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[Suggestion] Re-Adding Some Unobtainable Armor Skins Players Should Have Access To


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This is something that more players should be talking about, but the title alone might not explain what exactly I'm referring to. There are skins in the game that were previously obtainable but then were later made unobtainable either because of an oversight or or a misunderstanding, or possibly even a bug, I'll explain everything below.


Take a look at this: https://imgur.com/a/7zsyuqN

Charr and Asura versions: Light - Medium - Heavy (Biggest difference is visible in the light and heavy armor)

These armor sets were available as PvP rewards in 2014 but were removed after the reward system got updated, the CHEST PIECES(For Light, Medium and Heavy) were made available from the Guild Initiative Representative for 1 gold each, and I assume the other pieces of the armor set were deemed too similar to the Devout and Banded armor to be included, this MIGHT make sense with the medium set which is actually very similar, as you can see here: https://imgur.com/a/4LUUGQG

But it doesn't make sense with the light and heavy set, for example on the guild archmage armor, you can see that the mantle is actually missing a part on the front so that the guild icon, the cowl is bigger and has a different shape from the Devout set, and on the guild defender, the chestpiece is lined up with the legguards to match, if you try it on banded armor it looks completely different.


You might argue that it's still too similar despite all these differences, but there are a ton of armor sets in the game that have 2(or even more) versions with only subtle differences similar to the guild armor, though they are still obtainable in the game, these include but are definitely not limited to:

-Elonian Armor and Spearmarshal's Armor

-Triumphant Armor and Triumphant Hero's Armor(Severity changes between armor classes, with light having the LEAST difference between the two)

-Glorious Armor and Ardent Glorious Armor(Again, severity differs between armor classes)


Those are just a few examples, there are also regular skins with some modifications to them that then get sold -ON- the gemstore(Flamewalker and Mist Walker) as a completely new set, isn't it possible to do the same for other unobtainable skins or NPC clothes that can easily be turned into player armor skins?


Guild armor sets are not the only ones skins in the game that used to be obtainable but no longer are, we're still not forgetting about the amount of town clothes skins that were fit for every character and every race, modelled and ready to be added as new skins with very minimal effort from ArenaNet designers. I would even gladly pay and support the game to buy these skins if they get added to the gemstore, though town clothes probably deserve their own topic. There's a lot of demand for these types of skins that ArenaNet isn't capitalizing on. Simple armor skins that offer creativity with mixing and matching with other armor skins.


One other very unfortunate example of such armor is the Council Guard set, the version that players have access to appears dirty, torn, chipped and heavily damaged despite a CLEAN version being available in the game, it's worn by Seraph NPCs, Sylvari NPCs and Charr NPCs, it exists and is fully implemented in the game yet for some reason players can't have access to both versions, we only get the damaged one.


TLDR: My suggestion is adding the guild armor skins to the Guild Imitative Representative(guild armorer) NPC so they can be sold along with Guild Heavy Armor, Guild Medium Armor and Guild Light Armor. These skins are meant to match together and it feels like an extreme waste that such perfectly usable skins are unobtainable by players, despite being modelled and ready without any fuss or trouble, so why aren't they sold along with their counterparts? They already exist in the game, they can even be previewed in the wardrobe bank by any character race and some players even have access to the skins and can easily use them. Would it really be difficult to include the missing pieces of the set they belong in with the same merchant?


EDIT: The merchant that I'm referring to that should be selling the full set: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Guild_Initiative_Representative_(guild_armorer) (Currently only sells the chest piece from each set, instead of the full set with the other pieces that are meant to match the chest piece)


Just a side-note, there's a lot of simple armor skins that players would love to have, and I would personally even pay to get for the sake of simple fashion and more creativity in mixing armor skins, a GREAT example of such skins is the top worn by the Shipwrecked Circus Treasurer, it's a simple tank top and wouldn't(I assume) require too much design effort to make it usable by players.

There's a LOT of similar armor skins that both the GW2 fashion and the roleplaying community would love to have implemented into the game as new armor skins, these include NPC clothes, deleted town clothing skins, simple skins worn by expansion NPCs like the shipwrecked circus, so on and so on. With some slight co-operation between ArenaNet and the GW2 community, we can make those skins finally available to players, in the name of FASHION!(And fun!)


