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A 10% damage trait won't make up 9k DPS deficit for Vindicator.


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7 hours ago, Kain Francois.4328 said:

My initial impressions are that Vindicator will have dodge options, but will have to work around it with clever skill use.

Sword 3 on Qadim's smash can work. So can the Shiro evade.

Evade on Viktor can be useful too.  In fact, Viktor is probably ideal for Endurance Regeneration in raid scenarios by spamming Tree Song for instant 10-20 Endurance back every 3 seconds. Not like you can use Archemorus while in dodge animation, so Viktor might, ironically as it may seem, play a big offensive role. (It's worth testing on Tuesday.)



lol, sword 3 is a significant DPS loss since Anet nerfed its damage by 35% after HoT beta (they also nerfed mainhand sword autos by 30% and never got it back up with buffs, despite their laughable statement that sword/sword is supposed to be a single target weapon when it does laughable DPS in PvE), and so is Shiro evade, which not only eats up a sizable amount of your precious energy, but puts you out of melee range to boot. Sure, not as great a DPS loss a going down, but you are going down because the design of the spec is garbage and untenable in high end play. The one dodge gimmick will need reworking and I'm annoyed that Anet will make players complain for months into release to realize what players long saw coming into the betas.

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On 11/27/2021 at 12:06 AM, Kain Francois.4328 said:

This is a Firebrand situation all over again. Except worse, because the abilities are on a 3s cooldown.

Firebrand doesn't have energy management. Revenant skills have always been OP on paper, with low cooldowns and devastating effects, and Revenant already goes around with 20+ skills, which is not so different from Firebrand. The point is that Firebrand can simply summon a tome and spam all its skills in 2 seconds, move to the other and repeat, spamming like 30 skills in less than 6 seconds. Vindicator will never be able to do that. The whole concept of Revenant is that it has many skills available but has to pick which ones to use because of Energy. That's why it didn't have weaponswap in the first HoT beta and than Roy Chronacher added it based on pressure from me and some other players. 

My only issue with this new Vindicator design is that Archemorus is always the default one, so support builds will have to double tap or make a macro with F1+F3 just for support Vindicator.

This is probably the next thing they'll have to hotfix before the next beta (pretty easy to do with traits, like by making a support trait that also makes Saint Viktor the default selection)

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3 hours ago, Zenith.7301 said:



lol, sword 3 is a significant DPS loss since Anet nerfed its damage by 35% after HoT beta (they also nerfed mainhand sword autos by 30% and never got it back up with buffs, despite their laughable statement that sword/sword is supposed to be a single target weapon when it does laughable DPS in PvE), and so is Shiro evade, which not only eats up a sizable amount of your precious energy, but puts you out of melee range to boot. Sure, not as great a DPS loss a going down, but you are going down because the design of the spec is garbage and untenable in high end play. The one dodge gimmick will need reworking and I'm annoyed that Anet will make players complain for months into release to realize what players long saw coming into the betas.

Note also that sword 3 sometimes atack pixeis and non damagable assets arround your target than actually the target.... 0 hits on target and hit on floor, gate and wall while missing entirelly your selected target IMO also counts as dps loss ..  😞

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The only hero point that I would consider having a margin of difficulty is balthzar and maybe frogs in HoT. What other hero point requires effort after they nerfed all the ones that's remotely challenging? Champions? What champion is so difficult that you cannot do it? Would it be less efficient? Sure, there are wild differences between different classes because there are so many different builds. But that comes in a game with an option to do it wrong. Does it mean you cannot do it? No. Because at absolute worst you can just grab somebody off LFG for help or just wait a day and do your content. This doesn't really work for high end content because the margin actually matters whereas in OW you can literally throw bodies at it.


Now if you seriously consider balancing based off on things like AoE capabilities in OW to farm for mobs then we are never going to see eye to eye. Because if that is what players want, hitting guardian pre-change staff 1 and tag loot then that is not a game I ever want to play. I would rather play cookie clicker simulator because is just functionally the same thing. Why would you ever want to balance based on that?

