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Posts posted by Cuks.8241

  1. If I ask for alac, qdps I expect alac or qdps. Kick is possible depending on how annoyed I'm feeling. If someone can't read a simple LFG post its more likely he will mess up other stuff.

    When private squad Twisted Marionette came out I was running it with a commander that always did a "can you read and write" check. Basically just a simple instruction where you had to read and write something or do something  accordingly (like enter instance in the right time). He kicked everyone that couldn't read the simplest instructions. 100% success guaranteed.

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  2. Maps and events seem good. 

    I actually like the story. And its often a drag for me. 

    Relics are good concept but we need more interesting ones. 

    Vault has very good rewards but the limited number of dailies is a complete miss (which is not really expansion content) . But if they just increase the number of available quests substantially it will be good. Just deleting some of them wouldnt hurt (dollies, JP in wvw category). 

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  3. 5 minutes ago, Uskok.5923 said:

    Another thing that I would like back is the jump puzzle. We have entire guilds and communities built around jump puzzles and this requires that everyone has the same JP task.

    There should always be a daily or weekly JP and dungeon (maybe daily JP and weekly dungeon - complete 2 paths, story included). Not as a mandatory task for overall daily/weekly chest but as an additional option for those that like them.

    That would be a great way to funnel players into specific dungeon for the whole week and make it more populated and easier to find groups. 

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  4. Well your method pretty much ensures you'll be lost for some time. This game is huge with many many systems. But you're right most of us are playing Soto now so its a good place to be lost. And youll get Skyscale immediately which is also nice.

    First of all to get to Soto open your hero panel. Find the story tab and start the Soto story. This will get you to the new maps after some story missions.

    Unfortunately this game is not very good at connecting people, no in game voice chat and the whole game is split into instances so you can't really reach everyone via chat. So youll need to find a guild with a discord. I don't really know where the best place is because I found my guilds after some time playing and are more specialised. I know this forums has a guild section, try there. You can also just ask in /map (/m short) chat and maybe you find one that way. Maybe you can even open a guild find request in looking for group tool (open it on the new maps). Thats at least something everyone can see. 

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  5. 25 minutes ago, Arya.3628 said:

    Personally, I do not understand all those who complain. You can orient your choice according to your game mode which is personally the pvp. And what a joy to know that I can now do the entire daily / weekly section just in pvp. In terms of rewards, the only ones who can complain about receiving fewer rewards are those who have 10, 20, 30 or even 50 accounts and who simply did not play. With this new system, a single account can indirectly get up to 1,000 gold per quarter by buying whatever is available and can even earn various skins.

    I play all game modes. I usually dont schedule what I will play the next day. 

    In the past I would play wvw or pvp and usually just complete dailies naturaly. Maybe I had one left and did an easy one from another mode. If it was a daily dungeon or jp I might do them cause I like them and many people did it on the day. 

    Now I will probably just do pvp ones because those most straightforward and dont really require me to do some stuff I dont like. 

    And if I wont play pvp I just wont do them. 

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  6. 8 minutes ago, Dawdler.8521 said:

    It's day 2 of the new system and I already almost forgot to click the finished daily 😐

    I saw the same system in destiny 2. Every time you complete something you have to navigate through menus find the task, achiev, track reward... and click it. 

    Worst system ever. Overcomplicated design. Waste of code. 

    And now its here. 

    From IBS onwards I suspect the design team has been infested with copy cat designers that are taking their ideas from the worst modern approaches possible. Its not just UI, we have more and more busy grind achievs (cant say for Soto yet), overcomplicated new systems like fishing and jade batteries and jade protocols. Useless busy work

    Anet you used to excell in lean, fun design aimed towards player enjoyment. Youre losing it. 

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  7. 49 minutes ago, Urud.4925 said:

    Add at least 1 additional choice (to make it 4 out of 5) if you don't want to revert it.

    Nope. Add at least additional 9 choices we already had. They said more flexibility, so 9 would only be as it used to be. And off course cap the daily rewards to 3+1(login) completions.

    And leave the pve/pvp/wvw choice window just for filtering (can be changed at any point) for players that just never do some of the game modes. 

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  8. I don't even know when you are eligible for escorting dolly. Do you just run with the cow for some time? Do I need to run the whole way? Must the cow be under attack? Cause I think thats the defend the cow event and not the escort the cow. Is that the same thing?

