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Everything posted by Voltekka.2375

  1. Yes you do, plenty of people complain about that, including a current thread where someone requested to get GoE entirely through a wvw reward track. I say the same thing here that I said there : to earn a leg, you have to do at least some of every game mode. Keep the 3 mode-oriented gifts as they are. If I had to suffer through hours and hours of PvP (which I hate), you can handle the Gift of Battle, and wvw-specialists can handle GoE. If we only had to do game content we thoroughly enjoyed to get a leg, they'd be a dime a dozen and not worthy of the name. To be perfectly honest with ourselves, the term "legendary weapon" nowadays has little legendary feeling attached to it. I mean, anyone can buy a gen1 leggy with lots of farming in a short time, Gen2 legendaries can be pretty much bought (apart maybe from the 4 first ones)... Still, that being said, GoB should really be the least of someone's concern, as it is easily farmable with just easy wvw dailies (you dont even have to interact with other players)
  2. Gen 2 legendaries can be bought from tp now? Oh wait You don't have to collect a legendary if you don't enjoy getting someting in wvw man. If ANET didn't have this requirement for making pve players play the awesome wvw mode, then wvw would be even more dead. "Guess what? You don't have to get that legendary you want... lol Just pay $150 and buy it from the trading post. Support these awesome devs man! Great game and great company." How does that comment even remotely have anything to do with me enjoying wvw? You said" buy leggy from tp", I asked "how can you buy gen2 leggies?"Now your answer is... "You dont have to get a leggy if you dont enjoy something"Really? True story bro. It's either:Deal with wvw and get the gift of battle/legendary or Don't play wvw if you don't like the game mode and stop crying. Butttttt... If you go with option 2, you will still end up crying because you won't get that legendary you want. So..... Option 1 only works. Sooooo. You assume i dont wvw. Which i do daily 4-6 hours. Now that we got that cleared, bro, would you be so kind as to tell me the way a Gen2 legendary is purchaseable via tp? Oh. There isnt one.People just wish they had bought them when they were 500 badges each.Also GoB is perfectly doable with dailies alone. Within 10-12 days. But complainers will complain...
  3. Gen 2 legendaries can be bought from tp now? Oh wait You don't have to collect a legendary if you don't enjoy getting someting in wvw man. If ANET didn't have this requirement for making pve players play the awesome wvw mode, then wvw would be even more dead. "Guess what? You don't have to get that legendary you want... lol Just pay $150 and buy it from the trading post. Support these awesome devs man! Great game and great company." How does that comment even remotely have anything to do with me enjoying wvw? You said" buy leggy from tp", I asked "how can you buy gen2 leggies?"Now your answer is... "You dont have to get a leggy if you dont enjoy something"Really?
  4. You can sell them on the gray market. Going rate is about 400 gold:Seller supplies all the account bound currencies.Buyer supplies all the unbound mats, the precursor, gold for the Icy Runestones, mystic coins for the clover, and so on. There are people who will serve as escrow agents at the GW2 Exchange sub-Reddit, usually for a small fee (depending on the items/effort involved). There are some well-known buyers there, too, who I'd trust to hold up their end of the deal (because their financial status depends in part on their reputation). Roughly speaking, it's a great deal if you do World Completion for fun and do plenty of dungeons/WvW to keep you supplied in the account bound currencies. If it's something that interests you, I can advise about the specific risks/benefits. Gift of battle's value is about 50g. GoE is valued at 400 gold, approximately.
  5. NO.They already made it so you no longer have to go into WvW for map completion. Anything more and they may was well revamp the entire game.I don't want to have to go and do map complete in PvE only. They should just give away the gift of exploration because I dont like PvE I don't want to farm for gold either. Lets just make all materials free. Cause I find farming boring. Lets just dumb down the game so everyone can just have everything with no effort. Cause that's basically what you're asking for.Reward with no effort Actually, they removed map comp from wvw because pvers used to flood the maps and not participate in wvw stuff... That aside, GoB is pretty easy to get, I agree
  6. Wvw stresses you out OP? Well, a simple solution is to just do the easy wvw dailies. Camp cap, veteran, land claimer, tower cap. You should have the GoB within 10-12 days. With as little time invested in wvw as possible.
  7. That would be a bit impossible. Even with max points per tick, and bonuses from Diamond chest track, it should be around 6h. Still, not long.
  8. I have a dozen stacks of these, super easy to get So... You have 3000 GoB?
  9. I dunno, raids shouldnt be made easier. You want to raid? Learn how to do it. Raids arent fractals, they were not meant to be fractals. Challenging content, thats what it is. But give leggy armor an alternate pve path. No unique skin, ofc, time gated it at 35 weeks minimum, make it cost more.Edit: my voting was a misclick
  10. Make your own lfg party. Specify "non meta", "Chill run" or sth along those lines. Does an elitist enter? Kick Dont enter a "meta only comp" party. Try to find what is suitable for YOU. 3.enjoy your non toxic, elitist run!
  11. A new player can get exotic armors in wvw quite easily. Triumphant/legacy/crystal desert reward tracks. There is a 5% stat difference from the ascended armor, assuming that you cannot have enough laurels to input infusions on ascended (which, as a new player, you wont). Unless we talk about minmaxing here. Bloodstone fen/ember bay/draconis mons/bitterfrost/lake doric reward tracks give you currency which you can use to buy ascended trinkets (rings-accessories-backpack) with SELECTABLE stats. Bloodstone fen actually offers a dirtcheap option to change the stats, too. You will really not see that much of a difference when zerging with exotics vs ascended. It is mostly about positioning, knowing your class, listening to TS when comm says what to do etc. Do not think that exotic armor kills you , or that ascended saves you. I always use exotic armor on all my condi chars, and ascended trinkets (as they are easy to get, no money needed, you dont have to craft them). All in all, unless you join a hardcore GvG guild, exotic vs ascended gear is not an issue. If you really need ascended gear, crafting it is not too expensive. There should be some sense of accomplishment in this game, after all, instead of just going ahead and getting most end-game armors/weapons with no effort. It is already too easy, as it is.
  12. Unless you need PoF stats, go for Triumphant or Legacy tracks. Those armors are salvageable.
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