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no one plays raids


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21 minutes ago, Vidit.7108 said:

A lot of the things being said to other players here are kind of rude. They often involve claiming the person who wants it to be easier is bad or lazy or wants to be carried, because of its supposed status as hardcore content it's supposed to be hard. And then turning around and saying "well it's actually easy to learn the mechanics if you just try". All you need is basic understanding to be welcomed, and also, before being welcomed, learn a rotation to hit high dps, also a guild can't forget this is group content, and this is all a normal part of playing this game as if by playing other content you would already know. The discussion just isn't very constructive, the person who is talking about struggling is being chastised for having problems. And the people who want raids to stay the way they are seem to take all of this discussion fairly personally.

That's because, unlike the launch of raids, there's a ton of guides out there for every class.  There are guilds, discord servers, and even just larger communities surrounding this content that's willing to teach players how to run the content, yet people are all too keen to obsess over singular instances of toxicity or wallow in their own self-defeatist attitude of their own skill level when casual guilds have cleared the content repeatedly by now.  I always joke about how, if these people on the forums put the same effort they do in denouncing raids as to learning a class and finding a group, they'd have a few clears under their belt already.

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8 hours ago, Sir Alymer.3406 said:

That's because, unlike the launch of raids, there's a ton of guides out there for every class.  There are guilds, discord servers, and even just larger communities surrounding this content that's willing to teach players how to run the content, yet people are all too keen to obsess over singular instances of toxicity or wallow in their own self-defeatist attitude of their own skill level when casual guilds have cleared the content repeatedly by now.  I always joke about how, if these people on the forums put the same effort they do in denouncing raids as to learning a class and finding a group, they'd have a few clears under their belt already.

And if Raider wouldn't be so obsessed  with NO-EASY mode , but instead they  try to tell the casuals  to get gud , learn guide and do 30k dps and collect some KP-LI , we would have more Raids 😛


(i really wonder what will happen to Strikes once again 😛 (don;t get fixated on them old ggs , they have trained students to continue their marvelous work))

Edited by Killthehealersffs.8940
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2 hours ago, Sir Alymer.3406 said:

Then, incidentally, you can fail upwards in pvp for legendary armor.  You don't have to learn your class, you don't even have to have chat on (You can turn off everything and go invisible, flood your mailbox  with 50+ mails and just grind for a month in pvp to get  everything).  WvW is even more true, you barely have to do anything but karma train with a map blob to a certain rank then farm tickets.

Also, you have to carefully plan your time for when a meta is going to be available.  They're generally on a 2h timer, some on an 8 hour timer.  If you feel like doing Svanir  shaman but it's not up on the timer, you're just SOL.

Dungeons now are a joke, back then they weren't.  Back then, dungeons required boon stacking in the form of using combo fields and certain class mechanics.  They also encouraged use of  CC to hold the boss still and control the mobs and the damage to kill them.  Hey look, it's that soft trinity GW2 has always had.  Control, Support, and Damage.

I feel like you didn't do dungeons back then.  They were hard if you didn't stack your boons but they were still doable. Sometimes you'd wipe. In fact, in the beginning of the game, before they changed it, you could rez rush every single dungeon in the game. You only had to keep one person alive and others could teleport. I remember when they changed that.  GW 2 has always had control support and damage, but I ran a casual guild  that did dungeons with pretty much anyone in our group. We didn't do it fast or efficiently but we did get to play with whoever was on at the time.

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10 hours ago, Fuchslein.8639 said:

Just say it, you don't want to put much effort in anything.

And the good thing is, you don't have to put any effort into it. Just don't do it. So simple :D.

I mean, what does someone like you want with the Legendary from the raids? According to what you write you are not the type who has the time to try out new builds (because testing builds costs more than 15min, if you already don't understand raids in 15min, no offense, just facts you stated yourself). And raids are just no fun for you. That's okay. So what's the problem?


The time to lead page-long discussions only to say that you have no time ....  :D.

Lmao.  It's so funny how people make assumptions.

I have pretty much every legendary weapon in the game (I'm missing 3), I have 2 legendary accessories, 2 legendary back pieces and 2 pieces of legendary armor.  I'm sitting on 12k gold, tons of mats, and I've cleared every single zone and every story on 15 characters.  I have over 41k achievement points.   I also run a guild with 350 people and spent a good portion of my time helping others get their achievements.  I've run every fractal through level 100.  I can run T4 fractals when I want, but I don't do it often. I do like some WvW.

