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Discord voice communication is a third party program

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4 hours ago, Nathan.5138 said:


-Using Discord (or any voice communication program) does in fact give one player an unintended, unnatural, and unfair advantage over another player who is not using voice comms (third party program).

-Using Discord does in fact allow someone to play faster, or more accurately than someone who doesn't use the program.

-Using Discord does allow the user to gain unnatural or undeserved rewards.

@OP these three assertions of yours need support. In what way does does using any voice communication platform an "unintended, unnatural and unfair advantage? How does voice coms allow someone to play faster or more accurately? How does voice coms provide unnatural or undeserved rewards? 

Without supporting these assertions, you have given no reason to agree with you. As they stand they are simply opinions until you give coherent, logical reasons for why we should agree. 

While you are at it, I personally would love to hear a response on whether talking with my wife as we sit together playing should also be worthy of being banned, and if not, how using Discord to bring another family member who plays from another room in the same house into that conversation changes that situation from unworthy of being banned to worthy of being banned. 

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4 hours ago, Nathan.5138 said:

1) Twitch stream

2) YouTube videos

3) Go into their discord, and take a video / audio recording with all associated users

Use of Twitch/YouTube/reddit/these forums/various other places all needs to be banned since they all third party software which allow people to play better and more accurately.

Before you start claiming that the forum is not third party, be aware that it is made by https://invisioncommunity.com/ and not arenanet. The previous iteration wasn't made by arenanet nor was the one before that.

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5 hours ago, Nathan.5138 said:


Here is Anet's policy regarding third party programs, directly sourced from their official website:


->In general, our policy is as follows:

We do not permit the use of any program that gives one player an unintended, unnatural, or unfair advantage over another player. This includes programs that alter game balance in favor of one player over another, automate actions within the game, promote unattended gameplay, or have an adverse effect on other players.

The best way for you to assess whether a specific third-party program could have any impact on another player is to ask:

  • "Does this program allow someone to play faster, better, longer, or more accurately than someone who doesn't use the program?"
  • "Does this program allow someone to 'play' when he/she is not at the computer?"
  • "Does this program allow the user to gain unnatural or undeserved rewards?"

If the answer to any of these questions is "yes" or even "maybe," then we strongly recommend that you do not use the program. Doing so not only raises the risk that your Guild Wars or Guild Wars 2 account may be accessed by a malicious third party, but it can lead to the suspension or termination of your account for violating the Guild Wars 2 Rules of Conduct.



-Using Discord (or any voice communication program) does in fact give one player an unintended, unnatural, and unfair advantage over another player who is not using voice comms (third party program).


-Using Discord does in fact allow someone to play faster, or more accurately than someone who doesn't use the program.


-Using Discord does allow the user to gain unnatural or undeserved rewards.


Because of this, Discord voice communication in any competitive game mode is considered a ban worthy offense.






Not sure where you were going but since its the new year I will answer in a way of the spirit of the post. 

Discord creates additional distraction and causes people to be focused on outside features of the game. Since it allows off topic links to be added at anytime it also encourages people to tab out which may allow them to be sucked into You-tube or Googling while their poor toon is left standing to potentially die by player or NPC while they can't se their screen.  It also may crash and cause you to have to hard boot your PC or create additional distractions that cause you to miss in game indications of actions that may indicate actions you need to do to survive an encounter such as an incoming portal bomb by that enemy Mez in WvW or some sound in a raid indicating, dodge dodge dodge. Or just the distraction of all those beeps from other servers from differing groups as people post cat pics.

So no Discord might be more of a distraction than an aid.

And besides, read the fine print of Discord and realize they own all the content you post then you will have to wear your tin foil hat while playing which is one more step in distraction.

Prefer Teamspeak3 for private chat and Discord for open groups myself. But the best bet is have both to better run multiple levels since neither allows multi-channels like Vent would. But since the real ANet intent was to prevent things like addons that would allow players to code in skill combos, bypass cooldowns, create player DDOS attacks, fly, speedhack, bot sPvP, gold farm, macro farming and auto-play what happened that made you create this red herring post to try and make a point some of us don't get?

Edited by TheGrimm.5624
forum double spacing bug
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2 hours ago, Strider Pj.2193 said:

Let me take a stab at this:

Someone wasn’t allowed to stay in a squad following a commander because they refused to get on Discord…


Ah that's the link I was missing, haven't had coffee yet, I think you have it there. 

Edited by TheGrimm.5624
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