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No stealth -80% boon duration -80% condi duration bonus xp week when?


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Hahahahaha IF ONLY I could just imagine that week of wvw, all the people who rely on broken skills complaining while the rest of us just have fun. This is like a personal attack to them, they need this stuff in order to succeed at anything in game, take away their life support and they will complain a lot. 

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Oooooh, are we theorycrafting balance now? Ok, my turn.
Give every profession an extra 10k health but cut healing potency across the board by, say, 25%.
This'll nerf the heavy bunkers from sustaining indefinitely while also cutting back on the 100->0 bursts, (from stealth or otherwise).

Cut back on AoE defenses such as healing, reflection, cleansing and boonspam in some way. These are the things that powercreep large scale battles more than raw stats or individual contribution.

Remove non-targeting teleports from the game, severely reduce their range or don't allow them to break stun. They're so much better than traditional leap skills. Alternatively, give them all the RtL treatment in that if they're not being used to close a gap they have a much higher cooldown.

Breaking a stun should give you a brief window (like 1/3rd of a second or so) where you cannot be re-stunned. Stability should cap at about 5 seconds but be non corruptable.

Wait, what was this thread about?
Oh. Uhh. Nah.

~ Kovu

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Let's make it real interesting, remove all stats from armor, weapons, and trinkets (they all have no value).  For a weapon, everyone gets a stick that does 10 damage. 


Skills for stick:

  1. "Wack Foe's Face"
  2. "Wack Foe's Knuckles" (cannot attack for 2 seconds)
  3. "Wack Foe's Shins" (reduced movement speed by 33%)
  4. "Poke Foe's Eye" (blindness for 5 seconds)
  5. "Wack Foe's Butt" (foe is immobilized for 5 seconds). 

Heal skill "Drink Liquid" (first drinkable in inventory is used, heals for 10k).  Requires drinkable in inventory, if none found, lose 10k health.


Oh, and no downed state.

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