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Outreach - Give Aurene a snack

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I have tried this three times now.

It's really annoying, because the boat ride and everything is slow.


I fish, catch the thing, automatically equip my weapons and do an attack, losing the fish.

Have to restart... every time 😞

Normally, after fishing, you keep your pole. Why not here?


How has this bug not been caught after 'polishing' for 9 extra months? 😞

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i had the same problem.

here is what to do. Because you use 2 and 3 keys for fishing, the same is for the attacks.

So just unequip your weapon so that you can;t attack anyone.

This way you will keep the fish and you can go feed the dragon

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Also This issue has a thread already here which Anet responded to. So they will fix this to make it a smoother experience. Just give them some time.

Original post about this Issue

That said:

After personally having allot of trouble with this issue and like 4 times loading the instance thinking it was bugged I was able to catch the fish.

It seems like the main issue is just that its a VERY poor introduction to the mechanics of how fishing works in GW2.

How to fish:

1) You have to "cast" (1 key) Then WAIT just sit and wait (ignore the set hook button for now). DONT SET HOOK YET.

this is not explained at all and should be or it shouldnt be required to progress and let people learn to fish later.

2) Keep waiting. Eventually you will hear a chime/bell sound and see the Bobber in the water bounce up and down as you hear the sound. It also gives an exclamation icon. If you dont hear the chime and/or see the bobber moving up and down just wait or recast if its been too long. It can take a variable amount of time.

3) SET HOOK while the bobber is bouncing and you hear the chime sound. then use 2-3 keys to keep the green shape inside the orange shape untill the progress bar fills up. This will place a fish in your inventory.


I hope this helps.

Edited by Moradorin.6217
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19 hours ago, arendo.6954 said:

How has this bug not been caught after 'polishing' for 9 extra months? 😞

I think bugs like this always get missed by Anet because its more of a lack of interface design and user testing. What I mean is the devs I would think use the same people over and over to test. Once you "know how to fish" I can see how the average tester wouldnt consider how it would be as a first time experience. That is they know how to make the mechanic work and just dont run into the issue. IMO they have always needed people who can do actual testing. People capable of thinking empathetically about what an activity would be like to a person who has no background knowledge and experience with said activity. I guess its hard for some people. And it seems like the Testers at Anet always tend to lack this sadly.


This "Bug" IMO is just a lack of user interface interaction to prompt the user to wait for the chime and bobber. Its THAT simple.

I really honestly have seen this kinda thing in every release and always find myself thinking it could all be avoided if they let a few thoughtful people play it and give real feedback. I just have a feeling Anet doesnt value that kind of thinking.

Edited by Moradorin.6217
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5 hours ago, Gaskar.1038 said:

Also not working for me. I was holding the skill for moving the bar and after I caught the fish, it auto-triggered my leap skill which launched me into the water

So that's why mine bugged out too just now? I was on ranger greatsword and when the fishing pole suddenly unequipped, I did a swoop into the water. Didn't realise I was supposed to end up carrying a fish in my hand, so I thought I had to feed her from my inventory and didn't understand why there was no interaction option either with the fish or the converted meat 🤦‍♂️

Ended up unequipping my weapons and redoing that scene, and worked that way.

Edited by kazerniel.6391
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  • 4 weeks later...

Have found a solution. 


The bug happens if you are hitting buttons fast enough after fishing. Example: Suppose you are a rogue and just after the fishing bar completes you use accidently your button 2 with daggers, you will jump in the water skipping the role thing that made the fish goes up to your hand.


There is 2 ways to solve this, go easier with your buttons when you are almost in the end of fishing bar or unnequip your weapons.

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  • 2 months later...

This still goes unfixed. And no I'm not hitting keys after, I'm not keeping buttons pressed. I did the quest 10 times and it worked fine, two times it automatically removed the fish without any attack or weapon swap occuring.

Edited by Pheex.8932
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  • 4 months later...

27th July 2024, I cannot get this to work after trying for a few hours, anyone able to get around this seeing as it doesn't look like it is going to get fixed after 2.5 years and I just spent money on the expansion, I would appreciate it very much.


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  • 1 month later...

For anyone that reads this in the future, you can use A and D keys to reel the fish in. You don't have to use the 2 and 3 keys. It's stupid that it took me 3 tries of the mission to figure this out cause as soon as I catch the fish, if my finger hit 3 again, my skill will force me to leap right into the ocean

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