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Open World Scrapper (solo)


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First of all, this is not another crytopic. It was quite a rough start with the launch of EoD, the Impact Savant nerf hit really hard. But after a good week of testing and experimenting, I finally found a solution that is quite decent in my opinion. Normally I would not reach out this far, as both Infu and Noah are dominating the board right now. However I do remember of a rather silent community of Engineer/Scrapper players, who always appreciated a more relaxed approach on things. Just having fun without bothering about the numbers. So this is only for those who care. This is not about group-support, not about raiding, not about dominating spvp or WvW and not about breaking the most recent snow-crows benchmark. Here we go once again ...




- Blast Shield = Explosive Entrance grants barrier.
- Flashbang = Explosive Entrance dazes foes above 90 % health.

- System Shocker = Disabling foes grants barrier.
- Adaptive Armor = 15 % higher barrier gain.



Sources for Crowd Control (System Shocker) :
- Explosive Entrance above 90 % NPC health
- Rocket Charge through a Lightning Field (Thunderclap, Spare Capacitor, Function Gyro)
- Thunderclap
- Spare Capacitor (4x pulsing AoE CC)
- Function Gyro

Sources for Explosions (Impact Savant):
- Explosive Entrance (Blast Shield)
- Electro-whirl
- Mortar Shells (1-4)

Note: Explosive Entrance also works with AoE attacks. You can combine it with for example Thunderclap to trigger it multiple times with a single attack.
Note: Explosions can be stacked. If you combine Explosive Entrance with for example Electro-whirl, every target is hit by two explosions. More damage and more Blast Shield triggers (= more barrier).

Helpful side effects:
- Shock Shield generating additional barrier while blocking attacks. 
- Flashbang blinding foes struck by Explosive Entrance (always). Helps a lot mitigating damage, especially when the HP of the NPCs crossed the 90 % threshold.
- Adaptive Armor grants -20 % incoming condition damage.
- Bulwark Gyro's easy barrier boost. Just keep in mind to combine it with Shock Shield when your have allies nearby.


Explanation: The Gyro pulls 35 % of the incoming damage from nearby allies. If you are in the heat of the fight, your barrier-pool just vaporizes - even if it is full. Shock Shield blocks incoming damage while the Gyro is active, so you can survive this. It is a wonderful strategy to keep your group alive during a devastating attack. But if you use it wrong, it turns into a suicide-button.

Boon uptime:
- permanent SELF Quickness
Chronomancer Runes grant Quickness when casting a Well. Gyros count as Wells. In combination with the Superior Sigil of Celerity (Quickness on CC, 20 seconds cd) and Elixir U, we can maintain 100 % uptime.
- permanent Fury
- 20-25 stacks of  Might
- 2x 9 seconds Stability (1x solo, 1x group)
- 3 seconds Protection (group)
- 7, 3 and 5 seconds of Superspeed
Note: Looking at Stability and Superspeed, you can squeeze at least 10 % damage boost from Object in Motion during burst-phases.

Cricital Hit Rate:
Fury + Firearms (traitline) result in a + 45 % Critical Hit Chance boost. With the stats in the build, you end up with ~ 98 % Critical Hit Chance in total. That is pretty high for a solo-player. If this is too high, there are options to reduce it. 

Same as with my other builds there are required parts and optional parts. The required ones are necessary to get the barrier & boon uptime on a healthy level. What you put in the optional parts is totally up to you.


- required: Diviner's stats weapons & armor-pieces
For permanent Quickness uptime, the stats are rather mimimalistic. I do not recommend going below 55 % boon duration. Higher boon-duration makes the handling with the Gyros easier. There is more room to improvise.
- required: Chronomancer Runes
For permanent Quickness, while skipping both Gyroscopic Acceleration AND Kinetic Accelerators. It is basically a trade-off. Sustain in exchange for group-support.
- required: Superior Sigil of Celerity
Same reason as for the Chronomancer Runes.



