure. But that hope will inevitably result in disappointment. I'd save myself the trouble, if I were you.
  7. I really, really wanted to say "StOp WhInInG, yOu CaN dO oThEr ObJeCtIvEs". But I'm not going to. Instead I'll say this: In the grand scheme of things, considering the items for sale in the Wizard's Vault stay there for 3 months, 10 AA is like a drop of water in an ocean. It won't make any difference, except in your mind.
  8. Trust me, the fireballs are a minor inconvenience compared to a screen full of fluttering wings with a myriad of different visual effects in all the brightest colors. And that is not exaggeration for the sake of (melo)dramatic effect. That's literally what the screen looks like during the last phase of that meta. There's no way to zoom out far enough.
  9. And you only just now noticed? You must not have done the Amnytas meta yet.😉 Especially the last part, with the eyes, is a nightmarish clusterkitten of visuals and effects. They should give the skyscale the same treatment they gave the Siege Turtle. Make it faded and translucent when you get close to them. It's still not a perfect solution but it would be a vast improvement.
  10. If they get what they came for it's the opposite of a waste of time. I am in favor of GoB acquisition remaining as it is. I'd also be the first to stop going to WvW if there was another way of obtaining it, because GoB's are the only reason I do WvW. I'm a PvE player through and through. I don't hate WvW and I fully participate when I go there because I'm not a leecher, but nothing draws me there, except this one reward. So, while I'm not a fan I also don't see it as an insurmountable problem. By way of comparison, let's take Final Fantasy X and its ultimate weapons. I hate blitzball, much more than WvW, but you have to play a lot of it to get Wakka's ultimate weapon. And the others are hardly easy to get either, involving some frustrating mini games ((like the chocobo race you have to finish with 0 seconds on the timer). But I want those ultimate weapons for everyone, so I do what I need to to get them. It really is just a matter of how much you want the final reward. The people who forgo legendaries because they don't like WvW, to me are people who don't want legendaries as much as they think they do. I also agree with what voltaicbore.8012 said. Instead of demanding a good reason for GoB acquisition to stay the way it is, give a reason for why it shouldn't stay this way besides "I don't like WvW, I feel forced", because that is not a good enough reason. It's a selfish reason based purely on personal dislike. If that is a good enough reason for them, than status quo/tradition is a good enough reason to be against it. At least the latter isn't based on personal likes/dislikes. And asking for it "in the name of everyone who hates it" doesn't make it any less selfish. That's just an easy cop out, or a way to use other's discontent for your own purpose.
  11. I'm not talking about fantasy creatures. Where are the snakes? Crocodiles? There are many real life animals in Tyria, but when it comes to reptiles and (especially) amphibians there are practically none. Besides, this whole new race thing is like flogging a dead horse. ANet doesn't have the resources to create a new race (with a slew of new faces, hairstyles, etc.) and retroactively make it work with every piece of armor in the game. If they ever get a bigger team and budget, maybe then. And even then it makes much more sense to pick one of the existing races than to create a whole new race and the lore needed to explain their existence.
  12. I don't agree with buying/selling completed weapons either, not did I ever say I was. All legendaries should be accountbound on acquire. Period. ANet had the right idea with gen 2 legendaries. Shards of Glory are supposed to be tradeable, just like Memories of Battle. They always were. But legendary gifts, that's another matter. In fact, if ANet really wants people to engage in all 3 game modes they should introduce a legendary gift obtainable through PvP. The fact that you're fine with all components being tradeable on the TP is outrageously funny. It seems to go around...
  13. So you want Lizardmen? There's something called Warhammer out there for you. GW2 is painfully devoid of reptiles. Besides ambient creatures they apparently don't exist in Tyria.
  14. I didn't miss a thing. You did. There is no legendary gift that can be bought on the TP. Those are accountbound items people have to make/obtain for themselves. Shards of Glory (and for WvW, Memories of Battle) are a different thing altogether. PvP doesn't have a gift necessary for legendary weapons. WvW does. What's next? Let me buy mystic clovers on the TP? 🙄
  15. This only works on the premise that ANet wants/can implement all the changes that people are asking for. Instead of answering your question we should first ask another question: should ANet want to cater to every player's wishes? GoB in PvE, remove JP's, story mode raids, bring back personal story cutscenes, reset world completion, turn outfits into separate armor pieces, make story bosses easier, etc., etc. ad infinitum, ad nauseam. Where does it end? Give them a finger...and you know the rest. There is a limit to everything. GoB acquisition works just fine. There's nothing technically wrong with it. It's just that some people don't like how to acquire it. Yes, it is a matter of authority. ANet created this game with a specific vision in mind. For legendaries that means engaging in every aspect of the game, i.e. PvE, WvW and PvP (even though the latter can be completely avoided, thanks to the TP). This isn't just player feedback on things that don't work (properly). It's a call for change because of personal dislike. Should ANet change everything that people don't like? Are we the developers who decide how the game works? How come I've seen this GoB thing return again and again over the years, but I've hardly ever seen WvW players posting again and again that they would like the GoE to be changed (I only see it in response to requests for GoB through PvE only)? Are PvE players just inherently more entitled than WvW players? I genuinely don't understand why "because ANet decided it" isn't good enough. It's their game they're developing, after all. They decide everything that's in the game. The problem with GoB acquisition is not in the game itself, it's in the antipathy of certain players. The fact that ANet welcomes player feedback does not mean they have to cater to all of it. Some things will change, some things won't. The fact that some people don't like that the GoB is tied to WvW is not a priority problem that needs to be fixed. Resources are better spent elsewhere.
  16. Seems to me that said content is mostly abandoned these days. Except it doesn't only seem that way. It's literally stated in the OP.
