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Four and a half years since the last new guild mission


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I would love Guild Missions done inside the Guild Hall.

Some ideas with that:

  • Invasion missions that scale with guild mates attending.
  • A meta guild hall mission: Various tasks appear in the hall via events; as you complete these events within the time limit you open a portal to a secret section of the hall where you fight a final boss based off the type of the hall.
  • Arena Guild missions

Random Thoughts :User Generated Missions -Using hall decoration tools; build an event that awards rewards based off what the guild has donated for the week to the winners.i.e. A guild builds a jumping puzzle and awards an in game item or gold (within a limit) to 1st / 2nd / 3rd based off what was donated from the guild.

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@Solaxo.7409 said:I would love Guild Missions done inside the Guild Hall.

Some ideas with that:

  • Invasion missions that scale with guild mates attending.
  • A meta guild hall mission: Various tasks appear in the hall via events; as you complete these events within the time limit you open a portal to a secret section of the hall where you fight a final boss based off the type of the hall.
  • Arena Guild missions

Random Thoughts :User Generated Missions -Using hall decoration tools; build an event i.e. race that awards rewards based off what the guild has donated for the week to the winners.i.e. A guild builds a jumping puzzle and awards an in game item or gold (within a limit) to 1st / 2nd / 3rd based off what was donated from the guild.

There is also the guild event trigger flag that should be tied to actual guild rewards or missions as well.

But, back to the original topic, we haven't even seen new missions for 4.5 years, so anything above and beyond is probably a little over the rainbow right now. We still need any kind of information about new missions right now.

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@Blaeys.3102 said:Since then, a developer, about six months ago, on reddit indicated he would personally like to work on them again, but there was further discussion or indication that they are being actively developed in any way.

That developer stated in that thread that Guild Missions were not being worked on, and that he wasn't sure if more were on the roadmap or not. Edit: He did encourage the discussion.

While I would like to see more, the question remains, where do the resources come from? Perhaps later on they could hire a direct team for them.

Here is the link for those who are interested:


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I am pretty disappointed that the content that specifically meant to bring guilds together has not seen a meaningful update since it's introduction in the first 6 months of this game. If we don't see any updates in this content with the expac, ANET really needs to reanalyze their game priorities.

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Also, with xpacs now in the game, and them being optional - you might buy PoF but not HoT for example - you might find some guilds with chunks of people only able to do certain guild missions. Unless they allow people into instanced stuff in the new area's even if you don't have the xpacs - Would be good advertising to buy the xpacs I guess.

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@MashMash.1645 said:

If I'm not mistaken, guild commendations aren't even good for much anymore, since you can't buy HoT stat trinkets with commendations (I could be wrong on that).

Not entirely. Their are a couple of things they are good for. Can buy some ok items from the trader who has random stuff every day. 15 obi shards, or items to flog for gold.

Not amazing, but not worthless.

I check each day and use my tokens.

I still want guild armor and weapons that require commendations (and Crystalline Ore; that's a separate argument). But I SOOOOO don't want do that damn chicken race or crab toss for the 5000th time.

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I think a part of the problem is that a lot of people have already assumed Anet is just done with guild missions, so any conversation quickly gets drowned out by more contentious or immediate topics. We need to be making more noise about this.

Missions were a big part of why I fell in love with guild wars 2. Here, finally, was a game that understood the importance of guild communities that formed within the game. Here was a game that supported those communities through real content complete with objectives and rewards.

I know a lot of people want the ArenaNet that understood the importance of these things back.

We've gotten a few minor guild decorations since the launch of HOT, but for the most part, Anet hasn't done anything real to encourage guilds to play together in a very long time. It's time for them to remember that the backbone of Guild Wars 2 really is made up of the guilds that have formed in the game.

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I believe there were a lot of missed opportunities the past few years related to missions. In addition to HOT maps, they should have integrated missions into the introduction of new maps. to be honest, I wouldnt have minded if they had simply been tied to pre-existing events, such as "capture or defend a settlement in Lake Doric with at least 3 guild members" or "Activate and defeat the Wardbough in Draconic Mons."

While I - and others - would obviously prefer completely new content, at least that would have spiced up guild mission night a little.

The lack of movement on - or even mention of - guild missions by the developers has always been baffling to me.

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Most of the time when im playing. Its because of my guild. Creating new deco's, organising the hall. I really want more options. Its time for a new wave of content for guilds.Like stated before, it could be little things.Another thing i wanted for years: is a seperation of the invite, kick and rank-up permissions. Atm its just an overal permission.Lets keep this topic active to make a statement..

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@Cronospere.8143 said:Most of the time when im playing. Its because of my guild. Creating new deco's, organising the hall. I really want more options. Its time for a new wave of content for guilds.Like stated before, it could be little things.Another thing i wanted for years: is a seperation of the invite, kick and rank-up permissions. Atm its just an overal permission.Lets keep this topic active to make a statement..