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2 hours ago, Warscythes.9307 said:

The only hero point that I would consider having a margin of difficulty is balthzar and maybe frogs in HoT. What other hero point requires effort after they nerfed all the ones that's remotely challenging? Champions? What champion is so difficult that you cannot do it? Would it be less efficient? Sure, there are wild differences between different classes because there are so many different builds. But that comes in a game with an option to do it wrong. Does it mean you cannot do it? No. Because at absolute worst you can just grab somebody off LFG for help or just wait a day and do your content. This doesn't really work for high end content because the margin actually matters whereas in OW you can literally throw bodies at it.


Now if you seriously consider balancing based off on things like AoE capabilities in OW to farm for mobs then we are never going to see eye to eye. Because if that is what players want, hitting guardian pre-change staff 1 and tag loot then that is not a game I ever want to play. I would rather play cookie clicker simulator because is just functionally the same thing. Why would you ever want to balance based on that?

This is a severe overestimation of the capability of the general population of the game based on your personal capabilities. If everyone's experience was more like yours, there wouldn't be regular HP trains in HoT. It's not about class capability ... it's about people playing those classes. 

I think you are assuming too much about how Anet compares class performance to specific scenarios in the game to balance them. If we have a look at patch notes, I believe that Anet's decisions on class/spec balance is simply whether they want more or less people playing those specs. If you don't think OW figures into that measure, then your thinking is likely NOT inline with how Anet is actually balancing the game. 

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7 hours ago, Aeolus.3615 said:

Note also that sword 3 sometimes atack pixeis and non damagable assets arround your target than actually the target.... 0 hits on target and hit on floor, gate and wall while missing entirelly your selected target IMO also counts as dps loss ..  😞



Much like how Hammer 2 fails on terrain half the time as well. Tons of bugged revenant skills they haven't bothered to fix.

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1 hour ago, Obtena.7952 said:

This is a severe overestimation of the capability of the general population of the game based on your personal capabilities. If everyone's experience was more like yours, there wouldn't be regular HP trains in HoT. It's not about class capability ... it's about people playing those classes. 

I think you are assuming too much about how Anet compares class performance to specific scenarios in the game to balance them. If we have a look at patch notes, I believe that Anet's decisions on class/spec balance is simply whether they want more or less people playing those specs. If you don't think OW figures into that measure, then your thinking is likely NOT inline with how Anet is actually balancing the game. 

Sure, I recognize there is a great disparity between player skill level. Then it beckon the question why would they balance based on the worst common denominator? Look at any other games, doesn't matter what where balance is somewhat required. Hearthstone, WoW, FFXIV, League of Legends, I am not even going to mention the super technical ones like fighting games. They all balance with the better players as focus while keeping the general population only as a consideration. I am not suggesting to not ever take OW into consideration, but having OW as the centerpiece for PvE is an absolute mistake.


As much as this is going to sound too much of a pompous post, but I can get a very good idea of how Anet balance classes. 


1) They balance classes based on dps ranking probably from snowcrows. Any class get that step out of the line gets smacked down. This line has been moving higher and higher but it generally servers to be true. See staff eles, mirages, spellbreakers etc. This is actually a problem because sometimes the rotations on snowcrow is not realistic, spellbreaker is especially egregious example as the rotation was impractical to pull off but the golem dps was sky high so it got smacked.


2) They tend to nerf things that's not overpowered but generally to be annoying to play against. Prime example is berserker gs spin in PvP. It was about as one dimensional as the beta frenzy bola hundred blades and it was stupid to play against but it was also stupid easy to counter. Of course it got smacked down because it was a pubstomper. 


