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Everything posted by TheNecrosanct.4028

  1. ANet's logic for removing them is the introduction of relics and more options for buildcrafting. I haven't read anywhere that they considered 6th rune bonuses to be overpowered. They just wanted to separate that bonus from the runes and make it into a new system and, subsequently, introduce a new gear item. Personally, I'll wait until relics are fully rolled out before forming a final opinion. But so far I am not impressed.
  2. I'm not crying over anything. I don't have a problem with mystic clovers. I'm also not changing my reasoning whatsoever. I explained the OP's original complaint, which is the RNG factor of the Mystic Forge. So including that in your list as a "solution", while that is the problem OP presented here, is either a case of "I didn't read the OP" or being wilfully obtuse by presenting the problem as a solution. Perhaps if you read my other replies here you would see that I also don't understand OP's problem with clovers, because there are multiple alternatives that all give a guaranteed number of clovers, and I've listed them all for them. The Mystic Forge, though, is not an alternative to OP's problem. It is OP's problem. Besides, one recipe gives 1 clover, the other recipe gives 10 clovers. The only difference between the 2 is the use of either Philosopher's Stones or Mystic Crystals. Other than that both recipes are and work exactly the same. Yes, it's 2 recipes but one is hardly an alternative to the other. You're splitting hairs here and ignoring the problem presented: the RNG factor. Neither recipe is a valid alternative for the other if you posit the RNG factor as the problem. To present them as a solution is just plain ludicrous within the context of this thread. As for myself, full legendary armor for all 3 weights, full legendary trinkets (and back item), all weapon types legendary, 7 legendary runes and 4 legendary sigils. I have no problem with obtaining mystic clovers and I haven't used the Mystic Forge recipe in years. I was speaking on behalf of OP, not myself.
  3. And the problem was the randomness of the Mystic Forge recipe. Yes, there are 2 recipes but they both pose the same problem now, don't they? They both work in exactly the same way now, don't they? So neither form a solution for OP's problem. In fact, those recipes are OP's problem, because they are based in RNG. What good does suggesting them as an option do? Are you trying to be smart of just obtuse?
  4. To be fair, the Wizard's Tower option has only been available for 6 weeks so that probably wouldn't have helped OP, since they're talking about a 2 year period. There is no excuse, however, for not being aware of the other ways to obtain clovers, which have been in the game for a long time now. One of them not even requiring you to play the game at all, but just log in.
  5. You said multiple ways of crafting. There aren't. There's only 1 way and that is the random Mystic Forge recipe. It doesn't matter if you go for 1 clover or 10 clovers. Only 1 ingredient is different and both recipes are based on the same RNG system. One doesn't get you more clovers faster than the other. True. These days Obsidian Shards are extremely easy to get as well. I'm swimming in them, despite making legendary after legendary. These days it is indeed easy. Which is why I listed all the ways you can get clovers in an earlier post.
  6. Nope. There's only one way to craft mystic clovers and that is the Mystic Force recipe, which doesn't ensure you actually get the clovers, nor do you know how many materials you need until you have all the clovers you need. Getting them the old-fashioned way can very much be a pain in the kitten.
  7. You're conflating dragons with Elder Dragons. They are not the same. And no, SotO can not have an as yet unrevealed Elder Dragon. That would mean Soo-Won had a child she was completely unaware of. Quite unlikely, I would say. She also wouldn't have held back that information, considering the entire universe was at risk from the Void. Also, yes. The lore for the past 11 years was very much about the Elder Dragons. Even in GW1 we had to deal with Primordus and his Destroyers. We've always known there are more Elder Dragons than just Zhaitan. We haven't only been dealing with Risen. Icebrood, Branded and Destroyers have been in the game since launch. And even though we weren't aware of it at the time, Mordrem were all over the place as well, since that's basically what Sylvari are at their core. We've known about the Elder Dragon cycle for a long time now. ANet could have introduced as many new Elder Dragons as they wanted BEFORE we get to Soo-Won. It could have simply been we weren't aware of, since we figured out most of what we know about them during the timeline of GW2. But as soon as the mother of all Elder Dragons started talking about the creation of the other Elder Dragons it was pretty clear there aren't any more. That opportunity was cut off at that point. She created them all with intent. It's not as simple as "there is no dragon". There are dragons. But there's only 1 Elder Dragon now and that is Aurene. And these dragons we do have are natural creatures, not corrupted by aspects of Elder Dragons. These gen 3 legendaries embody aspects of Elder Dragons, not dragons. It's great that you have ideas for new legendaries. But please, don't destroy the lore that's been built up over almost 2 decades. If anything, play all of the personal story again, all the way up to End of Dragons. It seems you need a reminder of how things work in Tyria.
