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[Crazy Idea] GW2 Mercenary Heroes for instanced content

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14 minutes ago, Cyninja.2954 said:

Everyone commenting on how great heroes were in GW1 and how they allowed one to solo the game and/or forego grouping: thank you for driving home the point.


I loved my heroes in GW1. I took large breaks,  treated the game as a glorified single player game and put in some time towards the end when GW2 was announced. Heroes were immensly helpful and fun to work with in the process.


Now, if the goal is to turn GW2 into a glorified single player game, even more than it already is, then heroes are one way to go. I'm sure some players would love this approach. I only wonder why anyone who wants this game to continue existing as a MMORPG would be in favor of this idea (once they took some time to consider the ramifications). 



Sure, I loved my Heroes, as well.  But, once Heroes were introduced, my Guild, my 'friends', my need/desire for grouping up anymore just vanished.

I'm sure they were great for end-content, but I never really did much of that.

Just Missions, Quests, and (regular) Dungeons. 

It was fine, yes, but it was certainly different;  and I really didn't play with anyone after that, save my S.O.


Perhaps, that's why I play 'invisible' and rarely group up in Guild Wars 2.  🤷‍♂️

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1 hour ago, Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:

I'm sure they were great for end-content, but I never really did much of that.


That's what I was talking about - there never were "great" for end-game content - it is relatively recent development in terms of hero build and AI research that made them even "viable" for end-game content (i.e. Domain of Anguish).


They may have at best hampered people willingness to group for easy quests, (tho I remember searching help of other players at one point during my first playthrough of nightfall campaign in a handfull of points, even with heroes)but it took years for them to even enter debate on the stuff considered actually worthy grinding. And even then it is much easier to just group up with full adequate sized team of players than trying to get through with heroes.


And here is the twist - even after all of that I still think that heroes concept do NOT belong in GW2. Even when I disagree with that particular argument agaionst them 😉

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If this could be done well, I'd definitely like it. I play with my kids, at specific times of the week, which makes it difficult to meet guild schedules for doing dungeons, and I definitely don't want to expose them to random groups and the likely impatience of people who just want to blow through a dungeon for a daily or to farm a particular currency.


The three of us and two heroes would open up parts of the game we currently just ignore.

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On 8/22/2021 at 11:04 PM, kharmin.7683 said:

They would be useless in story content, too.  😉

I decided to give some benefit of a doubt there that it wouldn't be completely broken OR completely useless for 100% of the content available. But yeah, it probably would be 😛

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it would be possible to use heroes in raids and the like, if you can handle the heroes well and a lot is adjustable. To make the hero raid capable, you would first have to be able to set the role and for each individual role you would also have to set the skills differently, e.g. If you hire a hero who plays DPS or CPS, you must be able to make its Rota adjustment. the healer would have to determine what percentage he uses which abilities to heal. You should also be able to determine the hero's movements yourself by selecting a hero and clicking with the mouse.

Edited by Foxy.5319
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