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Everything posted by Eurantien.4632

  1. We had unleashed on a 10s CD and it was AWFUL. The current way is good. Will just take time to learn.
  2. Another case of mistaken identity. Mantra of Distraction is once again the problem.
  3. It's also a HUGE QOL improvement to add this for PvP. Stealthing up before a fight with your team means they can see your pet. You have to CLICK and UNCLICK the stow and unstow pet button. During top tier PvP games and tourneys that require you to react at 1/2s or 1/4s speeds having to click skills is ridiculous.
  4. Wow, the Pandora Papers really investigated everything, huh? While I think it is kittened up when there are $$$ tournaments that players who have Anet partner - and can therefore spectate teams in ATs for strats/builds - can participate in, Nos has streamed ATs before and who would tell opening strats in ATs? That's such a waste of time.
  5. Play core valkyrie with a/d gs - this can definitely carry you far if you win your 1v1s and monkey around when +'d. That being said this build will not carry you forever, or learn sic em better. The damage can carry rank really well but it is far less forgiving. or both!
  6. Currently 89% winrate solo queue. NA doesn't have enough good players even during prime time.
  7. Its a misty cloud that doesn't move along with the character. So if you're running its just a cloud that you run past very quickly.
  8. Actually, Ranger and druid not being able to revive their pet is inconsequentially unfair. In high-end PvP your pets will just die to cleave on core or druid - sometimes even if you have them in passive. Ranger is already on the low end of the totem pole and the pets dying - or being useless in passive - really cements rangers place at the bottom. Although soulbeasts can revive their pets, they still die to cleave sometimes and it still negatively affects the ranger. Some skills lose functionality and some dont even work at all, it can also mess up a soulbeast's skill rotation too. There are consequences to a soulbeast's pet dying, but at least it has a semblance of viability in PvP because it can bring the pet back. Can you imagine if itd be possible to increase another professions class mechanic's cds by 3-4x the duration?
  9. fixed that for you Every Elite Specialization has at least one trade-off.Even if they are forgettable small trade-offs, like Firebrand trading instant Virtues for Tomes, or Tempest only having increased Attunement CD after an overload, they are still considered trade-offs.So then why didn't some ranger skills not being able to work while merged - or having negative effects while merged - not count as a trade off?Guard does nothing when mergedProtect me for a long time didn't give barrier (fixed)Signet of Renewal pulls condis to the ranger (and then kills the ranger)Search and Rescue does nothing when mergedYou don't have a pet while merged
  10. One Wolf Pack is just a worse version of Impossible Odds with a CD and a duration of 6s. No.
  11. @"Supreme.3164" I said nerf sustain on Wilderness Survival.What that means is running a build without wilderness survival inherently has little sustain. You could take windborne notes and/or resounding timber, yet running NM and BM to get those traits + another line that isn't WS would make your build inherently low in sustain. You would have poor healing, weak access to condi clear, and would likely have a hard time dealing with burst damage. You could take healing spring or bear stance to bolster your condi clear without running WS but using your heal to negate condition damage leaves you insanely vulnerable at other times. I would define a build such as that to be inherently low in sustain. When I say nerf WS i mean what I have said since the beginning. Rugged Growth should never have existed. We need condition clears in other lines. WS provides ranger with protection on dodge - very strong. That protection heals more than regen - even with the nerf (and low healing power). It also provides ranger with some of its only condition clears and CD reduction on ranger's (arguably) best heal and stunbreaks. People complain about Ranger DPS and whatnot, but the problem really isn't that ranger does too much damage when it is glass in return (that's a good thing), it is that ranger can still do really solid damage numbers while running a line that carries ranger on its own, WS. I think the game would benefit from super strong lines like WS being nerfed across all professions - where instead of having "do it all" skills and builds you have to build in moments of weakness. Builds that run 3 lines without WS have inherent weaknesses. Especially if you run 3 dps traitlines. You have little condi clear and clear windows where you have nothing available. And that is how I believe the game should be played. What ranger truly needs is to be free from the pigeon-hole that is WS. It has always been there, some nerfs to the line and some love to some other lines/utilities to provide ranger with some more condi clear options besides our heal skills and ranger would be in a much healthier spot. As an aside,Bunker ranger in sPvP works just fine and is quite strong. Unfortunately, it is that it is currently overshadowed by things much stronger, such as Kalla Renegade.There are also other ranger builds that work decently well... that being said it is by no means anywhere close to optimal for sPvP - other professions are simply better. Again, even though WS is the root of ranger's problems and the sustain it offers needs to be shaved, it cannot be done until condi clear appears somewhere else for ranger and/or other professions are nerfed as well.
