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Posts posted by Cuks.8241

  1. 9 hours ago, WRay.2391 said:

    I think ppl here are divided like this:
    1. Have ridiculous amount of time, probably less money, probably don't buy gems too much. Don't have alts, farm long time, hate ppl with alts, now happy.

    2. Barons, have it all. Full legendary, no major material sink, control market. Probably buy gems converting gold. They are happy CMs price will skyrocket, they will be more rich.

    3. Regular ppl with alts, have some money to invest in alts, not that much to buy gems for real money all the time. Not much time to play and grind, but invested enough to work towards goals, use alt materials themselves. This group is screwed, but has potential for Anet to squeeze money from. 

    4. Abusers, bot farmers etc. They mostly don't care. Will still bot, will sell for more.

    I think all see consequences of changes, some just happy about it for some reason and only one group is screwed.

    Aggregation is obviously very rough, but this is what I see as main groups right now, there will be permutation.

    Ahahaha. So now regular players have alts for multiple login rewards because "they have no time to play" and players that do their dailies (10min per day) have ridiculous amount of time? 

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  2. 5 minutes ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

    Ah, so you basically know nothing about the whole MC issue.

    They started at around 20s price, and it was stable until Anet changed the daily system they were coming from. Since then, they started to keep going up, with us being assured that it's temporary, and that it's going to stabilize. Any moment now.

    Too bad, the price kept rising and rising. Anet started to introduce new supply sources, which slowed the trend a bit, but it still kept rising, higher and higher. With people on forum on monthly basis assuring everyone else that everything is fine, because, surely, this time the price is going to stabilize any moment now.

    The situation after EoD launch was the first time since then that the price actually went down and stabilized. As far as crafting mats go, MCs are completely unique in this. And it's exactly because their source is extremely limited and highly controlled that makes their situation so volatile.

    Yeah, not familiar with that period. Could be completely Anet's inability to stabilize the market. Could also be that they were actually waiting to stabilize over time and see where it lands and more important the impact on the price of final crafted items (i.e., legendaries). The goal is probably not to stabilize a specific material but to have a specific target in gold (and probably more important in game play time required) for legendary equipment. So if MCs are steadily going up and other materials are steadily going down (i.e., T6 mats) it's actually what they are aiming for.

  3. 2 minutes ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

    Is that why it took them 6 years to stabilize MCs market situation?

    What is stable? What it the target price you deem acceptable? How much deviation is still acceptable to be stable?

    I don't know how was before ~2017 when I started playing but as far as I'm playing mystic coins are stable. With maybe exception pre-EOD launch which I think was driven by player hype and speculation. Definitely more stable than real life investment markets within this timeframe.

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  4. 1 hour ago, Luthan.5236 said:

    What does "battle pass" or "seasonal pass" actually mean? I don't play any recent games. Last time I really gamed was probably 10+ years ago. Mainly playing GW2 and some indie games nowadays. From what I have seen on Steam it is usually that new games are already designed with the option to later sell a ton of DLC (if you want everyhing you have to spend hundredds of dollars or euros) and the "seasonal pass" only is a kind of prepurchase of the next few  DLC at a discounted price. (Where it still will be cheaper if you hit a "real" steam sale with huge discounts at a later date if the game is a bit older.)

    For GW2 it just changes the daily login rewards + daily achievements into a system where you can get more customized/useful rewards. With the "seasonal" thing being maybe a reset on currency accumulated and not spent and a swap in the special rewards they are going to add ... I guess. (Not all details fully known yet.)

    More like the expansion itself is a battle/seasonal pass lol. With it being sold diretly and then released in several steps. (Only that the later people can not buy the individual steps separately but only the full expansion as well.)

    Just look at it as the current pvp or wvw reward tracks. You progress the track as you play and get rewards when you reach certain tiers. Only many games have premium passes that you pay for with real money and have game breaking stuff in the premium pass (straight up best items or item upgrading stuff, rare skins or rare materials). These premium battle passes actually turn into an optional subsciption model but without that subscription you are subpar. Oh and often once the time for completing the track passes, the rewards are gone or much harder to obtain.

    And then you have Destiny 2 kind of a scam (yeah not technically) where you combine all of the above but if you pay 100$ you get all the rewards immediately. I liked that game but just quit because it became too much.

    This system is not a battle pass.

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  5. 3 hours ago, Malus.2184 said:

    People loathe to do things they feel forced to do. If they have no interest in PvP and the only way they can practically get Astral Claim then they're going to resent every moment they're doing PvP. 

    Personally, when I saw the existence of a PvP weekly that requires a lot of time spent I could feel the bile rising in me even though I know that I can just skip it since I find PvP to be an unbalanced mess that I in no way find fun.

