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Hey guys, i'm not native english so sorry for any mistake in my writing.


I wanna know if there is any MMO around that is more fair and more rewardable for players in pvp. I mean by that one game that doesnt have the many immobs for 5sec that druid has or the insane skilful gameplay that flamethrower from scrapper demands hehe. 

I only play unranked for fun and after playing a lot of matches i particularly noticed that some mechanics or some playstyle from some profession just kill all the fun. 


So if anyone knows any other MMO that has its competitve area that doesn't have this things, i would appreciate to know about. :)

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Just get Elden Ring.  Open World design is stale and overrated.  GW2's PvP is "good" when compared to the garbage pile that is the average MMO combat paradigm, but it is not inherently interactive, skillful or expressive.  Instanced and co-op action is where the best PvP domains will forever remain until we get faster-than-light data.

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Elderscrolls online. Balance is ALOT better then Gw2!  Atleast at the moment. the Current patch is pretty balanced and overall fun to play. The only downside is the combatmechanics and movement of ESO. it requires you to Animationcancel alot. you will find yourself clicking and wiggling and spamming all the time and the animations suck when doing it.... You can play it without animation canceling but you will only deal half the damage as someone doing it.... But there is very little cheesebuilds there at the moment!

But overall i wouldnt recomment to play it instead of gw2... gw2 just feels better when playing and i think that is what its all about. Some of the builds that you complained about have some good counters! (condidamage mostly!) but i 100% agree.. things like Flamethrower engi are just plain stupid... ALTHO COUNTERABLE!

My suggestion to you would be to quit unranked arenas.... For some weird reason ranked arenas are less toxic... and more balanced(no fullpremade teams and a better matching skilllevels)  just ignore your rank and queue ranked.  OR abandon the pvp gamemode like most people have done 😄 Try WvW with some friends.

Edited by Sahne.6950
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On 2/14/2022 at 9:01 AM, Sahne.6950 said:

Elderscrolls online. Balance is ALOT better then Gw2!  Atleast at the moment. the Current patch is pretty balanced and overall fun to play. The only downside is the combatmechanics and movement of ESO. it requires you to Animationcancel alot. you will find yourself clicking and wiggling and spamming all the time and the animations suck when doing it.... You can play it without animation canceling but you will only deal half the damage as someone doing it.... But there is very little cheesebuilds there at the moment!

But overall i wouldnt recomment to play it instead of gw2... gw2 just feels better when playing and i think that is what its all about. Some of the builds that you complained about have some good counters! (condidamage mostly!) but i 100% agree.. things like Flamethrower engi are just plain stupid... ALTHO COUNTERABLE!

My suggestion to you would be to quit unranked arenas.... For some weird reason ranked arenas are less toxic... and more balanced(no fullpremade teams and a better matching skilllevels)  just ignore your rank and queue ranked.  OR abandon the pvp gamemode like most people have done 😄 Try WvW with some friends.

ESO balance is better as Gw2 ? What are you even smoking.

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11 hours ago, Caedmon.6798 said:

ESO balance is better as Gw2 ? What are you even smoking.

the current patch is awesome! almost every class is viable at the moment. If we see ESO thru the years and compare it to GW2 then gw2 will be WAYYY more balanced. Balance used to be a big pile of garbage in ESO, basicly whole classes were 100%useless, but the !!!current!!! patch is very good.  Please read carefully before insulting people ty


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20 hours ago, Sahne.6950 said:

the current patch is awesome! almost every class is viable at the moment. If we see ESO thru the years and compare it to GW2 then gw2 will be WAYYY more balanced. Balance used to be a big pile of garbage in ESO, basicly whole classes were 100%useless, but the !!!current!!! patch is very good.  Please read carefully before insulting people ty


Their set effects are completely broken. Like doing 10k dmg from a set effect is dumb af. Theres zero skill in ESO pvp its all about stats and set effects.

And who did i even insult ? I just asked what you were smoking cus..please pass me some !

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6 hours ago, Caedmon.6798 said:

Their set effects are completely broken. Like doing 10k dmg from a set effect is dumb af. Theres zero skill in ESO pvp its all about stats and set effects.

And who did i even insult ? I just asked what you were smoking cus..please pass me some !

i agree proccsets are a big part of ESO. but balancewise they are not a huge problem, because said proccsets can be used by ANY class.  ESO was always about : who has the cheesiest set combinations. And for me that is a big factor why i played it! there is no builds like we know them from Gw2(just a few youtubers showing what they are running, but there is not a real "meta" like we know from gw2). ESO has a wagonload of diffrent sets and statcombinations if you combine 3 of those in a good way it turns you into a total raidboss! It all comes down to having a smart build and for some people that is a big appeal..... It felt SOO GOOD if you could take on 4 people on openfield on a regular just because you found some weird setcombinations that work SOO WELL. it felt like you have discovered something new and it made me proud in a way. I am somewhat missing this feeling in gw2...  because in gw2 you hitup metabattle.com, then you pick one of the few builds from there and anything other than these metabuilds are a hot piece of garbage....  (there is a few hiddenbuilds in gw2 aswell and i tend to use them because i dont wanna be a metaslave...but you feel very limited, imo)

From a balance standpoint ESO is at its peak RIGHT NOW, but still no where near perfect... but atleast in a better state then gw2 is in RIGHT NOW.  but ESO feels like a big pile of p00p00... so i wouldnt advise playing it.  movement and animations there are sooo clunky.

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did you play ESO or just assume that right now?

meta will never truly settle, because there is so many diffrent combinations that work, also they have some massive balance patches every 2 months. always stuff to explore:D never said it was balanced utopia.  just said it is in the best state that its ever been in and it might be worth to check it out, if you can endure the donkeymovement and animations.

MMO´s during launch month... I am still recovering from New Worlds launch 🤢

the only good launch i can remember was Archeage! that was a BLAST with the landgrabbing.

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On 2/14/2022 at 3:17 AM, Nano.7093 said:

I wanna know if there is any MMO around that is more fair and more rewardable for players in pvp. I mean by that one game that doesnt have the many immobs for 5sec that druid has or the insane skilful gameplay that flamethrower from scrapper demands hehe. 

I only play unranked for fun and after playing a lot of matches i particularly noticed that some mechanics or some playstyle from some profession just kill all the fun. 

1) No.

2) https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Sigil_of_Escape_(PvP) Also, some classes have traits that break inmobs when they perform movement skills (as Rev's https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Aggressive_Agility  ).

3) Flamethrower Scrapper is low effort, but goes in both ways: you won't struggle to beat that build once you improve a bit your gameplay and build design.

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On 2/16/2022 at 8:47 AM, Sahne.6950 said:

the current patch is awesome! almost every class is viable at the moment. If we see ESO thru the years and compare it to GW2 then gw2 will be WAYYY more balanced. Balance used to be a big pile of garbage in ESO, basicly whole classes were 100%useless, but the !!!current!!! patch is very good.  Please read carefully before insulting people ty


No it's really not. ESO balance is currently borked as all hell.


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