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Posts posted by Cuks.8241

  1. 21 hours ago, Fueki.4753 said:

    That's the issue though.

    It's varies greatly, depending on the day time and the service region. And the NA service region contains many players from all around the globe, not just NA players. The Australian players have a different "prime time" than the North American players. And then there are Europeans that escaped the language salad to play on the mostly English NA servers, which yet again have another "prime time". I also met quite a number of (self-proclaimed) Asian players, who have yet other "prime times."

    EU like has that as well,, but I think it's on a much smaller scale over there.

    On NA, I hardly ever see any entry in the raid training LFG during EU "prime time" (I'm one of the aforementioned salad escapees). And the regular raid entries mostly are sell runs.

    Well the prime time comment was actually redundant because every mode is more active in prime time. I actually checked lfg yesterday after my comment. It was at 23.30 cet which is over prime time during the week. 

    There were 10+ raid listings, only 1 was seller and one was guild recruitment. Rest were just pugs half without kp req. 

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  2. The important distinction is solo vs group. In group your deficiencies are mitigated by other players. You have all the boons so if its not your job to share boons you dont need concentration. Same with healing or tanking (where relevant) which make defensive stats redundant. When solo, especially in pvp situations, defensive stats are almost always utilised. And extra boon duration will make up for a lot of dmg compared to specialised dmg builds that can't sustain boons by themselves. There's a reason why there is no celestial in spvp. 

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  3. Many fractals yes. Raids a few. Strikes zero, well actually just one but only 1 out of 10 players need to complete it. 

    Many Fractal are years old. Some mobs can be skipped. Most players will skip if they can. They are really fun though. I would recomend you form a lfg party and describe you want to learn without skips. Dont give up on fractals because many are really fun and perhaps you got unlucky and went into solid ocean which you can skip entirely. 

    Dungeons are even more extreme. Huge parts can be skipped including all story parts so definitely form a lfg with description that its a story run. 

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  4. This player base sometimes will buy into any time waste mechanics Anet introduces and sell it as if being different is always better. 

    The price for the tag is fine. The price for basic squad/party UI options is a rip off. And yeah every other game has this option for a good reason. Because they want players to play together in parties and squads without the option of being griefed by random douchebags. And not only that you have to pay for them, the party/squad managing options are also severely lacking. 

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  5. Its an annoying mess that anet made with separate steam client. Yeah minor stuff like missing achieves, regional pricing but why? Sometimes they just come as incompetent when they create these minor problems noone else has problems with. 

    The guy has a point. Its the same game were all playing, on same server but we all have certain minor limitations depending on which shop you used. Never seen hiccups like this in any other game. 

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  6. I like gimmicky stuff, simple JPs. That said, I find the gimmicks in both Sunqua and Silent Surf a little bit annoying. Sunqua where you have to pick up kitten to enable your jump or just too many special abilities and too much emphasis in Silent Surf. On the other hand Hypernova Launch and Enhanced Reflexes in SO and TO feel really good. 1 button, very responsive and intuitive and makes you feel strong and has multiple purposes. 

    • Like 3
  7. 8 hours ago, Efar.8153 said:

    the mounting system in gw2 feels like buying a subscription instead of paying once and have the product for life.

    why can't we have classic mounts like in wow? 😄

    I imagine it feels like Destiny 2 for new players where you might like the game and want to buy something but its just so confusing that you just give up. 

    You get trial mount at lvl 10 and you get it permanently if you buy any expansion but not the latest expansion. You get a different mount with the latest expansion. You get mounts with pof expansion but not beetle, that one requires additional dlc. Oh for turtle you need eod. You can also get bunny with eod but you need pof for masteries for bunny. You can now get skyscale with new expansion but to unlock all masteries you need also pof and dlc. 

    I think my credit card goes back to wallet. 

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  8. Celestial is good on ele with proper build. Very good. Berserker gear will make you hit the floor much faster. 

    You need to unlock traits first but then slot them. You cant mess up, you can change them anytime at will. 

    Staff on ele is a support weapon or artilery. Scepter with focus or dagger will serve you much better. 

    If youre lost its recomended you start from scratch. You just skipped everything and straight to endgame. 

