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Revive Mesmers, Anet


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On 1/2/2022 at 5:44 PM, piitb.7635 said:

PvP has become nothing more than a game of attrition.  Classes without survivability fold very fast.  and those that have survivability are meta


Thats why necros and guardians are dominant and mesmers and warriors are kind of near the bottom.

I thought Warriors had good durability?


I also thought that damage was too high across the board, despite the nerf Anet tried a few years ago. Am I wrong? Would another damage nerf help bring the classes you mention back into use?


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2 hours ago, Daniel Handler.4816 said:

We are the 5/6th most common class and the 1st in forum posts.  There is a ton of kitten to sort through. I don't want to white knight for arena net. But I can at least be sympathetic that this class gets a ton of complaints by people who main the class and people who don't. Both sides hating it for different reasons. And trying to make something workable from that noise is a little difficult.

Its mostly trolls just filling up the forum thread with no substantial anything that is clouding the actual complaints or issues Mesmers have. Or looking into Reddit for positive feedbacks on Virtuoso. The biggest tell if ANET even spared the effort to look into the Mesmer forum thread is Virtuoso. Based on everyone else's feedback they never addressed the issue of the most common complaints of the E-Spec. 

In terms of troll Mesmer isn't the only section that is filled with trolls, yet looking at their class balance and changes for EoD its clear that ANET spares no effort for Mesmer.

Probably this 5/6th most common class is in PvE in combination but in competitive wise I am very kitten sure that we are near the bottom if not the very bottom.

Edited by Salt Mode.3780
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3 hours ago, Svarty.8019 said:

I thought Warriors had good durability?


I also thought that damage was too high across the board, despite the nerf Anet tried a few years ago. Am I wrong? Would another damage nerf help bring the classes you mention back into use?


The problem with warrior is most their kit revolves around chain CCing. When they had done the damage nerf on CC across the whole board this naturally destroyed warriors. What ends up happening and this goes the same for Ele and Mesmer is that they have to choose ALL damage with no survival or survival with no damage. In contrast many meta classes are able to have damage and survival.

Edited by Salt Mode.3780
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23 hours ago, Salt Mode.3780 said:

No I'm pretty sure I covered the problems of my own class the goods and the bad. Unless you are able to list a better one. Or are is it just to troll post and not back up with anything substantial? We have TONS of that you can also go to reddit if you feel you must post something as well. 

I am glad you had an opportunity to get your feelings out. Doesn't make inspi any less problematic. Doesn't mean shadow arts isn't problematic. Doesn't mean blood magic/death magic isn't problematic, etc etc. They can all be problematic together.


I have posted my thoughts on how to improve the class many times on this board. I really don't care to again. It doesnt make any lick of a difference if I do it again. I'm just here to pick some brains and join in on the mayhem. 


Out of curiosity what elo are you and what build(s) do you use? 


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1 minute ago, Ronald McDonald.8165 said:

I am glad you had an opportunity to get your feelings out. Doesn't make inspi any less problematic. Doesn't mean shadow arts isn't problematic. Doesn't mean blood magic/death magic isn't problematic, etc etc. They can all be problematic together.


I have posted my thoughts on how to improve the class many times on this board. I really don't care to again. It doesnt make any lick of a difference if I do it again. I'm just here to pick some brains and join in on the mayhem. 


Out of curiosity what elo are you and what build(s) do you use? 


Sorry I dont know what this topic have to do with my feelings but i guess thank you? 

So can you list out why Inspiration is problematic or why Chaos is problematic? Aside from just saying Chaos and Inspiration are problematic where lies the problem....?

Thing is both of them are terrific traitlines only because rest of our traitlines dont offer enough due to removal of traits and complete changes that does not synergize with what we have based on the nerfs we have received over the years MANY of our builds were removed thus resorting to those. Having both Chaos and Inspiration traitline doesnt matter what build you run offers little to no damage. 

Why did I mention Nature magic or SA, its because those 2 traitlines alone are both Chaos and Inspiration combined.

Sorry I stopped sPVP ages ago due to no build diversity as well as amulets being removed but if you must know I was Tiger before they reworked the whole sPVP ranking way back in the days when the game was still somewhat balanced aka Core days. Nowadays I am strictly a roamer in WvW which people seem to forget that is also another PvP game mode. 

I dont find enjoyment of wintraders or bots that are in my team or the enemies team.

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Mesmer in PvP is terrible, as of 1/8/2022. the entire PvP balance is borked, plus there is a clear bias against mesmer from the current pvp dev leads (evident by some statements made in the past) and the new elite will not work well in PvP.


PvE, it is good. It is not the best class, however, good enough in most roles.

Edited by otto.5684
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On 1/3/2022 at 4:21 PM, Moradorin.6217 said:

Here is a video of shorts explaining why chrono over Mirage or core, in general, but example is power so wtf does this video you posted mean within this debate??

Shorts said, "Why Chronomancer over Core or Mirage. I think with Mirage having one dodge you lose too much you're too easy. People on a team fight can see you. You can use one dodge. Everyone turns on you. Distortion is good but it's lackluster. If you dont have distortion you die. If you do use distortion because your getting presured you can't use it offensively you don't do anything. Inspiration signets, great, however, when you play Mirage and inspiration you don't do damage. When you play inspiration and Chaos you dont do damage. When you play inspiration and/or chaos and any other combination of chronomancer or Mirage you dont do damage. So pretty much every build you have to have some combination of Dom, Dueling, and Illusions. You have to have two of the three. So for Chronomancer the descision for power was which two of the three do we want. So we took Domination because in my opinion domination is the best." (9/11/20)



I find it VERY telling and suggestive of conspiracy that after linking this video and quoting what is said, ALL the videos on the Shorts_Gaming youtube channel have been deleted. Very interesting IMO.

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