  8. Dyeable weapons will never happen. Weapons aren't coded to be dyed and to retroactively implement that would mean a hell of a lot of work and risking all kinds of bugs that affect other parts of the game (hence why they never retroactively made the old back items dyeable when they introduced back items we can dye). Also, with all the dyeable effects we already have in the game we don't need more visual noise by letting people dye their legendaries in all kinds of colors. This game is already very good at attacking our optical nerves. Enough is enough. Let me get this straight. You propose a new legendary weapon set that requires 3 older legendaries to make? One of each gen even? How, now that legendary gear aren't items anymore but go straight to the Armory? Never mind the enormous amount of materials needed to make these. 231 mystic clovers for 1 legendary weapon? That's not even mentioning all the other materials you'd need to make 3 times to get just 1 weapon. I'm not even going to start on the idea of placing your actual weapons in the open world for other people to pick up and use. Weapons and conjuring weapons aren't coded in the same way. Cue the next expansion in 10 years, because ANet is too busy overhauling their entire code to make all this possible and has no resources to create actual new content anymore. No, thank you.
  9. Diseases have been used as slurs and curses for as long as I can remember, not just the one you are referring to. And it's been going on since long before any of us were born. Yes, it's a horrible disease. There are many horrible diseases. I've seen my father waste away in little over a month to it. I've seen my mother go through it twice. She survived both times but the word became quite triggering to her due to her experiences, which is a very human reaction. I've seen my husband slowly being claimed by Alzheimer's before he opted for euthanasia instead of waiting for the disease to first claim his mind and personality, then his life. I wouldn't use them as slurs myself, not because I'm principally opposed to it but because it will undoubtedly remind me of those times. These memories surface on their own often enough. I don't need to do anything specific to remind myself and add to it. So I don't like it either. I've seen the suffering these diseases cause to the ones who have it and those who love them. Whenever I see someone using diseases as a slur I just think they're probably the lucky ones who haven't experienced anything like that yet. I know complaining about it is useless in the majority of cases, because a lot of people also simply don't care. Some even double down or go after you personally for being "too sensitive" or "weak". Ignore them. Take solace in the fact that no one on this planet can avoid witnessing the suffering of a loved one, so one day they will regrettably know what it's like. But in lieu of reprimanding them for doing something I personally don't like that almost everyone does at some point in their lives, I choose to interpret them as the lucky ones who haven't had to witness the suffering of a loved one. Not for their sake, but for my own. I don't need to bring myself down on account of someone's choice of words. Not in this case, at least.
  10. Dark red rift style? I wouldn't mind that. Tentacle styled? Hm, we already have the Abaddon Black Lion weapon set that is dark red and tentacled. Regardless, how would this be an Aurene variant? Aurene is an Elder Dragon. In fact, she is THE Elder Dragon these days and absorbed magic from all the others. Rifts have no relation to her whatsoever. And Kryptis are demons, not dragons. A demon-themed legendary set could be cool, but it would have to be completely unrelated to Aurene. Also, queue the complaints when ANet releases another set of legendary weapons in a single theme/style. People weren't happy when they found out all the Aurene legendaries were in the same style. Though at that point it would be gen 4 and I'd say there are plenty of alternatives for legendary weapons if people don't like the skin/don't want uniform designs.