3) OW wise they nerf things that's out of line as long as it does not impact the rest of the more competitive much.  QoLs are welcome, things like pets doesn't reset or activate mantras when moving maps. This is probably the most important thing, they can nerf or buff whatever they want based on OW but as long as it does not touch the rest of the game where balance actually matters, then who cares? For example Reaper GS souleater no longer heal in shroud, this was good in things like raids because it helps with your scholar uptime. Was it extremely useful? Eh not really, you can play around with it. Was it pretty busted in general PvE? Yes, that's why it got nerfed but since it didn't really impact the raiding scene it was kind of whatever. As a side note I am willing to bet runes of torment will get nerfed for a similar reason, the sustain that rune offers is insane while losing minimal amount of dps.

Of course they try to keep class fantasy and whatnot, but that's bit of a side issue.

Anyway the point is I don't care if Anet takes OW into consideration as long as it is not the focus. In fact I want to rant a little bit. This game is extremely polarized, this by definition is one of the harder mmo in the entire market. Your very basic defense is a 2 charge 10 second cd baseline ability which give you a .5 or 0.75 second(not sure on the time) invul frame. You have hundreds of ways to mess up your build. 95% of the runes are literally worthless and so are most of the stat combinations. The content then cater to absolute trash builds and let players wallow in their mediocrity instead of teaching players how to play. We literally just got a dodge tutorial nearly a decade later in the third expansion. With how lackluster in regards to how PvE is, the potential for the excellent combat system and skill builds are completely wasted. People are accustomed to literally want to afk as necro with pets and farm for a meager 2g per hour or whatever it is or having braindead meta events like dragonstorm where 90% of the group can afk and still beat the event. Is this really what you want the playerbase continue to be in a game like this? 

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16 minutes ago, Warscythes.9307 said:

Sure, I recognize there is a great disparity between player skill level. Then it beckon the question why would they balance based on the worst common denominator? Look at any other games, doesn't matter what where balance is somewhat required. Hearthstone, WoW, FFXIV, League of Legends, I am not even going to mention the super technical ones like fighting games. They all balance with the better players as focus while keeping the general population only as a consideration. I am not suggesting to not ever take OW into consideration, but having OW as the centerpiece for PvE is an absolute mistake.


As much as this is going to sound too much of a pompous post, but I can get a very good idea of how Anet balance classes. 


1) They balance classes based on dps ranking probably from snowcrows. Any class get that step out of the line gets smacked down. This line has been moving higher and higher but it generally servers to be true. See staff eles, mirages, spellbreakers etc. This is actually a problem because sometimes the rotations on snowcrow is not realistic, spellbreaker is especially egregious example as the rotation was impractical to pull off but the golem dps was sky high so it got smacked.


2) They tend to nerf things that's not overpowered but generally to be annoying to play against. Prime example is berserker gs spin in PvP. It was about as one dimensional as the beta frenzy bola hundred blades and it was stupid to play against but it was also stupid easy to counter. Of course it got smacked down because it was a pubstomper. 


3) OW wise they nerf things that's out of line as long as it does not impact the rest of the more competitive much. This is probably the most important thing, they can nerf or buff whatever they want based on OW but as long as it does not touch the rest of the game where balance actually matters, then who cares? For example Reaper GS souleater no longer heal in shroud, this was good in things like raids because it helps with your scholar uptime. Was it extremely useful? Eh not really, you can play around with it. Was it pretty busted in general PvE? Yes, that's why it got nerfed but since it didn't really impact the raiding scene it was kind of whatever. As a side note I am willing to bet runes of torment will get nerfed for a similar reason, the sustain that rune offers is insane while losing minimal amount of dps.


Anyway the point is I don't care if Anet takes OW into consideration as long as it is not the focus. In fact I want to rant a little bit. This game is extremely polarized, this by definition is one of the harder mmo in the entire market. Your very basic defense is a 2 charge 10 second cd baseline with a .5 second invul frame. You have hundreds of ways to mess up your build. 95% of the runes are literally worthless and so are most of the stat combinations. However with how lackluster in regards to how PvE is, the potential for the excellent combat system and skill builds are completed wasted. People are accustomed to literally want to afk as necro with pets and farm for a meager 2g per hour or whatever it is or having braindead meta events like dragonstorm where 90% of the group can afk and still beat the event. Is this really what you want the playerbase continue to be in a game like this? 