  12. Hmm given that ranger is one of the weakest if not the weakest profession in top tier sPvP right now. I would disagree with most of this. Greatsword for example, has been overnerfed - and imo is too weak to see true competitive use. Yeah, yeah. I know. There is not really a competitive scene. But balancing for anything other than top tier just means that ranger will stay underpowered. Things that really need to be changed: Lower some GS CDs a little. They're too high right now. Nerf sustain on Wilderness Survival (and sustain across the board for other professions). This is the main problem with ranger being too powerful. It is not that Soulbeast has too many damage modifiers now. If you run soulbeast dps without WS you are just as glass as you deserve to be for the damage you do. Nerf Jacaranda immob or damage. Axe if fine. There are no "good" ranger tank builds. Many other things side node better than ranger. The era of side node tank ranger is gone and will stay gone for quite some time imo. Druid is trash and needs all the help it can get. As long as it doesn't have stab, it will forever be a build for memes and nothing truly good. Nerf Trap runes.
  13. Then i'm sure i'm mistaken and the skill is bugged. Please open a thread in the Bugs subforum ato see if Anet fix it. That trait makes sense if it can trigger with quickness as well, otherwise it does not make sense. I think you were partially right before, it only works for boons you already have. BUT it also works on other boons you get at the same time as quickness - just not the quickness itself.
  14. Live Fast with Essence of Speed does increase the duration of the Fury from Live Fast by 2 seconds. Works the same way for similar applications such as Zephyr's Speed and Unstoppable Union giving 2s extra of protection and vigor (but not quickness).
  15. Does any other class have skills like this that work against the profession? Signet of renewal not cleansing when merged for no benefit to the ranger. Signer of renewal having a range for the ranger transfer (despite being a 50s cd). Guard not working when merged. Etc. These and the LR damage just work against reactive play. Shouldn't have to wait for a window of opportunity to stunbreak effectively. LR doesnt work in rings already, weaver mudslide, doesnt stunbreak taunt (taunt is not removed by stunbreak with cast times), or work against shocking aura or the shield stun on engi. Asking for it to remove damage to not proc blocks or shocking aura would be a nice start in some QoL changes that ranger has missed out on for ages.
  16. And yet the points in this thread still stand. Marksmanship is still a used traitline - despite it being nerfed. Skirmishing is the one in need of love.
  17. There are quite a few viable options for ranger imo. Just gotta get out there and test some stuff out.
  18. Jacaranda dmg + immob is quite powerful. I think it's been too powerful for quite sometime and now that everything else has left the spotlight it's getting it's time to shine. It is 100% annoying. But the best bet is to prob change the immob from a root to just a plain immob and lower the dmg a hair.
  19. We all know invisibility should just be like Halo camouflage where you can still see them but its harder to see them and they cant be targeted.
  20. The removal of the free tourney format was the true downfall. It was the best way to positively find a team. If you won you continued (at least for a bit). It helped build positive connections with other players because you were incentivized on this fundamental level to work together to succeed. It encouraged you to work together without even thinking about doing it. You have this amazing positive.You also have the negatives of any PvP game. With single game queue you just keep playing and just hoping for lucky rolls. You end up hating people who waste your single game. There is nothing positive than can come from ranked at the moment. ATs also have no positive things for random and new players. They'll just get stomped by higher tier players and discouraged. If you're a higher tier player and play LFG you will hate whoever silver or gold player joins your "plat +" team. Theres only this one sweet spot of plat players finding plat players that makes this game have a positive. So with the current format. You just have negatives for almost everything. All negatives and no positivity just breeds toxicity.
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