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Mechanist Feedback for Med Kit and Underwater


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I really think it is important that this is said. Right now Med Kit is not usable on Mechanist. I do not like the fact that a heal skill for med kit is completely removed due to the tool belt removal. To fix this I propose that mechanist keeps the heal skill toolbelt skill. We have 3 mech skill + the return. That is 4 out of the usual 5 toolbelt skill we have. Allow the mechanist to use it as the heal tool belt. This restore the basic functionality of the med kit as a heal skill.

As for underwater, we need the mech  to work in water or at least have something better then depth charge. Underwater completely guts out  the engineer. Condition and support builds lose their all functionally as the mech is just gone, and power builds have a small CD to use. The mech should just get a swim animation and allowed to fight. The biggest problem skills in there are mortar and sky circus. Change those to a more basic functionality, like a weaker depth charge for sky circus, etc.


Thank you.

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Yes, it absolutely boggles my mind that the mech cannot be used underwater.  One skill on a 25s CD and no toolbelt?  Is any other spec so hamstrung by water? (Renegade perhaps?)  Why Anet, WHY?  


I mean, underwater combat is annoying enough already, why make it worse?  Or are we supposed to switch spec every time we dip our toes in some water?

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6 minutes ago, tetmikem.5608 said:

Yes, it absolutely boggles my mind that the mech cannot be used underwater.  One skill on a 25s CD and no toolbelt?  Is any other spec so hamstrung by water? (Renegade perhaps?)  Why Anet, WHY?  


I mean, underwater combat is annoying enough already, why make it worse?  Or are we supposed to switch spec every time we dip our toes in some water?

Yeah, this decision has to be the most incredibly tone deaf thing Arena Net did since mount gate. It makes zero sense to centre the entire spec around the mech, removing core engineer mechanics, which, like medkit, removes a lot of the power from common utility skills, to then just remove it for underwater because, reasons.

The mechanist is pretty strong and fun on land, the only down side is that no toolbelt option (i think mechanist should have some sort of mechanic to deal with the nerf to utilities that come from not having a toolbelt (either by incorporating some of the toolbelt effects to the mech itself, or other ways), which limits some build options (like a healer build) due to a lot of the power of some skills being on the toolbelt, not the utility itself. But even that is offset by the overall effects of the mech (like constant barrier support minimizes that lack of healing a bit). But underwater? Underwater the mechanist, especially the support versions, is useless, its literally a paperweight.

My first experience in the first beta was terrible, i went into a recommended fractal group (didn't want to spoil someone's T4 Run with an untested healer build) and my first fractal was UNDERWATER. So i was basically useless, since mechanist, especially the healer/alac version HAS NOTHING to do underwater, since the relevant effects are on the mech. Its DUMB.


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Honestly simply giving back the toolbelt skill only for the healing slot and making the mech turn into a little jade submarine would go a long way to helping with this issue. Like rangers get underwater pets so the tech is in the game to have a underwater pet. transforming it and letting it shoot torpedos or something would fix the underwater isssue.... Or increase the frequency of the barrage while under water while allowing you to use underwater versions of the f skills.


As it stands now it's feeling more and more like they are going to release the mech in a broken state and it will stay that way for a few months after launch at the very least.

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It doesn't even need to turn into a sub.  Tt can stay exactly how it is, visually.  I mean, the turtle boosters work underwater so the mech's should as well.  I'm sure with all the amazingness of this Jade tech they've figured out a way to waterproof stuff.  I mean, the Inquest have been waterproofing machines/weapons for a while now.....

Edited by tetmikem.5608
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1 hour ago, Dawanarth.4601 said:

You can still use the Citadel Orders underwater, so Mechanist is more harmstrung

And the traits also work under water. Mechanist is literally a worse core engineer there, it is the worst spec you could possibly take under water in the entire game.

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Re posting this suggestion here from the main feedback thread as I think it's still relevant -


Here is my feedback after messing around this beta-


1.  Here are my suggested changes, I really believe this will address a lot of the issues people are having whilst keeping the class fantasy A-net are going for.  I'm not sure if its too late in the day to make these changes but the technology already exists in the game it will just be a matter of implementing it -


1.1 shift the current mech commands down one, I.e. F1 becomes F2, F2 becomes F3, F3 becomes F4 and F4 becomes F5 like the rest of the specs mechanics.  At the new F1 give us back the tool belt for the healing skill only.  That will at least allow Med Kit to be used and give a bit of diversity in skills;


1.2 introduce a 'Soul beast' type mechanic.  When the Mech is unsummoned or down for repairs it becomes an exosuit of armour.  While in this state the Mechanist's stats can be bumped up a bit to compensate for losing the Mech and more importantly you can retain the Mech Command skills even if its in a reduced / modified form.  This will make up for losing the tool belt to a degree while being all around less punishing and still fulfilling the design of Mech Commands in lieu of the toolbelt and the traits affecting the Mech more than the player;


1.3 the exo-suit state can also be the underwater state if they don't want to give us the separate Mech, at least that will be something;


1.4 give back Jade Syphon and de-couple Rocket Punch from mace 3 but just make the Mechs priorities different, if it received a command that cancels / overrides its Jade Syphon or Rocket Punch.


I really believe the above solution will go a long way to addressing many of the issues in a clean, fun and relatively unique way.

Edited by GrayHawk.7560
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