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What if instead of a Golem/Pet it was Mechadendrites


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I really hope that this is the case, since a pet mechanic would most likely end in a disaster once again.

Unfortunately, I can see them giving us a golemancer spec, because it got requested regularly by people who either don't understand why pet classes in this game are doomed to be dysfunctional or people who just don't care if engineer gets an elite spec which is garbage.

Edited by Kodama.6453
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1 hour ago, Kodama.6453 said:

I really hope that this is the case, since a pet mechanic would most likely end in a disaster once again.

Unfortunately, I can see them giving us a golemancer spec, because it got requested regularly by people who either don't understand why pet classes in this game are doomed to be dysfunctional or people who just don't care if engineer gets an elite spec which is garbage.

Pretty much this. 

If engineers new elite gets a pet, Ur basically spending another 4 years as holo, the new specc would have to be broken to realistically trade the natural losses having a pet would bring. 

It's like the new ranger specc, it potientally could be doomed by soulbeasts pet removal mechanic existing as they effectively can't get any closer to "no pet" without litterally slicing the mechanic out the proffession entirely. 

AI just isn't good enough in games to make gaining a pet a "win" 


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1 hour ago, Kodama.6453 said:

Unfortunately, I can see them giving us a golemancer spec, because it got requested regularly by people who either don't understand why pet classes in this game are doomed to be dysfunctional or people who just don't care if engineer gets an elite spec which is garbage.

You do know that the reason Golemancer is requested so frequently is due to how the Engineer class has been represented in the games story.

First there is in the Core personal story, where-in an unsurprisingly large amount of players mistakenly identify Zojja as an Engineer, despite her actually being an Elementalist… but regardless of the mistaken profession, she is repeatedly identified in-game as a Golemancer. Snaff who we know was actually an Engineer, is also identified as a Golemancer in all references. Starting with the Living Story we gained a new Engineer among the iconics, Taimi… who is yet again a Golemancer… the only Engineer we have been introduced to in the story that wasn’t just there for a minor bit part in one or two missions who was NOT a Golemancer so far is Gorrik…

It should come as no surprise that people want to play as a specialization that has been endlessly teased since the start of the game…

Edited by Panda.1967
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44 minutes ago, Panda.1967 said:

You do know that the reason Golemancer is requested so frequently is due to how the Engineer class has been represented in the games story.

First there is in the Core personal story, where-in an unsurprisingly large amount of players mistakenly identify Zojja as an Engineer, despite her actually being an Elementalist… but regardless of the mistaken profession, she is repeatedly identified in-game as a Golemancer. Snaff who we know was actually an Engineer, is also identified as a Golemancer in all references. Starting with the Living Story we gained a new Engineer among the iconics, Taimi… who is yet again a Golemancer… the only Engineer we have been introduced to in the story that wasn’t just there for a minor bit part in one or two missions who was NOT a Golemancer so far is Gorrik…

It should come as no supplies that people want to play as a specialization that has been endlessly teased since the start of the game…

As you may notice, you focus heavily on Asura.

You've correctly observed, there even are golemancers who are incorrectly thought to be engineers. This is because golemancy is primarily an Asuran thing, regardless of profession. The personal story of Asura allows you to be an inventor of a gala golem, despite my personal Asuran character being a revenant. Race skills include golems as well.

This is not because engineer got pictured as golemancers.... ASURA are pictured as golemancers.

I would argue that there are many lore relevant engineers which are not golemancers....you just actually have to look beyond Asura for once.

To name some examples:

  • Tybalt Leftpaw, very iconic and beloved Charr engineer in the personal story of the order of whispers, never got even slightly associated with golemancy
  • Aerin, Sylvari engineer in the personal story, usually using explosives (grenades and bombs), no golems to be found anywhere
  • Sabetha, one of the raid bosses, she is human and focuses on flamethrower, explosives and cannons
  • Cinder Steeltemper and Ranoah Grindsteel, 2 Charr engineers from the steel warband, one rides a tank the other uses a flamethrower

What people need to realize is that Asura =/= engineer. This is the general misconception here, engineers are not so often pictured as golemancers, ASURA are. Including elementalists, necromancers and other professions.

Edited by Kodama.6453
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1 minute ago, Dawanarth.4601 said:

Isn't Scarlet Briar also an Engineer ?

