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Everything posted by Juan.6124

  1. When opening 5 chests in silverwastes nets you more gold than killing the hardest boss in the game.
  2. Isn’t buying raid clears extremely expensive Yes, but he doesn't want to play the game.
  3. Buy raid clears (w5-7). You get 10 Legendary Divinations per week. You need 150.
  4. Wow. Just... wow. Fun seems to be an impossible factor for many many people.
  5. Why are you talking in third person and calling yourself kitty? Is this a mental thing? Boon staff auto attack druid with pack runes? Use warhorn ffs.
  6. So instead of progressing slowly you just do a fullstop. Hilarious. Time gate is no form of difficulty. How can you ask for it to be made easier? It IS easy, it just takes time.
  7. I am currently not even playing the game because the time gate prevents me from progressing. So much for keeping map populated.
  8. Everything can be answered if you just ask a raid seller ingame. It's not a shady business. Rich players who are bad or have no time want achievements/legendary armor. Good players are able to low man raid clears. 1+1 = Raidselling. It's just a service people are willing to pay.
  9. "I get insults thrown at me like "Noob go train" How is that an insult? You are new to Dhuum and have no idea how it works. You will be a burden to everyone if you go into an experienced run without having a clue.
  10. Why magi gear over shaman gear? Is it really worth it to sacrifice damage for a bit of extra healing power? If you want damage you run hybrid with plaguedoctor and scepter.
  11. You know there are actual images of half (or even fully) naked people on the internet, right? You might enjoy the game Dead or Alive Xtreme Beach Volleyball
  12. Don't tell me this boss is still an issue? Guys, come on. Get good.
  13. @Anet who told you that people who want to aquire a certain skin will be happy with gambling for it? I never thought you would get so low to grab the players cash. I lost my respect for you. Shame.
  14. Or use your brain and think about what the boss is doing. He charges you so dodge. He heals himself from enemies at close range so go range. Dragonhunters have access to a ranged weapon called longbow. It is good to keep distance to enemies fighting at close range. Scepter has the same benefits.
  15. How? You get plenty from Story and map completion alone. No need to do adventures or achievements like in HoT
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