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Everything posted by TheNecrosanct.4028

  1. MMO's are constantly evolving and adding new content. It's the nature of the type of game. If someone decides to leave the game for whatever reason and then comes back years later, then yes, they will have quite a backlog of content to work through. ANet is making this game for the people who actively play the game, not the ones who left and might come back years later. Not wanting to go to maps you haven't been to because you haven't progressed the story that far yet is a self-imposed limitation. It's a personal choice. But every choice has consequences, which in this case means you can't do all dailies. Or you skip ahead so you can enter those maps and do dailies there, risking spoilers. ANet shouldn't cater to people with self-imposed limitations. These consequences are on the player themselves, not ANet. What is worth playing and what not is not for you to decide. Some people like the story (or parts of it) and want to follow it chronologically. It's fine that you don'tcare about story, but don't presume to be the arbiter for others, because you're not. Apparently following the story chronologically is important to OP. So your 2 cents about story not being worth it is completely beside the point.
  2. Get the Wizard's Tower Teleportation Scroll. "Problem" solved.
  3. They might not have made underwater legendaries since HoT, but they have introduced new underwater weapon skins in the past year, as opposed to none in the almost decade before. I'm not saying we can draw conclusions from that with regards to potential underwater content, but I did find it peculiar that they started releasing a few underwater weapon skins again.
  4. I must be playing on some extra special server then, because I always see these meta's getting done when I'm in those maps. And on the rare occasions that's not the case, there's always multiple LFG's up for other map instances. I also see the event chains for the specific islands in Amnytas done regularly. There are almost always tags up in those places when I'm in the map.
  5. Have you ever fished in real life, or even watched a fishing documentary? Yes, fishing is relaxing, as long as you don't have a fish on your hook. As soon as you do, that's when the work starts. Bringing in a fish takes effort because, guess what? They're trying to get away from you. And the bigger the fish, the bigger the effort. That so-called mini-game is a pretty accurate representation of what fishing is really like. Fishing is not a passive activity. Fishing in low level maps more difficult because of mobs? Those mobs hit like wet paper. You can empty a fishing hole and be attacked the entire time, without ever risking losing your skiff and fishing stacks. Only when more than 2 are attacking my skiff, or when it's a veteran or higher ranking mob (very rare in low level maps), I get out and finish them off. And if it takes too long to kill them (which has rarely happened to me) I just get back into my skiff for a split second and jump back in the water to continue the fight. If you feel mobs are going to attack you while fishing, kill them first. The chances that they are going to respawn before you are done with that fishing hole are slim. If you don't kill them and then complain your skiff gets destroyed, it's on you. Positioning can also help you. Drop anchor just outside their range. You don't have to be on top of a fishing hole. There are a few things I do agree with. I wish we could fish from the backs of your skimmers (screw the siege turtle). That way we can switch to other bodies of water in the same map without losing fishing stacks, because skimmers can go on land. Or let the stacks persist for a longer time, like 5 minutes, for instance, so we can switch bodies of water. The day/night cycle is a minor inconvenience, but the dusk/dawn type fish are messed up. 5 minutes every 2 hours to get particular fish? Hell no. Bad idea. Sure, there are fish in real life that only come out during dusk or dawn, but in real life that lasts longer than a mere 5 minutes. Losing fishing stacks when the map closes sucks as well and there's nothing we can do about it except use food to get it back to 99. Stacks should only disappear if you switch to another map, not when you're forced out of one instance of a map into another instance of the same map with no control over it. Be careful what you expect. ANet is not known for doing things like other MMO's do them. That is one argument for expecting it to work differently in GW2. In most cases expectations lead to disappointment anyway. It's better to wait and see.
  6. There are several versions of the Aurene legendary weapons, all based on one of the Elder Dragons. Actually, it would be better to call them Elder Dragon legendaries. They have the same shape and similar draw effects but different textures and footfalls.
  7. All my characters have a certain aesthetic and that's what my choice of skins is based on. Out of 22 characters on 1.5 use legendary armor skins. Even though I like a lot of the legendary skins I rarely use them, for this reason. And with the exception of the Elder Dragon legendary variants the weapons aren't really suitable for creating a specific look because of the variety in gen1 and gen2 legendary weapons, so by far most of my legendary weapons are transmuted. To answer OP's question: skins aren't good or bad, versus legendaries or whatever. I could go for the most basic skins if that's what the character's aesthetic is going to be. It's just all personal preference and no one's will be exactly the same.
  8. This right here. I've seen so many threads and comments throughout the years, stating that this meta or that meta is dead and people can't do the content anymore. I know of 1 meta that is dead, for very good reason: Serpent's Ire. Every other meta out there I can either run into a group that's doing it, or I can find a group on LFG. Even at odd times. For instance, I did the Amnytas meta this weekend at 6AM on a Sunday after randomly running into it and it went flawlessly. Not a time when you expect a lot of people online doing organized meta's. Triple Trouble always needs an organized group so LFG is the way to go there (I never randomly run into a group doing it successfully; it's always the 1 head thing). Other than that I never experience these meta problems that some people seem to run in to.
