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  1. The existence of some seasonal 20-30% sale doesn't solve the problem of segmenting the game into rising number of hardly transparent for new players microtrasactions I'm trying to describe here.
  2. I'm trying to get a friend of mine as a new player into the game, but due to the fact how scammy LW is constructed, I truly don't know how to do it in good faith. They are enjoying the story so far, leveled up without lv80 boost, finished personal story and progressing through season 1. It sounds ridiculously bad when you say it out loud: "Yeah you got these expansions you paid for because this big flashy button was pestering you about it from day 1, but actually there are these things called living world seasons. One of these at least has some nice maps, but one of them doesn't really provide anything apart from a series of story cutscenes you probably would prefer to know in order to continue your story. So yeah, you have to pay for two DLCs in between the DLCs you already paid for". No matter the actual state of thigs and how we get here and the value of the particular seasons this just sounds like some ridiculous scam asking you for more and more money every couple of story steps. Especially with season 2 where it is truly just story with no maps included. I want them to get into the game and continue with the story, but from outside new player perspective this sounds like some paradox/sims monetization where everything is cut into a separate microtransaction. New players have nowhere enough gold to spend couple hundreds on seasons, and if you put it together how much you would actually have to spend to get "everything" even just HoT+PoF related the price is much more than frontpage pricing of expansions. How do you even get new people to play this game and enjoy it's long story without getting discouraged by this cash-grab monetisation scheme?
  3. This back to back comparison of wvw and pvp feels sad. I'm pretty sure that is much more going on in wvw than having dps and supports, and I'm pretty sure there is more going on than just big group fights. For example are wvw roamers not a separate thing worth mentioning anymore, if they can't even get a mention in "balance philosophy", when such diverse pvp roles are listed literally one paragraph later? I just hope this generalisation of everything wvw-balance related is not a peek into how is attention being distributed in between game modes.
  4. I've noticed some really weird behavior with Golden Racing Scarf dye channels(I didn't notice such problem on any other equipment... yet?). The scarf tend to randomly dye back to some random color, which is not even the default for that item. The bug seems to be triggered during equipment tab switching. I use the scarf on a couple of equipment presets, but as seen on the video, sometimes I can get them recolored for all tabs for a couple of switches, until they seemingly randomly turn back to their weird colour. I don't know if it's a bug, or if I just don't understand some finer detail of the dye system. Video of me messing around with the dye channels: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ONU-qBWzHfQ
  5. I like the fight, liked the mechanics, rewards still non-existing but you get an Li, which is nice I guess? Our squad was caught off guard by the enrage timer. We had what I thought was a reasonable squad on voice, with some people who had raiding experience and okay damage, but after we took our time to figure out how mechanics work we spend a couple of wipes trying to get past the timer. I'm not saying our squad was anything close to DhuumCM clearing dps, but I wouldn't count on your usual pug to hit the dps check if you get like ~2 people slacking. When we hit it first time I kinda hoped for some cool enrage where she gets pumped up, applies a ton of exposed and it's just a fight for like to get these last 5% in... but you just explode and insta wipe, lame.
  6. Yeeaaah... I won't reply to every post doing this as there is far too many of them, but this thread very quickly fallen apart to usual "is KP elitist gatekeeping or reasonable thing to do?" discussion instead of my intention of discussing people missusing raid LI due to lack of proper KP for other kinds of content. Yeeaaah. That's the thing. You can't really efficiently LFG when people (out of neccessity/lack of better option) gate with irrelevant raid KP instead.