What I want is irrelevant ... this isn't MY business. What is relevant here is Anet will run GW2 as they see fit, ultimately as a business decision, not as a science experiment to see what makes the best MMO experience. 

So my point is that ... you might think OW should or shouldn't be the focus of balancing, but ultimately, the question of balance is how those changes affect the business of Anet running an MMO. Again, if the goal is to get people playing specs to a certain amount (which is appears it is based on patch notes), then it's ENTIRELY reasonable Anet would primarily consider where they are going to capture the most people with changes they will make to play that spec. If that's in PVE content or OW or whatever content ... then that's EXACTLY what I would expect them to use at their primary consideration for that change. 

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2 hours ago, Obtena.7952 said:

What I want is irrelevant ... this isn't MY business. What is relevant here is Anet will run GW2 as they see fit, ultimately as a business decision, not as a science experiment to see what makes the best MMO experience. 

So my point is that ... you might think OW should or shouldn't be the focus of balancing, but ultimately, the question of balance is how those changes affect the business of Anet running an MMO. Again, if the goal is to get people playing specs to a certain amount (which is appears it is based on patch notes), then it's ENTIRELY reasonable Anet would primarily consider where they are going to capture the most people with changes they will make to play that spec. If that's in PVE content or OW or whatever content ... then that's EXACTLY what I would expect them to use at their primary consideration for that change. 

Of course what you want is relevant, you are the person playing the game. How do you think companies get feedback? From people like us that present what we think is important for them to focus on. This doesn't mean we are always right as players tend to be biased. That doesn't mean is irrelevant, you are way too pessimistic about this. Yes GW2 is a business and I don't know about you, but generally the best gaming experience tend to be good for business, happy customer tend to pay more overall. 


I feel you are misunderstanding me. Look at the subject for this topic. 


A 10% damage trait won't make up 9k DPS deficit for Vindicator.


Increasing the dps meter to where Vindicator pulls 38k dps is incredibly easy, you just stick modifiers until it matches. This is a thread about instance PvE numbers because OW dps tier list does not matter. Changing Vindicator to acceptable golem dps has very little relevancy to OW. For the most part I think is reasonable to say that instance PvE focus much harder than golem dps while OW cares more about whether is more interesting to play. The difference though is that instance PvE cares about playstyle much more than OW cares about 10% more dps because again, the damage difference doesn't really matter for OW as long as you are not playing power druid in soldier gear vs meta builds. Basically I don't mind changes for OW because instance PvE players do care about playstyle changes. It is when you start balancing content and numbers with OW in mind that it becomes the casual fest it is today.


Also of course I am going to complain the stuff I don't like, don't tell me you are just going to do nothing if you don't like something. 



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59 minutes ago, Warscythes.9307 said:

A 10% damage trait won't make up 9k DPS deficit for Vindicator.


Increasing the dps meter to where Vindicator pulls 38k dps is incredibly easy, you just stick modifiers until it matches. This is a thread about instance PvE numbers because OW dps tier list does not matter. Changing Vindicator to acceptable golem dps has very little relevancy to OW. For the most part I think is reasonable to say that instance PvE focus much harder than golem dps while OW cares more about whether is more interesting to play. The difference though is that instance PvE cares about playstyle much more than OW cares about 10% more dps because again, the damage difference doesn't really matter for OW as long as you are not playing power druid in soldier gear vs meta builds. Basically I don't mind changes for OW because instance PvE players do care about playstyle changes. It is when you start balancing content and numbers with OW in mind that it becomes the casual fest it is today.

