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Old CMs + T4 + Recs

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Actually, we've already done our CMs, and we've already done 1 out of 3 T4s, and we're only telling you after you've done a fractal with us. And now that you're complaining about us lying/being too lazy to edit the LFG, we're gonna kick you. Have a nice day!

TLDR; Lying in LFG should be a bannable offense.

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1 hour ago, Ultramex.1506 said:

So...you've done CM and some T4  then when new player join you don't change the message and expect people not to complaint? Is that right?

If that the case, what did you expect? You won't change the message causing confusion for new people.

It sounds like they joined a group that did what they posted? Maybe im reading it wrong? I can see the frustration if so.

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2 hours ago, ROMANG.1903 said:

Actually, we've already done our CMs, and we've already done 1 out of 3 T4s, and we're only telling you after you've done a fractal with us. And now that you're complaining about us lying/being too lazy to edit the LFG, we're gonna kick you. Have a nice day!

TLDR; Lying in LFG should be a bannable offense.

I understand being disappointed when you join a fractal group part way into a run without being told in the LFG, but its a mistake to join lfg's and not expect that to be the case some of the time. It honestly sounds kinda ignorant of the LFG system too. For instance, some times the spam filter wont even allot people to edit lfg. Some times people are mid run and repost the old lfg in a rush and may try to edit a moment later. Some people dont worry about it and figure people shouldnt be to picky and complain so much cause its just a game and you could always make your own lfg listing in the way you like, drop the party, or pickup another pug for the missing run. Sure those are all things you sound like you want to avoid and I get that. Suggesting people should be banned for things that allot of the time may just be the spam filter not updating when they do edit the lfg seems totally out of line.

Well to me it makes the person making the suggestion kinda sound "new".  This is a common annoyance so much so I cant imagine a vet player posting this complaint. I also dont get the point of calling people liars for not being up to the moment specific in lfg's. Again it sounds a little strange to me.

Edited by Moradorin.6217
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Block involved parties and move on. That's all you can do really.


There are some things which one can pick up on:

1. not doing the CMs first, which is the standard approach

2. doing the T4s in a uncustom order, starting with the middle one for example

3. starting with a non typical CM (often groups will run 10,99,98. The other alternative is 100,98,99 for food buff uptime)

4. unusual food buff up-times on others


If in doubt, always politely ask. Usually players WILL admit to having cleared content if asked or at least some of the players will be open about it.


I'd also recommend to put a custom explanation next to a banned player, just in case you do run into that player again (and this happens more often than one might imagine, especially with the high end player base shrinking) and wondered why you put him on there or in case you do clean house and decide to remove someone from the block list.

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1 hour ago, Moradorin.6217 said:

I also dont get the point of calling people liars for not being up to the moment specific in lfg's.

I get what you're saying and that's fine when you're editing for missing roles for example, where the group changes too quicly for you to keep up. But when you've already done half your run, you've had plenty of time to add that to your LFG and you can't tell me the spam filter is to blame.

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31 minutes ago, ROMANG.1903 said:

I get what you're saying and that's fine when you're editing for missing roles for example, where the group changes too quicly for you to keep up. But when you've already done half your run, you've had plenty of time to add that to your LFG and you can't tell me the spam filter is to blame.


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9 hours ago, Makuragee.3058 said:

Who the kitten care? Its a videogame, dont take it that serious. 


this is annoying because t4 runs are usually done in a row. That means you have the options to join a group and do the ones you have again, are an kitten yourself and only do what you need or make your own group and can probably wait a bit.

I hate it when people join my T4 group for only one fractal. This costs unnecessary time, where the people could have just open a LFG themselves if they do not care how long they need uu.


Its a game, yeah. But wenn i pug, i want a fast clear, thats why i search for specific roles in my LFG and not waste my play-time looking for people ...

And of course, its the same the other way. When you join a group who's lfg says "T4+recs" then you want ALL t4 dailys + recs ...

Edited by Fuchslein.8639
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10 hours ago, ROMANG.1903 said:

Actually, we've already done our CMs, and we've already done 1 out of 3 T4s, and we're only telling you after you've done a fractal with us. And now that you're complaining about us lying/being too lazy to edit the LFG, we're gonna kick you. Have a nice day!

TLDR; Lying in LFG should be a bannable offense.

1: right click on player
2: click "block"
3: press "h"
4: click "blocked"
5: right click on player
6: click "set nickname"
7: type "lfg liar"
8: press enter

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  • 1 month later...
On 8/31/2021 at 8:32 AM, ROMANG.1903 said:

I get what you're saying and that's fine when you're editing for missing roles for example, where the group changes too quicly for you to keep up. But when you've already done half your run, you've had plenty of time to add that to your LFG and you can't tell me the spam filter is to blame.


Mind you that half of the time when I put up lfg I just post it and forget. And if you join a group and they aren't starting in 99 just ask if fresh or I dunno? leave? find another group? You need to know that for this exact reason most pug group do their fractals in ascending difficulties.

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