Let's face it, you know nothing about me. You have no clue about me. And anyone who thinks you can get 41k achievement points doing nothing has no clue. I even play multiple accounts. 

What I don't want to do is raid. Thanks for attending my Ted talk.

Edit: Btw, I don't sell gems to get gold. I earn it in game, usually by selling legendary weapons.

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5 hours ago, mindcircus.1506 said:

If you tie legendary armour acquisition to the CM of strikes then you don't alleviate the low-effort forum warrior's concerns at all.

All you have done is changed the name of the content that these people will not do and changed an adjective for their tired arguments.

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5 hours ago, mindcircus.1506 said:

If you tie legendary armour acquisition to the CM of strikes then you don't alleviate the low-effort forum warrior's concerns at all.

All you have done is changed the name of the content that these people will not do and changed an adjective for their tired arguments.

No need to alleviate their problems.


The only real problem is that a feature of the game in PvE is locked behind a content that hasn’t been updated for like 3-4 years. Better scratch the idea for the majority of players that they should participate in some old content that has been released 6-7 years before. 
That way, if they fancy the animated armor, they would have the armor and all they required experience to then go back and complete HoT raids.


In the future, if 10 man content gets more support and the number of players earning a legendary armor increases, then it would be interesting for Anet to design more animated armor for legendary gear owners. They could for example award single pieces of animated armor for beating a CM strike mission.

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32 minutes ago, Vayne.8563 said:

I have pretty much every legendary weapon in the game (I'm missing 3), I have 2 legendary accessories, 2 legendary back pieces and 2 pieces of legendary armor.  I'm sitting on 12k gold, tons of mats, and I've cleared every single zone and every story on 15 characters.  I have over 41k achievement points.   I also run a guild with 350 people and spent a good portion of my time helping others get their achievements.  I've run every fractal through level 100.  I can run T4 fractals when I want, but I don't do it often. I do like some WvW.

Let's face it, you know nothing about me. You have no clue about me. And anyone who thinks you can get 41k achievement points doing nothing has no clue. I even play multiple accounts. 

What I don't want to do is raid. Thanks for attending my Ted talk.

Edit: Btw, I don't sell gems to get gold. I earn it in game, usually by selling legendary weapons.

You've spent so much time already getting those items across multiple accounts yet 15-30 minutes to raid is too much?  You'd literally want to spend more time on the forums, complaining about raids than actively seeking out methods to chip away at raids over time?


7 minutes ago, flog.3485 said:

No need to alleviate their problems.


The only real problem is that a feature of the game in PvE is locked behind a content that hasn’t been updated for like 3-4 years. Better scratch the idea for the majority of players that they should participate in some old content that has been released 6-7 years before. 
That way, if they fancy the animated armor, they would have the armor and all they required experience to then go back and complete HoT raids.


In the future, if 10 man content gets more support and the number of players earning a legendary armor increases, then it would be interesting for Anet to design more animated armor for legendary gear owners. They could for example award single pieces of animated armor for beating a CM strike mission.

That's the neat part.  All endgame content in this game is relevant because there's no gear grind. Five-ish years later, raids are still relevant content to get ascended rewards cheaper than anywhere else


41 minutes ago, Vayne.8563 said:

I feel like you didn't do dungeons back then.  They were hard if you didn't stack your boons but they were still doable. Sometimes you'd wipe. In fact, in the beginning of the game, before they changed it, you could rez rush every single dungeon in the game. You only had to keep one person alive and others could teleport. I remember when they changed that.  GW 2 has always had control support and damage, but I ran a casual guild  that did dungeons with pretty much anyone in our group. We didn't do it fast or efficiently but we did get to play with whoever was on at the time.

Nope, I was around back then. I used to live in dungeons and it's why, despite nine years later, I still have thousands of tokens even though I've purchased multiple rune sets to gear out different characters and builds.  Dungeons were difficult if you tried to play into the original trinity.  They were still difficult if you went full glass because now you and your party's execution of the mechanics had to be even better  as you didn't have the cushion of Vitality or Toughness to mitigate damage.  I also distinctly recall all of the hate for projectile reflection that went on back when dungeons were a thing.  The direct buffs to those enemy skills indirectly nerfed guardian a ton as aegis and wall of reflection no longer served their purpose.  I remember playing anchor guardian for big protection, regeneration, and might uptimes.  Yet even with all that, I was a casual in the sense that I didn't fully understand any class mechanics.  I could understand boss patterns (Because, let's face it, if a player is incapable of pattern recognition that says more about the player than the game), but comprehending exactly what my traits did took a while of tweaking then testing.  Also a good portion of my playtime back then was afk time in LA.