    And while this is anecdotal I'm quite sure that there are other people who have similar sentiments since this is psychological science that has been studied extensively to the point that it was in my textbooks and education.

    Pvp dailies already exist. They are in the same category as all other dailies. How is this any different? You want to remove the ability for pvp players to complete the "battle pass"?

    I'm quite sure you will be able to get all the rewards by playing only the game mode you like. 

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  6. 56 minutes ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

    They've risen because people expected 3rd gen legendaries to use as much MCs as 2nd gen ones, when actually they ended up requiring even less than 1st gen. And there was also the "small" case of market manipulation by one tp baron that fueled it by using item duping exploits.

    Yes, but in order to balance the loss from passive generation the active generation capability would have to be really significant. Even if overall "buying" power would remain comparable to the old system (which likely it won't), the mere fact of switching from passive to active is going to reduce supply by a significant factor. To compensate for that, the new "daily" rewards would need to be significantly better - and by that i do not mean just two or three times better, but at least order of magnitude better. That's even without considering how likely most of the buying power of acclaims will likely be spent not on materials, but on visuals/aestethic rewards.

    Do you really think it's likely to happen?

    I think Anet can balance gains of MCs quite easily because there are limited supplies so it will happen as Anet will want it to happen in the long run (with likely market shocks at the release).

    If I assume that you will be able to buy the same amount of coins and clovers per month as you get now from daily logins (and rare forger daily) thats just a big plus for me. Because there are not many daily rewards I care for so I can work towards those I like. This also means I dont have to login every day, which I already don't, so my gains will only increase. Again this is under assumption the monthly pool stays the same. 

    I think in the end the price of coins will be in the 1g range (after potential Anet adjustments) and it will be easier to get them for most players because they won't have to actually login every single day for it but will just prioritize it with vault purchases. We might even see the opposite, that even many casual players that only login for the weekend will be able to get a lot more of them than they do now. Also these legendary starter packs might eliminate some requirements for MCs and will also drive the price down. Let's see in general I see this as very positive for majority of the player base.

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  7. They shouldn't even mention the word "battle pass" because it has increasingly negative connotation in the gaming world. Rightfully so, I hate battle passes.

    And based on the description this is not really a battle pass, its just a vendor with limited stock. I would say the current daily login progression (and wvw and pvp tracks) is more of a battle pass than what we are getting with vault. 

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  8. 12 minutes ago, Kranlor Greyhelm.8417 said:

    All I'm looking for is a proper statement of intent from ANET about this. I only have one account, and I play every day, so in theory I should be one of the beneficiaries. But  I'm still flying blind about what their intent is. If I play every day for 28 days, should I be expecting MORE than I used to get under the login rewards/dailies systems that are being replaced? Will there be caps in place to prevent me getting more of a particular currency than I used to be able to get? (So a cap of 7 on clovers for the 28 days, or 20 on mystic coins?)

    What are they trying to achieve from this change, apart from forcing active participation (which is no bad thing). Are they pushing the rewards up? Down? Are they reducing or enhancing our ability to earn currency this way?

    It's not much to ask for a bit of detail, surely?

    In the end I think you can look at it this way. Active playing will be now more rewarding compared to passive. So regardless of how the rewards will look like you will get more compared to other players in the economy as you do now if you actually play the game (because multi boxer skew things, but how much is a mystery, probably not much, I would presume vast majority of players have 1 account). 

    In the end how many and which rewards you will get through the system can always be a subject to balancing and I doubt they want to offset the economy substantially or in a more restrictive manner. 

    I am hopeful based on their narrative that this means I can be more flexible with my playtime and activities I do in game for the current daily login/achiev rewards I care for.  

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  9. 4 hours ago, MedievalThings.5417 said:

    They are saying that 10 hours of play should equal 10 hours a play.  It shouldn't matter whether that is 10 hours in a single day, or 1 hour a day for 10 days.  But, games keep trying to pad their stats of how many players log in each day.  So, for those of us with jobs, families, who may only get 1 day a week to play all day the rewards are NOT the same as a person who gets to play a single hour every single day.

    Exactly. And I hope this system is a step towards it. I know the daily fomo will never be completely removed but any step against it is welcome to me. 

    • Confused 1
  10. On 8/11/2023 at 9:41 PM, Sobx.1758 said:

    LFG tool is introduced to the player basically when it's first useful in the game, which is the moment (or level before? I don't remember) they reach the first dungeon level requirement.

    Not much against moving lfg out of friendlist tab window, but I also don't see the current form as an issue. It's probably mostly an issue for people who skip tutorials.


    On 8/11/2023 at 9:48 PM, Linken.6345 said:

    Dont forget that you also get a pop up when you try to enter a dungeon solo pointing you to it.