All it would take to re-add these skins is simply making them purchasable from the Guild Initiative Armorer, they don't require re-modelling, they don't require re-designing, just a way to purchase them so players can use them and match them with the set that is already sold by the same NPC.

Edited by Albie.5284
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Would be nice if they could add those skins that are currently not available to obtain.


(Yo confused people. How about replying why you are confused/disaprove/disagree or whatever you're trying to communicate.

This forum has gotten such a toxic atmosphere since you added those emotes.

99,9% of the time the "confused" emotes makes no sense in context of what is posted and is just used to be toxic and on top off that adds confusion in what they are trying to communicate.

Now I'll get rdy for the inevitable spam of confused emotes on my post)

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Hah! I'm glad you posted this thread; my guild was just talking about this yesterday. I don't even care if some of the skins are similar to available armors; they're in the game and therefore there should be a way to get them. In several cases, they fit character models much better than the alternatives. Bring back the things!

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1 hour ago, jokke.6239 said:

(Yo confused people. How about replying why you are confused/disaprove/disagree or whatever you're trying to communicate.


OP requests adding un-obtainable armor skins and then suggests gate-keeping them behind guild armorer.  Which would still make them un-obtainable to those who aren't in guilds or don't have high enough level guild armorer.  Suggestion makes little to no sense.

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45 minutes ago, kharmin.7683 said:

OP requests adding un-obtainable armor skins and then suggests gate-keeping them behind guild armorer.  Which would still make them un-obtainable to those who aren't in guilds or don't have high enough level guild armorer.  Suggestion makes little to no sense.

Now there you go, thanks for putting it into words instead of ":classic_blink:",  because the emote is extremely unhelpful. And kind of a rude way to "welcome" a fellow player making their first post on the forum.

However, you have to meet some requirement/do something to obtain most things in the game.

I don't think "having to be in a guild" and "not beeing able to obtain something" is the same, not even close, and since those armors OP was talking about was guild related it seems like the obvious place to obtain it, if it was ever put into the game again.

Edit: oh actually just re-read the start of the post, pvp rewards .. Yeah I agree that it would be odd to make them guild related then,  but if the other related armors re-sold was re-introduced this way it would be consistent with before though I suppose? IDK, whatever way they would choose to add them into the game again, if they ever did, would be allright with me personally. 

Edited by jokke.6239
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2 hours ago, kharmin.7683 said:

OP requests adding un-obtainable armor skins and then suggests gate-keeping them behind guild armorer.  Which would still make them un-obtainable to those who aren't in guilds or don't have high enough level guild armorer.  Suggestion makes little to no sense.

I mean, it sounds like you understand exactly how the suggestion would work, meaning it does make sense; you just disagree with that implementation. Are you opposed to these skins getting put back in the game or just getting put back in that exact way? If so, what are some different ways that you feel might work better?

Also, if not being in a guild is a concern (for this suggestion or for the regular guild armors/weapons/nodes/minis), I can already think of multiple guilds off the bat who'd allow you a temporary invite just to get the armor recipes/skins if you wanted them; folks in game are a lot more accommodating than the forum implies.

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3 hours ago, kharmin.7683 said:

OP requests adding un-obtainable armor skins and then suggests gate-keeping them behind guild armorer.  Which would still make them un-obtainable to those who aren't in guilds or don't have high enough level guild armorer.  Suggestion makes little to no sense.


I don't think you're aware of what exactly it is that I'm talking about, the guild armorer sells 3 coats as you can see here, "Guild Heavy Armor" "Guild Medium Armor" and "Guild Light Armor". If you take a look in the game at your bank wardrobe, you'd realize those 3 chest pieces actually belong to a whole set that's meant to match them, and the game shows you that you're missing the other skins. There is no way to get those OTHER skins, I suggested making them purchasable along with the chest pieces which you can buy from the guild armorer.


Thank you for pointing out what I needed to edit in my post, that's on me, I should have provided the wiki link to the NPC that sells these coats.


You're right though, the suggestion makes little to no sense if you never saw these skins in the game if you're not in a guild.