  11. A Mystic Forge recipe that only has 1/3 chance of giving you mystic clovers is not a guaranteed way. If you'd actually read the OP, you'd know this is one of the things they don't like. And granted, I never liked it either. The only difference is I don't complain on the forum about things I don't like that I choose to do anyway. OP obviously meant a guaranteed crafting recipe for one of the actual crafting disciplines. With all due respect, not everyone posted reactions like that. Personally mine wasn't meant to be belittling or ridiculing you. I am just seriously wondering how it took you 2 years to get 77 mystic clovers when there were guaranteed ways that don't involve chance to get that amount in 1 year (the previous login reward for day 28), for which you only needed to log on. No gameplay needed whatsoever. I also thought it would be helpful to list all the ways in which you can get guaranteed mystic clovers these days. It's regrettable you don't seem to find that helpful. Even if you don't do Raids, Fractals, Strike Missions, WvW or PvP, there's still the daily system and Miyani to get your clovers from, in which case it would only take 2 months, not 2 years, to get a legendary weapon. Or 1 month if you decide to make gen 3 (Aurene) legendary weapons, since they only need 38 mystic clovers instead of 77. Edit: Oh, right, and the Drizzlewood Coast meta. Pick a reward track (represent a Charr faction) and go play. That meta is still very active.
  12. 2 years? How? If you really wanted mystic clovers that badly, why didn't you pick the legendary chest from the old daily system, the day 28 chest? That one gave 7 mystic clovers. You'd have your legendary in 1 year, not 2. And you wouldn't even have had to grind for anything, but only log on to the game. The Drizzlewood Coast reward tracks (the PvE reward tracks, not WvW) also give 2 mystic clovers. I assume you don't do Raids or Fractals, because that would be 10 mystic clovers per week for both and you'd have been able to make a legendary weapon in a month. Strike Mission currency can get you 5 per week. Miyani/the Mystic Forge attendant sell 10 per week. Now we have Lyhr in the Wizard's Tower as well. We can get them with Astral Acclaim. And all of this isn't even mentioning the weekly amount you can get from WvW and PvP. I'm not saying you should engage in all that content. Do what you like and ignore the rest. My point is there are so many guaranteed ways to get mystic clovers these days, there is no need to gamble. Someone who engages in all aspects of the game can get their 77 clovers in 2 weeks without gambling for them. The only prerequisite is playing the game so you get the currency/items needed to buy the clovers. I'm pretty sure there is something in the list above that you enjoy doing, even if it is only the dailies/weeklies/specials for Astral Acclaim.
  13. But you're forgetting one thing when you said that rings don't take up inventory space. There are plenty of people who don't play the same build/gear all the time. Sure, they could buy all the extra build and equipment templates and equip all those different builds, but not everyone is happy about those templates being gemstore items you need to pay for (besides, it's cheaper to buy an extra character slot, which gives you 2 built in build and equipment templates and costs as much as 1 equipment and 1 build template combined in the gemstore). Those people will have their ascended equipment for other builds in their inventories, taking up space. Legendary gear eliminates that problem entirely. Yes, it might take longer to farm the materials, but you only have to farm them once per item and you can equip them on all your characters for as long as the game is live, as opposed to farming for new ascended gear every time you create a new character or build.
  14. Makes no sense? You are literally advocating for player housing and in the same message propose that people can toggle it off. It would be much more logical to implement a new chance that doesn't need a system with which you can hide it, e.g. an instance. Your very own instance that nobody else sees in the open world. Like a guild hall. If it hadn't been for the fact not everybody has a guild I would suggest to implement player housing in guild halls. But a separate instance makes it accessible to everyone, guild or not. And even if you place houses in OW and people can hide them, what about collisions? Hiding means the item is still there. You'd need a toggle for both the visual and collision. Unless you want people running through the walls of your house while adventuring. Also, it's not really a house if you can pack it up and move it with you. This isn't Hawai'i, where people can move their houses to avoid encroaching lava flows. Houses tend to stay in one place and tend to not be portable. If you want player tents, sure, move around all you want. Also, why not "go back to your home"? It's meant to be a house for our characters, right? So it would very much be like going home. Putting it in a strange/foreign environment (for the character) makes it less of a home. It makes perfect sense to keep this separate from the open world maps. I can't help it doesn't make sense to you. I think it's more likely you prefer replies that agree with you wholeheartedly. You asked for alternatives and ideas from those who don't agree with you instead of just critiques. And when people provide them, you're still not happy?