    I did give an example from another game. Let me explain how this is not even close to gw2. Yeah in gw2 new player gets introduced once they try to enter first dungeon. But this is all completely optional and not really in your face. The example I gave is basically a new player endgame tutorial/questline where its mandatory you find or create a group and complete a specific strike mission. You cant progress questline without it. Basically you're introduced to grouping systems and thrown into a strike mission very early on, no questions asked. Instanced content for dummies, click this and this and this... Everyone does this quest line, everyone, because its very rewarding also.

    Now this community would probably be all in qq if they introduced it even though its not really a big deal as long as you don't make it. A middle ground would be fine also.

    On 8/11/2023 at 10:24 PM, Nimris.3781 said:

    it was already mentioned multiple times, that gw2 has too many different roles (some of them created by community, like handkite) making it impossible to incorporate that in lfg. it would create even bigger mess and make lfg even less accessible (imagine new player seeing 5 different roles, neither of them being dps). such solutions are good for games that have standard tank-heal-dps approach. entire gw2 would have to change to make it somehow fit

    auto-lfg would be perfect for any content that can by cleared regardless of boons, so currently dungeons and drm.

    also honestly if you want any grand changes to how lfg functions, boon system would have to be changed first so "less meta" group is not doing 30% of max dps.

    It doesn't matter how many roles the game has. They would be set by commander. Again this is not something new, we were organising multiplayer matches for decades now, its not even specific to rpgs. And its exactly what commander does now, only its all in his head or on paper.

    Some player grossly overexaggerate the difficulty of gw2. Gw2 is not a hard game for the most part. Boons have big impact but they are not required in a lot of content. Now, I would probably not use auto lfg, because player made groups are just better and more communicative. I never really used LFR in wow and rarely LFD. But I still think they are good systems. For easier strikes boons are irrelevant. DPS checks are non-existent. Even wing 1 to 4 are quite easy. I went through with groups where tank had hard time matching some DPSs toughness and in some cases (Deimos oil for example) we just told some players to just sit it out dead because they just couldnt do mechanics that effected whole group. It was still quite easy clears (not emboldened). You could also just link auto lfg to emboldened raid of the week. I've been running pug raids for many years in wow (younger and more time, also before lfr). Sometimes we cleared whole raids, sometimes we just managed a few bosses and call it a success and still left with 25 happy players. Maybe these groups won't clear whole wings but even a boss or 2 would be fun for some.

    • Confused 3
  11. On 8/10/2023 at 6:23 PM, Wolfyno.2704 said:

    Anet seemingly had a few of the most creative people as proven in many great ingame mechanics, especially the mounts. But lately ...

    Yp. It seems they are slowly moving from The creative mmorpg on the market to copying generic repetitive game loops everyone else does. 

    I dont really think its resource constraint but more creative drought. 

    I started this game because it was clearly made with love and for max fun and no wasting player time. As soon as it becomes generic time wasting grind it loses any interest for me. 

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  12. 3 hours ago, Nimris.3781 said:


    despite all the talk i have not yet seen a single good suggestion in this thread on what could be improved. what are "better options, better accessibility"?

    you want kp filter? Anet stance is that kp is unnecesary and they wont include any rankings/ingame tools to track it but they gave players an option to show their experience with encounter. beside how would that work with titles (cm groups)  or other unusual stuff thats sometimes is required for specific cases?  or "doing x for y collection"

    and that better accessibility is... auto lfg finder? some people suggested it, SoftFootpaws included. how would that work with special roles like 0-2 tanks (depending on encounter)/handkite/pylon/Sabetha cannons/Mursaat 3 special roles/ Dhuum add kiter etc etc.


    Actually there have been some very basic requests from the author. Give raid squad owner all the group management tools that a commander tag has. 

    I would add a few very basic accessibility ones. Don't hide the LFG in a submenu a new player barely finds and give a direct keybind to it. 

    Introduce LFG tool to a new player early on, organically, maybe through preset groups for new players.. I just started a new mmo lately. There is a new player quest line. You know what it does? On like step 3 it pushes you into a basic strike mission (not much different to normal IBS strikes in this game difficulty wise). You barely know the game and you already complete your first strike mission. That wall to instance content that alot of players struggle to climb in this game? You climb it before you even know it exists.

    Remember my open tab choices, let me pin several tabs at once.

    Give me a simple non intrusive overlay frame ingame where I can pin my LFG tab choices so I can check my LFG tabs while playing the game without having to have a huge UI panel in the middle of the screen.

    Let me have party frames for full 10 man squad UI. I want that one so badly.

    Let me teleport into my squad instance from anywhere in the world.

    A guild advertisement board that doesn't require someone to be online.

