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Mesmer mains

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So guys I've been playing around with some different mesmers builds for conquest and really enjoy all 3 of them (chaos staff condi/ power mirage + condi shatter mirage). I feel a bit more comfortable/ safe with the staff mesmer so I think I'll be playing that more. 


What are your guys favorite mesmer builds for pvp and why?

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they killed off all the builds I liked, not that they were any good to begin with.
I guess the "meta" mirage with both axe and sword is fun to play, but equally as frustrating.
I also enjoy power mirage occasionally ( im bad at it tho lol )
But honestly, all the builds are too frustrating to play so I moved on to the greener pastures ( literary, I play ranger in pvp now )
You always lack 1 crucial gameplay piece on mesmer that leads to frustration.
Be it healing on mirage, mobility on core, damage when you go staff builds or anything useful when you are on chrono.

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I always liked power glass cannon Mesmers like power chrono or power mirage. It is probably because I like high risk high reward kind of play. Also playing these builds really forces you to understand the mechanics behind this class.

Power block condi mirage is just ok to me, it is of course powerful, but gets pretty sweaty if you want to keep pulling off nice spikes. So meh

Unfortunately these builds got overshadowed by people playing obnoxious low risk high reward builds like inspi mirage (disgusting) or core power chaos just repeating stealth spikes how fun

Edited by Mik.3401
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