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Ranger: Help an old lady out

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Okay, confession before I start.  I am an old player... I mean I am really doddery old.  I am never going to be anything other than a casual player and I know I am never going to be a great player so will likely always play solo.

I did okay playing my Ranger to level 80, mainly avoiding the hard hitting bosses unless someone else was around for me to hide behind.

Now that I am trying to get through HoT, or PoF I just keep dying every step of the way.  I try to get to a quest point and see overlapping group boss events right where I need my quest and there is never anyone there, probably because they are all doing EoD.  I just get trashed over and over again.  Before I give up and go download Farmville or the like, can anyone suggest a Ranger build for dummies.  I figure even the stats for my gear is probably all wrong for survival.

So yes, I know "get gud" is what I need to do but I am just hoping that there is something I can do while I try to get gud.

Open to suggestions.  Oh and I was joking about Farmville... I would do myself in with a blunt spoon first. 😂

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Great advice from Infusion.7149! I use the shortbow build as my main open world build and it does good enough dps for any content really. I have two shortbows in it to proc weapon swap effects from talents. Very easy to play since you just use skills off cooldown.

Here's the build on gw2skills editor. Infusions are not needed but I fine tuned it to have exactly the capped +100% bleed duration with food. I use agony resitance + condi damage infusions on other slots (also some infusions for fashion wars). Lynx pet is for dps/meld and Murellow I use to tank tougher mobs. You can meld/unmeld with it to refresh pet hitpoints.

Edited by Jukhy.2431
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6 hours ago, Lillutu.8173 said:

Okay, confession before I start.  I am an old player... I mean I am really doddery old.  I am never going to be anything other than a casual player and I know I am never going to be a great player so will likely always play solo.

I did okay playing my Ranger to level 80, mainly avoiding the hard hitting bosses unless someone else was around for me to hide behind.

Now that I am trying to get through HoT, or PoF I just keep dying every step of the way.  I try to get to a quest point and see overlapping group boss events right where I need my quest and there is never anyone there, probably because they are all doing EoD.  I just get trashed over and over again.  Before I give up and go download Farmville or the like, can anyone suggest a Ranger build for dummies.  I figure even the stats for my gear is probably all wrong for survival.

So yes, I know "get gud" is what I need to do but I am just hoping that there is something I can do while I try to get gud.

Open to suggestions.  Oh and I was joking about Farmville... I would do myself in with a blunt spoon first. 😂


Has someone who got hand problem because of old injurie at work, I know how you feel.
But since I get used to it and learned how to build outside of meta to get the job done.

So, let me craft you a simple build ^^
1st, while I agree with condi-shortbow build, infusion and juhky underestimate how it is to play for people like use with glass-canon gear.
Their is some situation, where you'll either need quick reflexe and good target priority focus or, if like us it's not always possible, decent tankyness to deal with it and recovers.
That why most of my build have a good amount of thoughness.
As you said you're a casual, I've put only cheap gear. Sigil of bursting is probably the most expensive one, you can replace it by earth (you'll have ~50% crit thx to easy fury access from survival trait & skill so it will proc often).
I put both so you can see and choose yourself.
Unlike the build linked I use the survival trait since we've mostly them and it give you fury and more important, condi cleanse on each of them ! 
The heal is overtime, so don't wait to long to use it. It heal a lot and have a short CD with the trait.
The elite skill is amazing to deal with multiple mob and breakbar (need to be close) and you can then you can easily take distance with skill 3 or 7. 
As a pet, Boar is better than Lynx for us, give you more time to merge with him to heal him since he's way more tanky and style do decent condi dmg.
It also provide huge break bar, 1 from the pet and 1 being merged. With the elite skill on top and cripple shot/concussion breakbar will just be a joke.

I don't said it's the best build around, it's just the type of build that work amazing for people who can't be fast for many irl reason.
If you want to know how strong it is, I was capable to solo any champ and mob than HoT & PoF would throw at me.
Kill time maybe slower than infusion & jukhy's build but way safer and easier.
(I don't blame them for linking glass-canon, most people don't understand our need, they're nice to help and that cool ^^)

For the gear, all is cheap and can be exotic, no problem.
For trinket, I recommande to farm ascended from LW3 or 4, they're pretty easy and allow you to choose stat (cuz trailblazer is expensive if craft/buy).
Until you get them you can go full Rabid, a bit less condi uptime but enough to kill thing (my backpack and 2 ring slot was empty when doing hot cuz I forget to buy them and I notice it only at the 3rd map so.. ^^)

Here is the build, hope you'll have fun. If one day you feel comfortable while running this, then consider Viper, for now, my advice is to go safe the time to be used to the area.
(Don't forget food, the one I use are very cheap, keep them on all the time)

=> http://gw2skills.net/editor/?POgAUVlFw8YSsP2JWaPrv3SmVQA-zRRYMR1jM4BpQqGPC6UU+OECKBMJCgs870G-e

And last, If you're in EU and are looking for help, feel free to /w me, if I'm online I'll come to help ! 

