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Do reports have any effect? Players who throw games and afk and are met over and over again. Seemingly nothing happens.


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Ranked Arena -

I have met players who openly discuss how they will afk on the slightest error like going far(or at least things which they consider error) at the beginning or loosing an objective.

They do it then. They did it before days and i can meet them multiple times.

They tell it in the chat, they do it. Also they do it even when we lead loosing the game.

I am pretty sure that this is so annoying that literally everybody reports them even enemy teams sometimes.

And yet nothing happens because they reappear and do the same.

I don't know if anyone inspects these things but this is very alarming and it seems that this aspect of the game is neglected really hard.

I don't like banning btw at least for minor reasons and even understand that whoever watches these or the company don't want to ban people just because they are reported.

But for... don't know what sake if somebody arrogantly bloats and then does it repeatedly for days or even in the whole season then it is clear, case.

It does not have to be investigated a lot to see these chats and the repeated actions.

Can the ones responsible for this, admins community managers, people who analyze these reports do something?

Also who knows if this is match manipulation? They can even do this drama to hide match manipulation especially when they loose winning games by this.



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You have to go through extraordinary measures to get Arenanet to take action against any of it. Like you have catch them in a screen record, get about 20,000 views, and stir up the entire forum community into talking about it, before Arenanet cares to take any action. And even when they do, it's always like a "show" to make it look like they are taking action, but really they don't do much past a slap on the wrist where someone gets suspended for a short while.

They need to straight up start nuking accounts into permanent ban for cheating. They'd be wise to do this if they wanted to reclaim any of the community's trust in the company at all.

Also, I noticed you asked "Is this match manipulation?" Well here you go bud, enjoy the revelation of what's really going on with GW2 pvp scene -> satan - YouTube 

These problems are really bad as of 2022.

Edited by Trevor Boyer.6524
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Because it's not like somebody reports somebody else at least once literally every game, 90% of the time just because they're salty.

How're you gonna seriously investigate 10000+ reports every single day? Unless you have an army to sort through all of that, all you can realistically do is investigate the accounts which are receiving hundreds of reports, which indicates a trend. That's why the only reports you see action on are the bad-language ones, because those can be caught by a word-search algorithm, not by a human reading through logs.

Maybe if people stopped making reports for "thief went invisible, clearly hacks"........

Edited by Ragnar.4257
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On 3/31/2022 at 11:10 AM, Ragnar.4257 said:

Maybe if people stopped making reports for "thief went invisible, clearly hacks"........

This one is a pretty simple fix: just remove spammable stealth, problem solved... there shouldn't even be stealth skills with cooldowns below 50 seconds

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1 hour ago, Stalima.5490 said:

This one is a pretty simple fix: just remove spammable stealth, problem solved... there shouldn't even be stealth skills with cooldowns below 50 seconds

              Hide in the Shadows: 40 seconds cooldown. Shadow Refuge: 60 seconds cooldown. Smokescreen: 45 seconds cooldown. Shadow Meld: 45 seconds cooldown.


Edited by Sylvia.4870
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