But also, lol, telling people not to assume things about you, then assuming things about others.  Hello pot, this is kettle.

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7 hours ago, Sir Alymer.3406 said:

You've spent so much time already getting those items across multiple accounts yet 15-30 minutes to raid is too much?  You'd literally want to spend more time on the forums, complaining about raids than actively seeking out methods to chip away at raids over time?

And what Raiders want ?

To reduce the opposition , so when the x-pack released , toxic casuals won't infect the new people ?


Maybe som1 else must change , while the game is labeled as "welcoming , relaxed enviroment"? 😛


(common , lets be real :

New player  played their fair share of 1-hour instances  in other games , they wont do the same here . And the 10min bosses as a great fast food option .

You lost the game with the majority support . They didn't cared about the Raid  tittle , for the 10 aviversary , or it's removal .

You lost the game 😛 )



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11 minutes ago, Killthehealersffs.8940 said:

And what Raiders want ?

To reduce the opposition , so when the x-pack released , toxic casuals won't infect the new people ?


Maybe som1 else must change , while the game is labeled as "welcoming , relaxed enviroment"? 😛


(common , lets be real :

New player  played their fair share of 1-hour instances  in other games , they wont do the same here . And the 10min bosses as a great fast food option .

You lost the game with the majority support . They didn't cared about the Raid  tittle , for the 10 aviversary , or it's removal .

Sit in the corner , and hope they forget after 1 year . This kind of thread rekindle their "love" )



So this took a while to parse (Between the passive-aggressive toxicity).

What I think you're saying is

"Raiders don't want toxic casuals in the game" Honestly, i don't think anyone wants toxic casuals in their game.  That's how you get mobile games and gacha systems.

"GW2 is a welcoming and relaxed MMO."

GW2 being  a welcoming, relaxed environment.  What?  Citation where ANet has said this, please?  The game, originally, in 2012, was marketed as not wasting your time.  You wanna go do something, you can go do that thing.  You wanna do a few heart tasks and events, you can without having to walk up to an NPC and get a quest to kill x amount of an enemy.  It was advertised as a themepark MMO and you, the player, could go do what you want when you want.  ANet just added a new ride that a few people don't like or can't ride on (Raids) and because it has unique experiences (rewards) that have since been given more QoL functionality, there are people getting mad about that on the forums with this feeling of entitlement.  Lastly, one hour instances already exist in this game beyond raids, fractals, and dungeons.  There are some story instances that drag on for about that long especially if you're not good at the game.

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7 hours ago, Sir Alymer.3406 said:

So this took a while to parse (Between the passive-aggressive toxicity).

What I think you're saying is

"Raiders don't want toxic casuals in the game" Honestly, i don't think anyone wants toxic casuals in their game.  That's how you get mobile games and gacha systems.

"GW2 is a welcoming and relaxed MMO."

GW2 being  a welcoming, relaxed environment.  What?  Citation where ANet has said this, please?  The game, originally, in 2012, was marketed as not wasting your time.  You wanna go do something, you can go do that thing.  You wanna do a few heart tasks and events, you can without having to walk up to an NPC and get a quest to kill x amount of an enemy.  It was advertised as a themepark MMO and you, the player, could go do what you want when you want.  ANet just added a new ride that a few people don't like or can't ride on (Raids) and because it has unique experiences (rewards) that have since been given more QoL functionality, there are people getting mad about that on the forums with this feeling of entitlement.  Lastly, one hour instances already exist in this game beyond raids, fractals, and dungeons.  There are some story instances that drag on for about that long especially if you're not good at the game.

Yeah the company released Raids as Test , and we have the results ....

No casual said that is too hard or not rewarding enought . That was said by the Raider , telling the company and us on the forums , why the Raid failed from their prospective .

Casuals targeted specific things : Damage Meter / KP-LI / Kick after 1 wipe .


