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Everything posted by Archer.4362

  1. error in the elite DH trap, it is happening to me a lot in pvp that when trying to use the trap or almost nothing after using it, if I dodge I make another move, for example, resurrect a partner, the trap is not used and is put on cd
  2. You are wrong, the game mode is not in the August expansion, but they said that they are working but for next year, that is, there is still a year until we see the new game mode, which will surely be vomitive like the fortress
  3. Simple question, simple answer, why did they eliminate 5 vs 5 in a competitive game. And whoever says you have the tournaments, the tournaments are specific hours, you can't play with your friends at the time you want, the minute you want. that's why pvp went to kitten
  4. I assure you that it is like this since I came playing from League 1 and since they changed the PIP system it is like that, and even more so when they removed going in a group of 5. If you always play in a group it is normal for your classification to be high
  5. The time does not matter, it is the algorithm that Anet has in place that you have to be more or less between 50% of winning / losing, if you win 5 or 6 games out of 50% of the plays you will lose the following ones, like this constantly
  6. I think that in honor and respect for Akira Toriyama they should have the Super Saiyan hairstyle for all races.
  7. If you don't like the result of the game, instead of sending spam to the chat, don't stay afk and leave the game, because due to your incompetence in staying afk, the rest of us are in a 4 vs 5 that can be overcome. But since you think you are a super PRO, your answer is I'm complaining because you are bots and I'm not.
  8. between the disconnection, the game loading, the lobby loading, the map loading, minimum 45 seconds to 1 minute, in that time you can lose a lot, it is normal to stay afk, if you disconnect, I know it sucks , but it is best to wait 10 minutes and connect.
  9. disagree, people left because you could no longer play with friends when the queue changed, if 5 vs 5 comes back and a balance rework, people will come back, it was fun to play with your guild friends
  10. It is a mini patch to say the least with future promises, you don't know when they will be implemented, knowing anet they can be very delayed. In my opinion I would not buy it, I did not
  11. You only have one option, do not start the game when you fall, go for a little walk and when you come back you have no dishonor, because anet does nothing
  12. The beauty of the game is that either conditions or dps can be played with the same class, something that anet wants to remove or has already removed.
  13. Did you know that the druid changes you made in the patch are for all game modes? because for pvp it is killing the class and not being able to play druid. please put out a test server before each patch, ask for people's opinions and verify the changes before implementing. I have almost 16,000 pvp matches and you're making me want to quit pvp and it's the only mode I play.
  14. anet has screwed my weaver build, my 3 mesmer builds, screwed my druid build, screwed my renegade build, screwed my scrapper build. They only think about catalyst, the pvp is ruined with these changes, if it was there before now it is on its way to damnation
  15. what they have to lower is the damage of the ranger's pet
  16. skills that target me have cd on cast, just tweaking the cast view fixed
  17. What I am saying is that the grenades should only be thrown from the face, I am also saying it for the elementalist with a scepter, and I play both classes but I go to the left I throw grenades at you, wait I'll change to the right I throw it back, because it's not right
  18. the question is that the grenades do not have a cd and the 2 longbow does have a cd.
  19. What they have to do is nerf the way the grenades are thrown, looking at the enemy and that's it, nothing backwards. Would you like a ranger to throw the 2 bow backwards? right? that they shoot face and solved.
  20. what they have to do is that the grenades cannot be fired, running to any side, shooting them behind the side, etc. ONLY if you have the player face to face, as other classes nerfed, and fixed
  21. The problem is that you can shoot the grenades running from all sides, shoot backwards and so on, just like fresh air, if they say that you can only throw them when you have the enemy facing you, everything is fixed. Then also put a ranger that the two bow can shoot backwards, it would be OP.
  22. remove RARELY and put a NO, Developers do not read the forum
  23. and all the forums you comment on are abandoned by anet, except for the english one, look at the publication of the posts and you will realize that only the english forum counts for anet
  24. que el balance en pvp es bueno? Tengo una pregunta, ¿juegas pvp? Llevo 9 años jugando y desde el 2020 esto es muy malo
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