  17. Reptiles and amphibians. The only ones we have are ambient creatures (frogs and snakes). And scorpions. But I guess devourers are Tyria's scorpions.
  18. You are right. This post does bother me. How anyone could think those little molerats are cute is beyond me. Actually, that's an insult to molerats. 😜 Best Asura: Zojja. With the release of SotO she's been saying everything I've been saying about Asura for years.
  19. Funny. This sounds just like how a MMO should work. 😉 @OP: ChatGPT just sounds like another way of avoiding interaction to me, which is completely counter to the nature of MMO's. GW2 has one of the most helpful communities in the MMO world. Take advantage of that.
  20. Well, it took you about 5 pages to state that you actually enjoy making legendaries. I'll tell you, none of us would have guessed because you were only complaining about WvW (and PvP, but I don't see why since it's not required). It also took you a long time to state that you'd be fine with a long kitten, grindy way of acquisition through PvE, making it clear that you're not asking for an easy way to get it, which most people who complain about this definitely are. You call it jaded. I call it being blunt and upfront. I'm not on the forum as much as you think. I browse it now and then, but then there are months that I don't even visit the forum. I've just played this game for a long time (since launch) and have seen it all when it comes to negative feedback (I don't mean genuine feedback, just lazy people refusing to do what's required). What you need to understand is that most threads that deal with GoB acquisition boil down to people wanting an easy pass. And they're always PvE people. Rarely do I see this complaint from WvW people. It's easy to lump you in with the lazy ones, based on everything you've said, because there was no positive counterpoint. Trust me, I'm far from jaded. I actually dislike it. Just as much as I dislike people complaining the studio does things wrong because they don't like it. Apparently getting a GoB is not that much of a problem for you, because it's only a minor part of the process that you don't like. But I absolutely do not understand and have no sympathy for people who do nothing but complain about a game. I'm a simple guy in that regard. Don't like something? Leave it be. This will have no bearing whatsoever on real life and the things that really matter (unless you vent your frustration to the people around you in real life, or break stuff). If I assumed something about you with regards to making legendaries it's because you've done nothing but repeat the same talking points and complain about GoB acquisition. This is the first positive statement I'm seeing from you in this thread. If you enjoy 80-90% of it, take the win. I do think creating gear and items is part of the gameplay. Do I regard it as endgame content, though? Absolutely not. If the whole reason people play this game is to gather shinies they might as well play some mobile game. I regard meta's and instanced content (Dungeons/Strike Missions/Raids/Fractals) as endgame content in PvE. Making legendaries is something I do on the side. I play this game because I enjoy it. And something that's created by others and you have no control over will never be 100% to your liking. There will always be things people don't like. And then it's their choice to decide whether to do it or not. I might complain too when I have to do WvW to get more GoB's, but I complain to my screen, not on the Forum (just like I cuss people out to my screen, not in game chat). A simple search on the Forum could have told you there are plenty of these threads created. And reading through them you'll see that the majority of responses is: no. Even from PvE players. It has nothing to do with enjoying other people's misery. If something makes you miserable, stop doing it. Happy people make for a better life and happier world. Misery does the exact opposite.
  21. Yes. You should definitely let go of the word "force". There is no such thing. Playing any game is a choice. There is no forcing involved whatsoever, except for what you do yourself. Also, if you want the best gear, why not go for ascended? Same stats, same effect in combat. And that's what the gear is for, after all: combat. The QoL features of legendaries don't change their function or effects. The benefit (read: convenience) is only for you. So making legendaries is one of the biggest end game systems? That is what you're saying? All these level 80 people I see running around in game do their stuff so they can make legendaries? And here I thought they were playing the game for the fun of it. However, I understand you didn't take this into account because apparently you aren't playing the game for the fun of it. It's great that you are willing to grind your kitten off in challenging PvE content. Many won't be. Trust me, there will be another you posting a similar thread if that ever happens. No matter what ANet does, the entitlement will remain. Based on that fact alone it's best ANet leaves things as they are. They've made many concessions over the years, but there is a limit to that, as it should be.
  22. If ANet ever decides to implement a PvE way to obtain GoB's I hope they will tie it to Dungeons/Fractals/Raids/Strike Missions. Instanced content that is focused on boss battles. It is a Gift of Battle, after all. That, or killing 100,000 of a certain enemy (50,000 would be okay too, but certainly not less). The problem is, people don't just want the GoB available through PvE, they want it available through their preferred ways in PvE. Just like people now are complaining about having to do so many rift events to obtain the OW legendary armor. They wanted OW armor. They're getting it. But it's still not to their liking. Imagine the forums if GW2 had vertical progression instead of horizontal, with every expansion introducing more grind to keep your top tier armor. It's like people have lost their perspective of GW2's place among MMO's. It's the most casual friendly, least grindy MMO I know of. And it's still not good enough for some. You can never satisfy everyone. And ANet should definitely not bend over backwards to try and please everyone, unless they want to create precedents and drive themselves into a corner.
  23. For as far as there is grind in this game (which I'd argue there isn't, just people's extremely low threshold for what constitutes as grind) it's merited for legendary items. They should be the most expensive and time-consuming to get. Just like ultimate weapons in the Final Fantasy games require lots of time and effort, to name but one example. Comparing this to WvW is also unfair. First of all there isn't anything new to do in WvW since release. What we had then, we have now, and nothing more (except one new map, but the content on said map remains the same as on the others). Second, in WvW players can muck things up for you, so requiring very specific things to do wouldn't work as well. It's part of the reason why ANet removed WvW maps from world completion. It could take weeks to complete all 4 maps if you're unlucky (being on a bad/low population server or being pitted against servers who are doing much better). Though, with all the complaining that's going on I almost wish they would implement that again. The entitlement is at such a degree that part of me would actually be very amused by this. By the way, what is this original idea you're referring to?
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