If a group must back away from the mentality  , should be the smaller 😛

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1 hour ago, Sobx.1758 said:

Then you can keep playing different content like you did until now, how's that even an issue 🤷‍♂️

I've explained it a number of times, so now you're just trolling. It's simple. If you take an unpopular activity and raiding is unpopular enough that they can't continue to support it, and you make that the sole thing you can do to get legendary armor in PvE, then you are in fact, designing the game for a minority too small to support. And let's not forget some people will be raiding only to get their legendary armor and never raid again because they didn't like it in the first place. That makes it look like raiding is even more popular than it is, and it doesn't look very popular in the first place.


The problem is that legendary armor in PVE is locked behind the least popular, least consumed, not even popular enough to continue creating, content.  That's the issue.

 You like raiding so you think that's okay. You're in a pretty small minority. 

Edited by Vayne.8563
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26 minutes ago, Killthehealersffs.8940 said:

Maybe som1 else must change , while the game is labeled as "welcoming , relaxed enviroment"? 😛

It is a "welcoming, relaxed environment" and trying to suggest that it's not because limited harder 10 player content exists is ill intended and simply false.

26 minutes ago, Killthehealersffs.8940 said:

New player  played their fair share of 1-hour instances  in other games , they wont do the same here . And the 10min bosses as a great fast food option .

If new players won't want to jump into raids then that's ok, there's plenty of content for them to play through. I don't see how this is relevant to anything here.

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6 minutes ago, Vayne.8563 said:

The problem is that legendary armor in PVE is locked behind the least popular, least consumed, not even popular enough to continue creating, content.  That's the issue.

 You like raiding so you think that's okay. You're in a pretty small minority. 

Ah yes.  That's why EoD strikes are advertised with CMs that will have "Raid like difficulty."

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7 hours ago, Sobx.1758 said:

It is a "welcoming, relaxed environment" and trying to suggest that it's not because limited harder 10 player content exists is ill intended and simply false.

If new players won't want to jump into raids then that's ok, there's plenty of content for them to play through. I don't see how this is relevant to anything here.

It's not really a welcoming expirinace , because when new accounts show their face here , they target specific things that has something to do the community part and not the Raid encounter .


If new player and old player won't join in new Raids , then we can stick with Strikes like FF14


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11 minutes ago, Vayne.8563 said:

I've explained it a number of times, so now you're just trolling. It's simple. If you take an unpopular activity and raiding is unpopular enough that they can't continue to support it, and you make that the sole thing you can do to get legendary armor in PvE, then you are in fact, designing the game for a minority too small to support. And let's not forget some people will be raiding only to get their legendary armor and never raid again because they didn't like it in the first place. That makes it look like raiding is even more popular than it is, and it doesn't look very popular in the first place.


The problem is that legendary armor in PVE is locked behind the least popular, least consumed, not even popular enough to continue creating, content.  That's the issue.

 You like raiding so you think that's okay. You're in a pretty small minority. 

Having desired rewards behind aspirational content is ok for the sole pusrpose of giving the players the reason to improve. This is not a new concept. Legendary gear is the kind of reward that doesn't give the players more power (so if someone doesn't want to make an effort to get it then they don't need to and they aren't excluded from any content if they choose to play with ascended gear) and it still needed the introduction of armory to make it reasonable for most people to get (hence the sudden appearence of the NEED for some people to get armor rigth now). If the players won't have the reason to improve, the game won't move forward and the content becomes stagnant.

Want the rewards? Complete the content. Don't want to? Literally your -valid- choice.

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20 hours ago, Killthehealersffs.8940 said:

It's not really a welcoming expirinace , because when new accounts show their face here , they target specific things that has something to do the community part and not the Raid encounter .

Why would "new accounts show their face here" all of the sudden to argue about raids when they're not even done with core part of the game? Not only that, but there's plenty of advice in here, as well as people that can help them, so I'm not sure what you're trying to say here. Stop making up highly hypothetical new players' behavior as your shield you try using instead of responding to what you're quoting.

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7 hours ago, Sobx.1758 said:

Why would "new accounts show their face here" all of the sudden to argue about raids when they're not even done with core part of the game? Not only that, but there's plenty of advice in here, as well as people that can help them, so I'm not sure what you're trying to say here. Stop using highly hypothetical new players' behavior as your shield you try using instead of responding to what you're quoting.

And what is the advice, that you are giving them ?

Learn to do 20k dps ?

