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Everything posted by Eurantien.4632

  1. for sPvP if you just wanna have fun and do pretty well in queues you can play condi or power. In AT's, Monthlies, and if you really wanna climb the leaderboards then ranger is still good but you're gonna have to go some version of longbow greatsword
  2. if they just played LA music. it'd be way better
  3. https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/71301/reasons-why-i-hate-the-mists#latest
  4. RIP mesmers, RIP thieves Pretty much everyone would have it up on thief or any dps class. Then swap immediately to it when it comes in.
  5. This was a counter build due to the other team running condi damage. Not really good for solo queue tbh I ran zerk soulbeast and it got farmed on Foefire in the first game. Go look. I played something in response to the crev fb condi teamfight meta, not because this build is meta. Just like how if the meta was a bunch of roamers or power spec, I'd go zerk soulbeast to counter that, cause the build in the video would be garbage and the best strat would be to kill them.
  6. @shadowpass.4236 You wanna play a build you can relax, and you can't relax vs fighting bird rangers.... And when you play birds you're turning your brain off? Like your build is no longer good and you're gonna have to adapt. I ain't out here crying about how power soulbeast is dead and other things should be nerfed because I can't relax and play zerk soulbeast. I just picked up birds lol
  7. So you want to nerf something good ranger has because your build is becoming not viable? The meta is 100% headed in the direction of braindead builds. At least there is some skill ceiling with pet management. and until things get completely brain dead - shaved a little, and power builds can come back... we won't have balance.
  8. I personally never saw any reason even before to not run double birds (despite the fact some things can kill them), You can't really get away with sic em without knights. Sure, you can do the 1v1, but it makes it way harder to survive outnumbered. And without knights you pretty much have to leave outnumbered anyway... which could be an argument for why you could run Sic Em... but I don't think so Haven't really played much last few days after the Patch(stepping away from the game for a bit due to the game being boring) but at this point why would you still have a ranger hold sides? Prot holo and possibly even renegade do the Job better for at less effort so wouldn't it make sense to have the ranger play more of a roamer then anything else? I'll even argue the fact that weaver can probably do a better job then ranger as a side noder without knights amulet. Hence why i think people ran with Gazelle and SS. Just to be more of a pain in the kitten to deal with overall as a ranger who can't really die and pets that took to long to deal with. Yeah prot holo def just seems better than core ranger now... if you go like core zerker you can keep the neut through just damage... and you can manage a lot of 1v1s easier with the extra damage but you are susceptible to +'s more and you def cannot tank it out like before. For 5v5 core ranger prob ain't the play. But I'm sure it still slaughters people in ranked. Which is again the source of all the problems on the forums. I want to balance around top tier 5v5. And others want to balance around ranked queue. There is no 5v5 queue, there hasn’t been one in a very long time. It is unlikely there will ever be one again. Will you be kind enough to let this go? ATs, Monthlies, MOTA, ToL? I was gonna mention those, but they aren’t a part of ranked queue, which is where the post was going. Fair, and I'd argue most of the game is ranked queue so... RIP ranger Laughs in Mesmer.Laughs in what?
  9. I personally never saw any reason even before to not run double birds (despite the fact some things can kill them), You can't really get away with sic em without knights. Sure, you can do the 1v1, but it makes it way harder to survive outnumbered. And without knights you pretty much have to leave outnumbered anyway... which could be an argument for why you could run Sic Em... but I don't think so Haven't really played much last few days after the Patch(stepping away from the game for a bit due to the game being boring) but at this point why would you still have a ranger hold sides? Prot holo and possibly even renegade do the Job better for at less effort so wouldn't it make sense to have the ranger play more of a roamer then anything else? I'll even argue the fact that weaver can probably do a better job then ranger as a side noder without knights amulet. Hence why i think people ran with Gazelle and SS. Just to be more of a pain in the kitten to deal with overall as a ranger who can't really die and pets that took to long to deal with. Yeah prot holo def just seems better than core ranger now... if you go like core zerker you can keep the neut through just damage... and you can manage a lot of 1v1s easier with the extra damage but you are susceptible to +'s more and you def cannot tank it out like before. For 5v5 core ranger prob ain't the play. But I'm sure it still slaughters people in ranked. Which is again the source of all the problems on the forums. I want to balance around top tier 5v5. And others want to balance around ranked queue. There is no 5v5 queue, there hasn’t been one in a very long time. It is unlikely there will ever be one again. Will you be kind enough to let this go? ATs, Monthlies, MOTA, ToL? I was gonna mention those, but they aren’t a part of ranked queue, which is where the post was going.Fair, and I'd argue most of the game is ranked queue so... RIP ranger
  10. I personally never saw any reason even before to not run double birds (despite the fact some things can kill them), You can't really get away with sic em without knights. Sure, you can do the 1v1, but it makes it way harder to survive outnumbered. And without knights you pretty much have to leave outnumbered anyway... which could be an argument for why you could run Sic Em... but I don't think so Haven't really played much last few days after the Patch(stepping away from the game for a bit due to the game being boring) but at this point why would you still have a ranger hold sides? Prot holo and possibly even renegade do the Job better for at less effort so wouldn't it make sense to have the ranger play more of a roamer then anything else? I'll even argue the fact that weaver can probably do a better job then ranger as a side noder without knights amulet. Hence why i think people ran with Gazelle and SS. Just to be more of a pain in the kitten to deal with overall as a ranger who can't really die and pets that took to long to deal with. Yeah prot holo def just seems better than core ranger now... if you go like core zerker you can keep the neut through just damage... and you can manage a lot of 1v1s easier with the extra damage but you are susceptible to +'s more and you def cannot tank it out like before. For 5v5 core ranger prob ain't the play. But I'm sure it still slaughters people in ranked. Which is again the source of all the problems on the forums. I want to balance around top tier 5v5. And others want to balance around ranked queue. There is no 5v5 queue, there hasn’t been one in a very long time. It is unlikely there will ever be one again. Will you be kind enough to let this go?ATs, Monthlies, MOTA, ToL?