    And lastly role presets. They dont need to be as part of auto lfg, they dont need to be set in advance. Let me open as a group owner specific roles (bald asura with pink pants if I see it fit) and let people apply for specific spots in the group. So I dont need to keep what everyone does in my head (or paper) because they just apply to it. Also colour coding. That by itself would do a lot. So I can color code specific squad spots. Makes job a lot easier. We had IRC pickup bots in the past that did that and a lot more (like link ventrilo server and psw...).

    I am actually not against auto lfg either (not as a replacement but addition). But a good one, not the kitten they did with strike public instance. Normal strikes, early fractal tiers, dungeons. Completely viable. 


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  13. 1 hour ago, SoftFootpaws.9134 said:

    you know, every time a thread comes up like this, a handfulof players defend the design of the lfg and all i have to say is, that's weird. we all know its bad, and any of us who have played another game know just how bad it actually is, not just that its bad. repeatedly replying to threads asking for some degree of progress in this way saying its not necesary isn't helpful, and this is becoming very common on these forums for some reason.


    its no wonder arenanet ignores most of the feedback provided here, since its just the same players derailing threads repeatedly away from discussion of why a problem exists into a gaslighting discussion about how the problem doesn't exist and everyone else just needs to do better somehow.


    who are they supposed to listen to, who are they supposed to believe?

    I fully agree on this one. I made a few posts in the past how LFG could be improved. I often say we had better tools even 20 years a go and I am not kidding. 

    I am also baffled how anyone would not want to have improved group finder. NOT auto lfg. Just a better interface for existing LFG with more and better options and better accessibility. Especially because this game is sliced in instances, including hub maps, there is no global chat channel where you could communicate with everyone. LFG is the only in game tool that can connect random players from the whole server. I would think having a strong tool for grouping in an massive online game would be top priority because playing with other players increases fun a lot. And guilds and discord is not the same. That's step 2 in forming a bond with other players. Step one is initiating the communications. And gw2 could make this much easier. 

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  14. 45 minutes ago, Sobx.1758 said:

    You can make any group you want and if other players have similar expectations to you then they'll join your group. If you add an auto-finder and think it will somehow make other players change their expectations then I'm not even sure what you're basing that on. The players who want a/qdps (or other sideroles) in their squad would use that whole glorified solve-it-all autofinder, join your squad, see you don't have [whatever role or siderole] and still leave your squad. Why would you think this will go any different than that?

    Just describe your squad for what it is and people with similar expectations will join. Hiding your expectations won't magically make other people stop leaving your group when they notice it doesn't match their expectations.

    He didn't even ask for auto finder (well he did as an option but not really as a primary option) but just a LFG tool that doesn't look like it's from 1995 (and we had better tools even in 1995 but mostly third party).

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  15. 19 hours ago, Vayne.8563 said:

    The logic is that it's for CRAFTED stuff. It's supposed to be a mat sink.  So letting you salvage stuff from raids, which I have a ton of, isn't really helpful, because it's not getting mats out of the system. There are tons of ways to get mats now, so they wanted a sink. That's the logic.

    Yeah and they could just add a vendor where you could straight buy notes for mats. Easy and efficient.

    If they wanted to go one step further the price could adjust globally based on the amount bought. For example if everyone were exchanging mithril for notes, the price would go up slowly. That would pull mithril out of the market up to a point when it would be more profitable to use something else. It would ensure that the least valuable materials would always be the best and would effectively balance out the mat price at the lower end which would be very nice for the economy.

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  16. LFG in general is very lacking. I dont mean I want raid finder tool, just some quality of life. Like preassigning roles so people can apply for specific role so you don't need to keep info who can do what (these could be completely custom by the commander). It's not just for raids. 

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  17. On 8/2/2023 at 3:58 AM, gmmg.9210 said:

    Seriously, I can't start a build without it. Played this game since 2012 and every warrior build I make or theory craft is either Bull's charge, or it isn't and the fun of the game goes down by about 60%.

    Funny, when I saw the title I thought to write just "Bull's charge makes warrior 70% more fun".

    Yeah, besides the bladesworn shout spam abomination Bull's charge has been on my "R" key since I started to play this game (and unlocked the ability). Actually I am not even sure I didn't have it on Bsw kitten. Outside of instanced pve.

  18. The problem in wvw is that you idealy want to have the same support setup in every group because you want align your CDs. For example if you call super speed, you want everyone to have it. And it doesnt really help if g4 have its superspeed up earlier. 

    So I think were kinda stuck in this 2 specific support meta (fb + x) unless they actually strip the second support of any uniqueness and just let them bring comparable healing, cleansing and minor boon uptime. And move the more impactful, special effects like superspeed, stealth (which they already did) to dmg or special roles. Or if they increase the target caps of some abilities so you might consider bringing 1 special support that covers the whole squad (like veil for example). For example druid would be your primary 2nd support but if you brought 1 or 2 tempest you could upkeep frost aura on whole squad. 

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