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My Mesmer feels so much weaker in the open world than....


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Mirage is one of the best specs for soloing open world content. 

Staff/Staff mirage with energy/stamina sigils basically can't die. In any fight against more than 1 target you can easily spend 90% of the time evading. Add on full cele gear for extra durability and you can honestly just turn your brain off even against legendary mobs. 


For Chrono. I usually play a Greatsword/Staff summoner build in open world. It's low sustain, but it clones take a lot of the aggro and you burst most things down before they can kill you. 


Honorable mention to GS power mirage in open world. Good burst damage, good AoE, great for tagging. 

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4 hours ago, necromaniac.7629 said:

im not sure but even if it did you would barely have any alacrity uptime

each clone shattered is 1s, so 3 clone F1 is 4s, and alacrity reduces cooldowns to allow more phantasm/clone spam and thus more shatters which give you more alacrity, so the trait kind of has a synergy with itself on that front 

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2 hours ago, Leonidrex.5649 said:

each clone shattered is 1s, so 3 clone F1 is 4s, and alacrity reduces cooldowns to allow more phantasm/clone spam and thus more shatters which give you more alacrity, so the trait kind of has a synergy with itself on that front 

but remember im talking OW build, that trait is def not worth it if you dont have good uptime of it

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1 hour ago, necromaniac.7629 said:

but remember im talking OW build, that trait is def not worth it if you dont have good uptime of it


we know from multiple discussions that the trait just makes whatever alac you get better than before, regardless of where it comes from. it just so happens that chrono has a minor grants alac on shatter and so they dont need to do anything too differently to gain some benefit from the trait (unless they never shatter)


on the flipside, danger time requires additional input, such as taking delayed reactions over time catches up and then having to expend cc skills to proc delayed reactions (and not waste traiting for it) or slotting in slow-skills so that danger time can take effect. for someone who doesnt do this, danger time (+delayed reactions) is not worth unless there is slow coming from somewhere else


on that note, id actually be curious to see how much of an advantage danger time has if it has to self-supply slow (instead of calculating from a 0 slow output rotation), it may be that it only truly shows when chrono doesnt have to sacrifice anything for it

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On 10/20/2021 at 5:57 AM, Noodle Ant.1605 said:


we know from multiple discussions that the trait just makes whatever alac you get better than before, regardless of where it comes from. it just so happens that chrono has a minor grants alac on shatter and so they dont need to do anything too differently to gain some benefit from the trait (unless they never shatter)


on the flipside, danger time requires additional input, such as taking delayed reactions over time catches up and then having to expend cc skills to proc delayed reactions (and not waste traiting for it) or slotting in slow-skills so that danger time can take effect. for someone who doesnt do this, danger time (+delayed reactions) is not worth unless there is slow coming from somewhere else


on that note, id actually be curious to see how much of an advantage danger time has if it has to self-supply slow (instead of calculating from a 0 slow output rotation), it may be that it only truly shows when chrono doesnt have to sacrifice anything for it

I'm a little lost here but to put it as is, i like to have 100% crit chance, i would have to run full assassin pieces without danger time (for 80% crit chance) but i rather use cc skills for slow cause it has good synergy with the build and i'm not going out of my way to cc, focus 4 very good skill, gravity well very good skill to use as well etc.

If i'm in group content OW with alot more people then I would take time catches up over delayed reaction because decent slow uptime is guaranteed at that point, and also take shatter storm over persistence of memory because you are guaranteed to have get alot of fury too from other people.

Another thing is that having slow on enemies helps with your survivability too



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On 10/2/2021 at 7:53 PM, Josiah.2967 said:

The Mesmer is generally my "fun" character.  Now it feels so much weaker than my Guardian, Ranger, Engineer and more. I feel like it's now the worst performing spec in Open World. I use to play Chrono Sword/Sword and Great Sword for casual fun; however, now it just feels like the equivalent of activating hard mode. 


1.) Harder rotation -> Check

2.) Less Damage -> Check, Check

3.) Less Survivability -> Check, Check, Check


This felt way more competitive 6 months ago. What happened? Does anyone have a competitive open-world build. I know you can play open world...blah blah... However, something feels off now. I don't understand what changed in the last 6 months that was so extreme...

I guess I don't play Chrono, I play a double staff condi mirage and to me it feels insanely strong and survivable. I can even solo group content, champions, and difficult hero challenges without any issues whatsoever. The issues you've described with Chrono I've kind of always felt like existed, it's why I have never and never will play Chrono. If I can't solo everything from open world to T1 fractals then I just won't play that build.

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2 hours ago, necromaniac.7629 said:

I'm a little lost here but to put it as is, i like to have 100% crit chance, i would have to run full assassin pieces without danger time (for 80% crit chance) but i rather use cc skills for slow cause it has good synergy with the build and i'm not going out of my way to cc, focus 4 very good skill, gravity well very good skill to use as well etc.

If i'm in group content OW with alot more people then I would take time catches up over delayed reaction because decent slow uptime is guaranteed at that point, and also take shatter storm over persistence of memory because you are guaranteed to have get alot of fury too from other people.

Another thing is that having slow on enemies helps with your survivability too

i was only just saying because there are people who are more interested (or just lazy?) in putting minimal effort into their gameplay. the last similar thread i posted in had a general complaint about class x y z only having to press 1-2 skills to win. im not saying a danger time setup is not worthwhile, but more that you need to make it worthwhile… which means more active input from the player (or slow from external sources)


but you are correct in pointing out that different gear is required into compensate, which people generally dont consider (thx full zerk mentality)

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56 minutes ago, Noodle Ant.1605 said:

i was only just saying because there are people who are more interested (or just lazy?) in putting minimal effort into their gameplay. the last similar thread i posted in had a general complaint about class x y z only having to press 1-2 skills to win. im not saying a danger time setup is not worthwhile, but more that you need to make it worthwhile… which means more active input from the player (or slow from external sources)


but you are correct in pointing out that different gear is required into compensate, which people generally dont consider (thx full zerk mentality)

Ah ok i see now, haha  i have full zerker mentality myself then,I should of just put assassin pieces on the build instead to simplify

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I've been feeling the same as OP... sometimes. More recently I've found that in order to be effective/efficient I have to use very specific builds. For instance, if I wanna go dps/condi, I have to go mirage and I have to use specific weapons. For example I made the legendary focus but in recent months I have barely used it because the build I have which  make it useful, is not the most effective.

I know there are builds out there that use the focus, but my point is that it feel like the versatility is not there anymore. I've always been able to make builds to fit my play style, but recently it feel like I've had to adjust my play-style to fit builds. Which is not as fun.

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