To clarify again: There's 3 skins already being sold by the guild armorer in the game, I'm suggesting for them to allow us to buy the other skins from the same set as those 3, and it makes then most sense for them all to be sold from the same NPC.


Edit, yet again: Just to clarify, if you disagree that the skins that are currently purchasable shouldn't be sold by the guild armorer, then that should probably be its own topic. This topic is about the missing pieces of the set that aren't sold anywhere in the game.

Edited by Albie.5284
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I agree they should be added back into the game. I don't think they were intentionally designed as a limited time item, it's just that when the PvP reward system was updated a few years ago they lost their only acquisition method.


I think any method of obtaining them would be better than nothing, but if having to join a guild is a problem for some people and they were originally PvP rewards maybe they could be added to a PvP vendor instead. Then it's comparable to what was required originally. 

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2 hours ago, Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:

Guild Armor obtainable through Guild NPC is okay.  But, all the other armors mentioned in the OP should be obtainable, if possible, in some other way.  Remember, the Devs have stated some of those items have been lost.  Also, that some of those items would be, and have been, re-introduced another way. 

I'm not sure which items you're referring to that have been lost, I assume that you're talking about the clean version of Council Guard, it's probably somewhere in the game files still since many NPCs wear it, even charr models exist of it. Though I guess it is possible that some player versions were lost and so they got replaced with the damaged looking version? It's just still weird that there's an undamaged version of Council Guard in the game that they're not willing to give players, it's a really good looking armor and I love it but having to hide the fact that the texture of it makes it look damaged when there's a clean version in the game kinda sucks.


As for the Guild Armor, none of it is lost, all of the armor pieces are in the game and you can preview them in the bank, all that's needed is for a developer to make the skins purchasable by a merchant. The only armor with missing pieces is Guild Defender, but it's not because some of it was lost, it's been missing those pieces even when all sets were obtainable and it seems intentional I guess?


Here are some of the codes of the Guild Armor that you can preview RIGHT now in the game, on any character and on any race: [&CiYHAAA=] [&CocGAAA=] [&ChoDAAA=] [&CrIGAAA=] [&CiAHAAA=] [&CosGAAA=]

The only piece that you can get is the chest piece, even though the other pieces are just fully ready to go, but no merchant in the game sells them.


It is possible that there are other armor sets with this same issue, and you might be right that they have lost some of them, but seeing them being re-introduced in any other way would be great, for now though, why not let the players have a way to get the armor that's already in the game


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14 hours ago, Danikat.8537 said:

it's just that when the PvP reward system was updated a few years ago they lost their only acquisition method.

For "guild" sets, it was wardrobe update (with associated removal of pvp-only armor) that did it.

Just minor correction here, otherwise I wholeheartedly agree that those sets should have been made obtainable again in one way or another.

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34 minutes ago, Lord Trejgon.2809 said:

For "guild" sets, it was wardrobe update (with associated removal of pvp-only armor) that did it.

Just minor correction here, otherwise I wholeheartedly agree that those sets should have been made obtainable again in one way or another.

Both happened at the same time, as part of a huge update to how skins and rewards worked (April 2014 Feature Pack). I'm not sure you could separate one from the other. 

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8 minutes ago, Danikat.8537 said:

Both happened at the same time, as part of a huge update to how skins and rewards worked (April 2014 Feature Pack). I'm not sure you could separate one from the other. 

Fair point I guess, but in this specific case, those armors were not part of PvP balance - just default gear that in the "pvp armor" slots. So personally I'd be pointing at wardrobe with pvp armor removal more than the pvp rewards restructure that was consequence of those two.

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On 1/23/2022 at 8:40 AM, Albie.5284 said:

This is something that more players should be talking about, but the title alone might not explain what exactly I'm referring to. There are skins in the game that were previously obtainable but then were later made unobtainable either because of an oversight or or a misunderstanding, or possibly even a bug, I'll explain everything below.


