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Where is the detailed thief OP thread at?

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18 hours ago, UNOwen.7132 said:

It really cannot 1v1. There is a reason we see Spectres barely going for 1v1s in the MAT and the EU NA showmatch, and why the handful of them that did try to 1v1 against non-Spectre classes *universally* lost their 1v1s.


14 hours ago, UNOwen.7132 said:

Oh theyre not great at that either. They can stay a bit longer (like, 15 seconds instead of 10), but they still kinda just die if they dont run away.


I thought your claim was they *universally* lost their 1v1s, and that they cannot stay in a 1v1 for more than 15 seconds? So why all the  excuses now "oh that player wasn't playing right" (when they're all clearly very good players)?  Why does it suddenly only count if they secure the kill rather than the node, when surely they should just die, right?

Again, not claiming that it's #1 best 1v1 build, but clearly it's perfectly competent and can at least stall a node for a long time.


Edited by Ragnar.4257
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1 minute ago, Ragnar.4257 said:



I thought your claim was they *universally* lost their 1v1s, and that they cannot stay in a 1v1 for more than 15 seconds? So why all the  excuses now?


Read the first sentence again. I said that the ones that did try to 1v1 in the MAT finals and in the showmatch universally lost their 1v1s. Not that they all lost 1v1s everywhere. I cant make that claim.


And yeah, I said that they cant stay longer than 15 seconds on a node. That is still correct. The example you gave did see the theif go off-node constantly, because thats the point of that mechanist build. The mechanist just kittened in doing the second half of that gameplan, staying on the node.

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1 hour ago, UNOwen.7132 said:

This is not winning a 1v1. Thief was just 2v1ing the Weaver with a Guardian, and while the Guardian moves away, this is just thief cleaning up after a 2v1. Not an example. I think you mistook it because of what Teapot was saying, seemingly he did not spot the Guardian either.


This appears to be a Druid style Mechanist sidenoder, who does not have the kill pressure to kill anyone, but instead wins sidenode battles by constantly pushing off the enemy while continously capturing the point. A classic  bunker. Except, this Engineer appears to not know how to play it. He keeps going off the node. This isnt thief holding a node against Engineer, this is an Engineer not knowing how to play his class.


This is the first and only time so far I have seen this actually happen. Sure, this is an example of a specter winning a 1v1.


Uh, the blue specter does not beat red herald. You can tell by the lifebars that the red herald is literally at *full* hp. He just disengages for some reason without fighting. As for the blue vindicator, yeah he loses, but he also clearly misplays. Shackling wave into nothing, not going for sword 3, just weird.


I mean, we did see in the EU vs NA showmatch that Specter lost every 1v1, including against a necro. It certainly isnt good at 1v1s. It might be able to win some though, admitively I didnt see any Rev vs Specter 1v1s in that showmatch. However, losing to most classes instead of all classes does not make it less bad.


Oh it'll be gutted. Lets not kid ourselves, its just a matter of time. Anet guts every thief build that allows them to do more than decap and +1 while doing noodle damage. And yeah I dont know why people would claim its bad. I was just unconvinced its teamfight power was good enough initially. 

The amount of cognitive dissonance here is actually amazing.

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18 hours ago, FarmBotXD.1430 said:

Its amazing to what lengths  uneven will go to defend thief lol

Saying that thief is strong while also pointing out it is not the second coming of D/D Cele Ele people here always seem to think it is is "defending thief"? Man you lot have weird definitions of words. Call me again when a 5 specter team reaches MAT finals, then your hyperbole might be true. 

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