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"First Win of the Day" bonuses


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so i want to start off in saying, that i am technically both a PvXer and a "casual PvPer" but i can afford to do this timewise because i work 3.5 hours a week and have almost no other games that i play, lol... i was thinking though for the sake of, not only myself, but also to people who don't play GW2 40 to 60 hours a week like i do, should we have some sort of like FWotD bonus, for the League track at least?


 i was also considering the normal track as well, but with the PvP potion things you get from the dailies, i don't think it's as necessary, but when it comes to the League pips, i personally think it would be more casual-friendly, for those with less free-time, etc.. if there was maybe a once a day +5 pip boost for winning a Ranked match.


 so if anyone agrees with this idea, wants to add anything, feel free, but i want this to get traction, and hopefully Anet will consider it.

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i think they should just allow the "dailies" to be done in unranked as well cause I getting tired with this mentality "I want MMMYYY dailies and I dont care for you rank, your experience, your fun or your match cause I WANT MYYYYY dailies and I dont care if I am the reason for loss here cause I want MMMMYYYY dailies and if it must I will click xx other matches into defeat as well until I got somehow carried to get MYYYYYYYYYYYY dailies"


MYYYYYYYYYYYY dailies!!!!!


Or get rid of PvP dailies at all since PvP players dont need them and replace all pvp materials from guild hall upgrades with something else.


Specially in 2vs2 or 3vs3 arena its so hard obvious if your teammate doesnt contribute. This needs to be fixed instead giving more dailies potions.


This game should stop to be just unfun by design in so many areas.


Edited by Nea.5936
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@Nea.5936 well that is a fair idea too, remove the incentive to go into Ranked and Tournaments for the sake of daily 2g, and have it be only either stuff like "kills" or Unranked wins. hell, make that league of legends wannabe map a daily sometimes, get the casuals out of conquest altogether xD


but this is kind of aside from what i'm trying to get out of this post, i was wondering if you would cosign the idea of a +5 pip for Ranked/League track for the first win of the day?

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Whatever you think is a good idea doesnt matter because anet will do what they want anyways. Save yourself the time and effort. I think they should incentivize being good at pvp for better rewards or faster reward track progress personally. They should also invest more time into improving the ranked experience.

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