Take a look at this: https://imgur.com/a/7zsyuqN

Charr and Asura versions: Light - Medium - Heavy (Biggest difference is visible in the light and heavy armor)

These armor sets were available as PvP rewards in 2014 but were removed after the reward system got updated, the CHEST PIECES(For Light, Medium and Heavy) were made available from the Guild Initiative Representative for 1 gold each, and I assume the other pieces of the armor set were deemed too similar to the Devout and Banded armor to be included, this MIGHT make sense with the medium set which is actually very similar, as you can see here: https://imgur.com/a/4LUUGQG

But it doesn't make sense with the light and heavy set, for example on the guild archmage armor, you can see that the mantle is actually missing a part on the front so that the guild icon, the cowl is bigger and has a different shape from the Devout set, and on the guild defender, the chestpiece is lined up with the legguards to match, if you try it on banded armor it looks completely different.


You might argue that it's still too similar despite all these differences, but there are a ton of armor sets in the game that have 2(or even more) versions with only subtle differences similar to the guild armor, though they are still obtainable in the game, these include but are definitely not limited to:

-Elonian Armor and Spearmarshal's Armor

-Triumphant Armor and Triumphant Hero's Armor(Severity changes between armor classes, with light having the LEAST difference between the two)

-Glorious Armor and Ardent Glorious Armor(Again, severity differs between armor classes)


Those are just a few examples, there are also regular skins with some modifications to them that then get sold -ON- the gemstore(Flamewalker and Mist Walker) as a completely new set, isn't it possible to do the same for other unobtainable skins or NPC clothes that can easily be turned into player armor skins?


Guild armor sets are not the only ones skins in the game that used to be obtainable but no longer are, we're still not forgetting about the amount of town clothes skins that were fit for every character and every race, modelled and ready to be added as new skins with very minimal effort from ArenaNet designers. I would even gladly pay and support the game to buy these skins if they get added to the gemstore, though town clothes probably deserve their own topic. There's a lot of demand for these types of skins that ArenaNet isn't capitalizing on. Simple armor skins that offer creativity with mixing and matching with other armor skins.


One other very unfortunate example of such armor is the Council Guard set, the version that players have access to appears dirty, torn, chipped and heavily damaged despite a CLEAN version being available in the game, it's worn by Seraph NPCs, Sylvari NPCs and Charr NPCs, it exists and is fully implemented in the game yet for some reason players can't have access to both versions, we only get the damaged one.


TLDR: My suggestion is adding the guild armor skins to the Guild Imitative Representative(guild armorer) NPC so they can be sold along with Guild Heavy Armor, Guild Medium Armor and Guild Light Armor. These skins are meant to match together and it feels like an extreme waste that such perfectly usable skins are unobtainable by players, despite being modelled and ready without any fuss or trouble, so why aren't they sold along with their counterparts? They already exist in the game, they can even be previewed in the wardrobe bank by any character race and some players even have access to the skins and can easily use them. Would it really be difficult to include the missing pieces of the set they belong in with the same merchant?


EDIT: The merchant that I'm referring to that should be selling the full set: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Guild_Initiative_Representative_(guild_armorer) (Currently only sells the chest piece from each set, instead of the full set with the other pieces that are meant to match the chest piece)


Just a side-note, there's a lot of simple armor skins that players would love to have, and I would personally even pay to get for the sake of simple fashion and more creativity in mixing armor skins, a GREAT example of such skins is the top worn by the Shipwrecked Circus Treasurer, it's a simple tank top and wouldn't(I assume) require too much design effort to make it usable by players.

There's a LOT of similar armor skins that both the GW2 fashion and the roleplaying community would love to have implemented into the game as new armor skins, these include NPC clothes, deleted town clothing skins, simple skins worn by expansion NPCs like the shipwrecked circus, so on and so on. With some slight co-operation between ArenaNet and the GW2 community, we can make those skins finally available to players, in the name of FASHION!(And fun!)


All it would take to re-add these skins is simply making them purchasable from the Guild Initiative Armorer, they don't require re-modelling, they don't require re-designing, just a way to purchase them so players can use them and match them with the set that is already sold by the same NPC.

Royal Guard outfit Plz ❤️

I know it was a special thing but it's been years now and being able to get it somehow would be nice

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On 1/23/2022 at 9:38 PM, Albie.5284 said:



It is possible that there are other armor sets with this same issue, and you might be right that they have lost some of them, but seeing them being re-introduced in any other way would be great, for now though, why not let the players have a way to get the armor that's already in the game


I agree, it'd be nice to be able to obtain them again.

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