- optional: Marauder's stats armor-pieces
Marauder's are great for enhancing Precision (Critical Hit Chance) and Power while still boosting Vitality (HP pool)  and Ferocity (Critical Hit Damage) a little. They are quite handy. You can slot in other stats as you please. 
- optional: Sigil of Accuracy
Mostly as a place-holder, to show how high the Critical Hit Chance can go if you really want to get close to 100 %.
-  optional: Superior Sigil of Bloodlust
Any kill-stack sigil will do. Big thanks to ANet for the 'useless' weaponswap ability that only works out of combat. You can stack up the sigil to 25, then swap to your main weapon and play with the full stacks until you get downed. With a little training this rarely happens at all. It is a free stat-gain in Open World environment. Bloodlust is a basic. But with our impressive Critical Hit Rate, I will probably replace it with the  Superior Sigil of Cruetly. But it is really up to you.
Note: If you want to go double-safe, equip the same kill-stack sigil on one of your underwater-weapons. That way you will not lose the stacks if you ever happen to dive into water. 
- optional: Modified Ammunition (trait in Fire Arms)
It is just a raw damage boost, + 2 % per condition on your target. You can also slot the Juggernaut. The Flamethrower trait o.O? Sounds weird, but works great. It enhances your might duration. This makes maintaining 25 Might stacks a lot easier.


The rest works as usual. Intutitive gameplay, no restrictions regarding rotations and when to press which button. The barrier gain does not result in a permanently full pool, but you reach that state whenever you need it and maintain a healthy level all the time. Just try to avoid spamming everything at once. Especially the spare capacitor should be used with a little brain power. It does work on a single target, but it unfolds its full potential when you fight multiple foes ^^. 

I think that is it. Thanks for reading. I hope this helps some of you o/

[EDIT] Due to the rising number of views, I have modified the original post. Did some format-options, added links and further explanations. Less gibberish, more data. I was able to test it last night in one of the new meta-events. Will probably tweak a few minor things sooner or later, but the base-build works.

Edited by HnRkLnXqZ.1870
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As this post does not get deleted, I am going to adress a couple of questions that occured so far:

1.) How much boon-duration is required for an only-gyro build?
Some of you are using a 4x Gyro build, where Elixir U is replaced by the Blast Gyro. You need slightly more boon-duration to get that working => ~ 70 %. 

2.) Do I really need Adaptive Armor?
The build does not have condition-cleanse option, so the 20 % condition-damage reduction is quite helpful. The +15 % barrier gain helps maintaining a higher barrier-pool. It depends on your play-style, speed and level of experience as well as your preferences. Best is to try it out yourself. If you feel the barrier is still enough, run with Kinetic Accelerators. I usually go double-safe with my sustain, so I am more flexible in the heat of the fight. But that is my personal preference. 

3.) Can I get a condition-cleanse without using Purge Gyro?
In the original post, I have mentioned the 2nd sigil (accuracy) is optional. You can slot in a Superior Sigil of Cleansing there. Weaponswap sigils on Engineer work with kit-swap as well. That means you have 3x condition cleanse ready every 9 seconds. Just swap into Mortar Kit and swap out again. If you have your keys bound correctly, this can be done in a split-second. 

4.) Can I get all three damage-boosters from Object in Motion (burst)?
Same as with 3.), you can use a weapon-swap sigil to gain Swiftness in combat. Superior Sigil of Agility can do this job, but requires almost 83 % boon-duration to maintain permanent Swiftness in combat. And kit-swapping every 9 seconds. But if you just want to get maximum damage from a burst-phase, you can use Defense Field (Bulwark Gyro toolbelt) and kit-swap to unlock the two additional +5 % boosters. 

5.) What food works good with this build?
Bowl of Orrian Truffle and Meat Stew adds more Explosive Entrance due to higher endurance regeneration. You can dodge more often and even get some might from that.
Winterberry Sorbet you get additional Might from critical hits, more Freocity (critical damage) and a nice Magic Find boost. It is imo the best food for easier encounters. Optimal balance between loot- and damage-enhancements.
Skale Venom you have probably never seen this one before. It can only be bought from an NPC vendor after an event and it only lasts 10 minutes, but for Utility Enhancement. When soloing bosses and fighting in smaller groups, this can be a game-changer. It drastically increases the Vulnerability stacks of your target and constantly applies Weakness to it. So your attacks hit harder and you receive less damage. If you use the Explosives traitline, every Vulnerability stack gives 1.5 % damage boost in total. If you manage to reach full (25), you deal 37.5 % more damage automatically. The consumeable is disabled in various places, as it is considered way too powerful.

If there are more questions, feel free to ask. 

Edited by HnRkLnXqZ.1870
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Thanks for the ideas, I might experiment with this when I have the time to get my engineer up and running again. I tried playing her a bit after the nerf but it doesn't feel like it offers much as an open world solo spec anymore.


I worry the loss of super speed and the DPS reduction to a spec with already mediocre damage will make it feel way too slow and clumsy in solo play. And of course you lose most of your group utility without group speed and quickness, so won't be nearly as big help when joining events.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Thought I would bump this with a build I have been using.