  11. I personally never saw any reason even before to not run double birds (despite the fact some things can kill them), You can't really get away with sic em without knights. Sure, you can do the 1v1, but it makes it way harder to survive outnumbered. And without knights you pretty much have to leave outnumbered anyway... which could be an argument for why you could run Sic Em... but I don't think so Haven't really played much last few days after the Patch(stepping away from the game for a bit due to the game being boring) but at this point why would you still have a ranger hold sides? Prot holo and possibly even renegade do the Job better for at less effort so wouldn't it make sense to have the ranger play more of a roamer then anything else? I'll even argue the fact that weaver can probably do a better job then ranger as a side noder without knights amulet. Hence why i think people ran with Gazelle and SS. Just to be more of a pain in the kitten to deal with overall as a ranger who can't really die and pets that took to long to deal with. Yeah prot holo def just seems better than core ranger now... if you go like core zerker you can keep the neut through just damage... and you can manage a lot of 1v1s easier with the extra damage but you are susceptible to +'s more and you def cannot tank it out like before. For 5v5 core ranger prob ain't the play. But I'm sure it still slaughters people in ranked. Which is again the source of all the problems on the forums. I want to balance around top tier 5v5. And others want to balance around ranked queue.
  12. I personally never saw any reason even before to not run double birds (despite the fact some things can kill them), You can't really get away with sic em without knights. Sure, you can do the 1v1, but it makes it way harder to survive outnumbered. And without knights you pretty much have to leave outnumbered anyway... which could be an argument for why you could run Sic Em... but I don't think so
  13. Hawk doesn't do the same amount of damage as owl or raven.
  14. With knights amulet gone ranger actually does enough dmg to kill a ranger who doesn't have dps pets. We removed knights the way he wanted, and now he's upset that there are bird rangers beating his ss + gazelle ranger. Core ranger is barelt viable now so, does this really matter anymore? So while kill the birds can still apply if you're condi and/or tanky enough, it is more wise to kill the ranger if you're both in an open area and you have the damage now. Or LoS and kill the pet behind LoS first then kill the ranger.
  15. Thanks for the input Chaith, good to have someone intimately knowledgeable with the class
  16. Ignoreshttps://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Signet_of_Mercyhttps://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Battle_Standardhttps://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Signet_of_Undeathhttps://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Nature%27s_Renewal You arent looking smarter by comparing apples and oranges, just letting you know You can interrupt all of those, you can even interrupt Nature Renewal during the summon or before it ports in by interrupting the ranger OR you can interrupt the spirit itself. All of these things you linked have a cast time, a decent CD, and/or a cost added to them like signet of undeath. Toss elixir R has a 1/4s cast time. These also only work in one instant, they don't keep working over a duration... ... your comment must be applying to yourself because these offer a lot more counterplay than Toss Elixir R does.I think you have missed massive sarcasm in my post. It was sooooooooooo obvious that I didnt put /s there. You gotta adress your post to the dude who made all this links to full-revive utilities.Speaking of "counterplay" there is only 1, knockback the body out of elixir and very few skills can do this. Ah my bad, yes. The 1 counterplay for elixir R - which also works for every rez utility There's also apply poison, poison reduces the revive percentage to a little under 12% per pulse which means at 40% health they take 5s to fully revive, much longer than other revive skills. That's the drawback of this rez skill, that it takes time to revive, that doesn't mean I think it's balanced in it's current state, just that if you're going to recommend changes for it then that's probably the avenue to go down, reduce it's revive percentage. It should be 5%, in line with the rest. 5% would literally make it useless, you start at 75% health downed so it would take 5s to rez anyone and that's assuming no-one does anything. Cleave or poison would basically mean the rez doesn't in anything but a 1v1 and even then it's debatable if the rez would go off if you had poison applied. Instead of nuking from orbit (5% x12 = 60% which is NOT in line) a sensible place to put it would be 12% which is in line with the -30% healing most skills received. 5% per tick is still better than every other non-instant rez utility. Merciful Intervention went from 20% to 5% a 75% nerf. Ritual of life blood well rez went from 4% per tick down to 1% per tick. A 75% nerf Putting Toss Elixir R at 5% per tick would still be better than these.