Collect 50KP/LI in the training guilds and then come back to join the big boys in the LFG?
You should create your own group and fail and when you are good you can join ME ?


Ehmm , isn't this behavor that they accuse you for ?


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14 minutes ago, Killthehealersffs.8940 said:

Yeah the company released Raids as Test , and we have the results ....

No casual said that is too hard or not rewarding enought . That was said by the Raider , telling the company and us on the forums , why the Raid failed from their prospective .

Casuals targeted specific things : Damage Meter / KP-LI / Kick after 1 wipe .


If a group must back away from the mentality  , should be the smaller 😛

ANet released raids to replace dungeons.

Plenty of casuals have said raids are too hard, too time consuming, and/or too difficult to find groups for.  Do you not read these threads or do you just skim over them, find the shiny red button, then click it?

Let's go back to a time when DPS meters weren't around, the game wasn't optimized, and no one was producing in-depth class guides on what to build for which scenario (Solo, group, support, tank, dps, healer, etc).  You know what happened when a player was playing a class that wasn't mainstream and labeled as 'good'?  They got kicked without any metric of proof.  Someone could be playing the flavor-of-the-month class poorly and they would be kept over another player playing an off-meta class well.  No one in their right mind wants to get anywhere near that sort of ordeal again.

Killproof is the closest thing players have to a "I've killed this boss x amount of times" metric.  There's no repeatable achievement you can ping that shows what you've done so players, without any other metric to really go for, use boss drops as a form of kill proof to get people at similar skill levels to  what they're used to playing with.  There is literally nothing wrong about this as their group being up on the LFG doesn't devalue your own group with fewer requirements.  In fact, the reason you may only see kill proof groups on the LFG at any time is that they take longer to fill than groups with lower requirements.

Kicks after one wipe  generally happen when a player is severely under performing or is behaving so poorly  that any feedback would just be met with a caustic, abrasive attitude.  What I'm talking about is not that "Oops, I only did 10k dps on the boss/had 75% uptime on my boons/didn't move the boss super fast but I made the mechanics" no, it's "I did less damage than a full heal druid tank/I was supposed to give out boons?/Tank and spank works here right? and failed a ton of mechanics causing undue stress to the group as they had to make up for my poor performance."  The former isn't a problem.  The latter is and when it's paired with an attitude of "I play how I want" it causes big problems in a group situation.

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20 minutes ago, Killthehealersffs.8940 said:

And what is the advice, that you are giving them ?

Read throught the forum/subforum and related threads about how to start raiding and you'll see. Obviously it's nothing you're sarcastically pretending I'd be advising here. The reason I'll not specifically respond to that question is because I remember we were talking about it and you seem to be hard-set on trying to provoke a reaction here. Good luck. 


20 minutes ago, Killthehealersffs.8940 said:

You should create your own group and fail and when you are good you can join ME ?


Ehmm , isn't this behavor that they accuse you for ?

Ah, yes, of course that's what I want and that's what "they(??) accuse me for". Especially when pretty regularly I play with players that are new-to-raiding in training/no req/low req squads through lfg and don't mind when someone fails but wants to learn. 🤦‍♂️ Please, when you try to accuse me of something, at least make sure it's based on anything factual.

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7 hours ago, Sir Alymer.3406 said:

ANet released raids to replace dungeons.

Plenty of casuals have said raids are too hard, too time consuming, and/or too difficult to find groups for.  Do you not read these threads or do you just skim over them, find the shiny red button, then click it?

Let's go back to a time when DPS meters weren't around, the game wasn't optimized, and no one was producing in-depth class guides on what to build for which scenario (Solo, group, support, tank, dps, healer, etc).  You know what happened when a player was playing a class that wasn't mainstream and labeled as 'good'?  They got kicked without any metric of proof.  Someone could be playing the flavor-of-the-month class poorly and they would be kept over another player playing an off-meta class well.  No one in their right mind wants to get anywhere near that sort of ordeal again.

Killproof is the closest thing players have to a "I've killed this boss x amount of times" metric.  There's no repeatable achievement you can ping that shows what you've done so players, without any other metric to really go for, use boss drops as a form of kill proof to get people at similar skill levels to  what they're used to playing with.  There is literally nothing wrong about this as their group being up on the LFG doesn't devalue your own group with fewer requirements.  In fact, the reason you may only see kill proof groups on the LFG at any time is that they take longer to fill than groups with lower requirements.

