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Potential Pip Rework

Epsilon Indi.2031

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With the advent of ANet announcing that Pips per tick are being looked at and outnumbered pips being removed (I believe removing outnumbered pips is a good start), but I believe those pips should just be moved around and not reduced.  For example, adding a series of repeatable achievements that award pip progression for their completion to encourage fighting over objectives, killing other players, and holding the most objectives.  The pips here are just suggestions, values can be changed.  The general idea is to award active, team play in WvW while not punishing the roamer (

Objective Pips: The goals here are to reward players for actively trying to take or defend and hold objectives.

Objective Defense: Slay 20 enemies in a contested area (While a defense event is going on) of an objective for 1 Pip

Objective Offense: Slay 20 defenders of an objective (In a contested area while the defense event is going on) for 1 Pip

Stonemist Castle: Capture/Defend T1/T2/T3 SMC 3 times for 10/20/30 pips respectively.

Camps: Capture/Defend 20 T1/T2/T3 Camps for 1/3/5 Pips respectively

Towers: Capture/Defend 10 T1/T2/T3 Towers for 2/6/10 Pips respectively.

Keep: Capture/Defend 1 T1/T2/T3 keep for 5/10/15 Pips respectively.

Ruins/Alters: Capture/Defend 10 Ruins/Alters for 3 Pips.

Kills: Kill 40 enemies to gain 1 Pip.

Yak Escorts/Kills: Escort/Slay  20 yaks to gain 1 Pip

Increase pips for holding most objectives on a map. These pips apply to maps you're currently on. Your last played on map will give you the pips on the tick (EG, if you're on Blue Borderland and go to EBG before the tick is up, you'll get pips as if you were on EBG still then the pips will align with your current map for every tick after the first).  The exception to this is the Ruins Borderlands Bloodlust stacks. This is here to encourage servers to keep the stuff they have instead of pip training.  Holding objectives on a map should be worth more Pips per 5 minutes than trading them around, to an extent with the exception of Objective defense/offense (Which would be fine, you're supposed to be fighting over objectives anyways).  As part of this, the values for holding should encourage Blue/Red/Green to attack one another to hold more objectives on a given map.

Upgrading any of the following (Camps,  Towers, Keeps, SMC) to the next tier awards the pips immediately for any who participated in escorting at least 3 dolyaks to/from the objective.

Camps: +1 pip for every 3 camps owned. Every tier above T1 increments the count by +1. A T2 camp would count as 2 camps & a T3 camp would count as 3, for instance.

Towers: +3 pips for every 4 towers owned. Same rules as camps. T2 & T3 towers count as +1 and +2 towers held respectively.

Keeps: +5 for every keep owned. Same rules as camps. T2 & T3 Keeps count as +1 and +2 keeps held respectively.
Ruins: +1 for every tier of Borderlands Bloodlust

SMC: +10 for  every tier.

Placement pips:

+9 for first

+6 for second

+3 for third.

Edited by Sir Alymer.3406
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The outnumbered pips "are" being moved around, to another pip on warscore placement, to another pip in the low rank range, which will be on all the time and should make up for the much lesser times you may earn the bonuses from outnumbered.


This just seems like trying to bypass the participation system and add another layer of complexity to the reward meter that isn't needed. Not to mention it it breaks down control of handing out rewards(especially if repeatable), which anet loves to maintain (especially for wvw).


I wish people would stop trying to use pips as some sort of currency or reward, it's a controlled meter like participation that determines how fast you earn rewards. Use the other useless wvw currencies like the emblems that we have as the rewards, and ask them for stuff to buy with them. Expand the daily achievement system into a weekly one for wvw, add emblems as the rewards for them and add more rewards to buy, like reward track potions or more green bags for you to open.

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36 minutes ago, Xenesis.6389 said:

The outnumbered pips "are" being moved around, to another pip on warscore placement, to another pip in the low rank range, which will be on all the time and should make up for the much lesser times you may earn the bonuses from outnumbered.