  17. Ignoreshttps://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Signet_of_Mercyhttps://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Battle_Standardhttps://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Signet_of_Undeathhttps://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Nature%27s_Renewal You arent looking smarter by comparing apples and oranges, just letting you know You can interrupt all of those, you can even interrupt Nature Renewal during the summon or before it ports in by interrupting the ranger OR you can interrupt the spirit itself. All of these things you linked have a cast time, a decent CD, and/or a cost added to them like signet of undeath. Toss elixir R has a 1/4s cast time. These also only work in one instant, they don't keep working over a duration... ... your comment must be applying to yourself because these offer a lot more counterplay than Toss Elixir R does.I think you have missed massive sarcasm in my post. It was sooooooooooo obvious that I didnt put /s there. You gotta adress your post to the dude who made all this links to full-revive utilities.Speaking of "counterplay" there is only 1, knockback the body out of elixir and very few skills can do this. Ah my bad, yes. The 1 counterplay for elixir R - which also works for every rez utility There's also apply poison, poison reduces the revive percentage to a little under 12% per pulse which means at 40% health they take 5s to fully revive, much longer than other revive skills. That's the drawback of this rez skill, that it takes time to revive, that doesn't mean I think it's balanced in it's current state, just that if you're going to recommend changes for it then that's probably the avenue to go down, reduce it's revive percentage.It should be 5%, in line with the rest.
  18. I think you meant to link thishttps://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/1181845#Comment_1181845What I'm supposed to see here? An old meme "just kill the pet" ?Also more deflection from the insane trait synergy of Wilderness Survival, the problem with rangers wasn't just the pets or marksmanship line or greatsword, it was the complete package where it was simply better than anything other classes had.Was it a secret for anyone that WS has goodies like protection/cleanses/passive poison/natural vigor all in 1 traitline?As I said originally, ranger needs a hard nerf to some aspects but mostly a lot of little changes across the board. I was meaning that rangers are trying to deflect from WS being so strong not you.I think everyone agrees WS is busted. It just can't be nerfed without compensation somewhere else. It's really our only source of reliable condi clear. I've complained about WS since launch
  19. Ignoreshttps://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Signet_of_Mercyhttps://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Battle_Standardhttps://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Signet_of_Undeathhttps://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Nature%27s_Renewal You arent looking smarter by comparing apples and oranges, just letting you know You can interrupt all of those, you can even interrupt Nature Renewal during the summon or before it ports in by interrupting the ranger OR you can interrupt the spirit itself. All of these things you linked have a cast time, a decent CD, and/or a cost added to them like signet of undeath. Toss elixir R has a 1/4s cast time. These also only work in one instant, they don't keep working over a duration... ... your comment must be applying to yourself because these offer a lot more counterplay than Toss Elixir R does.I think you have missed massive sarcasm in my post. It was sooooooooooo obvious that I didnt put /s there. You gotta adress your post to the dude who made all this links to full-revive utilities.Speaking of "counterplay" there is only 1, knockback the body out of elixir and very few skills can do this.Ah my bad, yes. The 1 counterplay for elixir R - which also works for every rez utility
  20. Search and Rescue bugs out all the time, it really doesn't work, you also can't kill elixir R, you can't interrupt elixir R once it's down, and pet's don't rez multiple people or port multiple peopel (on the rare chances it actually does something). You also can't use any pet skills or your pet stops rezzing.should toxx elixir R lock out your tool bar for the duration too? Merciful intervention only rezzes for 5% in PvP I haven't any instances of SnR bugging out. What is the bug, and in what situations do you notice it the most? Ty for pointing out the PvP Nerf on MI. It is not my goal to spread misinfirmation, so make sure to double check my facts before posting, but missed this little factoid by not scrolling down on the wiki. The trait works fine, but I have had multiple instances where the terrain pathing isn't ideal and the pet can't do anything. The skill goes on CD and nothing happens. I'll have to test it more, it could be from fear ring or something CCing the pet during it's journey to the downed body so it gets interrupted
  21. Search and Rescue bugs out all the time, it really doesn't work, you also can't kill elixir R, you can't interrupt elixir R once it's down, and pet's don't rez multiple people or port multiple peopel (on the rare chances it actually does something). You also can't use any pet skills or your pet stops rezzing. should toxx elixir R lock out your tool bar for the duration too?Merciful intervention only rezzes for 5% in PvP
  22. Ignoreshttps://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Signet_of_Mercyhttps://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Battle_Standardhttps://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Signet_of_Undeathhttps://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Nature%27s_Renewal You arent looking smarter by comparing apples and oranges, just letting you knowYou can interrupt all of those, you can even interrupt Nature Renewal during the summon or before it ports in by interrupting the ranger OR you can interrupt the spirit itself. All of these things you linked have a cast time, a decent CD, and/or a cost added to them like signet of undeath. Toss elixir R has a 1/4s cast time. These also only work in one instant, they don't keep working over a duration... ... your comment must be applying to yourself because these offer a lot more counterplay than Toss Elixir R does.
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