I'm not going to deny that you are right when you say instance players care more about these things than OW does. What I'm saying is that isn't really relevant if Anet are not balancing to instanced content DPS values. You can personally believe that OW shouldn't be the balance point for ANet ... but based on what you say, even you acknowledge that it is SOME part of their balance strategy because of the  'casual fest' we currently have . 

What I'm saying isn't wrong here and it's HIGHLY unlikely that the 'casual fest' we have is some accident. Accident or not, Anet's made it work as a business and how they go about balancing classes (hints that we can see from patch notes)  is a direct impact on that business. 

To make this work as a business, Anet is going to pay attention to how most of their customers interact with their product. Appealing to pockets of extreme populations isn't where it makes sense for design considerations to be focused. 

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10 hours ago, Obtena.7952 said:

What I'm saying isn't wrong here and it's HIGHLY unlikely that the 'casual fest' we have is some accident. Accident or not, Anet's made it work as a business and how they go about balancing classes (hints that we can see from patch notes)  is a direct impact on that business. 

To make this work as a business, Anet is going to pay attention to how most of their customers interact with their product. Appealing to pockets of extreme populations isn't where it makes sense for design considerations to be focused. 

the problem is it isnt working. the game bleeds more players then it effectively gains you have to remmeber this game almost died realistically, the company almost went bust and had to mass fire a heap of its staff to keep itself running.

when u balance a game around a Mode thats designed around Players who deal 2k DPS they're a non-factor in balance because its never going to be a problem regardless of how this games balanced and i'd argue there is evidence that kinda states they dont care about Open World Balancing.

this game has done nothing to combat the fact Necromancers and Revenants have Such a Massive advantage in soloing Hard Encounters comparitively to other choices which would realistically show the imbalances are far deeper then you may suggest, this game has no balancing from top to bottom this is because of Sparse balancing patchs which create Huuuge amounts of times where specific proffessions remain dominant

this causes huge issues.. no games ever gonna be balanced. the concept is u move the balance around enough to prevent long draughts where players Reroll permanantly to 1 specific proffession  and burn out.

if the game was in a Position to comitt to even 6 weekly balance patchs the game would already see a Vast improvement without even added Content. because Balance patchs effective Rejuvinate Competitive modes passively. people will log back on to try new comsp out in both PvE and PvP. it'll get people making new characters etc etc.

layer ontop a Decent Content Cycle and you'll be golden effectively, the problem is Anet need to get Some Interest in GW2 to start earning the money to in turn inflate their budget to allow for this.

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43 minutes ago, Daddy.8125 said:

the problem is it isnt working. the game bleeds more players then it effectively gains you have to remmeber this game almost died realistically, the company almost went bust and had to mass fire a heap of its staff to keep itself running.


Hold on ... let's not speculate the game 'bleeds players' and 'almost died recently' because of class changes people don't like just to win some argument. 

I'm not inventing fairy tales here. If Anet wants people to play something specific more, they buff it. We know that. If they want that change to have the biggest impact for people to choose to play it, they are going to consider the areas of the game where most people play. That's UNLIKELY to be population that has the highest performance levels in instanced content. Therefore, if Anet is considering OW and it's ALSO the primary consideration for balancing, that's sensible. 

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Just now, Obtena.7952 said:

Hold on ... let's not speculate the reason the game 'bleeds players' is because people don't like class changes just to win some argument. 

Actually theres Alot of vocal Dedicated players who've stated several times. its the games balancing to why they quit SPVP. theres no other reason to quit SPVP as it the mode itself hasnt changed.

PVE sure theres lots more reasons

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3 minutes ago, Daddy.8125 said:

Actually theres Alot of vocal Dedicated players who've stated several times. its the games balancing to why they quit SPVP. theres no other reason to quit SPVP as it the mode itself hasnt changed.

PVE sure theres lots more reasons

OK ... that's not changing what I'm saying right. That's not statistically significant to make the claims you are. I mean, we just had an influx of returning players in our guild ... maybe I should claim the game is reviving and all these people are joining?

There are apparently lots of reasons for people to play the game too. 