This just seems like trying to bypass the participation system and add another layer of complexity to the reward meter that isn't needed. Not to mention it it breaks down control of handing out rewards(especially if repeatable), which anet loves to maintain (especially for wvw).


I wish people would stop trying to use pips as some sort of currency or reward, it's a controlled meter like participation that determines how fast you earn rewards. Use the other useless wvw currencies like the emblems that we have as the rewards, and ask them for stuff to buy with them. Expand the daily achievement system into a weekly one for wvw, add emblems as the rewards for them and add more rewards to buy, like reward track potions or more green bags for you to open.

Or more skirmish tickets or memories of battle.

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The downside to removing Outnumbered pips is it will encourage people to not move maps. I do think 5 is to many especially with the rework. Drop them from 5 to 2. Don't get rid of them completely. Roamers move to the outnumbered maps to get the pips sure but then while they are in that map they go do things (camps, towers, veterans and a bit of killing of other players). With out the incentive to go to the maps (bonus pips) that are outnumbered they will just stay where they are and the outnumber map stays outnumbered.

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7 hours ago, Strider Pj.2193 said:

Cue up the ‘biggest servers win’ crowd.,,.


if you thought stacking was bad now……

You know with alliances that wouldn't be an issue, right?  Red/Blue/Green would all have big groups because they're no longer tied to server but rather guild.

Besides that, even in last place you'd still get more pips than you'd currently get with the system we have now so long as you're actively participating with my suggested system.  Now onto stacking.  Maybe it's an issue?  But you've capped and held your home base (3 camps, 4 towers, keep) and as you extend outwards, it becomes more and more difficult to defend as objectives become farther from spawn and waypoints tend to be contested actively, so while blobbing and stacking would give some advantage right away, you'll definitely lose the objectives farthest from you.  Also, if you're red and going after green, there's always a chance that blue comes to steal your stuff forcing your team to either give up holding green's objectives or lose out on  your own home base.

7 hours ago, Xenesis.6389 said:

This just seems like trying to bypass the participation system and add another layer of complexity to the reward meter that isn't needed. Not to mention it it breaks down control of handing out rewards(especially if repeatable), which anet loves to maintain (especially for wvw).

Did you not read the post? All the pip rewards suggested by me literally require you to be actively participating in the content. You have to kill players, defend objectives, capture objectives, etc.  What did outnumbered really provide?  They rewarded roamers and small groups on outnumbered maps, but beyond that, it encouraged a passive playstyle.  My suggestion, while not entirely perfect, is to reward more active participation beyond just maxing out to T6 and going AFK.


7 hours ago, Xenesis.6389 said:

I wish people would stop trying to use pips as some sort of currency or reward, it's a controlled meter like participation that determines how fast you earn rewards. Use the other useless wvw currencies like the emblems that we have as the rewards, and ask them for stuff to buy with them. Expand the daily achievement system into a weekly one for wvw, add emblems as the rewards for them and add more rewards to buy, like reward track potions or more green bags for you to open.

I wish I didn't have to play WvW like a second, part-time job to actually get through diamond chest and earn rewards in a reasonable amount of time due to timegates and maximum amount of tickets.  No other game mode requires that level of dedication from the playerbase, not even raids, to earn the rewards for the week.

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I understand why Anet did what they did. Yes, pip farming is rather unintentional. One should get rewards for actively playing and not for repairing sm every 10 min. I also understand the op's idea to grant pips for certain activities. It would be another form of "event reward". I see it as one solution for the problem. However, I do not know how to make it balanced. Imagine 5 players are attacking a keep. Some friends and I kill the attackers. I would get 1/4 of a pip. Now imagine a guild group of 25 players is attacking a keep. A blob (including me) is coming and killing the attackers. I would get 1 pip. Did I do 4x as much for the defense in the second case compared to the first?

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