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Saint Dodge and Eternity’s Requiem desperately need nerfs


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2 hours ago, Ashgar.3024 said:


Neither of these options really work. Nothing in the Vindicator kit supports Condis so Mallyx is useless.


By default the only thing that does support on core for conditions is Mallyx anyway so not having plenty conditions in Vindicator is no excuse to think it has no potential to be played as conditions, it still has some while some other things that benefit for and against conditions.


What makes Herald good is the extra transfer with shield sustain (Transfer not unique to using Glint either), not exclusively the conditions that are arguably on the same level of Vindicator. Renegade is by far the only exception of a legend because Kalla can do both the great extreme of Power and Conditions hence why it's meta PvE compared Core or Herald because you can't over exceed using given legends in the thing you wish to do best.


I played are Mallyx Jalis for years in PvP (With content to show) before it got nerfed into uselessness. You do get great sustain with Saint Viktor and Might from Archemorous, not counting the traits in. Death Drop being more Power oriented while Imperial Impact is hybrid/condition/sustain as would Mallyx users need. Btw a lot of experimented players have already played with Mallyx on Vindicator, their success may have been due to the broken Saint Viktor evade but I won't be making conclusion until I build and play it myself which is probably not in a while since again Mallyx without a counter to poison is useless.



Ventari Support Vindicator technically could work but its so bad/clunky, why would you ever use that when Core Guard and Tempest exist?

I tried that during the beta and it worked fine within the same reasons why would Jalis+Ventari core works, teammates that understand what they can and can't do, guardian and tempest both share the aspect of large radius buffs (Stability/Protection for Guardian and Aura spam for Tempest).


Those are quite literally the only redeeming factors that keeps people from not playing anything else support wise because in games you're often stuck with people that won't ever trust you to heal/sustain them. Ventari healing is superior in every game mode but at the cost of greater cooperation which often lacks, Revenant does have Stability that nobody ever cares to strategically use or RotGD which is the large radius buff equivalent for the profession, however it hardly ever matters unless someone is pressured because when you give it in a offensive matter players still don't make full use of it by pushing regardless.


Question is why would I? Because I'm a Revenant main and I've learned to play with it.

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19 minutes ago, Shao.7236 said:

Question is why would I? Because I'm a Revenant main and I've learned to play with it.

Yeah that doesn't prevent people from your team to start throwing and/or throwing temper tantrums in chat just cause you're not following the meta.


The Mallyx/Alliance builds are used in WvW where you can use stats that makes the combo useable.

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22 hours ago, Ashgar.3024 said:

Yeah that doesn't prevent people from your team to start throwing and/or throwing temper tantrums in chat just cause you're not following the meta.


The Mallyx/Alliance builds are used in WvW where you can use stats that makes the combo useable.

I'd argue that it's still weak in comparison of what Mallyx is designed to do but not allowed to.


Yeah, I know the temper of trash talking. I've made a name for myself it, used to care a lot and made a lot of respectful friends for the potential but slowly with the ever random nerf that Core gets while bugs remain unfixed, my care is almost non existent. Hardly played the expansion because of it. I did help popularize Mallyx Herald greatly years ago, still happy about that even though it meant getting hated on, much of the same with Core Revenant now, most still don't respect it and it doesn't help it gets nerfed constantly, I'd still argue it's a more skilled Herald to play and that's my only motivation behind it.


I just want to mention how big of a game changer it is though for Revenant to have Stability without Jalis, notably for Ventari. Alliances has so much that Revenant didn't have before but needed. Team stunbreak, constant flow of healing, sustain based on reaction and not just avoidance.


As much as people hate Urn, it's literally RotGD but making so that your tanking is worthwhile for the team because you heal in a large radius. Then again, not a lot of people really ever cared about RotGD but I can affirm that it's being slept on in. Cutting damage in half is no joke.

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  First big tournament, only Specter and Mech proved to be viable and worthy to be meta at high level. Vindi absent from every comp except a pair of yolo matches which went as it should.

   Glad ANet killed it. 

Edited by Buran.3796
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