    • Like 2
  9. Nope, because you would need to somehow work in healing and/or boon support traits in every elite specs and they would lose variety in other departments. 

    Also dps and boon dps specs usually work very similarly. They use rotations and boons usually just takes a different trait and changes rotation a bit to add the boon. Healing supports work differently, much more reactionary playstyle. Mixing these playstyles in one specialization can bring a lot of problem as we can see with latest patches or just general homogenization. 

    I am completely fine with 3-4 viable healing support builds overall and make them good and unique. Yeah players that play only main class and would like to also be healing support are at a loss here. But I think its a good trade off for better class identity and playstyle. I will be hated from warrior mains here but I never imagined or needed warrior as a healing support. It just seems somehow wrong. Battle support, sure, but healer? Just play another class.

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  10. If you dont like JP, check Ember Bay lfg from time to time if there is a friendly mesmer there helping getting people through. That one can be a nightmare solo even with a guide. But quite fun in groups. 

    Also there is one collection achiev in Ember Bay where you need to collect 564321 items in the most obscure places possible. Some are also in the Chalice of tears JP in the most insane spots possible. Like climb that hill on the top of the most annoying jp ever, look in a specific spot, glide in that direction, drop into a small crevase and find a ledge under another ledge. Oh if you miss it you can start everything from scratch. 

    Whoever designed this stuff and whoever solved it first are mazochists. 

    Oh and get yourself position rewinder from ls4 before you go for it if you dont have it yet. 

    • Like 2
  11. 26 minutes ago, GetFoxxed.9478 said:

    Dude, there's a ton of posts about people angry with recent balance changes. True, OP is not speaking for ALL of community, but MOST of it.

    Most of the community doesn't even know what was changed in the patch and barely detected there even was a patch.

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  12. 56 minutes ago, Geralt.7519 said:

    This xpac they're changing runes, setting a precedent for changing legendaries, next xpac they may decide to change armor for example, they remove some stat from current armor and introduce a new armor slot that holds that same QoL stuff current armor has (like they're doing now with runes), and the xpac after the next they decide to change another legendary.

    Would you still say nothing changes?

    I didnt say nothing changes. I really like the change. If the change gives me more build variety options I would support the change.  

    38 minutes ago, Finse.8526 said:

    Or rather; I think that for me there is no amount of gold that can compensate for the loss of QoL when relics don't come with a legendary variant.

    Thats the only real downside. They should come with lege relic soon. 

    Besides we dont know how the implementation will work out and the sky is already falling. 

    • Confused 1
  13. 2 minutes ago, Polar.8634 said:

    i am full lege but not 1%, due to gw2 efficiency in around 10% which is within ~40000 of ~400000 players registered on efficiency. And i think the fact i was so invested to craft runes should not make my time waste. Rather if any, it should be opposite

    So you would not craft legendary runes if the proposed system would be in place from start?

    Because if you would craft them anyway (which I assume is highly likely since you are full legendary) nothing changes for you because the requirements for crafting runes will not change.

    6 minutes ago, Geralt.7519 said:

    The main QoL of legendary runes is changing set bonus on the fly, that is totally going away, and with runes having stats only you won't need to change them often like you do now, that's another thing making legendary runes basically useless after the change, how is that so difficult to understand?

    I understand you. Its really about your specific case. If this is the threshold between crafting and not crafting them for you then you are impacted. If your goal is full legendary at some point, nothing really changes, maybe you would get some higher priority legendary sooner, but on the other hand you already used runes till now so you got some value already.

    • Confused 7
  14. 18 minutes ago, Polar.8634 said:

     i activelly play 5 characters, i could equip each with 4 sets and then buy every existing rune set put in bank. with less rune types it would be totally possible. it would set me back few hundred gold, which is still not 2300g, and functionality is same.

    Exactly. You could equip your characters with all the exotics you would ever want for cheaper. So you didn't actually made legendary because of gold but because of QOL. And QOL stays, albeit a bit diminished.

    So I dont really buy all this request for gold/material compensation. There might be fringe cases where their only legendary is runes and now those get diminished. But I am pretty sure many here have lots of legendaries and full banks of ascended (so they didnt even need legendaries at all outside of a little qol). Legendary weapons for example are not really that useful, ascended are easy to get and once you make a build you probably dont change stats so often. But many here probably have plenty of legendary weapons.