Doesn't quite have permanent quickness but its 90%+

Using the battering ram to generate more barrier, break bars fast, and also apply weakness and vulnerability.  

Consumables Im using are cheap.

Decent uptime on protection, which really helps.

Main reason I am using Applied force is because I need the extra power to make up for durability runes and also the stability really helps me.  I am not the best at avoiding CCs constantly.


It still feels incredibly weak compared to mechanist, but nothing beats dashing around with a giant hammer smashing and electrifying everything!

Edited by Stx.4857
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I am using something similar for my open world content. I'm still doing more than fine with this even after the barrier nerfs:



Rocket turret is a flex spot, you can swap it out for another utility of choice. But imo it's a great choice for open world as the toolbelt rocket absolutely shits on groups of mobs with its huge AoE damage, and the turret itself is nice as another AoE stun + blast finisher if you might need it. Good alternatives that I have used: elixir gun (for the acid bomb cleave dmg + healing from super elixir), bulwark gyro (barrier + stab) or toolkit. Toolkit gives some nice utility with a block + pull and high burst damage. It also gives superspeed + quickness if you swap to it from streamlined kits trait in tools. If you take toolkit, take bottom trait in first line of tools.


You can also take firearms instead of tools but I like tools for the perma swiftness and kinetic battery trait for more quickness + superspeed uptime. Medkit provides a cleanse, waterfield and high vigor uptime which also works well with tools to get 10% dmg buff.

Edited by Koensol.5860
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This is my scrapper build, I've tried to reflect my wonky gear here as much as possible as I rarely have the patience to farm up more than one set.




I've always been a fan of static discharge, and this feels like the perfect chance to use it with ram and rifle turret. Rifle turret is there because it gives an extra explosion + the stunbreak surprise shot for the burst and a constant source of vulnerability. It's really up to user discretion whether you go for the kinetic accelerators or gadgeteer, gadgeteer of course making battering ram and explosion that benefits from your explosives trait line. Kinetic accelerator can be pretty brutal with this build though as you'll be using your ram and rifle toolbelt skills quite regularly. As for elixir U, you can swap that out for either blast gyro or rocket boots as you please, with rocket boots being good because it gives you another targeted attack to trigger discharge as well as blast finishers for your water fields and an extra source of super speed with gadgeteer while at the same time you can detonate your rifle turret in blast gyro for an extra boost of might. I took healing turret as my heal simply because it's another blast finisher and its toolbelt skill is on a lower cooldown.


I quite like this style of play in open world, it really plays into the scrapper idea of keeping up momentum and knocking people around. Battering ram really is a hidden gem!



Edited by Rosiep.9128
Edit: I just realised I use sigil of strength on my hammer, it's a great way of seeing you at max might and the enemy at max vuln very quickly!
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  • 1 year later...

Now that ANet has made some drastic changes, I can share a few updates as well.

1.) The original build still works as before. But I have made a few minor adjustments to meet with the ANet's stat-changes. In addition I found a food that proves to provide some extra damage, the Bowl of Winterberry Seaweed Salad. It adds +5 % outgoing damage while movement and grants us a Swiftness source, which is another +5 % via Object in Motion. As it does not rely on Kinetic Accelerators, the functionality was not touched. Gyros are still wells.


2.) [EDIT] But what you are probably looking for is a build that works with the new Kinetic Accelerators. Here we go:


After field-testing over and over, I realized that the Blast Gyro is bit unreliable. Pondered about blast-finishers and remembered my old vanilla combo Engineer used the Thumper Turret. The cool thing about this is, you place it near an enemy it it blasts automatically. Then you can detonate for another blast. And the toolbelt on top of it.  Feels kind of cool to play retro-style again. 

- Healing Turret
- Thumper Turret near enemy, wait, detonate, toolbelt (or keep as emergency stunbreak)
- Rocket Charge (2x)
- Function Gyro

We have got plenty of combo fields already, but you can always get 4 more with the Mortar Kit. Combat functionality is the same as with the original build. Hit as many targets as possible. Use your CC skills like regular attacks. No restrictive build-rotation. 

Note: All builds I post in this thread are designed for Open World, as the title says. You can use them for other stuff if you wish, but the DPS is not very high. You may run into problems if you bring it to a raid. 

Edited by HnRkLnXqZ.1870
adjusted the builds, stats
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  • 5 months later...