Kicks after one wipe  generally happen when a player is severely under performing or is behaving so poorly  that any feedback would just be met with a caustic, abrasive attitude.  What I'm talking about is not that "Oops, I only did 10k dps on the boss/had 75% uptime on my boons/didn't move the boss super fast but I made the mechanics" no, it's "I did less damage than a full heal druid tank/I was supposed to give out boons?/Tank and spank works here right? and failed a ton of mechanics causing undue stress to the group as they had to make up for my poor performance."  The former isn't a problem.  The latter is and when it's paired with an attitude of "I play how I want" it causes big problems in a group situation.

Now you have Killproof + demanding them to do 20k dps and not die like noobs .

You increased over time the requirements 😛

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40 minutes ago, Sobx.1758 said:

Having desired rewards behind aspirational content is ok for the sole pusrpose of giving the players the reason to improve. This is not a new concept. Legendary gear is the kind of reward that doesn't give the players more power (so if someone doesn't want to make an effort to get it then they don't need to and they aren't excluded from any content if they choose to play with ascended gear) and it still needed the introduction of armory to make it reasonable for most people to get (hence the sudden appearence of the NEED for some people to get armor rigth now). If the players won't have the reason to improve, the game won't move forward and the content becomes stagnant.

Want the rewards? Complete the content. Don't want to? Literally your -valid- choice.

I play games to have fun, because get this...they're games.  People play games for different reasons. Not everyone is playing a game for competitive reasons.  In fact, as the age of the average gamer goes up (it's now in the mid 30s), people come home from work and play games to relax and unwind.  I don't play most games to improve. I play games to have fun. I didn't play mouse trap to improve. I didn't play  monopoly to improve. I don't play a slot machine to improve, but they're all games.  And you know for every person who plays baseball on a competitive level, some people are just going to throw a ball around.

If you think it's okay to throw people into the least popular PvE content in the entire game to get a reward only available in that content, that's fine. That's your opinion. My opinion is that this is simply bad development. Because raids aren't that popular, most people don't like them, and get this. Those people paid MONEY to play this game. It's not a job. It shouldn't be a job.

If you're going to force me into content I don't like to get those rewards I might do it, eventually. But I'll like the game at lot less. I know other people, quite a few, are in the same boat I am. Playing hours and hours of content we don't enjoy to get something.


Let me ask you. Do you really think the game developers want us to play  hours and hours of content we're not having fun playing? Is that really what you think?

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21 minutes ago, Vayne.8563 said:

I play games to have fun, because get this...they're games.  People play games for different reasons. Not everyone is playing a game for competitive reasons.  In fact, as the age of the average gamer goes up (it's now in the mid 30s), people come home from work and play games to relax and unwind.  I don't play most games to improve. I play games to have fun. I didn't play mouse trap to improve. I didn't play  monopoly to improve. I don't play a slot machine to improve, but they're all games.  And you know for every person who plays baseball on a competitive level, some people are just going to throw a ball around.

If you think it's okay to throw people into the least popular PvE content in the entire game to get a reward only available in that content, that's fine. That's your opinion. My opinion is that this is simply bad development. Because raids aren't that popular, most people don't like them, and get this. Those people paid MONEY to play this game. It's not a job. It shouldn't be a job.

If you're going to force me into content I don't like to get those rewards I might do it, eventually. But I'll like the game at lot less. I know other people, quite a few, are in the same boat I am. Playing hours and hours of content we don't enjoy to get something.


Let me ask you. Do you really think the game developers want us to play  hours and hours of content we're not having fun playing? Is that really what you think?

At which point anyone said you have to play anything you don't want to play? In fact, I even specifically made a point (not once!) that you're free to play what you want and how you want. Not getting legendary armor doesn't lock you out of any content, you're free to play whatever you want just like you've played until now using ascended gear. Absolutely nothing stands in the way of doing that, which is why it's not exactly an issue. You might have had a point here if legendary gear gave the player power or was required for anything like ascended gear does when compared to exotics or when it comes to playing fractals -but it doesn't. You want those rewards that are behind aspirational content? Great, learn the content, complete the content and get the rewards. You don't want to play it? Also great, keep playing what you want, how you want while you've lost none of the power due to not having those specific rewards. I'm not sure, is anything about what I'm writing hard to understand for some reason? Which part?

Edited by Sobx.1758
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