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Possibly more hints about Lyssa being relevant.


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So there is an achievement in EoD called "the six" that is to collect 6 jade statuettes of the human gods.

An interesting detail about these statuettes is that they are all titled as "ancient statuette of <insert god here>" except for one....Lyssa. Hers is simply called "statuette of Lyssa".

All the other statuettes have flavor text that give a description such as "this statuette is unnaturally cold" for grenth or warm in the case of Balthazar ect. However Lyssa's statuette has the flavor text "this statuette is in pristine condition, surely it was carved very recently."

Now i have no idea how exactly or why this would be relevant or connected to the story but it is yet another time that anet has deliberately made a point of singling Lyssa out from the other human gods for whatever reason.

Just something odd i found and thought I'd bring up in case anyone has any insight on this.

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Didn’t someone make this exact thread already?


Lyssa is a goddess of beauty. Her statue’s pristine state is a reference to that aspect of her as a goddess. Because beauty is her domain, the statue never loses its newness. It remains beautiful and suffers no wear and tear because of her influence/blessing.


It follows the same logic as the other statues, which have qualities mirroring their respective deity.

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The thing is that would be relevant if Lyssa wasn't the only God getting mega name dropped in this expansion.
From the reference to the fact the Statue is well kept , to the relevance of the Gods again by us having a chapel , to the fact theres an entire location that highlights her.
Also another thing I would highlight is there's some dialog in Arborstone, you can hear it near the front by going up the stairs. Now this may be a stretch but the dialog mentions that two songbirds that were the same were trying to kill each other.

Now this  is likely a reference to the Void but it's also for me makes me think of Ilya and Lyss and how the two halves of the god could infact be in conflict with each other. Like I said its a stretch but narrative shorthands can serve double duty.

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3 hours ago, Laken.9018 said:

The thing is that would be relevant if Lyssa wasn't the only God getting mega name dropped in this expansion.
From the reference to the fact the Statue is well kept , to the relevance of the Gods again by us having a chapel , to the fact theres an entire location that highlights her.
Also another thing I would highlight is there's some dialog in Arborstone, you can hear it near the front by going up the stairs. Now this may be a stretch but the dialog mentions that two songbirds that were the same were trying to kill each other.

Now this  is likely a reference to the Void but it's also for me makes me think of Ilya and Lyss and how the two halves of the god could infact be in conflict with each other. Like I said its a stretch but narrative shorthands can serve double duty.


The chapel in Arborstone would be more surprising if it wasn't there, being a major location to the Kurzicks that we helped restore/clear out during GW1.

The Garden of Lyssa in Kaineng is interesting, but that could be a thing named by people not officially by the city.


The songbirds are 100% about the void, not Lyssa.

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8 hours ago, Laken.9018 said:

The thing is that would be relevant if Lyssa wasn't the only God getting mega name dropped in this expansion.
From the reference to the fact the Statue is well kept , to the relevance of the Gods again by us having a chapel , to the fact theres an entire location that highlights her.

But Lyssa isn't the only god getting "mega name dropped" in the expansion. There's an entire area for Grenth and another for Dwayna, too, both in the Echovald. The chapel being to the five gods is just a nod to GW1 and how Kurzicks were deeply faithful, and the statue collection has things unique to all six gods' statues and the gods' domains - being "like new" is just a way to show the God of Beauty's domain.

Admittedly it is a bit weird that there is a "Garden of Lyssa" in New Kaineng, rather than a Garden of Melandru, but Canthans in general do have a greater admiration for Lyssa in GW1 than Melandru, so it's not too surprising.

8 hours ago, Laken.9018 said:

Also another thing I would highlight is there's some dialog in Arborstone, you can hear it near the front by going up the stairs. Now this may be a stretch but the dialog mentions that two songbirds that were the same were trying to kill each other.

That's just referencing how the Void is spreading. Hence the discussion on "weird things happening". And it isn't that "two songbirds that were the same" but rather it was just two songbirds.

Kestrel Watchkeeper: Did you just come in from the trail?
Kestrel Stas: Been monitoring Speaker activity in the south. You?
Kestrel Watchkeeper: Been watching the road to New Kaineng.
Kestrel Stas: You see anything...strange?
Kestrel Watchkeeper: Strange how?
Kestrel Stas: Stuff not looking right—not acting right.
Kestrel Watchkeeper: Now that you mention it...two songbirds were attacking one another. Trying to peck each other to death.
Kestrel Stas: Hmm. Yeah.

The Tier 0 dialogue that always happens in Arborstone is story based and, unfortunately, never updates (hence the bashing on Ayumi despite her proving herself in the Echovald meta and Dragon's End meta / story).

Lyssa never has references of her two halves being in conflict - the opposite is true, in fact. They are "two who are one" and all that.

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