After the System Shocker buff of 28th November, this build was significantly enhanced. Whenever there are multiple enemies around, I can easily stack up group-barrier with it. Even when fighting single enemies, the output is good. The trait still triggers with EMP, which is even more crazy. Currently using a Relic of the Midnight King, which allows me to buff reliable Might and Fury to my group in addition to the Quickness. Even with the 1s cooldown, the relic is working fine due to the huge amount of CC this build generates.

Current Version
- permanent group quickness
- permanent group fury
- group-might
- group-barrier (the more enemies, the better)

I just hope System Shocker will not get nerfed too hard, once any of the cool kids create a meta-build with it.

Edited by HnRkLnXqZ.1870
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Why 67% bd? you can give all these boons perma with 0% bd. Why no mine? Why no grenades, your by far strongest dps skill? Why no blast gyro for might, cc, blast?

Does this do more than 10k dps?

Trading 25% dmg for 2k barrier on explosive entrance is interesting.

Edited by Nephalem.8921
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In General:
My builds have DPS as a minor priority. They focus heavily on sustain, intuitive gameplay and simplicity. Those builds keep you alive throughout even tough encounters without requiring lightning-reflexes or an above-average skill floor. They are designed to work for solo players and can be used for story-content and Open World. I usually test them in group-content as well and nowadays even check the DPS as a reference, trying to never undercut 8k. For a meta-enthusiast, this is disgusting - no need to discuss that. But my target-audience, rather prefers a more laid-back approach than a min-max top tier meta-build. 

I've stopped most of my activity on the board already, just maintain a few topics and participate in a few discussions. For the other engineer players on this board, I'm ... a weirdo, lunatic or a heretic - pick one. I play the class for almost 11 years now, while maining Scrapper most of the time. They just ignore me, I think most of them have me on their ignore-list by now. I'm not against the meta, it is just not my main goal in life ;). 

Boon Duration:
You are correct about that (before your edit). The meta does not need any. But I prefer to add a safety-level to my builds, that allows players to make mistakes and take their time on the battlefield. With a constantly growing number of area-mechanics and channeling attacks, you are busy dodging incoming damage. Having boon-duration does not require to chain the combos strictly. You have time to react. Time to reposition yourself and if you mess up a few finishers, it is still not the end of the world.

Mine and Grenades
Keeping it simple. No enforced kid-swapping and complicated multi-kit rotations. Intuitive gameplay means to use the skills as you like. DPS is not my main priority. The overall DPS of this build revolves around 8k sustained. Which means it does not drop much if you get into trouble and it does not peak much if you are dealing with passive encounters. For solo and story content, that is enough. There are also relaxed groups/guilds which tolerate this. Being able to maintain 8k DPS and surviving tougher encounters is even better than spending 60-80 % of the combat downed, but having a DPS around 25k.

Blast Gyro
I have explained that in one of the previous posts. It is not reliable enough. The thumper-turret is more consistent to use and offers more blast-finishers quickly. With the given boon-duration, maintaining might is not a problem. And the Stunbreak is on the same slot, yet another blast-finisher.

On 11/30/2023 at 9:30 AM, Nephalem.8921 said:

Does this do more than 10k dps?

No. Some of my sustain-builds can do that, but the Scrapper cannot. At least not with my configuration. I leave enough space for personal adjustments so people who want a little more DPS can min-max it for that. But it is not my personal goal to do that.

On 11/30/2023 at 9:30 AM, Nephalem.8921 said:

Trading 25% dmg for 2k barrier on explosive entrance is interesting.

see above

Edited by HnRkLnXqZ.1870
sadly this topic got hijacked, they really do not want these builds to exist. Thanks for re-visiting the topic so often. I know how the 3k+ views were generated and I am glad I gave some of you a worthwhile alternative. I'll find a way to continue ... ^^
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  • 2 weeks later...

You are better off running condi or cele, even on scrapper.

It offers more defense, more dps and more boon duration. 

Here is a video:

Mushroom queen which takes 65 seconds with a dps of 12.5k. Balthazar takes like 56 seconds which results in a bit more than 12.5k. Probably like 13-14k.

Edit: that was before the buffs of the last patch.

Edited by SeTect.5918
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6 hours ago, SeTect.5918 said:

You are better off running condi or cele, even on scrapper.

It offers more defense, more dps and more boon duration. 

Here is a video:

Mushroom queen which takes 65 seconds with a dps of 12.5k. Balthazar takes like 56 seconds which results in a bit more than 12.5k. Probably like 13-14k.