We can only hope that the dev guild team (if it still exists - they haven't mentioned it in a long time) sees some of this. Since it gets relegated to the "general" subforum and isn't as contentious as most topics (most people agree on this one :) ), it gets buried pretty fast in all of the other discussions. Really wouldn't mind seeing a "guild" subforum for things like this.

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I would be happy enough if existing and discarded content was reused for new guild missions, event if it meant not getting completely new content. At the very least there would be more reasons to play together, and a way to revisit old content for new players:

For example:

  • Expansion Missions: Guild hall Upgrades you could unlock to the missions in the expansion zones. You get the 3 upgrades per expansion that unlocks 3 new guild missions. An easy difficulty one, a medium difficulty one, and a hard difficulty one, using existing content in HoT maps:
    • Complete the boss meta-event of a particular HoT map.
    • Find and kill 1/2/3 treasure mushrooms in HoT maps.
    • Complete 3/5/7 daily hero HoT challenges.
    • Complete a HoT adventure 15 times under 25/15/8 minutes.
  • And similarly for PoF:
    • Complete 1/3/5 Bounties.
    • Complete a legendary bounty.
    • Complete 3/5/7 daily hero challenges.
    • Complete an adventure 15 times under 25/15/8 minutes.
  • Temporal Rifts: Portals in the world where discarded content used to be. Players can enter these portals, and once inside, there's a cut-off subsection of the map as a separate instance, set in the past of the map, allowing players to revisit these past events. These rifts would start on their own following a cycle, but guilds would be able to start them on demand out of schedule with the Guild World Event consumable. And after a guild upgrade has been unlocked, there would be a weekly Guild Rift mission to enter and complete one of these Temporal Rifts with enough people from the guild:
    • Karka Assault on old LA.
    • Ancient Karka in Southsun.
    • Molten Alliance attacks in Wayfarer's and Diessa.
    • Tower of Nightmares (taking over the outside)
    • Tower of Nightmares (ascending and boss fights)
    • Holographic Minion raids, Scarlet army assaults and Mordrem migration on several maps.
    • Marionette
    • Escape from Lion's Arch
    • Battle for Lion's Arch

These temporal rifts could also be used to replay the shared parts of Season 1, the same way season 2 and season 3 have parts that happen in the open world. When you reach that part of the story, you would go to these rifts at the time they are going to open, jump in, and complete the shared content, then move on with the 1...5 player content.

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To be fair guys, The new bounty system is basicly the same as Guild mission bounties but just better. So if you wanne do bounties with your guild you can do just them (tho without the guild rewards). Now sure if we are talking about Puzzle, Treks and Rushes, yeah that would be nice to see again. but i think the guild team spent there time on the new bounty system. That maybe and hopefully will make the new guild bounties better and more interesting :D!

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Here's why I think they haven't done any more g-mish:

Let's say they doubled the number. In 6 months, guilds with active membership would have done all the new mish many, many times and get bored. They'd have to keep adding a full complement of each type every year until there were enough so it would take 3-4 months before repeating more than a few.

That's a big commitment to content that is specific to guilds. And remember that if the mish are too easy, hard-core/bigger guilds will be frustrated (not challenging enough, dull too soon) and if they are too hard, smaller guilds will be equally frustrated. So it's also tough to get the right balance.

And at the same time, that same effort can go into new side stories, new living stories (released sooner rather than later), and so on.

That said, I'd far prefer to see ANet to devote some resources to g-mish as opposed to any work on dungeons (or even revamping older LS instances, etc). They should do enough work on guilds until there's a critical mass of stuff to do with guilds, aside from hanging out in /guild chat.

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@Draxjon.1790 said:To be fair guys, The new bounty system is basicly the same as Guild mission bounties but just better. So if you wanne do bounties with your guild you can do just them (tho without the guild rewards). Now sure if we are talking about Puzzle, Treks and Rushes, yeah that would be nice to see again. but i think the guild team spent there time on the new bounty system. That maybe and hopefully will make the new guild bounties better and more interesting :D!

I liked the new bounty systems when I played the stress tests, but it really is an open world tool designed to give large random groups more to do with one another. So, I really hope that isn't what the guild team considers a good use of their time.

We really need more for guilds to do together - activities that reward not just the individual, but the guild as a whole. This will be especially true if the new guild hall is structured similar to those in HOT - requiring guild mission currency in order to advance levels or build key structures. While my guild still does missions, do we really like the idea of having to do the same challenges, bounties, treks, races and puzzles that we have now over and over as part of upgrading the new guild hall? It really seems a little out of place.

I have always believed that the single greatest thing they added into the game was guild missions. They bring communities together, give us something (hopefully) fun to do and then reward us in meaningful ways (both as individuals and as a group). It baffles my mind that they just abandoned the concept so completely four and half years ago. And then to hear them say they were looking forward to what the guild team would do with them just prior to HOT made it even more perplexing.

There are a lot of things they could do with guild missions. As someone else said above, they could even use them to keep older content more relevant. I would actually love that, especially if they did it in conjunction with something like the guild world event schematic (https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Guild_World_Event). The potential is amazing - pretty much anything could become a guild mission - from defending a fort in Harathi from centaurs to defeating Mordremoth.

