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Everything posted by Mic.1897

  1. Thankfully this skill issue can be resolved at the character select screen. Delete your character, remake it as Charr and play through the entire story. Upon returning to this event, after experiencing the world as Charr, you will succeed on your first try easily.
  2. Why not just play a Charr instead? Not only will your beauty increase in game but outside of it as well. You will turn heads wherever you go as you radiate Charr energy. You'll never lose an interview again. Whatever you ask in life, people will not be able to refuse you. They will smell the Charr in you and believe in you. Be careful with this newfound power. Many have been known to take it too far.
  3. There's an Asura elite skill for that. Keep it away from Mechanist lol
  4. I would strongly suggest rerolling to Charr if you are having this issue. What you're experiencing could simply be the result of your player character not being Charr. Because your character isn't as strong, agile and beautiful as they can be, your gameplay experience will suffer as a result. TLDR Play Charr and not only will you stay targeted, but you'll meet your fitness and financial goals as well.
  5. It's very cheap compared to cosmetics in a lot of games we have out today lol Affordability is relative, though
  6. Midnight King covers might and fury already
  7. Am I the only one who thinks this sounds completely unnecessary and also slightly goofy
  8. Unfortunately only Charr are strong enough to use spears in one hand. Because the other playable races are so weak, all spears will remain two handed to keep things fair.
  9. True but his t4 tower build doesn't exist anymore
  10. This thread is probably the worst take on GW I've ever seen
  11. The entitlement is real No regard whatsoever for our beloved servers
  12. It is soloable by Charr players, so you can solve this in the future by rerolling to a superior character.
  13. Alchemy is not an offensive tree I use Boiling Point in a few open world builds as my only source of Fury so I personally don't want anyone touching it lol
  14. Speaking for Mechanist, I still use offhand pistol (open world) and shield (ham) all the time! Pistol/Pistol is still great for condi as well
  15. You should be benchmarking with 100% quickness and alacrity uptime
  16. I mean it is far and away the best open world weapon for mechanist right now. You can literally solo anything soloable in the game with it
  17. All I make of it are that people are entitled lol You pay for access to the game and it's pretty straightforward
  18. Do people actually want challenges in games for the best reward or do they want to afk for loot
  19. You would be able to complete them if you were a Charr. I would suggest rerolling.
  20. With Dagger Mirage getting mercilessly spanked, what would the best weapon to use in Mirage OW builds now? Are we back to Staff? TIA
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