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Everything posted by Archer.4362

  1. they are using the free camera option, that you move it all the time
  2. It is not that they improved them, but that they nerfed all the other specifications on the same day, otherwise they would have nerfed them, the pvp would be more even, that is if anet had not sold a lot of EOD
  3. Wasn't there a specific dungeon currency needed for a legendary or am I wrong?
  4. the firebrand was op, it was not necessary, core or fb was played, and now for us to play only the new classes is what it touches, nerf the old, it has always been the policy of anet
  5. they clearly want us to play the new spec and not play other things, just the new
  6. I think you need 4200 shards for the gifts they also ask for
  7. Lately I only play pvp, and I can say that when there are less than 30 seconds left and you change characters, that's when the loop comes and I have to restart the game and of course once inside it won't let me enter the game with the consequent sanction of points and disgrace . I have more than 50 characters and windows 10.
  8. If the day EOD came out they hadn't nerfed all the old specs I assure you that few people would be playing the new ones, basically I'm talking about pvp. If you beat the new ones and nerf the old ones, that's what happens, that the new one surpasses it, if they had left it as is, the new specializations would be worth nothing.
  9. they are very solid because they have nerfed the old specializations.
  10. I have the same problem, when I exit the game and change my character, it stays on loading the map and it doesn't do anything else, until I close the application.
  11. already put to ask, I want them to also nerf the ranger's shooting burst that kills only with 2, also the new ability of the necro that takes you to the sky and you can not do anything, the new ability of the dome thief, could continue , stop complaining about the moa that you have the ability 2 and 5 to flee and it does not last at all. I think you complain to complain
  12. you are very tiresome with the rune, if willbender is not played then it is not played, remove the rune and do not play DH, it is not so difficult to dodge the traps, and in one hit it dies, please stop crying with the rune
  13. because it's their job to check every post and comment from people if you ask for opinions on specializations. Whether you like a comment or not, the next one may be appropriate.
  14. I'm talking about comments on how to improve it, if you go to the specific post, the vast majority of people did not say that they were not happy, but rather gave opinions on how to improve it. your anet defense doesn't hold up.
  15. I am sorry for my bad english. If 95% of people's comments tell you that the specifications are not right, I think it means something, that someone may not say the changes well. but the defense that you are making constant of anet does not hold. Why do you make a post anet asking us how are the specializations? It will be to take it into account, if 95% are negative votes and comments on how to improve it and you ignore it, it means that you do not care what your players think.
  16. you will have to teach them yourself, as well as explain things instead of offering gold
  17. go to the post about the beta and 95% of the comments are negative about them. It means that they took the remaining 5% to say that we left it as it is, that we have done well, that is what ANET has thought.
  18. anet never reverts her changes, and I think that they don't know how to answer in the forum anymore, since the big layoffs anet hasn't returned to the forum. Luckily I have been farsighted and I have not bought EoD nor do I intend to.
  19. They've had a lot of time and if they read people's opinions in the Betas I would have delayed EOD for a complete rework of the specs, because all but the necro are crap. a new specialization that mimics a core, no thanks.
  20. I think you don't see what anet wants. nerfs professions to make you consider playing the lousy new specs that will appear to have more damage.
  21. As they said above what happened to the dungeons, they want us to buy the expansion and not play the old content. the usual anet
  22. It is not that communication is low, it is that there is not
  23. and my answer is: do you think anet is going to answer you ?, anet is like chuck norris in missing in action
  24. I miss a comment from anet saying thank you for your comments we will take them into account.
  25. Anet, I know I ask a lot, but a lot, but when you remove the game that is lost in the placement when there is a disconnected. that in the 10 qualifying games you lose 3 by a dc and above it counts. I know I ask a lot but to patch it up at once.
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