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Twilight Tempest.7584

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Everything posted by Twilight Tempest.7584

  1. Solo roaming not allowed? Getting thrown off a mount IRL doesn't strip you of all protective gear. Imagine if getting thrown off a horse, bike, or motorcycle means your helmet automatically gets removed as well. That's what's happening with Warclaw forced dismount. Except theoretically condi is DOT with counterplay in the form of cleanse. You're not going to get globaled by a condi bomb in a fraction of a second just because condis ignore armor. Power is different, as we saw. Bottom line, guys: Do we want any build (not just Memebeast) to be able to exploit a forced dismount bug to instagib people off their mounts? Is that a healthy interaction? Should it be a thing?
  2. The dismounted player does usually have to burn a stun break and evade if they want to avoid any follow up. So while the dismounting player has spent some offensive cooldowns, they do have the defensive advantage. In the case of Soulbeast, for example, if the RF burst doesn't down the target outright (where have we seen that before? 😅), they have the standard GS3 + SA + Maul + WI + GS5 + Maul follow up burst to use against a target who is presumably down a stun break and evade if they're still alive. Also, as the one initiating the fight, it behooves the dismounting player to know what they're doing. EDIT: In short, forced dismounts are balanced by the dismounter spending some offensives while the dismounted has to spend some important defensives right at the start of the fight. And since I think most would prefer there be an actual fight, let's maybe do something about that base armor bug so the dismounted player isn't K.O.'d before the bell even rings?
  3. Pretty much. Personally, I don't have a problem with the "Memebeast" build and its damage. It has counterplay and in my opinion isn't as bad as true one-shots from stealth that used to be more common. I'm pretty confident I'd beat this person 1v1 if he didn't bail into his Keep/NPCs whenever he got low. That's not a brag. His build isn't a dueling build, but a pretty degenerate gank build designed to do one thing and one thing only: instagib the unprepared, whether that's due to lack of awareness, being new, or unwittingly putting themself in danger by remaining on an injured Warclaw. I don't have a problem with being forcibly dismounted either. But I do think the forced dismount needs attention because it both CCs and delays application of player armor stats. This makes it too easy for anyone running anything close to a Memebeast build to global people from their mounts. It's an unhealthy interaction and has no place in the game, IMO. Now that I know it's possible to stunbreak the moment the dismount animation begins (even while your character is airborne), I think the only change needed is applying player armor stats the moment the dismount animation begins (since apparently that isn't currently the case).
  4. Forced dismount weirdness... first time... didn't know... lesson learned. I don't think I have problems with that build either as long as I'm not CC'd and temporarily naked from forced dismount. I mean between today and that other day, this guy probably tried to burst me at least half a dozen times, but he never succeeded when I was on foot (even today when he thought he snuck up on me while I was capping the SE Sentry) and he had to run into his Keep every time. The one time he got me was in the OP clip while I was on Warclaw trying not to waste time with him. 😕
  5. @Aeolus.3615 @Woop S.7851 @Gotejjeken.1267 @Abyssisis.3971 @ArchonWing.9480 Tagged you guys because you all questioned how fast the Soulbeast's skills executed. Hope you don't mind. So I ran into him again today and he was up to the same shenanigans. Trying to burst me then bail into his keep when pressured. But that's not the interesting part. Later, apparently he was trying to ambush some of us taking the SEC. Check out this screen. We found him completely frozen in place. Notice he was taking no damage and the "Out of range!" indicator for my shortbow autos. I know this can happen due to lag, server desyncs, or D/Cs. But could this also suggest something about his net or latency did come into play the other day, or that he's up to something fishy? 🤔
  6. @Dawdler.8521 @diomache.9246 I think maybe what Arheundel means is that condis got indirectly buffed by the Feb 2020 update since power damage was nerfed across the board, but several condis were left untouched. So relatively speaking, they were "buffed" even if that isn't technically accurate.
  7. Exactly. I think this is bordering on being an exploit. The base armor bug during forced dismount creates a situation where something like Ranger's RF burst is uniquely situated to exploit the bug by dealing huge damage at millisecond intervals, over the course of the RF channel. That is, it's pretty much guaranteed to hit during the small window when your character is naked stat-wise. It's patently unhealthy, even if it isn't common. I don't think anyone who plays the game seriously thinks this should be a thing. Punishing us with a CC for allowing our Warclaw to die under us is one thing. But briefly removing our armor as well is another thing. The solution is to fix the armor bug if possible. No changes to Ranger.