  9. Triple Trouble is far from dead. There are organized runs every single day, at least on EU servers.
  10. Good to hear you enjoy a semantics debate, because there's no negative intent behind my comments. If I'm being too upfront, just blame it on me being Dutch. Apparently we are known for it. 😜 You're right about everything you say about "deprive". My point of contention was the non-existing aspect of the thing people were supposedly deprived of. You can't deprive, or grant, a thing that does not exist. I think it would be affording me entirely too much power, namely me making ANet do or not do something. Other than that, yes, enough about that. If you look at examples and synonyms of "vehicle" you will find they all focus on mechanical means of transport. Nowhere will you see "vehicle" as a synonym for "mount", though, or "mount" as an example of a vehicle. It isn't just typically used for machines; they are machines (within the context of transportation, at least). Only in the broadest terms are they both methods of transport, but then again there are more methods of transport than just mounts and vehicles. Since your argument for equating mounts with vehicles is that they are both modes of transport, that would mean legs and wings are vehicles as well, because those are both modes of transport too. A reason why the horse is mostly mentioned as a mount is because it's the only animal you can find almost anywhere on the planet and is used as a riding animal everywhere. Another reason is it's a very west-centric definition, because in other parts of the world other animals are used as mounts, like dromedary camels and elephants, to name a few. The western world only has horses. A more accurate definition for "mount" would be "riding animal". Alright, enough pedantry. I don't think either of us have any new arguments to add (I don't, at least) so we'd just be repeating ourselves. Can't wait for the confused emoji's to appear. 😂
  11. No, you can't. You can't take from someone or keep from someone something that doesn't exist. A petition is a request for or against something. It's not the act of taking anything away, nor is it blocking anything. You could certainly petition that Rangers get no more skills/weapons/specializations. Nobody will be deprived of anything if you do that. Not until ANet actually does something like that will people be deprived of something. You might want to check your definitions again, since you had the definitions of mount and vehicle wrong as well. Skills are horrible as a method of transportation. It makes sense because they're boats, but really their only function is for fishing (ANet can put all the skiff races in the game they want, it's still a horrible thing). And since the game sees skiffs as mounts they could have just as well let us fish from the backs of our skimmers. They are faster and more agile and in a lot of cases would be better for maintaining fishing stacks when moving from one body of water to another, because the skimmer can go on land where the skiff can't. What I find even more disgraceful is that they've ignored the skimmer since the release of EoD, in favor of skiffs, as if skiffs are any sort of viable alternative to skimmers. I hope they'll start releasing skimmer skins again soon. In theory I wouldn't mind them introducing vehicles in the game, but it wasn't a serious suggestion. I agree that it would have to serve a specific function that isn't already in the game and I don't see that happening. There's nothing a vehicle can do that we can't already do with mounts. Flying, underwater transport, water surface transport, fast transport on land, scaling heights. Vehicles wouldn't add anything new to the game, except skins. Well, there's burrowing, but since there are already mounts in the game it would make much more sense to create a new mount than to suddenly implement a vehicle for that. Not that burrowing makes any sense, though. There's nothing to do in GW2 underground outside of tunnels. And if it's to avoid combat (which no self-respecting game studio should ever encourage or cater to) we can already fly over everything if we want to, or speed by on our Beetles. It just irks me that they've introduced mount skins that are, by definition, not mounts. It's nothing major, as in it doesn't spoil my enjoyment of the game nor do I get annoyed when I see one of them. They are just factually not mounts. But, money over logic. 😉
  12. Not depriving people of anything. Just hoping ANet also realizes that mounts are not vehicles, not even functionally. They are a mode of transport, yes, just like vehicles. Then again, so are your legs and I doubt you refer to them as either a mount or a vehicle, or that you'd like a pair of legs as a mount skin. It's not even about lore for me. The definitions for mount and vehicle are just not the same at all. I'm just hoping ANet will see this fact as well and not make more vehicle skins for mounts. If people want vehicles, petition ANet to introduce vehicles to the game. Also, you can't deprive people of something that doesn't exist yet. At least they are not the worst mount skins in the game. That honor goes to the plushy and SAB mount skins. Edit: And yes, I forgot about the other one. "Thanks" for reminding me. 😉
  13. Yeah, no. Mounts are riding animals, not vehicles. It's bad enough they already gave 1 mount a non-mount skin (the Synergetics Gyrocycle Roller Beetle). Let's not make this a habit.