Edit: that was before the buffs of the last patch.

You can kill that champ in like 15sec with a berserker scrapper and 25 sigil stacks while taking no dmg thanks to barrier. It took you 1min. That is certainly not a lot of dmg. You do 10-12k. Quickscrapper with food and sigils does like 20k+.

https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Jade_Tech_Offensive_Overcharge you dont even need quickscrapper with this. Dps scrapper will do.



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6 hours ago, Nephalem.8921 said:

You can kill that champ in like 15sec with a berserker scrapper and 25 sigil stacks while taking no dmg thanks to barrier. It took you 1min. That is certainly not a lot of dmg. You do 10-12k. Quickscrapper with food and sigils does like 20k+.

https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Jade_Tech_Offensive_Overcharge you dont even need quickscrapper with this. Dps scrapper will do.



Have you ever actually seen a berserker scrapper kill Balthazar in 30 seconds or less?  I’ve never seen anyone do that. 

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15 minutes ago, Stx.4857 said:

Have you ever actually seen a berserker scrapper kill Balthazar in 30 seconds or less?  I’ve never seen anyone do that. 

He's talking about power builds using jade tech buffs so they don't have to supply their own boons.  With full boons you can melt Balthazar down in 20 seconds or possibly less with some builds, but I don't think it's possible otherwise.  The best I've personally done self-buffed is about 24 seconds, which I can do on Trailblazer or Viper weaver.

Edited by AliamRationem.5172
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3 minutes ago, AliamRationem.5172 said:

He's talking about power builds using jade tech buffs so they don't have to supply their own boons.  With full boons you can melt Balthazar down in 20 seconds or possibly less with some builds, but I don't think it's possible otherwise.  The best I've personally done self-buffed is about 24 seconds, which I can do on Trailblazer or Viper weaver.

Right that’s true.  Jade protocol buffs kind of crutch for berserker builds but even so, claiming 15 seconds is silly.  You have by far the fastest kill times I’ve seen and like you said 24 seconds.  No way you are beating your own time by going berserker.  

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Just now, Stx.4857 said:

Right that’s true.  Jade protocol buffs kind of crutch for berserker builds but even so, claiming 15 seconds is silly.  You have by far the fastest kill times I’ve seen and like you said 24 seconds.  No way you are beating your own time by going berserker.  

Yeah, I'm skeptical.  15 seconds is around 45k DPS.  Some power builds can burst much higher than their benchmark DPS, so in theory it might be possible.  But it does seem unlikely because they would need to self-stack vuln from zero and also manage the breakbar at 50%.

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12 hours ago, Nephalem.8921 said:

You can kill that champ in like 15sec with a berserker scrapper and 25 sigil stacks while taking no dmg thanks to barrier. It took you 1min. That is certainly not a lot of dmg. You do 10-12k. Quickscrapper with food and sigils does like 20k+.

Yeah sure dude.

That boss has 600k+ hp

600.000/15 is 40k+ dps.

You are talking about 40k solo dps mate. Keep dreaming. 

20k dps would be 30 seconds.

Edited by SeTect.5918
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5 hours ago, AliamRationem.5172 said:

He's talking about power builds using jade tech buffs so they don't have to supply their own boons.  With full boons you can melt Balthazar down in 20 seconds or possibly less with some builds, but I don't think it's possible otherwise.  The best I've personally done self-buffed is about 24 seconds, which I can do on Trailblazer or Viper weaver.

The only builds i can imagine to melt balth down in like 15 seconds are beta builds benching 70k or something. 


Can power scrapper do balth in 15 seconds? No way, even with protocols not.

Can power scrapper do balth with 20k+ dps? Maybe with jade protocols. 

Can my build do balth with 20k+ dps? Considering i can use a dps trait, a dps relic, use a different sigil and get 150 condi and power by using protocols..probably yeah. Or it comes at least close to that while having far more defense.


@Nephalem.8921 Using jade protocols rips the whole reason of running self boons away. You could basically run trailblazers and shred everything in like 20-30 seconds. But nobody wants to load charges for an hour straight before you start running around in open world. 

Power scrapper also isnt the answer to everything. It has good burst and is good for fast kills. But since the barrier nerf you lack the defense for harder bosses. I doubt you could solo anything like mushroom queen heropoint in TD with power scrapper. If you Managed to do so, please send me a Video. I ll gladly accept that i m wrong in this case. 

