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Should I be a Mesmer?


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So I'm a long time GW1 player finally getting into GW2 (I know it took a while). I played almost every prof at some point, but my long time main was a Ritualist. I ran a spirit build where I had no direct attacks; all damage was done through spirits. I really enjoyed this character and was sad when GW2 didn't include Ritualists. I thought about playing revanent, but that doesn't seem to have the same playstyle.


With clones/phantasms can a mesmer in GW2 run a similar playstyle to a spirit Ritualist in GW1? Thanks!

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ooof asking mesmers if u should play a Mesmer may get quite the negative response.

Mesmer is decent, its not a bad choice, i'd say its one of the weaker ones when it comes to solo potiental however compared to some other choices.

Mesmers dont worjk alike GW1. it doesnt have Hexs and generally its built on more Illusion magic concepts with illusions being a Massive factor in how it plays, generally through building 3 Clones and then Shattering for a burst of Damage.

in Fractals it lacks a meta build as Target swapping and things isnt a Strong point for the proffessions as u lose all ur clones if the monster dies before you use them they also are Vunerable to their clones being killed before their use to stack.

Mesmers are the best Tanks in Raids, it also can provide alacrity (but it doesnt rly do well when competing against Alacrity renegade) it does have Power chrono which can output a good DPS Role, it can also provide Quickness as Chrono. and theres also boon Chronomancer builds.

in SPVP, they can made decent side noders with Staff/Staff, but with thieves so common in games it can get itself countered quite quickly as thieves murder Mesmers really, it has a Roaming build through Interrupt Mirage which is Decent also but again inferior to thief but will get the job done if your good at it. the final build being core shatter.. which is Kinda a one Shot +1er, it can combo Targets dead Real quick. but it Doesnt have much outside of that burst and to stack its Quite counterable and will die very quickly if u dont get out in time.

in WvWvW i think it has some good 1v1 builds but aint great in a Zerg, doesnt do large scale pvp really that well at all.

Open World, ur basically runnign Staff / Staff Mirage or a More defensively built chronomancer, they arent the best but good enough to get you through story content, prolly wont be soloing anything massive with them though so if ur looking to solo bounties or something that'll be quite the challange to overcome with mesmer.

Mesmers are in a Decent enough spot, if you enjoy it. go for it, its quite unique its alot of fun to play. they're not in the most exceptional position currently outside raiding builds however. so it really depends on how much being meta means to you currently.

TO the future.

Although the "Siginificant balancing" to core and current Elites arent known nor shown, Virtuoso is currently not looking great. it trades Clones for Illusioinary Swords you stack up to shatter, but it in its last beta not doing well in any content due to excessive counterplay against it and its DPS Speccs falling short to chronomancer.

to weather it plays alike Ritualist, by ur description: No. generally you have a rotation with all builds, Mirage focuses less on Shattering and More upkeeping ur clones for Dodge attacks but overall Mesmer is more about using illusions as a Resource then it is as a primary Combat use.

but i've not played GW1 outside of a brief time i played it and i never knew what ritualist was so i wouldnt be able to give u a 100% Accurate comparison between the 2.

Edited by Daddy.8125
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Short answer no

Your clones disappear in the moment your target dies so you have constantly be active in fights to summon them.


Ritu spirit spammer was a more passive gameplay which you won't find in gw2, the closest thing you can get is Necro as MM, Engi with turrets but they aren't rly good, Ele with summons or Rev on Kalla.


Maybe with the next Engi e-spec you can get a more passive way to play if they don't nerf the hell out of the pet

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Mesmer is not for everyone your best bet it to take mirage or chrono into pvp and try preform some of the more basic rotations. 

Mesmer is a very situational fighter especially for chrono, you need to commit more resources on hard to kill enemies or you just Bleed them slowly. 


I love it since I can create diversions with shield phantasm with Chrono or dodge all attacks with mirage. Again it comes back to how you spend your resources. 

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48 minutes ago, Mell.4873 said:

Mesmer is not for everyone your best bet it to take mirage or chrono into pvp and try preform some of the more basic rotations. 

Mesmer is a very situational fighter especially for chrono, you need to commit more resources on hard to kill enemies or you just Bleed them slowly. 


I love it since I can create diversions with shield phantasm with Chrono or dodge all attacks with mirage. Again it comes back to how you spend your resources. 

Or in spvp core shatter mesmer, although it gets memed on alot, its burst isn't complicated and it does do pretty well. 

Been using it alot at gold 2 and had pretty good success with it as basically you just +1 fights with the burst and use its mobility to decap 

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18 minutes ago, Daddy.8125 said:

Or in spvp core shatter mesmer, although it gets memed on alot, its burst isn't complicated and it does do pretty well. 

Been using it alot at gold 2 and had pretty good success with it as basically you just +1 fights with the burst and use its mobility to decap 

Yess it is very strong, you can even catch a theif off guard and down him very quickly. 

Its a higher damage hit and run class compared to theif. The only downside it trying to team fight when you are outnumbered. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Wanted to add a counterpoint to these prior posts in case you're still thinking about it. I find my mesmer to be the 2nd easiest of my champs to farm hard PVE stuff on. Once you get the flow of dodging, clones, and illusions you end up running serious dps while being in an invade frame 50% of the time, shadowstepping out of damage the other half of the time with a constant clone generation that you can manage to aid you significantly in both your dps and in tanking mobs (they're in i-frame half the time too!). Your clones/illusions aren't the main source of your damage but if you manage their actions correctly they definitely add a significant amount. It's a moderately high APM type of playstyle with a smooth flow that isn't prohibitively hard to get used to.


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I leveled 2 characters to 80, one of them was Mesmer, another was Warrior. Compared to Warrior, solo leveling Mesmer was painful for me but after 80, I found peace with mirage. I completed the gear of it. For WvW, I set trailblazer set staff-axe/torch (I can even kill champion bounties alone, if I stuck, I play double staff to get more survivability) In PvE, I have viper set, axe/torch-pistol. Not meta for most of fractals, yes (meta for sunqua peak), but not bad either. In Open World, mirage's survivability with good traits is beyond good. I mostly play with my engineer but I can suggest you to play. 

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8 hours ago, Tiw.2756 said:

Wanted to add a counterpoint to these prior posts in case you're still thinking about it. I find my mesmer to be the 2nd easiest of my champs to farm hard PVE stuff on. Once you get the flow of dodging, clones, and illusions you end up running serious dps while being in an invade frame 50% of the time, shadowstepping out of damage the other half of the time with a constant clone generation that you can manage to aid you significantly in both your dps and in tanking mobs (they're in i-frame half the time too!). Your clones/illusions aren't the main source of your damage but if you manage their actions correctly they definitely add a significant amount. It's a moderately high APM type of playstyle with a smooth flow that isn't prohibitively hard to get used to.


I suck at being mesmer, I was dying even in easy HP's in PoF xD Now she's just chilling being used as extra storage space.

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