  15. So your solution is that they create a feature to hide the feature you're actually pleading for... 🤔 It would make much more sense to create player housing outside of OW, e.g. the Guild Hall or possibly even a separate instance of its own. Randomly placed in OW, considering how many players there are, not such a good idea. Toggle or no toggle.
  16. The same point of having any legendary: free stat change and upgrade removal, the ability to equip it on all your characters.
  17. Yes. And that version of the player character comes from a potential future. It's not an alternate version from the same point in time. And since the future is always changing it's not a fixed reality.
  18. Personally I'd love it much more if mechs could be hidden, or I didn't have so many of them in combat. Giving them all kinds of skins and different colors would just make it more of a clusterkitten on our screens than it already is. And I have a feeling the mechs are supposed to stay green. You know, because of the jade.
  19. I'd be for it. And no, not so that we have a full set of legendary trinkets obtainable through PvE. I wouldn't even need it because I already have 2 rings. But like you I loved the journey towards making them. It's similar to the first 4 gen 2 legendary weapons, my favorite weapons to make because it was connected to a story and lore. For that reason I'd be all for a 2nd PvE legendary ring and would go get it myself as well, even though I don't need to. Maybe making such a quest chain for 1 item will be feasible, as opposed to doing it for a full set of weapons (though I hope we do get more of that in the future).
  20. Yeah, no. That's not how it works at all. ANet's multiverse doesn't work like multiverses in other IP's. Yes, there are multiple Tyrias, but not an infinite, expanding number. The number is actually a set number. Why? Because the worlds are the servers of GW2. Timelines also do not diverge. So there isn't a version of Tyria in the Mists where Zhaitan has not been killed. There are no alternate realities. There are potential realities, though, potential futures to be exact. Lorewise there are also other worlds in the Mists, with their own histories. The Mists can make reflections of these worlds and of Tyria and that's basically what Fractals are. All of this also means there is no such thing as time travel here. These reflections of historical events we see in Fractals are present in the now, in the Mists. When our characters go there, they go there in present time and stay in present time while there. All of this is from interviews with devs of the game. I think they know best what Tyria is and how it functions. So, sorry to say it, but your view of Fractals and of the Mists is incorrect.
  21. Exploration mode has story as well. The reason people don't play story mode very often is because the rewards are inferior to exploration mode. It has nothing to do with the lack or presence of a story. Fractals have stories. Raids have stories. Heck, technically even Strike Missions have story, since they're basically story bosses confined to a single instance fight. There are no PvE instances that do not involve a story.
  22. I have SotO. Played all through the story. And I paid attention. So I'm not going to delete my post. I'm going to explain it in a bit more detail so maybe you understand. You are conflating the Fractals these wizards created themselves, Fractals that got pulled out of the Mists, with the dungeon Fractals. They are not the same. The dungeon Fractals aren't created by the NPC's, they are found. They represent different historical events of Tyria. We go in and clear out the danger, so they can then go in and investigate. This is the backstory of the dungeon Fractals. They are not the same as the Fractals we encounter in Skywatch Archipelago.
  23. You wouldn't be able to spam mount in combat because there's a 3 minute cooldown to it. So you can only take advantage of this once per battle. Other than that I agree with everyone here (except OP). There is nothing to "fix" when to comes to mounts. They each have their purpose and they function just fine within that purpose. Sure, the bunny has been pushed to the back because of the skyscale. The turtle is only functional during specific events and useless outside of that. I still use every mount in the game, even the bunny (because bunny has been put in a corner and bunny is sad), though not the unwieldy turtle. Instead of "How to fix the mounts of GW2" this thread should be called "This is how I want GW2 mounts to work". Because that's all this is.
  24. Newsflash: that is exactly what Fractals are. Historical occurences that manifest in the Mists and are found by Dessa and her team, facilitating our characters to take part in those events without changing history or reality as it is today. We clear these "islands in the Mists" that they have found of danger, so they can investigate.
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