The closest i found on Youtube about power scrapper was this:


It runs both jade protocols but still needs over 1 Minute for the Chak lobber heropoint. And the heropoint wasnt even finished, it was still 30% then the creator swapped to the next boss. 

Well at least he managed to give power scrapper decent defense but the dps is clearly below 10k.

Thats why i came up with my build because it has decent sustain and the damage is "okay". 

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Yeah nevermind i believe 40k is actually possible, even tho i cant rly imagine it on power scrapper.

I just tested it with Vipers Harbinger and i did it in 21 seconds with a  dps of 35k. However thats with sigil stacks and jade protocols.

The Scrapper build i linked was for kind of like harder bosses like mushroom queen or legendary bosses tho.

So yeah I apologize, 40k is maybe possible if you go all in and burst as fast as possible with a very bursty power class.
But builds like that wont get through legendary enemies well.

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9 hours ago, Stx.4857 said:

Right that’s true.  Jade protocol buffs kind of crutch for berserker builds but even so, claiming 15 seconds is silly.  You have by far the fastest kill times I’ve seen and like you said 24 seconds.  No way you are beating your own time by going berserker.  

I did it on pweaver before soto in 17 and still have a video of it.

I tried to do balth again yesterday but there are always other players. Did the mushroom queen in 20sec instead. Arc down too so hard to post a log.

3 hours ago, SeTect.5918 said:

The only builds i can imagine to melt balth down in like 15 seconds are beta builds benching 70k or something. 


Can power scrapper do balth in 15 seconds? No way, even with protocols not.

Can power scrapper do balth with 20k+ dps? Maybe with jade protocols. 

Can my build do balth with 20k+ dps? Considering i can use a dps trait, a dps relic, use a different sigil and get 150 condi and power by using protocols..probably yeah. Or it comes at least close to that while having far more defense.


@Nephalem.8921 Using jade protocols rips the whole reason of running self boons away. You could basically run trailblazers and shred everything in like 20-30 seconds. But nobody wants to load charges for an hour straight before you start running around in open world. 

Power scrapper also isnt the answer to everything. It has good burst and is good for fast kills. But since the barrier nerf you lack the defense for harder bosses. I doubt you could solo anything like mushroom queen heropoint in TD with power scrapper. If you Managed to do so, please send me a Video. I ll gladly accept that i m wrong in this case. 

The closest i found on Youtube about power scrapper was this:


It runs both jade protocols but still needs over 1 Minute for the Chak lobber heropoint. And the heropoint wasnt even finished, it was still 30% then the creator swapped to the next boss. 

Well at least he managed to give power scrapper decent defense but the dps is clearly below 10k.

Thats why i came up with my build because it has decent sustain and the damage is "okay". 

I did burst mushroom queen in like 20sec 10 times in a row yesterday. real time is hard to tell because no arc.

I might do a video later and bundle it together with my 16sec balth kill on weaver. Wont camp balth for 3h again like last time to get a solo kill.


Edited by Nephalem.8921
wrong number
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7 minutes ago, Nephalem.8921 said:

I did it on pweaver before soto in 16 and still have a video of it.

I tried to do balth again yesterday but there are always other players. Did the mushroom queen in 20sec instead. Arc down too so hard to post a log.

I did burst mushroom queen in like 20sec 10 times in a row yesterday. real time is hard to tell because no arc.

I might do a video later and bundle it together with my 16sec balth kill on weaver. Wont camp balth for 3h again like last time to get a solo kill.


Ha, I feel ya with the "always other players"-part. The hardest part of soloing that boss is actually not being interrupted by other players.

You talking about Power or condi weaver tho?
Nvm you said pweaver

And i believe power scrapper is kind of slower than weaver in solo play tbh.
Tho i didnt test scrapper with the buff it got on november 28.

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4 minutes ago, Nephalem.8921 said:


Harbinger is one of the unburstiest specs in the game. Why do you think scrapper that rivals slb in burst could not do it faster?

Scrapper has a 43k bench and is at 44k after 20sec. Harb is at 37k after 20sec.

Depends on type of legendary and how often do you solo legendaries in normal play?

nono i meant Weaver compared to Scrapper, not harbinger compared to scrapper.
I would imagine pweaver to be faster. But even then, as I said, I didnt test Scrapper after its buffs on november 28, so it might be possible.

Depends, if you go straight after legendarys champions because you find these fun then i believe kinda often.
If you just randomly run around then i believe you also dont meet champions quite often. Rarely at least, except for HoT ofc.

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