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  1. The real thing ruined PvE is RAID, Anet always mixing pure PvE and RAID together.
  2. Some relic looks good to use (if there are not bugged) which gives an addition effect after using specified type of skills but still, revenant have NO access to them Revenant is still have 9 relic less then other classes 🥲
  3. totally agree, the new daily system is a crap
  4. So, the achievement need to do 20 sub-achievement out of 20 that's means I am forced to do PvP (which I am not good at and not like to) if I want that cape. Hey Anet, do you really think it is a good idea to ruining other 9 player's game for PvP newbie like me to just want to get the cape?
  5. to answer to myself, yes you can just do the strike-like story instance, then you will get the credit.
  6. About those "Notes on something" say https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Notes_on_Martial_Prowess Can I get this by joining other player's "In the Name of the Law" story instance as a Guardian?
  7. I do got hit sometime during dodge (in PvE), but I not sure what attack it is But I do sure, I always be infected with fear during dodge
  8. Is that I hitting a but, or Anet made some changes?
  9. because it is more easy for me using a shortcut then that little tiny button, or go through the hero panel. especially some OOC gap only have a sec or 2 between combats.
  10. Hi there, As more and more mount, and equip/build template is now up to 8 I'm running out of shortcut on my keyboard to keep the shortcut not using more then 3-keys combination (yeah I'm now start using Ctrl+Shift+Alt+Something for non-combat shortcut) So I'm wondering if GW2 can identify the Ctrl, Shift, Alt on the left, and Ctrl, Shift, Alt on the right as 2 sets of keys? Thanks.
  11. Changes of Salvation is more fitting Vindicator then Centaur Centaur's changes look more like nerf then buff to me and it still hard to use ...
  12. TBH, I have no hope to Anet's balance team since the day they said REV's F1 trigger weapon swap sigil is a "bug" they are SO~~~~ good at forgetting why the thing/setting is there since day one.
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