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9 minutes ago, Obtena.7952 said:

OK ... that's not changing what I'm saying right. That's not statistically significant to make the claims you are. I mean, we just had an influx of returning players in our guild ... maybe I should claim the game is reviving and all these people are joining?

It is statistically significant enough Lol.

go join the pvp discord.. might be a eye opener for you, large vhunks of them dont log on due to the current meta being considered boring and Unchanging.

you just want toi try invalidate claims to validate your own argument here Lol,U can read Hundreds of Angry players screeching over new elites, over Scourge, Over Renegade, Over aegis and more and say "oh no ones quitting because of balance"  Ofcourse they did LMFAO.

Why would peopel Participate in a Game mode They litterally CANNOT win on without rerolling their entire character?.. they Wont they Either will stop doing the content or Quit the game. Either way its a Negative impact on the game, because The less players participating the More Dead it seems Which discourages New players Investing in the game due to a fear of the game dying. no one wants to invest time into something that might dissapear.

Balance Patchs are a Large factor in retaining playerbase. Its not about Winning. its about getting 1 shot across a Field by a BS Mechanic that u quite litterally cant fight against. then jumping on 3 years later to get 1 shot by the same mechanic again

name another reason people could quit SPVP?, and before u bring up "oh burn out. oh they wanted a break" then explain further to tell me why these players have Jumped on a New game Doing the IDENTICAL thing to what they did in GW2 Unchangingly Spamming it day in day out.

theres No defense here. Litterally People have made Videos and More Stating to the fact this is a True factor and a huge problem in the SPVP Enviroment yet u try and Disclude it based on accusations of Speculation. its PAST Speculation we've reached a Point where theres kitten proof that this is a Existing problem.

the game has less then 500k players. Its Beneath Dead titles. its One of the lowest performing MMORPGS excluding Cashgrabs and Asian Whale Invitations quite litterally. this Game is Performing worse then ESO and given the dramas surrounding that its hilariously embarrassing. you'll sing this game into a Early grave with ur continous defense

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6 minutes ago, Daddy.8125 said:

It is statistically significant enough Lol.


No see you don't know if it is. It's anecdotal. I could say the game is booming because of all the people that come back and joined our guild the same way it's 'almost died' because of the reasons you are giving for what you see in PVP. Those aren't statistically relevant measures. Neither of us can claim these things. I'm not going to argue with you about things you need data to prove that you don't have. 

If Anet wants people to play something specific more, they buff it. We know that. If they want that change to have the biggest impact for people to choose to play it, they are going to consider the areas of the game where most people play. That's UNLIKELY to be population that has the highest performance levels in instanced content. Therefore, if Anet is considering OW and it's ALSO the primary consideration for balancing, that's sensible.

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5 minutes ago, Obtena.7952 said:

No see you don't know if it is. It's anecdotal. I could say the game is booming because of all the people that come back and joined our guild. 

The issue is... u look at the world to black and white to understand another mindset.

Competitive players play to WIN. its all that matters and its Single only fun thing the game offers. ur too busy tryuing to help kill the game i cba to argue with u in all honesty

10,000 players could log on today and Say Lack of balancing is why tyhey quit and u will still find some sorta argument to try invalidate it.

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4 minutes ago, Daddy.8125 said:

The issue is... u look at the world to black and white to understand another mindset.

Competitive players play to WIN. its all that matters and its Single only fun thing the game offers.

No, I understand that. I've played games to win competitively as well. It just doesn't change what I've said here. There is no denial that if Anet is going to make a change to the game, they are going to consider how it impacts OW PVE. It's absurd for anyone claim it shouldn't. It's even likely it's the primary consideration because ... it's probably where most people have their game experience. 

4 minutes ago, Daddy.8125 said:

10,000 players could log on today and Say Lack of balancing is why tyhey quit and u will still find some sorta argument to try invalidate it.

Sure ... that COULD happen. If it does or not, we don't know. Again, speculation isn't going to win you some argument here. 

