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A way to give random buffs/help others?


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This might sound a little absurd or bizarre for some, but is there a way that someone could help others through a special mode or something? There are times when I just enjoy rez-ing people or healing them, but due to the semi-chaotic nature of most MMOs, that's difficult to do consistently without people being weirded out by someone following em around randomly xD

I was wondering if there could be a way or new game mode you could enter where you seek out people in need and just assist them. Sort of like an automatic SOS during PVE gameplay. Or a way for fallen players to become more noticeable on the map with a waypoint facing towards them. To balance it out, maybe they wouldn't get enemy or boss drops, or be able to mine or harvest any resources during it. I personally would just really like to see a mode like this, even if I'm not sure how many people would use it. 


The idea of players having to play a little mini-game or just be some sorta specter to help raise/heal/buff others would be something I would unendingly enjoy. Thanks for hearing me out!



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If you just want to help other players there are many oppertunities to do so which are less weird than following a random person you hope might need it.

Basically you make a support/healer build (I think druid, tempest, firebrand and possibly chronomancer are good choices, but you can find guides online with specifics and up to date recommendations) then you join a bounty train, HP train, or simply a group doing big meta events (all found through the LFG tool) and hope lots of people have bought 'glass cannon' builds, which a lot of them will. You can do the same in WvW zergs and if you want something more coordinated there's Fractals and raids. (Most raid squads specifically ask for at least 1 person with a healer/support build.)

Of course anyone can rally and revive downed or dead players, you don't need a special build for that (and they are already marked on the map) but there are skills which can help, like the ranger's Search and Rescue which sends your pet to revive them.

If you specifically want to do nothing but teleport around reviving downed players or want to go through some sort of mini-game first, before you get to them then you might be out of luck because it seems unlikely Anet would add that, even with restrictions on what the reviver can do, because it would either be so niche it wouldn't be used much (meaning it's not worth the time to make it) or it would remove a lot of the challenge for everyone else because any time they were in trouble someone would appear and heal them. It might also be frustrating for players who don't want that because they want to see what they can do solo.

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I know most of these things, Danikat, and please don't think I'm being rude when responding because it's truly not my intention. I just miss sorta hands-off ways to be able to help people, like the commander mode from Battlefield 4. I know it's a different genre, but hear me out a sec. You don't fight in the actual battle, but instead you're scanning, promoting, and buffing your allies sorta behind the scenes. I REALLY enjoy that sorta stuff, but it's a shame it's not in a lot of games. 

And yes, I know what 'niche' means xD I just enjoy informal typing.

To answer your group suggestions though, I've indeed done that and I'm rocking a guardian that's level 80 and I do indeed have a buff/healer build going on. I know it's a far-fetched idea, but this seemed like the right kinda place to toss my suggestion in. I do appreciate you trying to help me out though.

"but there are skills which can help, like the ranger's Search and Rescue which sends your pet to revive them."
I actually didn't know about that! Makes me wanna look into the Ranger class more now. Sanctuary on the Guardian build is one of my favorites to help downed allies at the moment. That and the Wall of Reflection, or whatever the actual name is xD

Edited by Zaez.9726
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I know what you mean, being someone that played as the Commander role in Battlefield.. almost exclusively. I enjoyed that WAY more than any of the action-packed, moment-to-moment gameplay. Just being able to relay information across to the entire friendly army and throw down supplies, artillery, etc. etc. and support my team members without ever actually being on the map myself.

As it stands, there is nothing even close to it. The best you can do is be a buff/heal build stalker that follows people around, or cruises about the maps dropping in and helping randoms that are engaged in something, then moving on to wherever the breeze blows you toward.

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I sometimes do this with my tempest.

I run around the map, helping new players and random events with heals and buffs.  Then I move on.

It's like playing as Batman without the scotch addiction.  You just drop in uninvited, help out, and leave.



I'm in the midst of setting up one of my revenants, my ranger, and one of my guardians for this type of gameplay.

I'm even going to buy lots of Ash Legion Spy Kits and just stand there, invisible but not quite so, because "I'm Batman"

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9 hours ago, Zaez.9726 said:

And yes, I know what 'niche' means xD I just enjoy informal typing.

Sorry, that wasn't me explaining what niche means, it was supposed to be a follow up reminder that it's unlikely Anet could allocate time for something not a lot of people are likely to use. (It's a factor I find a lot of people tend to forget about when talking game design, I think I only remember because a lot of my job is asking my co-workers what we're going to stop doing to make time for their new project.)

I know my suggestions aren't really what you're asking for, but what you want sounds like a completely different genre, something that would fit in a strategy game but not really in an RPG so I was trying to think of things which serve the same purpose but can be done in GW2.

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Spent around 2 hours doing this in the labyrinth today and I didn't have to be a stalker.


Outside that very specific situation I would recommend making some friends ...that is pretty much the only other time I've experience. Even with friends I am not going to jump in unless requested or they seem frustrated otherwise you might be robbing them the chance to experience things on their own terms.


If you are looking for people in need of help you can check the LFG. If you are offering them then you can also advertise on the LFG.

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