But before we can even talk about how they could be improved or used better, we need to know if missions are even part of the plan moving forward. The silence on this one area is a bit overwhelming.

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The original "guild missions" consisted of your guild going out and doing whatever -- you'd get extra influence for people participating in the same event. The new system benefits smaller guilds: if they can complete the mission, they get the same favor as the mega guilds do.

However, the WvW system includes a hybrid of the two: the missions all involve doing something in WvW that you might do anyhow, but doing them in concert with your guild. Holding X camps, gaining Y ranks, escorting Z yaks, etc. So maybe it would be "cheaper" for ANet to consider throwing a bone to PvE missions using the same idea. Something like:

  • Earn X map reward points in [insert zone name] in under time [t] -- uses existing metric (map reward points), but sums them up over guildies for particular maps.
  • Collect Y unbound magic in under time [t] -- similar, but applies to LS3 maps.
  • Complete the Adventure [xyz] with 10 unique accounts in time [t] -- like a guild race, only less so.
  • Get credit for accomplishing X achievement at a world boss -- for example, preventing shattererererer from flying, finishing claw of jormag with only two burns of the original wall, etc.

None of the above is all that exciting, but ... it would be new, it would add variety to the mix, and, theoretically, it could be cheaper than adding an entirely new set of guild races, challenges, bounties, or puzzles. Not so much as a solution as it would be throwing us a bone, to tide us over for... the next 4.5 years.

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To illconceived:Its just that guilds most of the time don't evolve with the new content.Except for the hall, no guild event takes place in HoT, (and i think also not in PoF). That's just a shame.Even if they did a simple thing, like adding a guild bounty, or adding 10 new locations for guild trek in the new maps, then noone would complain.Then there is the problem of people who didn't buy HoT, well to be honest, I don't think you need to consider them. out of the 100 treks only 10 would be HoT, they can simply skip them. the targets could be marked, so the non-paying members can skip them.

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@Cronospere.8143 said:To illconceived:Its just that guilds most of the time don't evolve with the new content.Except for the hall, no guild event takes place in HoT, (and i think also not in PoF). That's just a shame.Even if they did a simple thing, like adding a guild bounty, or adding 10 new locations for guild trek in the new maps, then noone would complain.Then there is the problem of people who didn't buy HoT, well to be honest, I don't think you need to consider them. out of the 100 treks only 10 would be HoT, they can simply skip them. the targets could be marked, so the non-paying members can skip them.

Pretty much this. Anything is more than we have now.

I wouldn't mind seeing a new bounty target or challenge involving one of the base events for each of the new maps (eg, capture or defend a town in Lake Doric with at least 3 guild members) as they are released - it really could be that simple and would mirror how missions work in wvw nicely.

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Would be nice if there was more choice for bounties, especially the "easy" category, as there are some bounties that I haven't fought in years - It is always the same few that pops up when we do guild missions.

If not, at least getting a reaction from ANet that they are inclined to see what could be done/improved, would be really appreciated. It feels like everything in the game evolved, except guild fonctions which is the same since day 1.

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My guild repeatedly talks about a need for new missions. We also frequently talk about how the Guild Bounties do not vary much and we are often seeking the same opponent. Trilia Midwell must have an excellent attorney because she is on our list almost every week. Also the missions we run max out the points we get at low levels too readily. Perhaps increasing the reward points for a higher level mission would increase the utilization of the 5 person bounty or other difficult trials. Possibly offer exclusive loot for those missions and decorations for the guild halls?

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I would welcome new guild missions with warm arms. so many people think the exsisting missions are boring and it's hard to get members to join, they just don't care to bother.To be honest I'm not very fond of most of the guild missions myself, I do them because i want commendations so i can craft guild weapons and armor and ofcourse to get the guild together. But since no one are interested of doing guild missions, it feels useless.I know I can start a guild mission myself and don't even have to complete it to get the commendations but i really like the idea to do it together with guildies and have fun and get to know each other.

I see alot of good ideas for new guild missions in this thread and i hope Anet will bring this content back to life again =)

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@Cronospere.8143 said:Except for the hall, no guild event takes place in HoT, (and i think also not in PoF). That's just a shame.

The problem with missions in HoT areas is not every member of the guild has access to HoT and it will be even worse with PoF. More importantly, open world guild missions in HoT zones could easily mess the running meta events causing trouble. So at least as far as missions in the open world of HoT are concerned, we won't see any, and for good reasons. A possible solution would be to make the objective of the guild mission, finishing the meta. Guild mission: Protect Tarir, or Guild mission: Kill the Mouth of Mordremoth. A way to port the guild on not-full instances would be needed for this to work though, otherwise it would cause another set of issues

Challenges and Puzzles are instanced so the best solution for those is to make the teleporter actually port players -inside- and not next to a flag outside the instance, so even those without HoT can join and complete those missions.

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