    If there is anyone that will be actually hit by this change is someone that is new, has 80g in the bank and is still investing into basic stuff. They bought exotics for 3g a piece because runes have big impact on power lvl and now that rune might become completely obsolete. 

    Full legendary players crying about this is like top 1% tycoon crying about having to pay 2 extra dollars for a burger (edit: not implying all you guys are ful legendary).

    • Confused 9
  15. 7 minutes ago, Polar.8634 said:

    exo runes are also best in slot, stats are the same. Especially, given the price of crafting, exo would be better. lesser amount of rune types would allow me just carry few sets in inventory

    Sure but exotics can become obsolete over time and many will with this patch. Legendaries are BIS forever by its nature. 

    If you equipped for example 15 builds with expensive exotic runes you could easily go into a few hundred gold. And its quite possible those might go from BIS to vendor trash. You just lost hundreds of gold.

    Legendary runes cost 2k gold and will cost the same after patch and will still be useful. The only change will be lower impact on your power level.

    Yeah you might not be so inclined to actually craft them after the patch and maybe another legendary would be higher priority. But in the long run they are still great QOL investment.

    Edit: I think the best solution is to launch with legendary relics which shouldnt be crazy expensive. Maybe just a price of 1 legendary rune.

    • Like 2
  16. 3 minutes ago, Polar.8634 said:

    there is so many runes today because rune 6 effect. If effect removed, only stats left - that's much less runes to craft/buy. i would actually not craft lege runes (given the price) if there are just about two dozen of them, i could buy several exo sets per character and call it a day. 

    7 runes cost about 2300 gold to craft, in gw2 it is not that little to just throw out

    Yeah but legendary runes will still be best in slot runes after the change. And the crafting requirements will also stay the same, same amount of mats. So its not like the price of legendary runes will change after the patch.

    On the other hand some exotic runes might go from several gold to trash tier. 

    So if there is an argument for compensation, having legendary is actually not the best one. If there is a risk of devaluation its much bigger on exotics.

    • Confused 6
  17. 6 hours ago, Geralt.7519 said:

    On normal stuff I agree with you but this is legendaries we're talking about.

    Legendaries are not regular stuff, they're QoL ONLY, and the premise of doing them is that the QoL they provide remains valid for as long as the game lives, this "pact" is being broken right now, that's a horrible precedent.

    I don't see how legendary runes make it any different to normal exotic runes.

    Legendary runes will be still useful. Yeah they took a bit of power out of them and put it in a new item but they will remain great QOL. At some point players will still want to craft them, maybe the priority will be a bit lower.

    On the other hand investing in exotic runes is not so trivial gold either (depending on runes) and some required specific currencies which could be annoying for some players (dungeons for example). And its entirely possible that some of those exotic runes will go from BIS to almost useless because the strong part was the 6 set bonus. 

    I see the argument but I am not in favour of compensations even though I will need to equip ~ 30 builds. It's not that I am against for this specific case, it's just my general notion that compensating every time players cry about it is just digging a hole for yourself. But that's Anet in general in my opinion. Sometimes I think they should just grow some and pull some strong potentially unpopular moves that would pay off in the long run. In the end it's their business decision.

    • Confused 9
  18. 1 hour ago, Abodeuke.1407 said:

    , and I know not every Elite Specialization can be used in solo Open World

    Every elite spec can be used in open world. 

    Open world for me is a playground for fun builds. 

    There is no template for ow builds but there is a general template for power(berserker, marauder, dragon) , condi(viper, trailblazer) , hybrid (celestial, grieving, marshal, plaguedoctor...) builds because you want to utilise the stats that complement your build. You probably wont play healer in ow. 

  19. I barely play open world anymore probably because EOD was really weak in that department and Gyala was just bad. Story is not my thing. 

    So I basically get 2 strikes and a fractal (very dissapointed) and nothing for spvp (kinda expected). Relics and new weapons look interesting.

    I never prepurchase, Ill probably buy it once its out, its low price. But I also started other games, so maybe also not. 

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