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3 minutes ago, Obtena.7952 said:

NO, I understand that. I've played games to win competitively as well. It just doesn't change what I've said here. There is no denial that if Anet is going to make a change to the game, they are going to consider how it impacts OW PVE. It's absurd for anyone claim it shouldn't. 

oh yeah.. cause OW has recieved so much balancing

Necromancer and Revenant havent dominated the Solo Champion spot for the last 4 years lol anet really invested in you guys didnt they Lmfao.

Ofcourse OW PvE should be Considered, but you seem to have some Whack idea of how much it takes to make Them good in OW Solo... Necromancer hasnt been a King of Soloing for 8 years because it was hard to make a Proffession good at everything lol.

Tell me, what in Open World eneds factoring in so much? Because i could solo HoT in Grey level 50 armour, so wheres the problem?

they did consider Open world. they nerfed it continously til it was Doable by anything wearing anything. thats ur open world Balanced For every proffession in the game in 1 lol. i dont get what else you think need factoring in here realistically.

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4 minutes ago, Daddy.8125 said:

oh yeah.. cause OW has recieved so much balancing

Necromancer and Revenant havent dominated the Solo Champion spot for the last 4 years lol anet really invested in you guys didnt they Lmfao.

Ofcourse OW PvE should be Considered, but you seem to have some Whack idea of how much it takes to make Them good in OW Solo... Necromancer hasnt been a King of Soloing for 8 years because it was hard to make a Proffession good at everything lol.

Tell me, what in Open World eneds factoring in so much? Because i could solo HoT in Grey level 50 armour, so wheres the problem?

I don't have any such ideas ... I'm simply looking at how Anet communicates with us in balance patch notes. They tell us they make changes to certain specs because they want people to play those specs more or less. They couldn't be MORE direct about why they are making a change. 

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2 minutes ago, Obtena.7952 said:

I don't have any such ideas ... I'm simply looking at how Anet communicates with us in balance patch notes. They tell us they buff things because they want people to play them more. 

Really?.. Elementalist has been the least popular role for how long? when did they exactly buff Weaver or Tempest.

Revenant is still One of the least Popular roles overall in this game even with how Amazingly strong it is according to GW2Statistics. Those Statistics havent changed in 4 years now so exactly how have the balanced this game to get people to play them more? lol.

u are aware PvE and PvP are also balanced seperately right?.. Like they can buff a Proffessions PvP Potiental without any changes to its PvE performance? Like they have actively shown capability to do this?

this is a MMORPG. Lots of people WILL NOT reroll. no matter how much they trash their speccs trying to enforce them to move Across the pond. Warriors have Persisted with 4 years of absolute trash and when they fall off they've quit the game not moved Proffession.

People do map compeltion, for core and expansions and have Years of history with their main proffessions. Anet needs to get a grip and reliese they cant work their game by pushing us to play other things.

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5 minutes ago, Daddy.8125 said:

Really?.. Elementalist has been the least popular role for how long? when did they exactly buff Weaver or Tempest.

Revenant is still One of the least Popular roles overall in this game even with how Amazingly strong it is according to GW2Statistics. Those Statistics havent changed in 4 years now so exactly how have the balanced this game to get people to play them more? lol.

u are aware PvE and PvP are also balanced seperately right?.. Like they can buff a Proffessions PvP Potiental without any changes to its PvE performance? Like they have actively shown capability to do this?

Yeah really ... maybe go read some patch notes. and yes, I'm aware they have splits. 

Again, if Anet wants something to be played more, they will buff it and the same for playing it less getting nerfs. The DIRECTLY tell us so in the patch notes.

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5 minutes ago, Obtena.7952 said:

Yeah really ... maybe go read some patch notes. and yes, I'm aware they have splits. 