Yep, and there are many more. That's my point, there are many engineer characters in the game and I don't think we ever met a golemancer engineer who is not Asuran.

Because golemancy is associated with Asura, not the profession. Every Asura can be a golemancer, no matter what profession they have.

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I’ll give you Tybalt… he does fit the criteria that I laid out… he played a large part in the personal story if you went Order of Whispers. And your right, he wasn’t portrayed as a Golemancer… the rest however….

Aerin only shows up in one mission. I know he played a larger roll during LW1 but since LW1 is unavailable to be played… a large number of players have never and will never see his part in the story as anything more than a bit character for part of one singular mission.

Sabetha, a raid boss with absolutely zero story to her… she is the very definition of bit part character… her whole existance is to be a raid boss. Which BTW, most players haven’t even set foot inside a raid.

Cinder Steeltemper and Ranoah Grindsteel, personally I haven’t encountered either of these two yet… according to the Wiki they only seem to be involved in one mission as a part of Icebrood Saga (took some time off from the game and missed most of the icebrood saga when it went live… waiting for its return next month) though… if they do play more of a direct roll and arn’t just there for one or two missions, then ok… otherwise… bit part characters…

Scarlet Briar… she most definitely falls into the category of Golemancer… She manufactured a horde of steam powered automatons… reconfigured the clock knights… and directed a colossal clockwork mannequin to destroy lions arch… even if the final confrontation with her used more traditional engineer skills, she was iconically still a Golemancer.

Edited by Panda.1967
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18 minutes ago, Panda.1967 said:

I’ll give you Tybalt… he does fit the criteria that I laid out… he played a large part in the personal story if you went Order of Whispers. And your right, he wasn’t portrayed as a Golemancer… the rest however….

Aerin only shows up in one mission. I know he played a larger roll during LW1 but since LW1 is unavailable to be played… a large number of players have never and will never see his part in the story as anything more than a bit character for part of one singular mission.

Sabetha, a raid boss with absolutely zero story to her… she is the very definition of bit part character… her whole existance is to be a raid boss. Which BTW, most players haven’t even set foot inside a raid.

Cinder Steeltemper and Ranoah Grindsteel, personally I haven’t encountered either of these two yet… according to the Wiki they only seem to be involved in one mission as a part of Icebrood Saga (took some time off from the game and missed most of the icebrood saga when it went live… waiting for its return next month) though… if they do play more of a direct roll and arn’t just there for one or two missions, then ok… otherwise… bit part characters…

Scarlet Briar… she most definitely falls into the category of Golemancer… She manufactured a horde of steam powered automatons… reconfigured the clock knights… and directed a colossal clockwork mannequin to destroy lions arch… even if the final confrontation with her used more traditional engineer skills, she was iconically still a Golemancer.

You completely ignored my main point: golemancy is not an engineer specialization thing, it is a cultural Asuran thing.

Hence why Asura of many other professions are golemancers. Like Zojja, who is actually an elementalist.

The demand for an engineer elite spec based on golemancy is simply a product of a misconception... Because many people don't realise that golemancy is based in the Asuran culture, not in the engineer profession. Hence why people think Zojja is an engineer, because they think golemancer means engineer when in reality any Asura can be a golemancer.

So if this stuff is really the base for the demand like you think here... Then the demand comes from people who don't know the actual lore of this game. Not because "this spec got teasered in the game the entire time". It's not teasered, it is even already there!

Literally every Asura you create is a golemancer by default. Look at the racial skills.

Edit: About Scarlet: automatons are not automatically golems. Golems are not clockwork driven, they are magitech. And if Scarlet resembles any elite spec, then she is a holosmith, considering that she was also one of the primary users of holomancy.

Edited by Kodama.6453
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2 minutes ago, Kodama.6453 said:

You completely ignored my main point: golemancy is not an engineer specialization thing, it is a cultural Asuran thing.

You have also completely ignored my main point: the greatest representation that we actively see in the story for Engineers IS golemancy. It is completely irrelevant that they are Asura, or that golemancy is culturally an Asuran thing.

Yes, much of the demand is a product of a misconception... but that doesn't even matter. The demand exists. You can prove to people that the source of their demand is a misconception, and they will STILL demand it.