  7. (Not a 1st of april shitpost btw) To begin with: I can understand why people want to killproof players they meet on LFG. While the world probably would be a better place if everyone had time and will to do their weekly raid clear while wiping on every boss for hours, but training new people, most people on LFG don't care and want to just go for their kill. Yet still it annoys me that there is so few kinds of content with unique klillproofs, which leads to it being used on unrelated kinds of content. Raid LI somehow become go-to killproof for EVERYTHING and it annoys the hell out of me. Want to do IBS strike? Bring LI(especially funny when there is IBS boneskinner KP but some squads still go for LI). Want to do daily harvest temple? Bring LI. People are even asking for LI for dragon's end meta squads where they plan to force a new instance for them(which is why there should be private squad DE, but that's a digression). Pretty much only fractals are being killproof'ed by fractal currencies and titles, everything else runs on Li. That makes me wonder if this kind of behaviour should be acceptable state of the things in the first place, both by players and by Anet. In my opinion, if it's fine to ask for killproof in general, then most content hard enough to varrant asking for any proof should award unique one for that content. You can be master fractal CM runner, clear harvest temple and Dragon's End daily out of boredom, be capable at different classes and yet still you have nothing to show for it and you'll get booted from LFG because you weren't doing that one elevated kind of content everyone thinks makes people into better players because they were mindlessly farming some easier wings for months as dps when learning nothing, so that surely means they will be useful for that organised Dragon's End run, right? Just to reiterate: I'm NOT against the idea of bringing killproofs when LFG'ing. But I'm annoyed that people are missusing raid LI as killproof for almost everything else in the game. That being said... I do understand that it's kinda pointless endevour to ask for any 'quality control' on lfg, considering that entire board is spammed with raid selling ads most of the time...
  8. They should turn it into a tonic or some other kind of novelty.
  9. I never really bothered doing the old strike after I completed them like 1-2 times. But the new ones are quite fun, and I like them. I truly believe that they are finally a valid "road to raiding" experience, with stuff like minister Li giving people some personal responsibility with "numbers" mechanic, and Harvest Temple which by itself could be a raid encounter no problem. ...yet it kinda sucks that the 'cool' rewards are weekly. You only get 1 coffer per week, and the shards are hard capped at ~150/week anyway. There is not a lot of them, so doing them only once and then have nothing to do for the rest of the week is kinda boring. Imagine being a raid player, but having only one raid wing to clear each week. I feel like at least the shard cap should be bigger so that you can do daily full clear for a couple more clovers or whatever. Especially since IBS saga give daily rewards I think? Now you do a weekly clear, maybe some dailies, spend 100 shards on mystic coins, get like 1-2 purchases of clovers and... that's it. Kinda meh.
  10. Maybe, but for people trying to pug in LFG for 10man strike is definately major problem not being able to manage their squad at all and just kinda hope that it will self organise with 9 random people.
  11. Yes... ANOTHER thread about THAT meta. I just honestly wonder. Is the Dragon's End meta really that bad? I just feel that the main problem is not really the difficulty, but RNG. It's hard to look into your own performance and mastery of the encounter when it keeps getting fogged by very impactful RNG of stuff like how many breakbars you get, long attack animations, tails spawns etc. For me personally there is no problem with aiming for high difficulty, the RNG factor is what makes it FEEL unfair. Just let people know that it is THEM who can do better, and not fail them because they were unlucky enough to get only 1 breakbar phase which got interrupted by some attack animation/phase transition anyway or whatever. Less RNG -> more space for player skill to actually start to matter. The meta isn't necessarily too hard. It's just way too RNG, so it's hard to even pinpoint how hard it exactly is in the first place, so I don't see a point in discussing whether it "should be nerfed for casual open world players or you need raid squad x5" or whatever people are talking about right now. I would love to have Dragon's End as that high difficulty meta which tends to fail if not prepared, but only if I can trust that it IS fair and the failure is on the players, not the RNG, which I personally believe that's what is missing right now.
  12. For me personally theere is no problem with aiming for high difficulty, the RNG factor is what makes it FEEL unfair. Just let people know that it is THEM who suck, not the fact that they were unlucky enough to get only 1 breakbar phase which got interrupted by some attack animation or transition anyway or whatever. Less RNG -> more space for player skill to actually start to matter. The meta isn't necessarily too hard. It's just way too RNG.
  13. For me they could make that meta as hard as they wish it to be. Just make it less RNG so that at least I can know it was player's fault for it failing, and not some unlucky 1 breakbar which gets lost to some attack animation into too quick tail spawns or whatever.
  14. Seeing Logan, Rytlock and Caithe be there for the finale, and mentioning fallen Snaff and Eir along the way, it just felt sooooo... wrong for Zojja to be missing without a word from anyone. She deserves better at least for being OG Destiny's Edge.
  15. I'm well aware how 'powerful' and useful commander tag is. I'm just questioning wether this functionality should still be gated behind 300g paywall for 10man squads which are aimed to be 'default and accessible' new form of content now.
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