Its not hard to look at the maybe 5 of them we've had in the last 5 years Lmfao.

but statistically nothings changed, People arent Jumping proffessions, people arent "playing these things more" the statistics and time played arent changing effectively. Which would prove. what they're doing. is Not working at all.

my guilds, my friends, my family, Myself and Tons of Vocal people on Reddit discord and this forum have continously admitted to refusing to rerolling to refuse to try Something else or Move main proffessions, No matter what they've done the same people are screeching for changes. are posting actively Against anet and are Reposting the same problems again and again.

the problems are Not going down. Thjey're not getting resolved. so maybe its time for anet to start looking at another angle to take. because this game has done nothing but slowly drop down the charts. this Game was Top 5. its now at the 10th rank. theres active proof this game is Dropping in popularity and hasnt spiked in popularity in a long long time.

The same proffessions Dominate for Entire expansino lengths. Never changing. Never resolving. just letting it run rife to people reeliese Anet dont get a kitten for its customers.

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10 minutes ago, Daddy.8125 said:

Its not hard to look at the maybe 5 of them we've had in the last 5 years Lmfao.

Good, then it should be easy for you to see what I'm saying is true. If Anet wants something played more or less, they will change it. Obviously, this kind of consideration for balancing is more about how much something is played. Therefore it seems Anet is making some balancing decisions based on where people are playing those classes and specs. 

I mean, they did a Scrapper buff two patches in a row and outright told us because they want people to play quickness Scrapper. How much more direct evidence do you want that Anet is changing classes because of how much they want people to play them?

Of course, we are a little off topic here but there is alot of this nonsense going around that Anet shouldn't consider OW PVE when they balance things ... that's a REALLY weird way to think considering how they communicate with us in the patch notes AND how likely it is that most people have their game experience in OW content. 

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13 minutes ago, Obtena.7952 said:

Good, then it should be easy for you to see what I'm saying is true. If Anet wants something played more or less, they will change it. Obviously, this kind of consideration for balancing is more about how much something is played. Therefore it seems Anet is making some balancing decisions based on where people are playing those classes and specs. 

oki lets take this from another direction. we talking Open world Balancing. and the impacts on it for proffessions

is it a good thing that both elites given to warriors Fundamentally are worse at soloing content then its Core Specc?

Is it a good thing both virtuoso and Harbinger are very unlikely to be Good at soloing content either.

Is it fundamentally a correct decision to leave Elementalist continously on active defensive mitigation with 0 physical Sustain in open world content.

is it ok for Necromancer and Revenant to again and again laugh at Group level difficulty monsters in the open world while many proffessions have had no aid in dealing with the fact they simple cannot do it.

these problems have existed for Years upon Years. and anet have done nothing to aid or fix any of these problems realistically, if anything made the problem worse for multiple proffessions continously. explain. why guardian the most popuilar proffession in the game is Still getting buffed again and again.. while Elementalist one of the least popular have continously been nerfed over time.

explain why While the game has a Devoted Audience screeching for Ranged gameplay they've continously pushed Melee onto them again and again and nerfed ranged speccs regardless of their popularity continously over time.

this game lacks Proffession diversity.. because we know whats OP on day 1 will still be OP on day 461 so we all reroll to the Winning proffession and Ditch the rest. and they'll never change that mindset til they start actually dealing with the disparity between proffessions

regardless of what u want. the majority pick Meta proffessions, the fact so many ask for people to tell em what to play. the fact i have people contact me in game from my forum posts ASKING ME WHAT TO ROLL. is enough evidence there are LOTS of players out there which none of these changes are aiding. they're interested in playing whats the Best. Not what they think thematically is the most enjoyable.

Im rerolling rev. and it isnt because i love rev. its because i actually enjoy being able to play the game.

13 minutes ago, Obtena.7952 said:

I mean, they did a Scrapper buff two patches in a row and outright told us because they want people to play quickness Scrapper. How much more direct evidence do you want that Anet is changing classes because of how much they want people to play them?

One good change. doesnt negate the 1000 bad decisions they've made over time.

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