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Change Flowing Resolve to % of damage dealt returned to you as healing


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In order to balance Flowing Resolve across all the weapon types Guardian has access to and to avoid pigeon-holing the Willbender's F2 sustain into only a few viable playstyles, weapons and skills that have multiple attacks I propose that Flowing Resolve is changed to % of damage dealt is returned to you as healing, rather than heal for XXX every 5 hits.

This would work for Power, Condition and Hybrid playstyles across all weapons, damage skills and underwater.


Keep the initial self heal of 783.

Flowing Resolve (6s) 20% of damage dealt is returned to you as healing.


Absolute Resolution would improve the % damage to healing conversion from 20% to 25%.


Edit - It would also be much easier to tweak and balance as necessary; the heal for XXX per 5 hits has far too many variables in PvE, WvW and PvP to balance easily.

Edited by Ezrael.6859
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While I agree the whole "5 hits to proc" is bad, making it a % of damage would greatly hurt non-offensive builds.


A better solution would be to change it to proc stronger once per hit with a long internal cooldown.

But then you'd water down the ability of your opponent to get out of the flames to prevent proccing.

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I thought you were proposing this in order to avoid "pigeon-holing the Willbender's F2 sustain into only a few viable playstyles".

This would be only a nerf to the willbender, since you'll still be needing to proc for the other virtues to hit.

What about phoneix protocol? How would that interact with alacrity?

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How would that change the fact that it provides better sustain in a target-rich environment? More targets = more damage. I mean, I don't think it'd be a terrible change, but I don't see how it'd actually help.

Also, how would that work with the various traits that trigger when triggering a virtue effect?

Edited by Ragnar.4257
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20 minutes ago, Ragnar.4257 said:

How would that change the fact that it provides better sustain in a target-rich environment? More targets = more damage. I mean, I don't think it'd be a terrible change, but I don't see how it'd actually help.

Also, how would that work with the various traits that trigger when triggering a virtue effect?

You're right, it wouldn't work for the few traits that are triggered by F2;  that's an oversight as those traits are so bad, I wasn't even thinking about them.

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6 hours ago, Pleurodesed.7625 said:

While I agree the whole "5 hits to proc" is bad, making it a % of damage would greatly hurt non-offensive builds.


A better solution would be to change it to proc stronger once per hit with a long internal cooldown.


Not entirely. Non offensive builds gain a greater amount of ehp per heal even if the value is lower. They also still deal quite a bit of damage that the healing would be significant for them.


Also, absolutely not on the 'long internal cooldown'. You want another shattered aegis? Because thats how you get v2. WB need the procs constantly to upkeep tempo, a long icd basically says swap out of f2 or lose it.

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2 hours ago, jpsssss.7530 said:

This will never happen becaus with the meditation heal a guard will reach 53% of damage dealt rrturned as healing. I can confirm that 33% from the heal on a damage build in pvp is more than enough...

And yet we can barely keep outselves healed up amongst a group scenario... or worse case, we can't hit a single person due to lack of range abilities. On paper you can say such things, but the sPvP/WvW reality is we have difficulty doing anything productive by ourselves.

The way F2 healing effect is set up, it is absolutely not intended to be used solely for healing, like, at all. I think what we are ultimately asking for is a better survival mechanic for Willbender because right now we just don't have it for F2.
F1 has a decent 5k crit possibility.
F3 has a decent stability + aegis AoE proc possibility

F2....  is only used for evading... we currently don't use it for healing. If you do, you're going to die.


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