  14. If this is the case one has to marvel at people's "logic" skills. Three tabs. One is called Daily. One is called Weekly. One is called Special and has a countdown. Oh, that last one must be a monthly then... 🤔😂
  15. If only we could pick up the gold you are ignoring. 😂
  16. I have 5 Norn, 6 Sylvari, 4 Charr and 7 Humans. I don't play Asura. A long time ago I made one, finished the personal story achievements for Asura, then deleted the bugger back into oblivion. I dislike the Asura's supremacist ideology, their racial arrogance and misguided concept of superiority among the races of Tyria. I can tolerate Taimi and Gorrik because they got off their high horse and got down to help us and all of Tyria and because they lost those racial convictions (or at the very least dismiss them). Without the Asura we would still have old Lion's Arch. They enabled Scarlet to do everything she did. "Your scientists were so preoccupied with whether or not they could, they didn't stop to think if they should." That about sums up the Asura. I do like Zojja, though. Now that we've met up with her again and she shared her story with us it's nice to have one of them see clearly through the Asura's fundamental flaws. I was agreeing with everything she said throughout the SotO story.
  17. Also making it impossible to finish the Portal Spike achievement to get the Shadow of a Shadow achievement and title -> bad design. The Maw of Torment should be a siege turtle-free zone, or they need to make it so the portals can no longer be damaged by siege turtles. But of course ANet won't do that and the achievement will effectively be unobtainable for as long as this game stays live.
  18. Imagine having full legendary gear. Using a skin doesn't cost transmutation charges and it doesn't consume the skin item either. There's nothing to do with them except save them (which is pointless) or delete them (which requires confirmation and entering an skin item's full name). This is nothing more than a system to prevent the really inattentive people from deleting things they don't want to delete. To which I say: tough luck, you should have paid attention when you clicked the confirmation box to delete the item. I don't even care if they give transmutation charges, though I do see the benefit for people who don't have legendary gear. For those of us who do have full legendary gear, though, the charges would only pile up (2,660 charges and counting on my account and the only thing I can use them for is the aquabreather). They should just change it all to the way you delete the skin items you get from achievement rewards: no need to enter the name, just a confirmation box for deleting it permanently. And if people click that box without checking what they are deleting, that's on them. I don't see the need to save people from their inattentiveness.
  19. I see these meta's done all the time, and succeed as well. Same goes for the Leviathan. Maybe it is the hours at which you play. Have you tried LFG? Meta's can usually be found there and I don't remember the last time a LFG squad failed a meta. It's been years since I've seen any fail. At least on EU servers I don't see how this would be a problem, unless you only play in the dead of night or wee hours of the morning.
  20. You can give every support class an equal amount of options for boons, perhaps making the separate classes more flexible. But it would also serve to homogenize support classes to the point it doesn't matter which one you take because they all have the same options. It might make your class more flexible but across all classes it would mean a lot less flexibility. It would eliminate some of the class characteristics. A Firebrand is a Guardian and as such having lots of aegis and stability makes sense. It's what they are supposed to do. A Scourge is a Necromancer. Protecting the party isn't its main characteristic. Scourge has barrier to protect allies. Adding aegis to it would be overkill and make it more of a Guardian than a Necromancer. And if your team gets tossed around like ragdolls that just means they either don't anticipate the fight mechanics or are so used to OP support classes they just facetank everything, counting on others to heal/shield them and keep them alive. Giving support classes the same options is not flexibility. It's the opposite. It makes every single class meaningless because they can all do the same things, meaning it doesn't matter what you pick and you can just draw a random class. Customizing a UI is fun? First time I heard that one. Do you just assume lots of people like that or do you assume that's the case because you happen to like it? Do you know GW2's code and how it's made? It seems you do because apparently implementing UI customization is a quick and easy addition to the game. And you also know how the game is supposed to be, because you decide that, not ANet? I'm not saying ANet is the best, or that there is nothing that can be improved upon. But you are making a whole lot of assumptions and suggesting you know exactly how easy it is to change certain things that have been in the game since launch. You know how it will affect other aspects of the game, the time and resources needed to implement it and that a lot of people are anxiously waiting for them to do this. How many hundreds or thousands of players have you talked to to make this assertion? What percentage of the total player base are we talking about here? I'm "assuming" you have this information, because without it your assertions are baseless.
  21. If you think they're going to tie new content (housing) to old and abandoned content (dungeons) you're going to be sorely disappointed. All I can say is, don't hold your breath.
  22. I personally have never used Rune of the Afflicted so I wasn't aware. But yes, they're not all carbon copies of the 6th rune bonus effect. I do know that there are more relics coming, though. ANet did say these weren't all the relics that are going to be in the game. I won't form a definitive opinion until it's all rolled out, but I remain sceptical.
  23. That does factor in. But that could be explained away as "Our knowledge was limited" or "The machine didn't work entirely the way it was intended" or any other kind of technicality. I wouldn't regard the Infinity Coil as a solid obstacle to the existence of more Elder Dragons, though, because that's just a lab built by the Inquest. And as much as the Asura like to believe they know it all, they don't. It only proves what they knew at the time, not that there are 6 Elder Dragons, no more and no less. Omadd's Machine is a more solid piece of lore in this regard, though still one that could be "reasoned out" of the equation.
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