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EoD metas and events are absurdly unrewarding

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You made the EXACT same mistake you did with PoF - you made metas and events that essentially reward nothing. Why?

A green or blue, if it's a meta, maybe a rare or two. Meanwhile I can go to bitterfrost and get 8+ rares and 50+ greens/blues in 15 minutes, and that's not even an uber rewarding zone!

Please fix these metas, they are a GIGANTIC step up from all the past metas and by far the best designed and most fun. Make them worth doing.


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I'm not touching the DE map anymore. I think the 2nd hour of the meta gives more exp than the other maps, but events are so hard to find in the first hour. So exp-wise its just not worth it.

Loot is just non-existent. Successfully finishing the 2 hours meta drops like AB meta level of loot, where in AB you spend like 15 min playing (and a few min waiting)...

For it being fun, not really. The last 20-30 min are fun, the rest is just generic gameplay. I like dragonfall and dragonstand way more.

The other maps... The first map meta is bugged (hopefully the last patch fixed it...). The city is OK (from fun perspective). The forest meta is fine I guess (also from fun perspective).

Edited by Hotride.2187
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Agreed.  Especially Dragon's End needs a massive bump in reward quality.  Actually managing to complete the meta rewards you with a bunch of chests that...give you like a dozen blues and greens total and a crapton of Empyreal Fragments.  Gee, thanks.  That was worth two hours of my life, plus the difficulty.

Edited by Drarnor Kunoram.5180
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This is what killed the meta for me. Outside of the turtle there's no reason to do the meta. Memories of Aurene drop in Dragonstorm meta (and chance from Dragonfall), there's no ascended weapons like there is for other dragons and not even an exotic armor set like we had for Dragon's Stand. Even if they fix all the bugs (anyone find it strange they didn't mention what the "rare bug" was?) or make adjustments, once people get the turtle there's nothing bringing them back for the new players.

WoodenPotatoes made a good point on one of his recent LPs for EoD. The people who have beat the expansion and are attempting the meta in the first week are the most dedicated and (typically) experienced players. Once all of them have gotten a few runs through there's going to just be new players struggling and getting disappointed with the rewards all over again.

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I Was so confused when fighting the Leviathan, it looked like such an epic battle underwater and going inside and depth charges. That when it died after this epic fight... the rewards are? Not even a champ bag? It was actually just a normal event? With people complaining in chat about how bad EoD rewards are. 


Like there is no incentive at all to play this content. You can make more gold in almost any other zone, compared to anywhere in EoD. (at least we have the one summoning stone market, but that will crash as the weeks go by, and also, WHY do the meta's not drop these? Why not add them as a reward for DE????) 

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This is my biggest complaint about EoD. I've had fun playing through each of the map metas (yes even DE!), but after completing them once, I have zero idea why I'd want to do them again. The rewards are piddling. Two or three unid gear, one or two champion bags, some imperial favour I can farm in less time doing random events, a couple of writs and some salvageable junk... are there even any unique drops for any of them? They don't even have daily chests to get an amalgamated gemstone from like HoT and PoF. It's honestly shocking just how bad the rewards are, and that's not touching the atrocity of the rewards for DE if you fail (and even if you succeed, imo the rewards you get do not compensate for the 2+ hours you'll have to spend doing it). 

Hell, they could just add research notes to the reward pool and that would already be a huge upgrade. As it is, outside of achievements and the experience of doing them once, there's no motivation to complete the meta events, and that's just sad because I personally think a lot of them are quite fun. 

And add some chests along the way for DE like in Dragon's Stand. That way you're not left totally bereft if you fail (especially right now when the success:failure rate is like 1:10 or worse).

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Have to agree with this. Dragon's End actually isn't terrible after the most recent fix, but I still don't have any reason to return to it unless I'm messing around with guildies. The other metas should be on par with Drizzlewood, Dragonfall, etc. and DE should be 2x that to compensate for the difficulty

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