Hf !

Edited by Aznarb.6347
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Something to keep in mind, HoT was really designed to be group content more than solo.  Normally there are more than enough people in the HoT maps to get stuff done without any problems, but, it is the nature of the maps that you will get wrecked sometimes.  Trust me, I can solo a few of the hero challenge champions on a couple of my toons, but, most of the time, you are going to need help.  No, WE'RE going to need help.  The good news is that the ones that require a fight also award a chest for completing them once per day, so, if you find yourself in need, call out in map chat.

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Good insight from Aznarb.6347.
I've been playing the condi shortbow build so long that I no longer need to think about what I'm doing so it does take practise. In the end it's about finding a class and build that fits you.

Been thinking of doing tanky untamed build, which would look something like this. Longbow for 2nd weapon since I usually like to have ranged option to switch to. If you don't have EoD elites there's similar soulbeast build. Works with greatsword + longbow and the same defensive gear.
Can use Superior Runes of Vampirism if you want even more survival. And you don't need ascended gear in these builds since exotic works fine for open world, tho I do recommend getting ascended weapons for a build you like/play a lot since those have higher base damage value.

Edited by Jukhy.2431
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Hi, I just wanted to say a huge thank you for the help I got with this the other day.  It has made an enormous difference to my ability to get on with the game, but more importantly to enjoy it.  I am so pleased that I actually now have my 3 mounts & will have my 4th by today's end.  Just getting that far has opened up so much of the game for me.     Am also now about 3/4 way through fleshing out the Soulbeast skill line.

For the moment just sticking with shortbow on both bars for simplicity & have that brave little Jacaranda keeping the heat off me.   Doing a bit of mix and match for the secondary pet.  Thank you so much!

Edited by Lillutu.8173
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23 hours ago, Lillutu.8173 said:

Hi, I just wanted to say a huge thank you for the help I got with this the other day.  It has made an enormous difference to my ability to get on with the game, but more importantly to enjoy it.  I am so pleased that I actually now have my 3 mounts & will have my 4th by today's end.  Just getting that far has opened up so much of the game for me.     Am also now about 3/4 way through fleshing out the Soulbeast skill line.

For the moment just sticking with shortbow on both bars for simplicity & have that brave little Jacaranda keeping the heat off me.   Doing a bit of mix and match for the secondary pet.  Thank you so much!

Glad you enjoyed the game. I don't play Ranger often so I forgot about Jacaranda, yes, it's a very strong pet as well for solo, good choice. Have fun :)

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  • 4 months later...
1 hour ago, sync.7841 said:

I'm in a similar situation to the OP. All the suggested builds use an elite spec. A low intensity build sounds great but how do you train an elite spec when you keep dying in HoT and PoF?

Use tankier stats (Soldiers for power, Dire for condition damage), if still finding it hard on a core build, try WvW with those tankier stats follow a Zerg commander, try Edge of The Mists, or go solo camp/sentry flipping, and you'll be able to earn and spend Testimonies to purchase those pesky Hero Points via Notarized Scrolls of Maguuma, Desert, and Jade.

Sometimes you'll find a Hero Point Train running in HoT and PoF maps, although less likely in PoF maps as they're easier than HoT, keep an eye out for these on the LFG, under the correct header for the zone.

Edited by Haleydawn.3764
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An an Old Lady myself, feel free to never 'get gud' because I sure didn't and hasn't stopped me. One tip: sometimes maps end up in the "Complete this maps events" daily achievement rotation and when they do there'll be loads of people around. I'm not sure how often the HoT maps end up on the rotation though, but I've done map completions that way more than once. Sometimes groups will join up to go do all the hero-points together right after the map meta & will sometimes complete events they come across so having those timers handy helps and if nobody starts a group asking about it often gets a few players keen to go on a hero point map cruise. I've also seen people asking in populated maps like lion's arch if they need help with a specific thing in another map, since there's often players idling there goofing off fussing with their bank or just wondering what to do next. I've joined ppl asking for help there, not been much help to them but well I tried 😄

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