Also, another thing that often factors into the demand does actually look at the fact that it is culturaly Asuran... in GW2 we have 2 playable races that have a heavy cultural connection to Engineering. Asura & Charr... This is a big reason why most engineer NPCs we see in game are of one of these two races. However... the aesthetic of the profession is based on the Charr. This is made painfully apparent by the fact that every Asuran Engineer NPC we ever encounter uses different turret models, and we have even seen unique Asuran themed kit weapons on them a few times. Asuran players want their engineers to feel Asuran, but currently that isn't really possible... the closest there is currently is the Holosmith... And even if the new engineer elite ends up as a Golemancer, something tells me it will have a distinctly Canthan Human aesthetic to it...

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11 minutes ago, Panda.1967 said:

You have also completely ignored my main point: the greatest representation that we actively see in the story for Engineers IS golemancy. It is completely irrelevant that they are Asura, or that golemancy is culturally an Asuran thing.

Yes, much of the demand is a product of a misconception... but that doesn't even matter. The demand exists. You can prove to people that the source of their demand is a misconception, and they will STILL demand it.

Also, another thing that often factors into the demand does actually look at the fact that it is culturaly Asuran... in GW2 we have 2 playable races that have a heavy cultural connection to Engineering. Asura & Charr... This is a big reason why most engineer NPCs we see in game are of one of these two races. However... the aesthetic of the profession is based on the Charr. This is made painfully apparent by the fact that every Asuran Engineer NPC we ever encounter uses different turret models, and we have even seen unique Asuran themed kit weapons on them a few times. Asuran players want their engineers to feel Asuran, but currently that isn't really possible... the closest there is currently is the Holosmith... And even if the new engineer elite ends up as a Golemancer, something tells me it will have a distinctly Canthan Human aesthetic to it...

What's wrong with holosmith to represent Asura?

While the lore is "humans tinkering with Zephyrite crystals", the aesthetic is directly inspired by Asura. Anet even directly confirmed that they took the inspiration for all the holosmith visuals from Asura.

This speaks against another Asura connected spec for me... Because the last elite spec, holosmith, was already pretty much screaming Asura.

But anyway, if we end up with a golemancer elite spec, then I can at least tell myself that this mistake is out of the way now and Anet can focus on elite specs which make more sense in the future...

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Honestly i would love if none gets golemancer. Asurans already have 2 or 3 golem minions to choose on elite skill and a golem suit. 

There is even a rune of golemancer already which summons a basic asura golem. And its power focused. We need condi. 

And AI in gw2 is meh. 

Give me anything, but not golemancer please. 

Also i am afraid that golemancer is just a reverted asura golem suit with a bit better abilities. They run slow, they attack slow, they are boring (imo), they deal not so good damage since they r tanky bc u wont get the damage, they are most likely melee. 

And the problem with AI we know already. 

I really hope its not golemancer 

Edited by SeTect.5918
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Golemancer does seem likely, but what if it is actually some kinda bio engineer and your pets are all kinds of monstrosity...we've had a charr-like scrapper, an asuran-like holosmith, now perhaps it will be a sylvari-like specialisation, after all if we get a sort of ranger sub, it might make sense for it to have some form of engineered nature aspect.


Failing that mecha dogs, lots and lots of mecha dogs.

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6 hours ago, KrivukasLT.3507 said:

Honestly i would love that necros would get golemancer or something like it instead. Like oola once tried to join necromancy and golemancy. 


Golemizing a necromancer's minions would be interesting... but how does translate into new gameplay?  I think that is the problem with Engineer getting pet/minion golems, beyond just having to create a playstyle around bad AI.  It doesn't really translate into something new.  A ranger-lite or necro-lite Engineer elite just seems like another gimmick option.  There are 50 Ranger pets and about 8 Necro minion summoning skills.  The Engineer class is starved for variety, and what variety would there be in golems or golem gameplay that isn't just a watered down rehash of other classes.

If the Engineer elite is closer to Mounts than Pets, then that is something new, and not just something borrowed.  Is there any chance of that?  I am not hopeful.  But the Engineer elite needs something revolutionary, considering the inherent limitations in Engineer with regards to weapon selection and swap, and with regards to the class indirectly limiting the availability of utility slots.

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