    We already have wvw weeklies where we kill the cows. And now we have another set of weeklies where we escort the cows. So many weeklies.

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  9. 2 minutes ago, Kaliwenda.3428 said:

    I think a lot of us did that.

    I did also. Noone expected we will be limited to 3 dailies.

    No way Im doing them. Usually 1 pvp match was all dailies done, at least 2/3 with huge extra choice. I am not playing 3 modes every day just to get dailies done. Usually its 1 mode per day. 

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  10. 12 hours ago, IAmNotMatthew.1058 said:

    You can "farm" Dungeon reward tracks by capturing a camp every few minutes, that is the opposite of tedious.


    That could be in a dictionary under tedious. By the time you get one tick in wvw you can complete a path. 

    Also daily dungeons give extra currency. 

  11. Flap while diving to get super speed. Flap while climbing to get extra height. 

    Dont use your attack (1) button to dive, use dedicated dive button it has shorter animation. 

     The second is not mandatory for gold, it just gives you better precision, altitude control. The first is mandatory for most golds or even completions. 

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  12. On 8/14/2023 at 7:25 PM, stormemperor.3745 said:

    I am roaming with cele harb minding my own business. Ganker thives, soulbeasts, virt wannabees, troll reapers and newb mechs always attack me. I just kite for a while, cc lock nuke and throw elite to finish them, some ragequit faster than doing the deed. Some people still attack while downed, I throw trebuchet as special service.

    That's pretty much my experience on my cele harbinger. Sometimes there is another cele like renegade, another harb, maybe willy where we throw punches and no one really drops under 60% so after a few minutes we each go our separate ways. Sometimes I don't feel like using my left hand so I just spam staff 2 and 3 aoe marks on a sweaty try hard thief till he can't cope with pressure anymore, usually he will run away so if I feel like using my left hand I CC lock and kill him or just leave him be.

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  13. Which events? Istan used to be very popular because events are very rewarding (even after the nerfs). Haven't been in a map in some time but I imagine people still run the big events. If you mean Palawadan (Archeon) and Great Hall (Amala) you should join the squad before Palawadan starts and 20 mins after the end Great Hall will trigger unless it was done just before Palawadan and in that case you will need to fill the event bar (kill awakened) before it starts again. And in those 20 mins in between check for some other events you might need and ask players to help.

    Otherwise just form LFG before start of Palawadan, Im sure people will join. I think many (including me) enjoy those events.

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  14. 12 hours ago, WRay.2391 said:

    Question is the same. Parking alt at JP is also free money, not designed etc. Will you be excited to have new expansion that will return all alts at daily reset to starting city? You can buy item with gems for character that will prevent it. Anet, generating ideas for next expansion for you ...

    Actually I would be fine with that. Maybe not teleporting characters but maybe randomizing locations of some of the chests and nodes. The passive income in this game is kinda crazy, even on one account. The price of most mats are steadily dropping. Large part of my income comes from the first few minutes of logging in when I'm just switching between my parked alts. 

    I think the game would be healthier if this would be removed. Also my take has always been that the best system is the old school one, you kill a big boss you get big loot. 

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  15. Im with the author. LS are just a strange model. If I would care about story I would not be playing gw2, because when I would saw all the dlcs I would need to buy to play it in order, I would quit. I expect years old content to come cheaper and there are old great story centered games out there for fraction of cost (much better story thean gw). 

    Ive bought a few other games recently and usually you can get reasonably priced bundles of old content. Or just free if you buy the latest iteration. Basically I think 60-70 € bundle should give everything up to date. 

    Also LS2 is kinda bad, should come f2p. 

    It would be easier if LS would not be part of the main story. 

    But you wont get sympathy on this forums. Lots of player are like if I payed 10 y ago you should too. And funnily they probably didnt pay for LS chapters. 

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  16. If you buy an account youre fully entitled to any feature that comes with, exactly the same as any other such account. 

    Its Anets right to change the reward structure as they see fit to improve the game experience and also meet their bussiness goals as they see fit. 

    Is it an exploit? Does it matter. See above. My take is here simple. All exploits within boundary of the game (no 3rd party software) are fine. Its Anets job to fix it and not players job to worry about it. But its also anets right to fix consequences of explotation if they see fit. Like delete duped items. 

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