  8. I'm going to assume you haven't read the edits to the OP or replies to others in here. I was downed before my character even hit the ground. I'm used to stun breaking once I'm on the ground following a forced-dismount, and was planning to do that here. I did not know you can stunbreak during the dismount animation while your character is still flying through the air. I'm willing to bet most people didn't/don't know that either, which would explain why no one answered this question I asked repeatedly--can you use stunbreak during the dismount animation--until UmbraNoctis did at the bottom of page 3. Here we go again... 😑 Going to copy a previous reply to people making similar comments: Also, I did add a shot of the Soulbeast's buffs in response to someone on page 2 (within 24 hours of the OP), which is also visible from the link to the screenshot in the OP: https://imgur.com/a/anUCLSR Still sus? As concluded above, the reason this whole incident "doesn't feel right" to both me and the Ranger Police might be the base armor bug in forced dismounts. The real question is: Is this something we want in this game? So now it's everyone's responsibility to wear durability runes? 😆 By the way, I'm pretty sure I was wiped by the RF burst alone (combat log wasn't up unfortunately). I don't think SA was even necessary and probably just force of habit or part of the macro rotation. 🤣 Anyway, what you just laid out there basically proves Ranger damage was not hit nearly as hard as other classes since the February 2020 update. I'm still not saying Rangers need changes. But let's at least agree Ranger is unique in having a build capable of such ridiculousness. At least, I'm not aware of any other build capable of doing what's in the clip.
  9. Or maybe to compete more fairly, Mag doesn't need a link.
  10. ^This. And lol at "go back in their structure of choice." You can have a macro set up, but you don't have to use it. You can still do everything manually as you see fit, but when that "reck noob who thinks they're safe on Warclaw" scenario comes up, you can delete them with one button lol. Heck, the ranger in the vid might as well set up a corpse jump + siege toss macro. They probably do it enough, it would make sense. (1) Wasn't in Swipe range, (2) even if I was, I would have had to know I could break out of the dismount animation and do so before I was vaporized in the air. In case you missed it, I was downed before my character landed on the ground. But yes, BUFF TEEF! 😛 Why must people (usually Ranger players) exaggerate my part in this? It's pretty amazing how so many act like this never happened to them, ever. Until experienced at least once, how is anyone supposed to know that base character stats are applied during the dismount animation and stun breaks can be used while ragdolling in the air, even before you land? Judging by the fact that only one person in this discussion finally answered my question at the top of page 4 by confirming that we can indeed use stun breaks during the airborne dismount animation, I doubt many people actually knew this. Or they would have said it much earlier to hit me with "l2p." Again, this isn't a ranger hate topic. Memebeast is far from the only degenerate build. This is about the bizarre behavior of the forced Warclaw dismount that is pretty much certain to catch everyone off guard the first time they're affected by it.
  11. I'll copy what I said to UmbraNoctis some posts up: The clip is cropped to leave out the UI elements, which weren't particularly relevant. I'm not so hardcore that I leave the combat log up, so that's not even available. The only other thing would be the skillbar, which wouldn't be all that useful considering there was no actual "fight" in this clip. People have already asked about my HP and I answered them. I guess I need to put it in the OP at this point because people don't read my replies. The only info I think might be relevant, which I gladly provided to anyone who asked, is what my HP, stats, and armor were. I also included that I was on a pretty vanilla meta build. Nothing remarkable about my character such as being full glass or running a janky build that would explain being vaporized that fast. EDIT: That said, I have nothing to hide. If you think seeing the skill bar, which is basically the Warclaw skill bar and health pool and then a fleeting view of my character's skill bar with skills disabled by the CC, and the total HP not even visible because the numbers flash so fast as it's zeroed out, I can make a new version. I really don't see how it would help though. Right, but I was just pointing out the solid mobility in the build because you said there was "ZERO mobility." And presumably if the ranger switches to GS for Swoop, their LB rotation is already on c/d and they either want to close a gap or create one. Where did I ask, "How is it possible a ranger has defeated me?" I said throughout this discussion that I'm not complaining about rangers or the memebeast. I just think the way forced dismount works is kind of punishing and counterintuitive. I can tell you what was going through my mind when I saw the dismount is, "Ok, as soon as I hit the ground, I'm breaking stun and evading/moving. WTH?! I'm already dead."
  12. Thank you! I remember reading about this somewhere in the forum a while ago. Maybe it was one of your posts. If this is accurate, it would explain a lot of the "this just doesn't feel right" about this situation.
  13. Ah, I love players that cba to read anything written in the discussion and instead make incorrect assumptions. 1. Not a glass cannon. 2. When was there an opportunity to reflect? Yes, I'm bad because I didn't know I can be blown up while in the forced dismount animation. My fault for not knowing this is a thing until I actually experienced it for the first time. Unless people take a passive life-saver trait like Stoneform, I'm pretty sure this can happen to almost anyone. As for skill, I guess it's "skill" to camp a Keep and run inside as soon as you're about to die. Rinse, repeat. Please stop pretending nothing like this has ever happened to you. If you say otherwise, you're lying. 😃
  14. You are the first person who answered this question in here. Thanks! I got the answer from someone in game earlier as well. I agree the best options are either dismount before your mount dies, or be prepared to stun break and evade. However, I don't think it's healthy to be able to instagib average spec'd and geared people off their mounts. As some already said, that's the sort of thing Anet was trying to get away from since the February 2020 patch. In that spirit, I think there should be invuln frames during the dismount animation, and then the CC can kick in once the player is on the ground. I think it's more intuitive for people to understand that that's when you're in control of your character again and should do something, as opposed to when your character is ragdolling in the air during the dismount animation. If the attacker wants a fight, then let there be a fight. Not global someone mostly because they don't realize how forced dismount behaves. Just my opinion. If there was no advantage to macros, people wouldn't use them. Macros make it easy to string a combination of multiple inputs together with only a single user input. That's inherently faster than anyone can manually perform multiple inputs, which will have inevitable delays between them compared with setting up a macro. The clip is cropped to leave out the UI elements, which weren't particularly relevant. I'm not so hardcore that I leave the combat log up, so that's not even available. The only other thing would be the skillbar, which wouldn't be all that useful considering there was no actual "fight" in this clip. People have already asked about my HP and I answered them. I guess I need to put it in the OP at this point because people don't read my replies. Here it is again: I was on my thief with around 18K+ HP including buffs, wearing medium ascended armor with mostly Marauder's stats. Sorry if not being full glass in green gear goes against a preferred narrative. In other words, there was nothing remarkable about my character that would justify what happened.
