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The Increasing Toxicity in the Community


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12 hours ago, Gehenna.3625 said:

Well casual players have fun doing different things. I wouldn't want to say they are bad players. They simple are not good at one aspect of the game, the combat system. Now that aspect is quite a big one, but just because they aren't proficient in that area, doesn't deserve the term "bad". Casual players have different interests and they are the largest group of players as it is.

It's when the two groups meet where the problems begin. Anet just shouldn't have gated the turtle egg behind it. There would've been a lot less whining here. And in the end now a vendor sells the egg for 200 writs. Honestly, they should've had that option from the start. /shrug

My understanding is that the mesmer and revenant specialisation collections have a piece that is still gated behind a successful DE meta.

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4 hours ago, circuitnerd.5863 said:

It's always been there honestly. It's just more visible now since DE meta is open-world and significantly harder. You will find this sort of toxicity commonplace in pvp and raids. 

Lest people get discouraged from trying PVP, I’ll just note that in lower ranked PvP my son and I have encountered almost no toxicity. We’re not good players. We get ranked low silver.

I asked about it in the PvP forums, and the general response was that toxicity exists mostly in the gold ranked community.

Though I agree with your point. People don’t become toxic over night. Sometimes circumstances bring it out to light, which makes it feel like it.

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10 hours ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

Again, "bad" is a result of your judgement about how other people should be playing. Not everyone agrees with you that mastering of gaming skills is important (or even desired) to get fun out of this game however.

You might as well call a city commuter "bad" because not only they're not driving at F1 level but do not even bother to have any driving licence at all, and prefer to use public transportation, a bike or even their own feet.

LoL Look at this noob taking the bus.  Do you know I can get to work in 5 minutes, bro?  What's it take you? An hour?  Git gud!

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29 minutes ago, Gibson.4036 said:

Lest people get discouraged from trying PVP, I’ll just note that in lower ranked PvP my son and I have encountered almost no toxicity. We’re not good players. We get ranked low silver.

I asked about it in the PvP forums, and the general response was that toxicity exists mostly in the gold ranked community.

Though I agree with your point. People don’t become toxic over night. Sometimes circumstances bring it out to light, which makes it feel like it.

It makes sense, really.  Players in silver probably don't take it too seriously.  Players in platinum+ probably tend to get toxic when they perceive players making mistakes that aren't on that level of play (poor rotation, rushing to die in a 1v3, etc.), which is relatively rare because most players in that bracket got there by not making those types of mistakes.  But players in gold are more often the ones who think they know what they're doing but actually don't and are quick to blame anything but themselves for the fact that they aren't in platinum.

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On 3/11/2022 at 12:22 AM, nutri.1385 said:

I think it's always been there, it's just more visible if people are being toxic in open world. I also think that you must have been extremely unlucky (or I extremely lucky) but I never experienced 4chan level in GW2.

I sometimes "can't even", when reading wvw map chats, those are more explicit than most of my fractal or raid groups ever were, but still I wasn't inclined to report anyone ever. I haven't done much strikes, so I don't know about them, but I don't suspect it's much different.

This is pretty common in WvW, make a callout and the "edge lords" come running. HoD is one of the worst. They will attempt to make others' game experience miserable and then try to report them. I don't understand this logic. But, it happens a lot. The guild leaders seem to think they are the gatekeepers of your thoughts and what you can and cannot say. Like I said, make a callout and it's game on. I actually got kicked from a guild because the guild leader was complaining that I made a callout. This particular guild leader complained every time I made a callout. When I called him out on his bad behavior, all it did was bring a barrage of toxic players to the forefront. Not every good for the community. I used to think that the reason HoD never won anything on WvW is because it is a small community in WvW. But, I realized recently that HoD is losing because of their attitudes and it makes sense. If you are too busy making others miserable, it is hard to play the game at the same time. This makes the winning part, unimaginable. I am switching to another server soon. One that is winning, cause apparently, they aren't spending as much time being toxic as they are playing. ANet needs to do something about these toxic players.

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