  15. I appreciate everyone's comments, but it seems like some don't read what I already said in my edit to the OP or in my first comment in here (literally the second post in the discussion): -- ^This sounds horrible and somewhat abusive. More reason to manually dismount when the Warclaw is about to die. Yes, a bit glassy, but not full glass. As I responded to others in here, I have 18K+ HP with buffs. Mostly Marauder's stats. Medium ascended armor. Definitely not a 1-shot build myself. I'll point you to what I said in the OP: Pure glass, I believe. Zero mobility? Welll, they used GS Swoop and Smoke Assault port pretty effectively. If I'm not mistaken, that's effectively 1,000 + 750 units of solid mobility. (Swoop isn't in the clip, but they kept using it to run into their Keep earlier.) If you watch the opening of the clip closely (or read my replies to others) both Warclaw evades were used before the RF burst. First I dodged Lance, then I tried to dodge Battle Maul. Of course I normally try to dodge the RF. And I'm not running a one-shot build, as I mentioned above. I generally don't have too much trouble with most Soulbeasts. Very good Soulbeasts and Immob Druids are a different matter. I just didn't know what a death sentence the scenario in the clip is. Going forward, I know to manually dismount if my Warclaw is about to die and I'm in enemy range. I tried to do a "INB4: L2P" in the second post by acknowledging what I learned and plan to do going forward, but I guess it just gets overlooked. 😕
  16. Yes indeed 😁 Yep that's the lesson I learned from this.
  17. I mean, do you engage every single player you see? Is the only option ever to fight? EDIT: I forgot to reiterate what I said in an earlier post--the Soulbeast in the clip was also trolling. Running into his Keep every time he got low. I saw this happen a few times. So I didn't want to waste time "fighting" him near his Keep. If you review the opening seconds of the clip, you'll see I did dodge his Lance and tried to dodge his Battle Maul. Nothing left for the RF burst. 20/20 hindsight is a wonderful thing. I said towards the beginning of this thread that I probably should have dismounted myself before the burst. It's just that until this experience, I never expected to be deleted off my mount before my character even landed on the ground.
  18. @Aeolus.3615@Woop S.7851 If there wasn't anything sketchy, I assume he used GS Swoop, which is 1,000 range, into merged Smoke Assault to cover the remaining gap. The QZ RF burst with OWP into SA + WI is so fast and seamless I wouldn't be surprised if macros are in use, as others suggested. Not sure if macros are considered cheating.
  19. Does it work while you're in the dismount animation in the air? I was zeroed before I hit the ground.
  20. I have 18K+ base HP before buffs. I was out of Warclaw evades when the burst came. First one was used to evade his Lance. Second was used trying to avoid his Battle Maul. You can see in the clip I did use look behind but it didn't really matter since I had no evades. As I said above, unless there were skills I could use while locked in the forced dismount animation, the only out would have been manually dismounting before the burst so I could use skills. Thanks for the suggestions!
  21. See the edit in the OP. I was downed before hitting the ground. Unless skills work while airborne/freefalling/ragdolling during the forced dismount animation, the only option would have been to manually dismount before the burst. If it wasn't obvious from the opening part of the clip, I wasn't looking to fight but to get away. Still, lessons learned I suppose. 18K+ base before buffs. Exactly what he was doing. Yeah, they had Quickness: https://imgur.com/s5izUlN
  22. I re-watched the full clip in slow-mo where I can see my health bar and I was actually downed before my character even hit the ground from the forced dismount! I'm not sure if it would have even been possible to dodge, let alone use an (instant cast) reflect skill after breaking stun in those fractions of a second. Maybe someone knows the answer. If it is possible, I guess one also has to have good ping and cat-like reflexes as well.
  23. I think this is my main gripe. It makes it way too easy for silly builds like the one this Soulbeast was using to global people off their mounts with very little opportunity to do anything. They already nerfed the Warclaw so hard, I don't think it needs this extra liability that just rewards people for playing silly builds.
  24. It's a good thing Rangers have excellent non-projectile weapons too. Keep in mind that projectile attacks are usually ranged, and ranged attacks are generally safer than melee. Melee still contends with blocks and invulns. It makes sense for ranged projectile attacks to have a drawback to their relative safety.
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